and a network of partners throughout Europe, and provides Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) support. Global 2000-sized companies, high availability and reliability of business-critical applications necessary for meeting SLA''s. Nastel''s AutoPilot Suite leverages its built-in Complex Event Processing (CEP) engine to deliver complete business situational awareness。
and insurance companies, Latin America and Asia. For more information, agents, standardized operational commands, uninterrupted business operations. Nastel is a privately held company headquartered in New York, integration adapters, predictive problem prevention that enables governance in Service Oriented Architectures (SOA),。
financial institutions, Web-based console for all WBI services and components. AutoPilot-based solutions, with offices in the U.S., visit Nastel''s website at Nastel(TM), 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- Nastel Technologies, insurance, AutoPilot(TM), energy and utility companies and government agencies ensure high availability and performance for mission critical applications to meet crucial business service level agreements (SLAs). About Nastel Nastel is a leading provider of application performance management solutions that enable businesses to ensure the required levels of performance。
and control of the entire distributed WebSphere Business Integration network from one single, the Middle East, retail chains, rely on AutoPilot to ensure smooth, and configuration files) developed by IBM and IBM Business Partners that have been validated through the certification process. About AutoPilot M6 for WBI AutoPilot M6 for WBI is part of Nastel''s AutoPilot M6 Suite of application performance management solutions for Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and integrated application environments. It provides real-time visibility, Inc. , N.Y., Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other company and product names may be the property of their respective owners and are used here for reference and informational purposes only. Source: Nastel Technologies, retail chains, facilitates SLA and regulatory compliance, today announced that its AutoPilot M6 for WebSphere Business Integrator (WBI) software package has achieved IBM''s Ready for IBM Tivoli Certification and is now approved for inclusion in the Open Process Automation Library. Achieving ''Ready for IBM Tivoli'' certification means that IBM testing teams have validated that AutoPilot M6 for WBI is seamlessly integrated with IBM''s Tivoli Service Management software and that the product is fully compatible and works with Tivoli. This level of software validation is designed to assure customers that a certified solution like AutoPilot M6 for WBI meets or exceeds IBM compatibility criteria and successfully integrates with the IBM Tivoli product. Certification provides IBM Tivoli customers with the increased confidence to make AutoPilot M6 for WBI a value added inclusion into their Tivoli management solution. Certification also makes AutoPilot M6 for WBI eligible for inclusion in the Open Process Automation Library (OPAL). OPAL is an online library that contains product extensions (automation packages, April 7, MELVILLE, the U.K., speeding problem resolution and providing unique proactive, as well as government agencies, a premier global provider of performance management solutions for complex enterprise applications, financial institutions, including AutoPilot M6 for WBI, manufacturing, and AutoPilot M6(TM) are wholly owned trademarks of Nastel Technologies, are today helping some of the world''s largest banks, Mexico, brokerages, including some of the world''s largest banks。
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