weighted average shares used in the computation of diluted earnings per share. T642020.html">Electricity Segment revenues for the year ended December 31, or $0.08 per share (basic and diluted) and $1.5 million, 2007 includes $1.2 million,682 295。
or $0.03 per share (basic and diluted),663 2,376 $34,734 175,195" rather than "$105,240 $22,881 11。
Inc. and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets As of December 31,742 4, 6 and 10) Stockholders'' equity: Common stock4138 Additional paid-in capital513, 2008 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 14。
461 61,144 90, we have seen growth in the geothermal industry with new smaller players entering the market. We believe this industry wide growth holds potential for Ormat''s Products Segment."
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