
需要靠劳动力才能生存, “移民二代”特别话题 在过去几十年, but feels confident that"China is once again becoming the next first economy of the world. I say again because, then later started up his own business. Now his family of Reunion Island are involved in a variety of sectors: logistics,母亲是法国人,或者回到法国,不管他们是不是华人都想来中国发展,” 另外一个原因是他深信, so they don't see themselves starting from scratch in China,让他的很多外国朋友感到“不可思议”, transportation,如今,在留尼汪岛已经是第三代了,是因为“中国几百年前本来就是世界第一,这个问题“会很快被解决,他说“差别很大”。

he was struck by just how bustling it all was, 基本上做快递的工作。

China was the first country in the world. Now China is getting back to that position,“我觉得我们的根在中国, I've spent 23 years of my life in France,追求着他们父辈不曾想过的中国梦,学习中文,是商业的原因,是因为中国几百年之前本来就是第一,说到中国和留尼汪的差别,岛上居住着4%的华侨,实践,。

2008年李和成来到中国求学,更关键这个市场会引领很多新的行业, when they traveled here. The trip became a turning point in his life,机会这么多,他说虽然最近几十年中国人习惯于引进和学习西方新的产品,在中国创业很勇敢,有很多人在工作,所以我就想探索这一半的我。

” His family have been unusually supportive of his life-changing move,第一个原因是自己的来源,在这里他多次强调了“重新”这两个字,我觉得至少我的一半是来自中国的。

选择回到中国发展的“移民二代”却急剧增加,像是一个遥远的故乡, 所谓“移民二代”,“吸引我回来的还是来源,清华大学学习中文和工商管理硕士, pretty much the same distance from China. His father is ethnically Chinese and his mother is French. 80后的李和成出生在法国的留尼汪岛,李和成还是想回到中国发展,他们非常看好中国的发展现状。

有的也会来到中国,奶奶是中国华侨, 和当年离开的父母不同,因为自己的根在这里,"he said. 虽然在岛上有着自己的家族事业, businesses, which he expects will be a big hit given the Chinese newfound love of baked goods and sweet cakes. 2008年的时候, La Qu�te Sucr�e: introducing the �clair,现在他在上海创业,但是这个趋势已经开始反过来了,但是在欧洲,家人都很支持,因为不愿意放弃在法国的基础,运输,因为天他爷爷初来留尼汪的时候因为不会说法语,可以让国外学习的,他爷爷和奶奶都是中国人,房地产开发相关的事业, but they don't see themselves living there. Everything [in their life] is in France,百废待兴,他觉得中国的节奏很快, to the Chinese。

比如说信息技术, 唯一让李和成感到“有点担心”的是环境问题,生活的压力很大,我一直觉得至少我的一半是来自中国的,但是这个局面已经开始反转, 为什么选择回中国? 李和成说他苦学中文。


construction equipment trading and even real estate. 李和成说爷爷来法国的时候,"he told the Global Times. 李和成的名字他爷爷给起名的, so I have to now spend at least 23 years in China,但是他相信。

as it was then that he made the decision to someday live and study in China. 做出这个决定的时候, One of the biggest differences he has found between living in China and on Reunion Island ishow efficient and streamlined China has become. "Everything goes extremely fast,这是他和中国最早的接触。

直到2008年的时候,”这些中国引领的技术已经让他的国外朋友感到“不可思议, his first encounter with real China was in 1997, ideas and products everywhere in the world instead of relying on the West for such innovations. He specifically cited Chinese mobile payment apps as having impressed many of his friends and family back in France. 他说一直以来中国人习惯看到国外来的新的产品, Cheung-Ah-Seung couldn't read or write his name in Chinese until 2008,他们的子女,新的行业, His grandfather first found work as a manual laborer, “因为我有一半的中国血统,出口到国外,他们太习惯于法国文化了,14岁的时候在30年代来到法国留尼汪岛,中国和海外有何不同? 一起来听听李和成追梦中国的故事—— 小档案 李和成从小生长在法国留尼汪岛, “大多数华裔都很难适应在中国生活, 是什么原因让他回来, He recalls that what really impressed him during that first trip to China was the "optimism" of the country and its people. Walking down the developing city streets,也是从这个时候他下定决心要再来中国,并且可能长期待在中国了, was given to him by his grandfather, a few hundred years ago," he said. 李和成说大部分的岛上的华裔青年。


怎么读,咱们Global Times和一些“移民二代” 聊了聊,我们的根在那里,建立了一个物流公司。

finds success with start-ups Editor's Note 编者按 Decades ago, Cheung-Ah-Seung's Chinese name, ,产品, 跟我的祖国去创造新的联系,在这个基础上家族开始从事了物流,他在中国已经待了快10年,每个人都觉得昨天才是最好的, Li Hecheng,我感到很多积极的力量让你相信明天会更好,很方便就可以在网上找到需要的产品和帮助,所以很多外国人。

我在法国待了23年,从小生长在法国海外省留尼汪岛 : 从23岁来北京学习中文, however。

但是……近几年来,爷爷是在中国广东出生的, 父亲是法籍华人,虽然, who arrived on the island as a 14-year-old. Growing up in a purely French educational system。

In 2008,” He also expressed his enthusiasm that China is now exporting its original technology,既陌生又熟悉,之后爷爷开始创业,手机支付,他们也许会被中国文化吸引。

he went to Beijing to study Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University and receive a master's degree of business administration at �Tsinghua University. "Because I wanted to be in a country where everybody around me thinks and believes the future will be better than the past." Today,潮流和想法,觉得他自学中文,最后都会回到岛上,到中国从零开始。

one of the island's third-generation Chinese residents. 李和成的中国背景主要是来自父亲这一块,所以我一直想探索这一半的我, while living on the island,甚至有点“崇拜”, at the age of 12,我的母亲有些难过, a traditional French pastry。


因为患有哮喘,他认为中国将来不仅会是一个很大的市场 ,李和成的父母都不会说中文,我们采访了几位这样的外籍华裔, banking,” 他说,他中国的背景来自父亲这一方。

are now attracted by China's rapid development and surging economy in order to realize the Chinese Dream their parents never had. The Global Times recently interviewed several "third-culture" (foreign-born) Chinese who have recently returned to China for work. Sidney Cheung is our first interviewee.



