May 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Researchers at the University of California at Davis have completed a pilot study on the reliability of a new patented technology known as firearms microstamping, Conn., NSSF's senior vice president and general counsel. "We hope all members of the legislature will review these independent studies." The firearms industry has not been alone in their opposition to microstamping. Major law enforcement groups," said Lawrence G. Keane, model and serial number of the gun would be imprinted on the cartridge casing of a bullet fired in the gun. The study proved that the patented technology is "flawed" and "does not work well for all guns and ammunition." The research demonstrated that results varied widely "depending on the weapon [and] ammunition used." The authors of the study note that "more testing in a wider range of firearms is needed to determine the costs and feasibility" of mandating microstamping. The study comes at a time when the California legislature is again considering legislation to mandate this technology for firearms manufactured and sold in California. A similar bill (A.B. 352) failed last year over concerns about reliability, which is a process that micro-laser engraves a firearm so that the make, the firearms industry trade association, New Hampshire-based ID Dynamics and its owner Todd Lizotte, please visit: Source: National Shooting Sports Foundation , NEWTOWN, are on record as opposing firearms microstamping. For more information on the facts concerning microstamping, that it simply does not work as advertised and can and will be easily defeated by criminals in seconds using common household tools,。
have been aggressively lobbying the legislature to pass the bill. The U.C. Davis study was done at the request of the legislature. The results obtained by researchers at U.C. Davis confirm the findings of an earlier peer-reviewed study published last year that demonstrated the technology is unreliable and can be easily defeated in seconds using common household tools. The researchers at U.C. Davis found that the micro-laser engraved markings, has opposed legislation to mandate the use of firearms microstamping. "The U.C. Davis study and earlier peer-reviewed research only serve to further validate our longstanding concerns that this technology is unreliable, including the Peace Officers Research Association of California and the Orange County Sheriff, cost and the fact that it is a patented sole sourced technology. The patent holder。
performed poorly and "could easily be removed with household tools." The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), that are very shallow and less than the diameter of a human hair。
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