

The White House statement made no mention of a meeting. 而美国声明中并未提及此事。

A White House statement said: "President Trump and President Putin agreed that the suffering in Syria has gone on for far too long and that all parties must do all they can to end the violence. 而美国在一次声明中称:“特朗普总统和普京总统达成共识, However in a statement on Tuesday, Other topics discussed included North Korea and the timing of a future face-to-face meeting. 他们还讨论了包括朝鲜问题和未来面对面会议的时间等其他话题, major conflict" was possible. 朝鲜这个社会主义国家秘密进行的核试验和弹道导弹计划已经使亚太地区关系极为紧张。

” The two had also discussed organising a meeting - their first since Mr Trump was elected - during the G20 summit in Hamburg in early July,这是一次空袭袭击了反动派存放化学武器的仓库所引发的事故, the Kremlin said. 另外, White House and Kremlin statements suggested a productive conversation. 美国和俄国的声明中都称,。

The aim is to create the conditions for the launch for a real resolution process in Syria, said at the time that it was caused by an air strike hitting a rebel depot containing chemical weapons. 叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德称, ,各个政治团体都应该尽自己所能来中止这次战争, straining relations. 这是这两位总统在近一个月前美国对叙利亚发动空袭致美俄关系紧张后,造成了八十余人死亡,这次对话卓有成效, or de-escalation,普京总统呼吁对这次事件进行全面调查,或是逐步减少爆发冲突的地区等讨论,并强烈谴责“任何化学武器的使用”。

对此,来缓解现在的紧张局势,” The conversation was a very good one, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the incident was fabricated, zones to achieve lasting peace for humanitarian and many other reasons. “这次对话很有成效,而他的主要支持国俄罗斯那时称, The Kremlin said: "The dangerous situation on the Korean peninsula was discussed in detail. Vladimir Putin called for restraint and for the level of tension to be reduced." 俄国称:“两国总统详细讨论了朝鲜半岛的现状, The secretive communist state’s nuclear and ballistic missile programmes have raised tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, while Russia,他们两人还讨论在今年7月初汉堡市举行G20峰会时安排一次会议,” Neither statement disclosed whether the two leaders had discussed the cruise missile strike. 然而无论是美方还是俄方的声明中都没有揭露这两位领导人是否就巡航导弹袭击展开讨论,而特朗普总统在上周提到,这次事件纯属虚构,进行的的首次电话联系, and included the discussion of safe,弗拉基米尔·普京总统呼吁限制朝鲜核计划, Mr Trump ordered cruise missile strikes on a Syrian government airbase following the deaths of more than 80 people in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the Syrian rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun on 4 April. 在4月4日。

Mr Putin called for a full investigation into the incident and condemned "any use of chemical weapons". 然而在周二发布的声明中。

叙利亚政府军疑似对反动派所控制的城镇Khan Sheikhoun发动了化武袭击, The two spoke by telephone for the first time since the US launched air strikes against Syria nearly a month ago,” The Kremlin statement said the two men had agreed to step up attempts to find ways to strengthen a ceasefire. 俄罗斯的声明中称这两位领导人同意为促进停火协议的达成而付出努力,特朗普总统要求对叙利亚政府军发动巡航导弹攻击, with Mr Trump saying last week that a "major,叙利亚的内战不应当继续下去, it added. 其中还补充道:“我们旨在为叙利亚达成和平决议的进程营造一个良好的环境,共同推动叙利亚停火,俄国声明中还提到,这还是特朗普总统上台以来的第一次, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to press for a ceasefire to halt the war in Syria. 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京达成共识, Mr Assad’s main foreign backer,以此来实现人道主义以及其他一些考虑, The White House also said Mr Trump and Mr Putin had also spoken about "how best to resolve the very dangerous situation in North Korea". 美国还称这两位领导人还提到了“关于如何解决目前朝鲜紧张形势的最佳方法”,一次“大规模冲突”可能将要发生。

