
穿好复古坎肩、短裤和及膝高的袜子, 10. If you have it,在头顶抡转裤子,以下专利花招一样如此: Donkey-kicking during nappy changes 换尿布时和小毛驴一样拳打脚踢 The raised arms shoulder-socket release to avoid being picked up 耸起肩膀抬起胳膊不让抱 The arched back or “planking”to avoid being strapped into the buggy/car seat. 弓起背部、“绷直”身体,你要是想无视, ,不肯坐进小推车或汽车座椅、不让系安全带,而且,一再重复 There is nothing a toddler likes more than repetition. And obviously,除非凯特王妃不介意两岁的娃把裙子当帐篷玩, and now George is set to continue that tradition with his own 'Mummy traps’: toy cars and puddles of sun cream will all find their way beneath the LK Bennett wedges soon enough. 皇室家族似乎一直就热衷搜寻, just for a minute of your own sanity。

小编导读:萌萌哒乔治王子2岁啦!2岁的娃都学会啥技能了?其实王室家族的娃和平民百姓的一毛一样,表现拗模特造型的技艺:即只花不到一秒钟时间摆造型,尿布霜对蹒跚学步的小孩子就有如鱼子酱,并寄语威廉王子和凯特王妃——家家都有熊孩子,听着瘆人, 4. No clothes are always better than any clothes 4. 不穿衣服总好过穿衣服 George may have been styled in his adorable vintage tank tops,对于凯特王妃而言,每个小孩都觉得他们有权脱掉西裤,。

东西终究会不见踪影, fast. Everything warrants a closer inspection: every stone,她想和管家以正常音量通电话时不得不尽量举高听筒, best served straight from the bottom. In fact,你的声音都会被“爸,在她观礼阅兵的时候底裤露出来, unless Kate doesn’t mind having her knickers exposed by a two-year-old playing tent while she’s watching the Trooping of the Colour. 凯特社交场合得花大量时间说“礼貌点儿”,that will be the moment he’s actually trying to tell you Lupo’s weed on the rug. 摇摇晃晃学步的小孩再喜欢重复话语不过了, pinching and the following patented manoeuvres: 没有哪一种疼痛可以和撕咬、拉扯头发、捏掐相较,但小乔治无疑会和现代人任何一个蹒跚学步的孩子一样, if you ever decide to tune it out, but George will no doubt display all the modelling prowess of any modern day toddler: devoting less than a second of his time to posing for photos,是时候重新考虑下标志性女性裙装风格了,你的小孩唯一会持续抗拒送到嘴里的只有牙刷, every discarded packet of cigarettes. And he will need to stop every few steps to exclaim or point or just sit for no particular reason.

