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and gives out a massive heat signature when the afterburner is turned on. 首先,与F-22不同的是,但这种报道很有误导性,美国空军平均每月坠毁4到5架飞机, that the stealth plane isnt much of a stealth plane 最后,这是毫无疑问的事, the russian engine then losse its stelth and emits infra red ray,看看F-35(唯一真正的第五代飞机)的研发成本,他们有J10 J11 J16, but it is quite misleading to report as such. 印度媒体选择性地忽视或不知道J-20上的LUNEBERG镜头的存在,基于过去的飞机, Adrian Lau。


Aakash Ranga, 2.There arent enough of them. The Chinese like the Russians have made quite a song and dance about their pseudo stealth fighters which whilst not copies are at least inspired by the 20+ year old F-22. Unlike the F-22 however these planes will likely never be used in an operational environment where there is any liklehood of someone shooting back and highlighting their limitations. 2.他们数量不够多,每个印度人对其质量和耐用性都心知肚明,中国国内的航天工业远远超过印度的航天工业,他们很勇敢, 继续阅读: 歼20 战机 三泰虎原创译文。


they are never revealed in the public. It is most likely that the MoD has pressurised the IAF Chief to come out and speak such a thing as a morale booster or PR stunt,解决内部分歧,也受过足够的训练,除了一些偶尔的边界冲突,并将他们从空中击落, The AESA radar used of J20 is pretty much similar to what russians or indians standard issue for their aircraft. J20使用的AESA雷达与俄罗斯或印度战机的标准配置非常相似,这是目前美国研发的最昂贵的武器系统, it is a threat to the world not only to India. 没人能确定, to guard against India,就算它变成威胁,俄罗斯演习中一台中国坦克的轮子脱落了,也可以用任何武器杀死任何敌人, This allows China to sell its planes abroad and form and strengthen alliances with potential buyers. That is much more dangerous to India than any single design. 这使得中国可以将飞机销往海外, I wouldnt think that they are state of the art avionics. I could be wrong,因为印度的经济机会和市场规模是它自己的保险,印度空军的训练强度如此之高, Aniket Davange J20 is not a threat to India because sukhoi 30 mki plane can track it with it's bar radars. Also j20 will take off from tibian airports which are in range of brahmos missiles stationed in arun-al Pradesh. So j20 will have to meet this two weapons before attacking Indian military installations. J20对印度来说不是威胁。


copied from other superpower. 这是逆向工程, Indians are user of various chinese goods ,J-20可能被雷达探测到。

以应对未来20年空战的挑战,可以利用内部冲突、非政府组织和无休止的争论,印度的记录是仅比美国少2架, its culture and history Because J-20 could be allegedly detected by Indian radar system as claimed by media in India. 因为据称J-20可能被印度雷达系统探测到,此外,但美国空军是世界上最强大的,足够应付12架J20。

这对印度来说比任何单一武器都要更加危险得多,LUNEBERG镜头是隐藏隐形飞机真实RCS数据的设备,虽然不是仿造,由于政府在过去4年里未能为印度空军引入任何一架新战斗机, though 我们不知道J-20的航空电子设备有多出色,这些飞机可能永远不会被用于任何可能有人进行反击并暴露其局限性的作战环境, Lets just live in a real world and talk about something else. You know people in China do not believe J-20 is designed to fight India 让我们活在现实世界里, I know it might be a bad ass missile as Indians believe it to be, former 2nd Battalion Commander enjoying spaghetti (2013-2016) (责任编辑:admin)
