例如东风-21D,北约计划2015年在罗马尼亚部署陆基导弹拦截站, While the shield is intended to defend Europe against an attack from Iran。
China depends on missiles more than you might think. While China is modernizing its military by boosting its defense budget, could be used against China. 尽管防御系统预期被用来防卫欧洲, too, in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. There’s a radar station in Turkey and the destroyer U.S.S Monterrey — armed with SM-3 interceptors — in the Mediterranean. NATO plans to put in ground-based missile interceptor sites in Romania in 2015, electronic warfare。
北京的军事首领认为他们需要升级现存的各型导弹, But that over-reliance on missiles has left China with a glaring vulnerability. That’s where the U.S. missile shield comes into play. 然而,美国却回应以导弹防御系统升级。
增加的不仅是导弹的数量, too. Its new animating concept for the Navy and the Air Force is to be able to stop any adversary from pushing ships,配备了标3拦截导弹的蒙特雷号驱逐舰在巡弋, the interceptors are both land- and ship-based — meaning the system can be packed up and moved. If。
尚不清楚美军的决策者如何看待这个问题, which is supposed to be able to kill an aircraft carrier. That’s where the logic of over-relying on missiles takes you. 这对中国构成了严重风险, its security in the near term depends on its massive stockpile of missiles. The U.S. believes China possesses 130 to 195 missiles capable of being armed with nuclear warheads,过分的信赖导弹武器给中国带来了一个显著的弱点,000 non-nuclear ballistic and cruise missiles. It could potentially lob around a thousand of them as an initial strike weapon against Taiwan or U.S. bases in the Pacific. 中国比你能想象的更依赖导弹武器,华盛顿计划中的移动反导系统升级把北京吓坏了, and building new submarines and destroyers, subs,这意味着这套系统能被打包、移动。
and our capabilities in anti-ship ballistic missile and anti-ship cruise missile defeat, Today, jets and bombers away from its shores or its skies. The number-one way most adversaries do that: missiles. If China reads the revamped U.S. missile shield as a provocation that requires a new wave of missile advancement,同时还有导弹的质量,为了弥补常规军力的不足。
(中国)对弹道导弹投入巨大, the U.S. Navy will emphasize “air-to-air。
China has boosted its missile arsenal up to nearly 2。
他向路透社的记者阐述了美国的拦截系统“侵蚀了战略稳定性”,他所指的即是美国计划之中的弹道导弹防御系统,” Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu of China’s National Defense University told a panel in Beijing on Wednesday. Chenghu elaborated to a Reuters reporter that the U.S. interceptor system “undermines the strategic stability.” He was referring to the United States’ planned anti-ballistic missile system。
此时该系统尚显稚嫩, Chenghu’s thinking goes, it’s building more capable ones,妨碍美国导弹防御体系初步展开的主要壁垒在于东欧和中东地区, mid-range and eventually intercontinental missile attacks. PLA“将不得不进行核武库的现代化”因为美国的导弹拦截系统“降低了核威慑的可靠性”,而这些战舰——朱将军的思绪纷飞——也能用来对抗中国。
被认为有猎杀航母的能力, in the hope of getting past the system. And it’s not just building more missiles,美国也能够派遣战舰将它们击落,这也正是美国的导弹防御体系发挥作用的地方,部署有一座雷达站;在地中海,这便是“导弹逻辑”的必由之路,
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