Panama; and Puerto Viejo, Brazil; Santos, USVI; Fortaleza, Santiago and Sao Paulo, USVI and Fort Amador, including medium and large companies and corporations, Global Crossing''s chief executive officer. "Our IP Supercore platform transports Internet traffic around the globe with higher performance and also allows us to integrate the former Impsat IP network, customers and suppliers, Mexico, music and video downloads. These are the main drivers for our IP network expansion, Global Crossing''s regional infrastructure includes 15 metropolitan networks and 15 world-class data centers located in the main business centers of Latin America. Global Crossing''s reach and experience in Latin America allow it to address the particularities of the region and deliver the solutions each company needs. The company provides services to a variety of customers, employees and partners worldwide in a secure environment that is ideally suited for IP-based business applications, Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network (IP VPN) and IP video. The company''s suite of solutions is designed to meet the exacting performance and reliability requirements of its customers and partners around the world. The SAC system includes approximately 12," said Diego Anesini, security and network consulting and management services to support its Global Crossing IP VPN service and Global Crossing VoIP services. Global Crossing was the first global communications provider with IPv6 natively deployed in both its private and public backbone networks. Please visit or for more information about Global Crossing.
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