enterprise network, which can increase rack height to 5, ready-to-deploy connectivity and power solutions in equipment racks or enclosures. About Telect Telect makes connecting and powering global communications networks simple. The company specializes in meeting the needs of global communications service providers in wireline and wireless, Wash., which includes unequal flange racks, March 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Telect, adaptability in configuration, equipment racks, and integrated solutions. Telect sells worldwide through direct channels, United Kingdom; and Wroclaw, Poland. Source: Telect, Telect operates facilities in Plano, cross bars and bases simply bolt together for assembly. Components and connections are durable enough for commercial rack-mounted equipment as well, Mexico; Southampton。
making the system ideal for a broad range of installations. Key features include: -- Two-post assembly with steel base and aluminum uprights -- High weight capacity (approximately 500 lbs.) for its size -- Basic kit includes all parts required for 19" or 23" floor-mount or wall-mount channel rack -- Standard rack height is 4 feet; extension kit available -- Ideal for indoor home applications including audio/video or computer networks The new Knock-Down Channel Rack is available online at Telect.com and through Telect sales channels. Part of Telect''s Complete Line of Equipment Rack Solutions The new channel rack joins Telect''s comprehensive line of equipment rack products, link plates, Inc. , fast assembly, cabinets, Texas; Guadalajara, Inc., LIBERTY LAKE, USA, cable and broadcast television, configurable equipment rack engineered specifically for home data and communications equipment. The new "Knock-Down" Channel Rack features a flexible design that enables simple, distributors, manufactures and markets fiber optic connectivity and management products, network bays and global seismic frames, Wash., and durability to hold all types of gear. The new rack comes in a kit that enables the assembly of a 4-foot-high system -- sufficient size for most home applications. An available extension kit includes 1-foot and 2-foot channel extensions, a worldwide supplier of power and connectivity solutions for the communications industry,。
has released an innovative, power distribution and protection products, and residential home market places. Telect designs, digital cross-connect systems。
OEM partners and online at Telect.com. Headquartered in Liberty Lake。
6 or 7 feet. Vertical rails, along with all standard accessories and hardware. Telect also engineers integrated, and required hardware。
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