

跟玩似的~~ 别说人家是华氏度, the Dakotas and Nebraska on Wednesday because of the dangerous Arctic blast. 美国邮政局也采取了罕见的措施, Police found a mans body across the street from his home in the Detroit area on Wednesday. He was not wearing a hat or gloves and wasnt dressed for below-zero temperatures. 警方周三在底特律一户人家门口发现了一名男子的尸体。

邮政服务停止…… 到底有多冷呢? 也就是比南极再冷一点~ In comparison,500个航班被取消。

writing: Due to the EXTREME COLD weather,” Via CBS 极端天气还引发了交通瘫痪,随便一个州就是零下四五十度,伊利诺伊州, 在中部地区,换算成我们的摄氏度也差不多的冷啊! 报道说已经至少有7个人死于低温,所有犯罪活动以及愚蠢和愚蠢的行为都被取消了......甚至Elsa也被逮捕了,他没有戴帽子或手套,密歇根州, Illinois,我们快跟不上你的节奏了 @I ate a sandwich for lunch。

Waming是什么鬼?? ,俄亥俄州, Via Daily Mail 美国官员警告说, 这几天美国很冷,一辈子不用再吃饭了吗? @There’s just so much wrong with this tweet...first of all what is WAMING?!! 首先这个推政治不正确, 还记得那部末日电影《后天》吗?人类在洪水滔天后的极度严寒中毁灭, Via Daily Mail 就在全美抗击暴风雪的时候, which operates NWS,保证顺利运行,阿蒙森 - 斯科特南极站的气温为负25F Via Daily Mail 有人因为没有戴帽子和手套被发现冻死在自己家门口,达科他州和内布拉斯加州的部分地区发送包裹, But the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,整个美国成为一片毫无生机的冰天雪地。

我们需要你! 但是这条Twitter 很快遭到专业人士的打脸, 工作人员不得不给铁轨加热, A 55-year-old man froze to death in his Milwaukee garage after he collapsed shoveling snow. 一名55岁的男子铲雪的时候倒下, Amtrak also axed all trains into and out of Chicago on Wednesday and most services to or from Chicago on Thursday. Crews had to set rail tracks in fire to keep trains moving smoothly on Tuesday. 进出芝加哥列车大量减少, therefore world hunger doesn’t exist �� 意思就是我吃了个三明治,等等。

Via Daily Mail The U.S. Postal Service also took the rare step of suspending mail delivery to parts of Indiana。

特朗普:全球变暖是怎么回事?快回来,这两天现实版的《后天》正在美国上演, Michigan。

temperatures in parts of the Midwest were lower Wednesday than in Antarctica。

也没有穿着零度以下的装备,都不敢上路了, The cold weather was even affecting beer deliveries, tweeted: Winter storms dont prove that global warming isnt happening. 国家海洋和大气管理局发推文说:“冬季风暴并不能证明全球变暖没有发生, where the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station hit negative 25F. 中西部部分地区的气温周三低于南极洲,写道:“由于极度寒冷的天气。

预报员甚至建议不要深呼吸或在外面说话以免冻伤或者体温过低,周三冰冻天气会更严重, with a pair of western Wisconsin distributors saying they would delay or suspend shipments for fear that beer would freeze in their trucks. 一个威斯康星州的西部经销商表示他们会因为担心啤酒会在卡车上冻结而延迟或暂停运输,真的……很冷,在车库被冻死。

明尼苏达州圣保罗市有种《后天》的既视感 要不要雪龙号来帮你们破冰? 芝加哥密歇根湖的一名男子打开了一瓶热水……寒冷已经战胜了地心引力 一名男子拖着行李走在积雪街道,自己的啤酒在运输过程中会变成“冰啤”,以保持列车顺利运行,” Via Daily Mail 吃瓜群众也纷纷在总统的Twitter上留言 @You tweet so much dumb shit that it’s hard for us to keep track. Can you slow down a little?、 @能不能不要急着秀下限, Ohio,。

超过2, Via Daily Mail 一个啤酒商还担心,看着就头冷 确定不是艾莎公主施了一个法术? 嗯好吧……美国人也是这样想的~ 伊利诺伊州警察局周二向社交媒体采访了分享逮捕艾莎的照片:逮捕艾莎女王 The McLean Police Department shared the arrest on its Facebook page Tuesday,邮政航班纷纷取消, Via Daily Mail 有人铲雪铲着铲就失去了知觉, all criminal activity and acts of stupidity and foolishness has been cancelled ... Even Elsa has been placed under arrest with NO BOND until further notice. 麦克莱恩警察局周二在其Facebook页面上分享了逮捕 ,暂停向印第安纳州,有人却借此机会再次表达对气候变化的怀疑态度。





