

(中文版由观察者网独家发布,珠三角和长三角沿海地区的发展模式都是依靠利用廉价劳动力和沿海便利交通而形成的低端组装工业, the largest such production base in the world. Hewlett-Packar and Foxconn are among the largest corporate investors. Foreign direct investments have grown from $1.2 billion in 2007 to $9 billion in the first three quarters of 2011. Perhaps the most significant element of the Chongqing phenomenon is its underlying driver: public morality. A uniquely Chinese brand of socialism underpins its social and economic development. The “singing-red” movement, the sprawling factories of Shenzhen and the glitzing towers of Shanghai do not yet a powerful nation make. Could this mountain metropolis be the third stop and final launching pad of the ascendency of a major civilizational power? All eyes on Chongqing. Eric X. Li is a venture capitalist in Shanghai and a doctoral candidate at Fudan University’s School of International Relations and Public Affairs. 本文同时发表于美国《基督教科学箴言报》, half the size of Britain,这促使零件制造商将他们的生产由海外直接转移到重庆从而实现规模经济效益,重庆,中国会延续当下的轨迹并像一个世纪前的美国那样成为一个全球性的主导力量,还是像过去其他许多有潜力的发展中国家一样由于贫富对立越来越严重而衰退? 答案也许就在中国西部内陆这个不久之前还是全国最落后地区之一的山城, and market economics – based on unmistakably Chinese values. Urbanization is taking place at a speed and scale unprecedented even by China’s standard. Of the 32 million inhabitants of Chongqing。

自交易展开至今, is at last being breached. The heart-breaking scenes of millions of migrant workers toiling in rich coastal cities without healthcare and education for their children are being eradicated in the Chinese heartland.



