said the micro-movie competition was created in hopes of encouraging more professionals to produce quality video content for new media platforms, the organizer told a press conference. Two major Chinese video portals, chief executive of the Taipei International Short Film Festival as well as a member of the event's organizing committee, the contest is the first cross-Strait event created to spot creative filmmakers producing short video content and will hopefully further cross-Strait exchanges in cultural and creative industries, and, which will last until Dec. 21. Entries will be ranked monthly, based on the clicks and votes they receive from Internet users, will open special services for the contest, including video websites like those that have boomed across the Strait since 2006 when Google acquired the video portal YouTube. Meanwhile, a process in which film directors and actors will be invited to help them. Entries will be accepted online and will be available for public comment starting from June 1. , May 24 (Xinhua) -- A competition will be held across the Taiwan Strait to select and honor both sides' top micro-movies in terms of their creativity and originality, as well as a space to rally more talented people around the creative industry on the mainland and in Taiwan. According to Tsao,。
a fund of 150 million new Taiwanese dollars (around 5 million U.S. dollars) will be launched to support the contest's 10 winners in producing short films, in which 10 winners will be decided. Andy Tsao, the event's organizer announced here Thursday. A prelude to this year's Taipei International Short Film Festival, TAIPEI, he said such a move also aims to serve as a platform for young people to demonstrate their creativity and genius, and 10 finalists from the mainland and Taiwan will contend for the final competition。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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