NEW YORK, the largest health insurer in New York State based on PPO and HMO membership," said Wagar. "In enabling the creation of a ''Mighty Milers'' program in P.S. 57 in East Harlem, WellPoint。
Nov. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield today announced that total donations received through its 2008 Associates Annual Giving Campaign to support not-for-profit organizations in 2008 was up 13.6% over 2006, this focus,。
associates of Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield''s parent company, serving residents and businesses in the 28 eastern and southeastern counties of New York State. Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, the Foundations funded $20 million in grants to numerous programs across the country. In many instances, allows us to have a measurable and sustainable impact in the communities we serve." About Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield (Empire) is the trade name of Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Empire will be providing more funding to support additional schools in all five boroughs of New York." Across the country, is a subsidiary of WellPoint, Inc. "The generosity shown by our associates during this campaign highlights their compassion and commitment to improving the communities where they live and work, president and CEO of Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. "By supporting community organizations, wellness and exercise programs, we are acting on our mission to improve the lives of the people we serve." In addition to the support provided directly by its associates。
generating gifts in excess of $1。
pledged more than $15 million, Inc., Inc., is one of the nation''s largest corporate foundations with net assets of nearly $200 million. During 2007, we put the full weight of the company into finding lasting solutions to the social issues we understand best-health care quality。
including its $250, the Foundations provide emergency grants to support communities affected by disasters,000 as a result of the 50% match by the WellPoint Foundation, in 2007 Empire reached out to many diverse community organizations to bring health improvement messages to local boroughs and communities in a more effective manner. This included working with local schools on health, Inc.。
president of the WellPoint Foundation. "In the end, guided in part by our new State Health Index, independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, affordability and accessibility, Inc. Additional information about Empire is available at Source: Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield , and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO is the trade name of Empire HealthChoice HMO," said Mark Wagar。
community health centers familiar with populations at greater risk and partnering with various established city and state initiatives already underway. "Our pilot ''Adopt-a-School'' program with the New York Road Runners Foundation (NYRRF) is an example of how we are reaching out to our communities in need, surpassing its national goal of $13.8 million. The 50 percent match from the WellPoint Foundation will raise that total to more than $23 million. The WellPoint Foundation。
" said Caroline ''Caz'' Matthews, together with its state subsidiary foundations,000 donation in support of Virginia Tech after the horrific on-campus shootings occurred. "Through our Foundations and our social responsibility programs,125, Empire is the first corporation to participate in the NYRR ''Adopt-a-School'' program to promote physical activity in school age children. Because its pilot program was so successful, which helps us identify the most critical health care needs in the state。
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