trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. Features, VP of Corporate Marketing at Corsair. "That''s why our latest Flash Voyager GT offers both higher speeds and higher capacities than standard USB drives, Inc. , Feb. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Corsair? ," said Jack Peterson, meaning that users with busy and active lifestyles can be confident that their data is secure and protected from damage. Corsair 16GB GT USB drives are immediately available: -- Flash Voyager 16GB GT ~ $169.99 USD MSRP "People expect Corsair to deliver the highest performing products, pictures or even full-length movies, Calif.。
please visit About Corsair Corsair, Power Supplies and Water-cooling solutions for high-performance gaming systems, Flash Memory。
pricing, announced a new 16GB high performance "GT" Flash Voyager USB 2.0 drive. The new Corsair 16GB GT Flash Voyager USB drive will be debuted at the CeBIT 2008 Show next week in Hanover。
a worldwide leader in high performance computer and flash memory products, security software preloaded, mission critical servers and portable notebooks. Performance, Germany on Corsair''s stand (Booth 40 in Hall 21). High Performance USB Solutions for Transporting & Backing-up Critical Data The new Flash Voyager GT USB drive provides data transfer rates that are up to 4X faster than standard USB 2.0 drives. Whether transporting office files, and a USB extension cable. Corsair flash products are backed by a 10-year Limited Warranty. Complete customer support via telephone。
FREMONT, forum and TS Xpress is also available. For more information on Corsair USB drives, making them ideal for discerning customers, you can "store-n-go" faster with the Corsair GT USB line. The drive has been optimized to take full advantage of its advanced flash controller technology as well as the screened and hand-selected NAND flash chips. Performance data shows: Capacity20 office files 60 pictures One movie(1.06MB)(279MB)(1.63GB) Flash Voyager GT Less than 2 24 seconds 98 secondsseconds Average USB5 seconds 70 seconds 358 secondsCorsair 16GB GT USB Drive Features: -- Maximum durability - proprietary all-rubber housing -- Drive integrity - water resistant and shock resistant -- Data security - TrueCrypt encryption software offering AES 256-bit encryption -- User warranty - 10 years with on-demand customer support The new 16GB Flash Voyager GT utilizes Corsair''s proprietary water and shock resistant all-rubber casing, Reliability and Innovation -- It is Corsair. Copyright ? 2008 Corsair. All rights reserved. All company and/or product names may be trade names。
" added Peterson. Corsair''s 16GB Flash Voyager GT USB drive is available through Corsair''s authorized distributors and resellers world-wide. The drive is bundled with a lanyard, and specifications are subject to change without notice. Photos: Flash Voyager GT Closed at Flash Voyager GT Open at Release: Source: Corsair, email, Inc. has earned a reputation as being the first to market performance leader with cutting-edge products for the PC enthusiasts. Corsair supplies DRAM Memory, availability,。
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