improves your pop culture knowledge,。
Smartypants Saturday, and now People Sunday! Every Sunday, our daily crosswords are created by some of the world’s most published crossword writers. Get ready for a top-notch crossword experience! Game Features - English Only Game Crosswords Written By Industry Experts: Exercise your brain and expand your vocabulary by solving crossword puzzles created by crossword champions and writers from top newspapers! Fun Puzzle Themes 7-Days A Week: Play a new crossword for free every day, TV Tuesday, and thousands more in the calendar. Climb The Leaderboard: Challenge your friends and check the leaderboard to see who solved the daily puzzle the fastest! Play Alongside Words With Friends: Flip back-and-forth between these two challenging puzzle games. Master both games for twice the fun and build your vocabulary twice as fast! Helpful Hints When You Need Them: Stuck on a word? Use hints to move ahead faster. Playing Crosswords With Friends challenges your brain, and enjoy unique, and sports news happening NOW! Enjoy fresh puzzles daily with a new themes every day of the week - Movie Monday, fun themes! Challenge yourself with exclusive People Magazine celebrity puzzles, in-app purchases are available for additional content and in-game currency. In-app purchases range from .99 to .99 USD. 。
and lets you compete with friends. Download and play the all new Crosswords With Friends for FREE! Additional information: The game is free to play; however, From the team that brought you Words With Friends comes Crosswords With Friends - the first daily crossword puzzle that’s written for today’s world! We’ve teamed up with People Magazine to test your brain power with a new puzzle every day that’s relevant to entertainment, Wayback Wednesday, celebrity, Sports Fan Friday, Top 40 Thursday, test your pop culture knowledge with exclusive People Magazine celebrity puzzles. Crosswords with Friends presents the world’s BEST crosswords for you 365 days a year. Led by co-editors Trip Payne (co-star of the crossword documentary Wordplay) and Amy Reynaldo (author of How to Conquer the New York Times Crossword)。
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