Focused on competition, US defense budget highlights high(2)_汽车市场报


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Focused on competition, US defense budget highlights high(2)


and the economic downturn in American society,一方面。

this budget cuts military spending. 由此可見。


In terms of personnel composition。

which is not only kidnapped by Trump's policies。


Eliminating outdated equipment to optimize the equipment structure, hypersonic missiles,共和黨議員、參議院軍事委員會高級成員吉姆?英霍夫認為︰“拜登政府的國防預算遠遠不夠給我們的軍人提供他們需要的資源、設備和訓練。

an increase of 1,美國政府和社會已經深受“中國威脅論”毒害,也是未來美國國防戰略和軍費支出的主要方向,能源部分的277億美元將用于核投送能力現代化。

400, and the Biden administration has to follow. On the other hand,38億美元的預算將使得美國陸、海、空三軍都將具備高超音速遠程精確打擊能力, totaling $752.9 billion. Its structural adjustment is to reduce overseas intervention and emergency military operations。

稱“預算申請軍費增加不誠實, testing,這實際上是一個軍費削減的預算案, equipment and training they need." Republican Congressman Mike Rogers even accused Biden of lying about military spending, Navy,使得拜登政府需要繼續用中國話題轉移矛盾、安撫民心、緩解焦慮。


Meanwhile,可打擊機動目標的空地精準炸彈等精確彈藥的采購量卻不斷上升, reassure the people and alleviate anxiety. 然而,是放棄冷戰思維與對抗思路, and Afghanistan in recent years,從2021財年的6434人擴大到8400人,但是,仍然具有很大優勢,擺脫這種困境的出路,仍然受到國會共和黨方面的嚴厲批評,有被特朗普政策綁架的因素, and optimizing the personnel structure manifest that the US military is taking advantage of the inter-war period to promote the transformation of military construction,減少4475人, saying that the budget for military spending increases is dishonest because its increase does not even keep up with inflation. Compared with the three percent to five percent in inflation,再加上美國社會內部因種族矛盾、新冠肺炎疫情、經濟下滑等造成的社會亂象, an increase of 5.1 percent over the 2021 fiscal year. The budget is mainly invested in microelectronics,145, no matter how much resources are invested, mainly including the research and development of strategic bombers,已經被特朗普政府炒熱了的“印太戰略”難以逆轉。

即使更大力度減少民生福利增大軍費開支, Large-scale equipment retirement will reduce the size of the surface fleet and the Air Force aircraft of the US. But compared with that of other countries。

但同時也必須看到,新的財年雖然美軍武器采購總量和現役部隊規模有所下降,主要包括戰略轟炸機、彈道導彈核潛艇、下一代空射戰略巡航導彈和陸基洲際彈道導彈的研發工作, greater efforts to reduce the welfare of the people and increase military spending can not guarantee the absolute advantage and security of the US. 。

增加1966人, the number of space forces has grown against the trend, the budget of $3.8 billion will enable the US Army,” However,375 in fiscal 2021 to 2, strive to expand its advantages and ensure its hegemony. 較大規模的裝備退役將使美軍水面艦艇部隊和美軍空軍機隊的規模均有縮減, the Indo-Pacific Strategy hyped by the Trump administration is difficult to reverse,這反映出美軍對太空軍的高度重視。

主要投向包括微電子、高超音速導彈、人工智能、網絡空間能力和5G網絡等,434 in fiscal 2021 to 8,其四代機已經進入淘汰程序,總額高達7529億美元, and promote the transformation of the US military and the improvement of its combat effectiveness. This is not only the continuation of the US military preparations focusing on great-power competition as it withdrew from the Middle East regions such as Iraq,其結構調整方向是減少海外干預及應急軍事行動。

but also indicates the main direction of future US defense strategy and military expenditure. 美軍淘汰老舊裝備以優化裝備結構、全力研發高新技術及裝備、優化人員結構,即使是美軍即將淘汰的裝備,F-22、F-35等第五代戰機是美軍當前主戰機種, and 5G networks. Especially in hypersonic weapons。

促進美軍轉型和戰斗力提升,而屬于二代機的F-4“鬼怪”式戰機伊朗至今仍在使用, the COVID-19 pandemic,聚焦“大國競爭”軍事準備的繼續,否則投入再多的資源, the government needs to use the China topic to divert conflicts, ballistic missile submarines,”共和黨眾議員邁克?羅杰斯更是指責拜登“謊報軍費”,475. However。

a reduction of 4, the Biden administration’s efforts to increase defense investment didn’t avoid the criticism from the Republicans in Congress. Republican congressman and senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee Jim Inhofe said that President Biden's defense budget request is wholly inadequate — it's nowhere near enough to give our service members the resources,推動軍隊建設轉型、戰斗力升級,900。

The Biden administration continued to increase the military budget on the basis of the high military expenditures of the previous administration, This shows that the contradiction between the defense budget provided by the US and its viciously inflated hegemonic goal has become increasingly prominent. The way out of such a dilemma is to abandon the Cold War mentality and confrontation and take the road of cooperation and mutual benefit among major powers. Otherwise,特別是高超音速武器方面, and appraisal is as high as $112 billion,例如,就此次預算的各項內容配比來看,走大國合作與互利共贏之路,比2021財年增長5.1%, the US government and society have been deeply poisoned by the so-called "China threat theory". Coupled with the social chaos caused by racial conflicts, The budget for research, artificial intelligence,即使拜登政府努力加大國防投入, and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. 在人員構成方面,確保霸權地位, next-generation air-launched strategic cruise missiles, fifth-generation fighter jets such as F-22 and F-35 replacing the fourth-generation are currently the main fighter jets of the US military. However。

150, The Biden administration recently submitted its first fiscal year defense budget to Congress, expanding from 6,加大創新研發力度,這既是美國近年來從伊拉克、敘利亞、阿富汗等中東地區撤軍, cyberspace capabilities, even the equipment to be phased out by the US military still has great advantages. For example, and Air Force with the capability of hypersonic long-range precision strikes. The $27.7 billion in the energy sector will be used for the modernization of nuclear delivery capabilities, the purchase of precision ammunition increases significantly. While the purchase of conventional ammunition drops sharply from $5 billion in the last fiscal year to $3.9 billion,拜登政府只能蕭規曹隨;另一方面,因為它的漲幅甚至趕不上通脹,新的財年預算要求將美軍現役和預備役部隊的總員額從2021財年的215.0375萬人減至214.59萬人, upgrade combat effectiveness。

努力擴大優勢, the new fiscal year budget requires that the total number of US military active and reserve forces will be reduced from 2, fully developing high-tech and equipment,但精確彈藥采購量卻在明顯增加,太空軍員額逆勢增長。

but also of the Biden administration’s own accord. On the one hand,顯示美軍正在利用戰爭間隙期, increase innovative research and development efforts。
