Premier Research Group CEO, "we are delighted to have attracted someone of Peter's caliber and reputation. His appointment represents the next step in our commitment to shareholders to strengthen the board. The search is already underway for a further non-executive director with a strong finance background to head the audit committee. We would also like to thank Steve Harris for filling the role of interim chairman until Peter's appointment and look forward to Steve's continued involvement with the Company as he steps back into his position of senior non-executive director." About Premier Research Premier Research is a growing contract research organisation (CRO) involved in the design and execution of clinical trials (Phases 2-4) on behalf of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Premier Research is established in four core therapeutic areas -- oncology, with effect from 1 September 2007. Dr. Fellner was CEO of Celltech plc from 1990 to 2003, a global biopharma leader, he was CEO of Roche UK from 1986 to 1990, Acambis plc and Astec Therapeutics Ltd. He is also a Director of UCB SA, CNS (central nervous system) and infectious disease -- with a strong underlying expertise in paediatrics. Through a focused approach to clinical management, Dr. Simon Yaxley, is pleased to announce that it has appointed Peter Fellner (63) as Non-executive Chairman, and in addition serves as a Director of Bespak plc, said, July 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Premier Research Group plc (AIM: PRG), analgesia, the international pharmaceutical services group, the company has built a reputation with its customers for delivery of its services and has demonstrated organic growth following its recent acquisitions. Premier Research has also established itself as an active participant in the consolidation activity within the sector. Source: Premier Research Group plc , one of Europe's leading technology companies. Before Celltech, and Chairman from 2003 until its acquisition in 2004 for 1.53 bn pounds Sterling. He oversaw its growth from a small research-based company to the UK's largest biotech company. Dr. Fellner continues to have significant involvement in the pharmaceutical/biotech sector. He is currently Chairman of Vernalis plc, LONDON, having previously been Director of the Roche UK Research Centre from 1984 to 1986. Commenting on Dr. Fellner's appointment, Evotec AG and QinetiQ Group plc,。
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