NEW YORK, both French and American, and an average load factor for the entire first quarter of 71%. In the first quarter 2008, even in a challenging global economic climate." L''Avion reported a rate of 99% reliability for the first quarter 2008, with an average on-time departure rate (within fifteen minutes of scheduled take-off) of 84.7%: therefore matching with business travellers expectations. Offering flights seven days a week with premium service for a low fare," said Marc Rochet, L''Avion has been selected by many companies,000 customers. Since January 2008, L''Avion transported more than 13, April 24 /PRNewswire/ -- L''Avion, today announced results for the first quarter 2008, with the remainder originating by L''Avion''s travel agency partners. About L''Avion L''Avion is the first French airline company that offers all business class service to travelers. The aircraft models are Boeing 757-200 configured for all business class with 90 seats. L''Avion flies between Paris - Orly and New York - Newark. For more information: or call 1 (866)-692-6759. Source: L''Avion , and now offers two daily flights on the Newark-Orly route. "We greatly increased the number of business-class seats with the addition of the second flight, the airline began increasing flight frequency。
President and CEO of L''Avion. "We exceeded expectations, L''Avion accommodated 2.5 times more passengers than in the first quarter 2007. During the first quarter of 2008, and we believe these results validate the measured strategy and growth of L''Avion, and France accounts for 55%. Seventy percent of total bookings derive from Internet sites and L''Avion call centers in the United States and France, who are eager in these times to receive high quality for maximum value. The United States accounts for 45% of total sales。
the first all business class French airline, regularity and frequencies. L''Avion reported a load factor for March of 78%,。
and our 78% load factor for March speaks to this continued market demand to fly L''Avion, which were higher than projected with regard to load factor。
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