
现在, Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla 59 mins ago Beautifully said. We the Indian voter need to think wisely and through this scamgress cochroch to the dustbin for ev.India has started marching ahead to a resurgent India. Cant wait anymore for anybody. Jai ho NaMo. 说得好, The addition of Apache is an important step towards modernisation of the IAFs helicopter fleet. 阿帕奇直升机的加入是印度空军直升机舰队现代化的重要一步,952 crore deal inked with the US in September 2015. 根据2015年9月与美国签署的价值1395.2亿卢比的协议, Ajinkya 2 hours ago Modiji always tried to strengthen National defence,只能投票给莫迪,2019年就交付。

衷心感谢你不断加强军队建设, Nikos Mumbai 2 hours ago Great news ! India needs a strong govt ,双方商定回扣就得花4年时间,印网友:我们将成为超级大国 分享到: 上一篇 印度空军战机拦截格鲁吉亚货机。

John Tulip Pune 2 hours ago Deal signed in 2015 delivered in 2019 . Thats Modi govt for you 2015年签署协议,早些时候。

是为了遏制中国, a strong leadership that is decisive and nationalistic . 好消息!印度需要一个强大的政府, Cybe Tron 13 mins ago U wont get the difference coz ur IQ is same as pappu..worlds 6th largest economy cant be poor...India is a rich country with lots and lots of poor people� 你的智商和拉胡尔一样,但买得起装备并不意味着印度有钱了, Krishna Kumar 1 hour ago Absolutely. When borders (including terrorism) are taken care of,在某种程度上还与瑞典建立了防务伙伴关系, US。


Rahul Pal Kolkata 2 hours ago Atleast we got this Apache Guardian but Dassault Rafale should and must also be delivered on time so that it will significantly increase our security strength. 阵风战机应该而且必须按时交付, accepted the first Apache in a ceremony at Boeing production facility in the US. 在美国波音生产基地举行的仪式上,印度已经开始复兴, 印度时报读者的评论: 译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Jessica.Wu 外文:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com Diwakar Mysore 2 hours ago The deal was signed in 2015 and got delivery in 2019. If it was Congress go nment they would have spent 4 years just to finalize their commission. 该协议于2015年签署, Rajesh Bhardwaj 1 hour ago Congress might be counting lost commission dollars 国大党可能正在计算损失的回扣,政党第二,这一切都多亏了莫迪的英明管理, Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla Bangalore 2 hours ago Choice is yours voters, missed opportunity for handsome kickback. 对于拉胡尔来说,让它们从国大党造成的破坏中恢复过来,阿帕奇直升机一般不卖给其他国家的,印度空军将变得更加强大,印度空军元帅AS Butola代表印度空军接收了首架阿帕奇直升机,希望他们尽快破产,首架阿帕奇卫士攻击直升机AH-64E (I)被正式移交给印度空军(IAF),这是个坏消息, IAF gets first Apache Guardian attack helicopter 印度空军获得首架阿帕奇卫士攻击直升机 NEW DELHI: The first Apache Guardian attack helicopter AH-64E (I) was formally handed over to the Indian Air Force (IAF) at Boeing production facility in Mesa, 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文,我们只和伟大的俄罗斯建立了防务伙伴关系,俄罗斯、法国、美国、英国、日本和印度的关系更密切了,印度将成为一个超级大国。

印度选民投票要明智, Prabir 2 hours ago Bad news for RG , India will become a very strong super power. 在莫迪的领导下, secreteyes timbhakasurtu 2 hours ago Let the pak*s start going bankrupt first. Would love to see them go brupt at the soonest. Amen 先让巴基斯坦先破产吧,不能再指望其他人了,他错过了获得可观回扣的机会,法国、美国、俄罗斯和以色列也成了我们的朋友,就在这个月! ! Diwakar New Delhi 1 hour ago Seeing their track record,当边界问题(包括恐怖主义)处理妥当后,个人排在最后,选定的空勤人员和地勤人员在亚拉巴马州美军拉克堡基地的训练场接受了培训, queen Sonia Miano Fake Gandhi is the 4th richest women in the world! Just being head of Congress. 仅仅担任国大党的领袖,一位果断、民族主义的领导。


Krishnan Nair 2 hours ago IAF will become more stronger with the induction of Rafale. Well done NDA! 随着阵风战机一到, the in-house problems can be handled easily. 必须的, where as for Ferozkhangrace family first,拉胡尔的母亲索尼娅便成了世界上第四富有的女人! Krishna 2 hours ago Under Modi leadership,他能做得更出色,印度是世界第六大经济体,是时候让这个家族退出历史舞台, Raul Vinci urf Rahul G 47 mins ago We have to progress and come much closer to civilised countries like Japan France etc. 我们必须向前发展, France, Krishna Bangalore 2 hours ago We want Modi ji.. Can you give ths helicopter to Modi ji fr election campaign he ll return after election.. We want him to show case his achievements to Raga dumb Bhakt.. 我们需要莫迪,大把的回扣飞了。


all time friend Russia and Israel too onboard with us. Mera Bharath Mahaan.. 我们伟大的国家正在发展,AH-64E阿帕奇直升机是全球领先的多用途攻击直升机之一,他们牺牲国家安全, Alabama. 首批阿帕奇直升机计划在7月前运往印度,印度从来不具备中国强大的逆向工程能力, The IAF will induct 22 Apaches by March 2020 under the Rs 13。

国大党致使军队瘫痪 Raul Moon 2 hours ago These apache helicopters are not given to just about any country please mind this fact only very close allies because of fear of reverse engineering. This tells us how much India is valued in eyes of US 因为害怕被别的国家山寨, 4 years to finalize the commission would have been outstanding! i doubt.. 看看他们过去的表现,能把这架阿帕奇直升机给莫迪竞选用吗? 让他向拉胡尔展示他成就斐然 Subhash Rai 2 hours ago We need more helicopters like this 我们需要更多阿帕奇直升机 Rupali Duggal 2 hours ago

