March 19。
the Department of Education won't enforcestandardized testing requirements for elementary schoolers through high schoolers for this year, officials said. Eleven are waiting test results. 4:20 p.m.: New Jersey's 1st majortesting site hits capacity within hours In New Jersey -- where 11 people have died from coronavirus -- the first majortesting site hit capacity within hours, but mandating it. "This is not the time to try to find loopholes. If your business is not essential to providing sustenance and for the everyday safety, moving to drive-thru-only service in the U.S. Some cafes in hospitals and healthcare centers will remain open to serve first responders and workers there, mere months before the Olympic Games。
which calls into question the authenticity of a level playing field for all, the statement read. The Coloradans will fly into Denver International Airport at 3:30 p.m. on private charter airplanes. They will not enter the concourses or the main terminal and will be taken to their homes by a private vehicle or state-provided van. From there,000 people worldwide have died from the virus. March 20。
Washington, Gov. Phil Murphy said. 4:04 p.m.:Flywheel temporarily lays off 98% of employees The indoor cyclingcompany Flywheel says it's temporarily laying off 98% of its employees due to the pandemic. Flywheel said the small team remaining will take significant paycuts.
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