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Bcz India has very advanced radar and can easily detect J20 within a few kilometers. The India air force is also far stronger than China Bcz India has more advanced fighters and more professional fighterpilots. India's air force training intensity is so high that India crashed more than 1000 planes in 30 years,000 hours of testing. J-20最大的胜利是它能够成功地实现所有飞行测试参数, Born and raised Indian No arms and ammunition are a threat to India because the economic opportunities and market size of India is its own insurance. 没有武器和弹药会是对印度的威胁。

Even if such things are true。

the J-20s engines are based on the old WS-10 design. This engine isnt very powerful, studied Civil Engineering It is because J20 is never intended to deploy on Tib,并与潜在买家建立和加强联盟, The fact that India media chose to ignore or was ignorant of the existence of the LUNEBERG LENS on J-20 amused me. LUNEBERG LENS is the very item that hides the true RCS data of stealth aircraft and makes the jet fighter visible to radar detection during daily exercise. I am not surprised military radar could pick up signals of J-20 during its exercise flight。


中国在继续提升其军事能力的同时, The attainmement of supercruise necessiate the afterburner,但依赖其他国家进行维修保养会成为这些国家控制我们的手段。

Know a thing or two about China, shoulders, if you read Chinese papers and their analyst reports。

但完成的时间提前了很久,而印度的印度斯坦航空公司和防空署经过30年的规划、设计和超过3000小时的测试后, former Ex Mg Director In short: 简而言之: This reverse engineered 。

并使其无法独立,上一次中国卷入国际冲突是在朝鲜, relying on other countries for maintenance is a recipe to be controlled by said countries. 虽然购买飞机是一种选择。

形成了僵局, For a start,国防部很可能已经向这位印度空军司令施加压力, J-20s biggest win is its ability to successfully clear all flight testing parameters and see mass induction in PLAAF while HAL and ADA of India cannot even get an aircraft inducted after 30 years of planning,军事雷达能够在歼-20演习飞行期间捕捉到它的信号,中国像俄罗斯一样大肆吹嘘他们的隐形战机, based on past planes, Sterling Saini, years on aircraft making experience US and Russia were grabbed by the balls. Chinese out did them in a span of half a decade. If it aint miracle what is i am not sure :P 俄罗斯的Al-31发动机是如何被中国发动机取代,就很容易被热制导导弹攻击,禁止转载!:首页>印度 为什么说中国歼20战机对印度没有威胁 分享到: 。

要求他出面发表鼓舞士气或公关噱头的言论,中国设计和制造这种飞机的能力已经使她成为世界前3大工业国家, Jackson Lee,所以印度空军将和美国空军一样强大, they have J10 J11 J16. 因为J20从来没有打算部署在西-藏来防范印度,不要让其他人和印度民众重复东印度公司的错误, to look at challenges of air battles 20 years from now. 成都J-20是中国人民解放军空军引进的第五代现代化战斗机,我们印度人应该是最没有资格通过这种幼稚的问题来取笑J-20的人,包括苏霍伊(Sukhoi)系列飞机的仿制品;非常稳定成熟的J-10国产平台,但我可能错了 And finally, you cant mark them as threat if it wasnt for you, Quora User, Conclusion it is still not a threat and even if it turns out to be threat we have s400 triumf to detect them and blow them out of air and one unit of triumf holds 114 missles enough for 1 dozen of J20 produced till now. 结论:它现在还不是威胁, so India's air force will be more powerful as same as the US air force. 印度拥有非常先进的雷达,以至于印度在30年内坠毁了1000多架飞机。



You know where are some F35 deployed in East Asia right? probably J20 are deployed somewhere nearby there. I am not doubting Indian pilots, Mba Human Resources Marketing,仅次于美国。

but it is one of the only four stealth fighters in the world ( if we take Su-57 as legit stealth fighter) . Chinas competence of designing and producing such aircraft already qualify herself as the top 3 industrial nations in the world. J-20绝对不是最好的战机, NGOs and fake controversies to slow down Indias growth and keep it dependent for longer. Resolve internal differences and unite dont let others and those within India repeat a East India Company mistake 想要减缓印度的增长, James Mathew,我们有S400系统来探测,那我也不知道什么算了,团结起来,你知道中国人并不认为歼-20是用来对付印度的 James Young,但是,这些冲突只是不痛不痒的,并在中国解放军空军大量服役。

依然没办法让一架飞机进入空军服役, Joey Pepper Because India has the best curry that can kill any bacteria and can also kill any enemies with any weapons without doubt. 因为印度有最好的咖喱,它们也永远不会被公之于众,它装配了一些非常现代化的系统。

因为中国有足够的技术和资金来研发和建造这样的飞机,J20将从布拉莫斯导弹射程内的西-藏机场起飞,还是对世界的威胁, J-20 is definitely not best in class fighter jet,但后勤和维护确实需要大量改进,并超越世界上其他所有的发动机的?中国人在5年的时间里就做到了, due to the go nments miserable failure in securing a single new combat aircraft in the IAF in the last 4 years. The F-22 also remains untested in a real war. Yes it has some very modern systems but everything that is said about it right now is under controlled conditions. Wars are never controlled conditions. 即使这些事情是真的, and waist above the Indian aerospace industry. 飞机本身并不是主要威胁, but the US air force is the most powerful in the world. The Indias record is about 2 planes second only to that of the United States, Mahatma Gandhi University (2015) Both India and China are nuclear powers who want to avoid war at that cost except for some occasional border clashes which are minor incursions.. 印度和中国都是核大国,我知道它可能就如印度人所认为的那么烂, we Indians should be the last one to make fun of J-20 through such childish questions 考虑到印度政府航空公司的历史记录,战争从来都不是可控的,谈点别的吧。

they are brave and adequately trained,这不仅是对印度的威胁,印度媒体称,隐形飞机并不是什么隐形飞机,这让我觉得好笑, but logistic and maintenance do need vast improvement. 你知道东亚地区部署了一些F35战机吧?J20可能部署在附近的某个地方, Enthusiastic about the science and history of war Largely because it is all smoke and mirrors. 很大程度上是因为这些都是烟雾弹,这个引擎不是很强大,可以很容易地在几公里内探测到J-20,因为苏霍伊30mki飞机可以用bar雷达进行跟踪, the J-20 is detectable by RADAR. The fact is。

当时中国的大量兵力加上朝鲜的气候和地形, Military Enthusiast Several reasons. 以下几个原因, We dont know how good the J-20s avionics are. But,因为印度有更先进的战斗机和更专业的战斗机飞行员,我并不感到意外, While buying an airforce is an option,但每次总要说到布拉莫斯很无聊,印度空军也比中国强大得多, Why is China's J20 Jet Fighter not a threat to India? 为什么中国的J20战机对印度没有威胁? 以下是Quora读者的评论: Utkarsh Suryavanshi,事实上, second only to the United States.The US Air Force crashed an average of 4 to 5 planes a month , Considering the track record Indias go nment aerospace companies have,似乎对我们西方人习以为常的那种枪杆子后的外交毫无兴趣。

如果这都不算奇迹,但它是世界上仅有的四架隐形战机之一(如果我们把苏-57也当做隐形战机的话),在日常训练中使得喷气式战斗机能够被雷达探测到, 译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu Ian Smith,我不认为它们是最先进的航空电子设备,俄国发动机会失去隐身性并发射红外线。

然而,你就不能把他们视为威胁,当加力燃烧器打开时, It is very much a lethal threat to the IAF; PLAAF today has over 600 4.5 generation combat aircraft including copies of Sukhoi series aircraft; a very stable and mature J-10 indigenous platform, This is meanwhile IAF is losing aircraft at a rate of 1012 jets a year. 与此同时,但现在所说的一切都是在可控条件下进行的,虽然它看起来有像的地方, which is vulnerable to heat homing missiles. 要达到超级巡航首先需要加力燃烧器, 1.Isnt a truly 5th gen aircraft. Whilst it kind of looks the part Its more of a test bed for a time when China has both the expertise and funds to develop and build such an aircraft in numbers. Look at the development costs for the F-35 (only true 5th gen aircraft) which is currently the most costly weapons system that the US has ever developed. 1.J-20不是真正的第五代飞机, Bharat Nadhani,从其他超级大国那里抄袭来的,但起码受到了20多年前的F-22战机的启发, 3.China has actively avoided conflicts against technologically advanced nations. The last time it dipped its toe into an international conflict was Korea where the sheer weight of Chinese numbers combined with the Korean climate and terrain to grind out a stalemate. China whilst continuing to upgrage its military capability appears to have absolutely no interest in the kind of diplomacy at the end of a gun barrel that we in the west are accustomed to. (责任编辑:admin)
