AUSTIN," said McConnell. "Luminant has demonstrated that it is committed to finding clean energy solutions to meet the energy needs of consumers here in Texas and in the marketplace." TXU Corp. joined the Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas in 2004. The company (now Energy Future Holdings, Dec. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas (CCTFT) applauded today''s announcement that Luminant has joined the FutureGen Alliance. The Alliance announced today that Luminant。
" said CCTFT Chairman Chuck McConnell. "We are thrilled that another influential energy leader from our Foundation membership has made this commitment." "We salute Luminant''s participation in the FutureGen Alliance, headed by Railroad Commission Chairman Michael L. Williams, had joined the multi-national 501-c3 tasked with building the world''s first zero emission power plant. Luminant says this action is another way to fulfill its obligations to provide cleaner, more efficient energy. "Bringing FutureGen to Texas has been a goal and aspiration of the Governor''s Clean Coal Technology Council, Texas Pacific Group and other investors. The CCTFT looks forward to continued participation with EFH for years to come. Luminant becomes the third CCTFT member to join the FutureGen Alliance. Other Foundation members who are also participating in the FutureGen Alliance include American Electric Power and Peabody Energy. The Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas is a not-for-profit association of energy companies working for improved air emissions in Texas through the use of clean coal technologies. For more information go to Contact: Donna McDonald 800-965-4689 Source: Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas 。
and the Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas since our inception in 2004, Texas, formerly TXU Corp., or EFH) reaffirmed its support for the Foundation during its acquisition by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.,。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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