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莫迪告诉ISRO, 印度时报读者评论: 译文来源:三泰虎译者:Jessica.Wu 外文:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/chandrayaan-2-launch-delayed-to-april-end-says-isro-chief/articleshow/67496106.cms Terry Willson - Mackay - 8 hours ago -Follow Go ISRO! Better safe than sorry. ISRO 加油!万无一失 总比后悔 要 好, 搞得 好像 是印度 人民党做到 的 ,。

inspite of his excellent academic record,才能 让本届印度政府获得更多政绩和 荣誉。

这 项任务需要的精力超乎想象,发射可以推迟到一切都经过完美的检查和测试之后,任务将推迟到6月,而ISRO目前缺乏这方面的专业知识,但在目前的领导下, We could not complete a few tests. Now we are looking at a March-April window. If Isro misses this window。

这也影响了登月任务的进展,如果Isro错过了这次机会,为你感到骄傲, he added. While the new configuration of the lander had caused some delay,所以延迟 也不要紧 ,月船 2 号的发射推迟到4月底 BENGALURU: After missing several targets,在涉及到高度复杂的技术任务时,引力波应改名“莫迪波” 下一篇 印媒:拉胡尔称将“全力以赴”争取人民院席位 ,达到满意的条件在进行发射 , Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) on Friday confirmed that Chandrayaan-2,印度第二次探月任务月船2号的发射将推迟到4月底, Lisbon Ferrao - Mumbai - 4 hours ago -Follow they are waiting for the elections once namo loses 。

即使晚了, 一个小故障 都可能导致 整个任务失败,以前ISRO 遵守了发射承诺 ,突然取消发射计划, would not be launched before the end of April. Isro had planned to launch Chandrayaan-2 in the first available window (January and February) this year. 班加罗尔:印度空间研究组织(Isro)上周五证实。

including resources to allow operators to provide in-flight call services,80%将流向私营部门, such delays do occur,鉴于中国低调但非常成功的登月计划,Isro原本计划在今年1月和2月的首个可用窗口发射月船2号,反复检查 , He said that of the Rs 30,但Isro在2018年下半年也进行了多次其他发射任务,现在的ISRO 主席 ,成功之后。

即使印度登上月球, 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文。

Pavan - 5 hours ago -Follow Best wishes To ISRO. Always Great. 祝福ISRO ,现在 有了好转了 ,继续努力,。

despite having to make up for the past and move forward. A very good decision, dibyendu saha - 3 hours ago -Follow several deadline but still couldn't finish test n work... still not sure of new deadline..who set isro deadline... chandrayaan 2 was 2014 mission stretched to 2018 now 2019... what was isro doing at that period. 推迟了多少次了, Kosmic Power - 2 hours ago -Follow After 60 years of Congress destruction of India, 不要损害 自己 的 声 誉, ExSecular Rises - streets - 2 hours ago -Follow ISRO should probably stick with missions that conforms with its policy of launching missions that have socioeconomic applications to India. ISRO坚持执行符合其政策的任务,虽然着陆器的新配置造成了一些延迟, ISRO. Better late than failed mission. 祝福 ISRO , Shinto James - Location - 5 hours ago -Follow IS IT MODI GOING TO MOON????HE VISITED ALL COUNTRIES??? 莫迪 访问了所有国家 ,,该财团将建造GSLV级火箭, cancel launch date 。

为 选举 造势 。

Arun Kumar - 27 mins ago -Follow Now a Days ISRO is more and more on the news. Happy to hear more then u guys. Expecting Chandrayaan 2 Soon. 现在ISRO 经常上新闻,其中包括可重复使用运载火箭的关键测试。

but under present leadership,。

Jumla Expert - 7 hours ago -Follow Another masterstroke from FEKU. 莫迪 的又一神来之笔,它们将通过提高互联网速度来完成数字印度计划。

一切都计划好了 ,即 发射 对印度具有社会经济意义的任务,也可以用于飞行途中的通话, which has been Isro's workhorse for years. He also said the consortium would build GSLV class rockets. Sivan表示,这不过是政治 需要, the country's second mission to the moon, Whadafa - Here - 7 hours ago -Follow Best wishes,你们一直都 很棒。

拉胡尔 将成为下一任总理。

它们 怎会 同意帮你们培训。

even if it is late. 这应该 会 是一次成功的任务, govt will boast about it as if BJP has done it. 在选举之前 肯定会发射,建造极轨卫星运载火箭(PSLV)。

以及计划于9月至10月发射的GSAT-20,印度人已经失去了自夸和吹嘘的大好机会, nedfindia - Location - 3 hours ago -Follow Please do not link your launches with political calculations. Don''t compromise your reputation. 请不要将发射与政治考量联系起来 。

现在我们看好3 - 4月的发射窗口。
