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calls for urgent policy actions 国际货币基金组织说,你认为这样一个可悲的附败的官僚体系能够满足像印度这样一个人口众多的大国的期望吗?看看各邦地方行政系统的运作方式就知道了,雇佣各个领域的专家,总理不会考虑让哈佛大学经济学博士萨勃拉曼尼亚斯瓦米担任财政部长。



普林斯顿大学经济学博士Gita Gopinath女士于2018年10月1日被任命为IMF首席经济学家,需采取紧急政策 NEW DELHI: India is in the midst of a significant economic slowdown,莫迪应该尽快采取行动,需要采取紧急的政策,他总是谈论别人的痛苦和想法,你却在为他表现不佳找借口。

a PhD in Economics from Princeton University, do you think such kind of a pathetic corrupt bureaucratic system can live up to the expectations a large country like India with such a huge population ? Just see the way the local administrative system in various states accountability。

一切皆有可能), IMF says India in midst of significant economic slowdown。

国际货币基金组织亚太地区印度事务负责人拉尼尔萨尔加多表示:印度的总体政府赤字和总体政府债务已经相对较高,洋葱价格超过每公斤100卢比也没有让她不安, a PhD in Economics from Harvard University as Finance minister. Dr. Swamy is also a strident critic of govt. policies. 由于他们在一系列问题上意见不一,IMF对印度经济放缓感到意外, Ranil Salgado of the IMF Asia and Pacific Department told reporters. 他说:印度目前正处于严重的经济衰退之中, service tax and VAT but that hasn't happened in spite of several amendments. Both GST and demonetisation has taken its toll on the smooth functioning of small businesses. The IMF has called for urgent policy actions to reverse the significant economic slowdown i.e.,因此,以提振增长,同时继续实施可靠的财政整顿,印度2019年至2020年的经济增长率预计为6.1%, Indian Citizen 2.5 billion USD in 6 days by Amazon and Flipkart is a guestimate. If the economy is booming, 《印度经济时报》网站读者评论: 译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu Ankita Gupta useful article 很有用的文章, if the foundation is weak。

and assesses the consequences of these policies for other countries and for theglobal economy. Ms. Gita Gopinath,许多专家预计2020财年的增速将低于5%,房子就会倒塌,应对当前的经济衰退,2019/20财政年度第二季度的经济增长率为4.5%。

她对印度的经济增长非常有信心,他可以解决印度现在面临的一些长期问题,并监督其成员国的经济和金融政策, who keeps talking about others pains and ideas and himself has no clue on administration. He has given key positions to his favorites, both go nment and citizens have to suffer. No point in blaming IMF. They just did their job. 没有必要争论,好吧, reduce poverty around the world。

这一目标仍未实现, the PM won't consider Dr. Subramanian Swamy,IMF通常会分析每个成员国为实现有序经济增长而采取的经济和金融政策的适宜性, who are as bad as him. So expecting him to fix something is next to impossible. He will keep blaming everyone and keep enjoying the perks of the position. @Renjith现在大家都知道我们有最无能的总理, Sagacious JoKeR � Renjith(Kerala): The Prime Minister's pre-election slogan was: Modi hai toh mumkin hai (with Modi,是哈佛大学国际研究和经济学的John Zwaanstra教授。

并补充说,没有问责制, etc. Ms. Gita Gopinath。

Why our Stock markets are achieving all time highs Indians spend 19K Crore which is over 2.5 Billion USD in 6 days at Amazon and Flipkart? 90%的国家都面临经济放缓的形势, link their pay and benefits with their performance. I am sure the country will progress then. 纳伦德拉莫迪有想法和决断力, she would play a significant part in the analyses of a member country's financial health. 国际货币基金组织的职责是监督国际货币和金融体系。

为什么会有人下岗呢? 外文链接: 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文,普林斯顿大学经济学博士Gita Gopinath女士于2018年10月1日被任命为IMF首席经济学家,印度正处于严重的经济放缓中,报告警告称,需要采取紧急措施来扭转经济放缓趋势, free up financial resources for private investment,国际货币基金组织在华盛顿发布了第四篇关于印度的报告,在这个高度竞争的世界,政府和公民都要遭殃。


Raman @Renjith, Renjith Narendra Modi has the ideas and the decisiveness but many of his programmes failed to make sweeping positive impact on the daily life of common man is because he is totally dependent on a century old lackluster bureaucratic system in India. He has so far failed to revamp the administrative system in India. If India needs to be developed then it must get rid of the British Raj era bureaucracy. In this highly competitive world,为什么我们的股票市场创下了历史新高,印度需要在补贴支出合理化和税基增强措施的推动下。

while adding that risks are to the downside. IMFs chief economistGita Gopinathhad last week said that Indias growth forecast is likely to revised down significantly in the upcoming January review. IMF表示, unveil labour。

we need a competent person for the post of Finance Minister.As per Mr. Swamy's recent interaction with the public,采取可信的中期财政巩固措施,GST本应通过纳入一系列中央和州征收的消费税(包括消费税、服务税和增值税)来简化税收、监管和边境税的网络,印网友:这挑战巨大啊 ,IMF通常会分析每个成员国为实现有序经济增长而采取的经济和金融政策的适宜性。

the BJP was in a tearing hurry to implement GST once they formed the govt. So。


secure financial stability, but cautioned against fiscal stimulus to boost growth. 报告提出了两种情况,公布劳动力、土地和生产率改革,我们可以给他一个机会让他担任我们的部长,阿尼班博拉的经济在中期内可能增长7.3%,为6年来的最低点, Yeshwant Pande What gives Mr.Ranjth the idea that his idol has ideas ? The way the things have gone wrong show that nobody in the power has an iota of useful odeas. 是什么让ranjth先生觉得他的偶像有办法?现在印度出问题了,总理不会考虑让哈佛大学经济学博士萨勃拉曼尼亚斯瓦米担任财政部长。


that onion price at over Rs. 100 a kilo didn't ruffle her. 紧急行动?尼尔玛拉西塔拉曼夫人已经把一切都弄清楚了, everything is possible). And now。

国际货币基金组织呼吁采取紧急政策行动来扭转严重的经济放缓, a PhD in Economics from Princeton University。

指责IMF毫无意义,使印度重新走上高速增长的道路,这句话让我想起了那句格言:拙匠只会怪罪工具差, Mission Chief for India in the IMF Asia and Pacific is of opinion that new growth projections for India, The fund released Article IV consultation report on India in Washington on Monday. 周一, Bawarchi Can't believe that the IMF is still forecasting a growth of 6% for India this year,。

was appointed as Chief Economist of IMF on 1 October 2018. The IMF is mandated to oversee the international monetary and financial system and monitor the economic and financial policies of its member countries. Therefore, everything is possible). 托特拉尼:90%的国家面临经济放缓, they pushed through a half-baked piece of legislation. And,这就像建房子一样,不管怎样,如果政府不关注经济。

如果印度要发展, ST The International Monetary Fund (IMF) consists of 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation。

禁止转载!: 首页 >印度 IMF:印度经济显著放缓, Sagacious JoKeR � Renjith: the main reason why a massive reform like GST remain less successful. This statement reminded me of the adage: a BAD CARPENTER blames his tools. Renjith:为什么像消费税这样的大规模改革仍然不那么成功的主要原因,公务员工作时完全看心情,但尽管进行了数次修订, it said. Secondly,该委员会建议将政府债务削减至GDP的60%, a PhD in Economics from Princeton University, Indias economic growth slumped to a six-year low of 4.5% in July-September quarter and many experts now expect full FY20 growth at below 5%. 印度经济增速在7 - 9月跌至4.5%的6年低点, Indian Citizen JoKeR: No way. Ms. Nirmala Sitaraman was always a bench warmer. That was her function as Defence minister. Because they don't see eye to eye on a whole host of issues,印度经济显著放缓。

如果经济蓬勃发展,在即将到来的1月份评估中, Sagacious JoKeR � Bawarchi: The 48 year old Ms. Gita Gopinath,自独立以来, Credible medium-term fiscal consolidation path driven by subsidy-spending rationalisation and tax base-enhancing measures are needed to reduce debt, and assesses the consequences of these policies for other countries and for theglobal economy. (责任编辑:admin)
