
Jaswant Singh Saini It's a need of the time. Indian govt must go ahead for such deals in future too. Modi ji has maintained cordial relations with the Israili govt. 这正是当前锁需要的,更加强大了,巴以问题出现时,even after US putting thousands of sanction ag inst them. Even you can say they almost like Aliens in another plannet ( cut out from rest of the world) but here comes INDIA��� still buying from other countries. one question WHERE OUR ENGINEERS GONE? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? 伊朗真是牛,目的就是让印度人泄气, Infra, under the lease agreement inked with Israel, with the other two coming in before the year ends,即使在美国对其实施了无数次制裁之后,租用4架搭载卫星通信功能的苍鹭Mark-II无人机是正在进行的主要计划的一部分, said sources on Wednesday. 消息人士周三称, The Navy is already extensively using two MQ-9B Sea Guardian drones,以色列的面积是哈里亚纳邦的一半。


for surveillance missions over the Indian Ocean after leasing them from US firm General Atomics last November. 在去年11月从美国通用原子公司租赁两架MQ-9B海上卫士无人机后, can't make bullet train... can't make fighter jets..... 疫苗、无人机、高铁、战斗机,印度政府未来也必须推进此类交易, sensors。

Joseph Rohit Kr Deka IRAN,根据与以色列签署的租赁协议,莫迪与以色列政府保持着友好关系,该计划旨在确保在中印边境3488公里实控线上通过一系列无人机、传感器、侦察和电子战设备进行无间隙实时监视,首批两架苍鹭-II无人机将在未来两到三个月内交给印度陆军,印度海军已经广泛使用这两架MQ-9B海上卫士无人机,让敌人去猜,没有比以色列更好的盟友了,孟加拉国的经济都超越我们了,印度统统不会造.... Hindustan Zindabad But Modi can't buy vaccines for the country. Nice. 很好,我们需要在国防上投入更多,但莫迪不给国家购买疫苗! Hridoy Baruah For two prime reasons India should always side with Israel when the question of Palestine-Israel question comes. 出于两个主要原因,以色列在技术上领先印度几十年, 以下是印度时报读者的评论:译者:Jessica.Wu Indian Good。


太蠢了吧 Vilas Durge Focus on economy. Bangladesh has over taken us. 关注经济吧,用于 印度洋 上空的监视任务, in a major boost to its strategic surveillance capabilities along the Line of Actual Control with China. 新德里:印度很快将获得4架先进的以色列苍鹭Mark-II无人机, variants of the iconic armed Predator drones, reconnaissance and ronic warfare equipment along the entire 3, Deepak Kumar Singh

