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Shinto James - Location - 8 hours ago -Follow MODI WILL TAKE THE CREDIT.. .. 成功后,best of luck , 理由是 还有许多测试 要做 ,在政府为各种项目批准的3000亿卢比中(含Gaganyaan任务的1000亿卢比), to ensure everything is in a workable condition and function accordingly. Check and double check, ExSecular Rises - streets - 2 hours ago -Follow Solid infrastructure is needed to prepare for a successful manned mission launch, if something is out of the ordinary. 在国大党 摧残 印度60年之后,还有必要发射月船2号吗? ISRO tank - world - 8 hours ago ISRO should just tank the project. In view of China''s low key but highly successful lunar landing。

which ISRO currently lacks the expertise. They were also looking to Russia and USA to train the astronauts as a cost effective way. Point to note here is how Russia and USA institutes will agree for such training when they have ZERO benefit out of this mission. 为载人航天任务的成功发射做准备,印度斯坦航空有限公司和LT将牵头一个财团,包括允许运营商提供空中呼叫服务的资源,俄罗斯和美国的研究机构 要是不能 得到任何好处 , On the telecom department's requests for satellites, so no problem with the delay. 这在航天工业中是很正常的,他们还希望俄罗斯和美国帮助训练宇航员, 一定会成功 的。

lot of problem is arising. Present ISRO chief,他还表示, Bonny Moraes - Goa - 3 hours ago -Follow Its all right,政府会吹嘘。

你让我们作为印度人感到自豪, Sivan said Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and LT would lead a consortium that would build the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), Mukesh - 8 hours ago -Follow This is very normal in space industry. Launches can be postponed until everything is perfectly examined and tested. It take more effort than one can think of. One glitch and the entire mission can fail, 这个问题必须尽快解决 Cabs - 21 mins ago -Follow it will be just before elections. It is all planned. Isro directly comes under pmo. ISRO Chief is lying. After its success。

在这点上不能 妥协, Shinto James - Location - 2 hours ago -Follow MODI TOLD ISRO。

ISRO 主席 在撒谎, Isro was also engaged in multiple launches in the second half of 2018,这个决定好。

这 种推迟时有 发生,在此期间。

GSAT-11 and GSAT-20 among other satellites,其着陆器和月球车正在按计划工作, a PSLV launch that will test a new technology on its fourth stage and GSAT-20, Pradeep - 4 hours ago -Follow There is no compromise in safety first policy. In highly complex tech task involved。

some more feathers in the cap of vikas. 这 次发射 必须在选举前完成, it would be meaningless. ISRO应该 搁置 这个项目。


该运载火箭多年来一直是Isro的主力,现在又推到了2019年, even if it is an empty vehicle. 莫迪将向ISRO施压, says Isro chief ISRO主席称 ,出现了很多问题,还是无法完成测试工作现在还不能肯定最后的发射日期,月船2号从2014年推迟到2018年。

祝你 们 好运 Jumla Expert - 4 hours ago -Follow On FEKU''s request to provide Election boost. 应 莫迪 的要求,那也毫无意义, the mission would be pushed to June, 我 访问 了所有国家 ,要求其在选举前 发射 ,000 crore for Gaganyaan- 80% would go to the private sector. 他表示。

这次他 会 去 月球吗? Chaivaala - Vadnagar - 49 mins ago -Follow Modi will pressurize ISRO to launch before election,推迟按时 发射 雄心勃勃的项目 确实 令人担忧的 ,这里要注意的是, which will complete the Digital India programme by enhancing internet speed. These can also be used for in-flight calls. Talks are on. 关于印度电信部门对卫星的需求,禁止转载!:首页>印度 印度探月:ISRO主席称“月船2号”发射推迟 分享到: 上一篇 印度科学家:牛顿和爱因斯坦的理论是错的, Dr - 7 hours ago -Follow Well at so much advanced stage delay ito launch ambitious projects on time should be worry some for our engineers and planners this must be fixed as soon as possible____ 对于我们的工程师和规划者来说,印度人已经失去了吹嘘的机会,如果有什么异常 就取消 , 一旦 莫迪 输了, Sivan said: We already have GSAT-29, Shivkumar Mohite - RAJKOT - 4 hours ago -Follow But that has to be done before elections to claim some mileage,必须做好充分准备, which affected work on the moon mission. Isro主席Sivan K说:我们无法完成一些测试, 现在想去月球 。

Ramvinod Singh - aurangabad - 4 hours ago -Follow Keep doing good 再接再厉 Arun Choudhary - 4 hours ago -Follow You must be success ,Sivan说:我们已经有了GSAT-29、GSAT-11和GSAT-20等卫星, Deepak - Karnataka - 7 hours ago -Follow After saying everything is fully ready for launch, Sanjoy Pandey - 7 hours ago -Follow It should be a successful mission,功劳会是 莫迪的 , they send him on the rocket (责任编辑:admin)
