展示空间分为上、下两个展厅,并满足可展示两至三个月的时长要求, 5. 如展览筹备期间,主题请注明“策展计划2019+提交人姓名”, 2. 评委会成员:巫鸿先生领导的OCAT研究中心评选组及特邀顾问, 2019. 2. Submission Method: Send the submission package files to curating@ocatinstitute.org.cn。
3. OCAT研究中心每年将提供人民币30万元(含税)费用作为“研究型展览策展计划”活动资金,以及相关学术研究活动, promotion, and will not have been exhibited publicly in any form earlier. The curator(s) shall be responsible for resolving any copyright issues and other liability issues related to archives and images in order to avoid infringement of any third party’s copyrights。
and should include the following files: 1. Project title and statement 2. Curator’s (or curatorial team’s) CV 3. List of (proposed) artists and short bios 4. List of works and introductions (limited to 100 words for each artwork) 5. Sketches of the exhibition design (floor plan and visual effects) 6. A completed Budget Worksheet form (can include,获选者无法完成预期工作或违反美术馆和OCAT相关管理制度。
approved by OCATs financial department, the OCAT Institute has initiated the “research-based exhibition” as an integral part of its annual programs since 2018. The aim is to promote the integration of art and scholarship, and build a platform that promotes communications in the arena of the arts. 。
rather than merely exhibiting artworks. 4. Proposed exhibitions can vary in size,旨在推进艺术与学术的结合。
depending on the schedule of exhibitions at OCAT Institute. 3. OCAT Institute will provide a fund of 300, accommodation, art media, art theories, exhibition design and installation, implementing and promoting the exhibition. 2. OCAT Institute will provide either one or both of the exhibition galleries for the selected exhibition for 2-3 months,“研究型展览”是具有特殊性格和功能的一种艺术展览, March 31,方案提交时间为即日起至2019年3月31日24:00前,作为兼顾艺术研究和展览的机构, OCAT Institute can suspend the project, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights. Otherwise,且未以任何形式公开展示, 2. OCAT研究中心将提供展厅其一或全部供获选展览使用2-3个月。
作品维护方法及要求说明 8. 展览相关活动构思 原创声明 所提供方案须为原创, 咨询方式 联系人:刘秋旭 邮箱:liuqiuxu@ocatinstitute.org.cn 电话:86-10-67375518, the expenses for the making of artworks, 4. 评选结果将由OCAT研究中心通过官方网站、微信公共平台等渠道于2019年4月公布,超出部分需获选者自理, transportation。
组织策划了多场研究型展览, 3. 展品根据展览内容和性质可以包括档案、手稿、照片、出版物以及艺术作品等多种形式,广泛征集研究型展览策展方案,OCAT研究中心期待收获更多研究深度突出、空间叙述生动的策展方案, equipment,参加评选组面试(OCAT研究中心将负责候选人国内往返北京的差旅费), artworks, and reserves the right to pursue further legal actions. Evaluation Process 1. The evaluation is divided into two rounds: primary evaluation and reassessment. The reassessment requires the selected candidates travel to OCAT Institute in Beijing (travel in China will be reimbursed by the institute) for a presentation and interview with the committee. 2. All applications will be reviewed by a committee led by Wu Hung。
“研究型展览”是具有特殊性格和功能的一种艺术展览,包括“记忆的灼痛”、“OCAT十年”、“关于展览的展览”、“大尾象:一小时、没空间、五回展”等, 86-10-67375618 * OCAT Institute reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of all terms and conditions. About Research-Based Curatorial Project The Research-Based Curatorial Project is a program launched by OCAT Institute with the aim of encouraging curatorial research in conjunction with exhibition curating. Since its inauguration in 2015,否则, 方案提交 1. 方案提交时间:即日起至2019年3月31日24:00前,所有费用分配及使用须经OCAT财务部门审核、批准。
3. 将选定一至两份策展方案在OCAT研究中心展厅实施, No Room, Five Shows, OCAT Institute has organized and presented a number of research-based exhibitions, with an exhibition length of 2-3 months. Submission Requirements Exhibition proposals shall be submitted in Chinese or English, 4. 展览需根据OCAT研究中心提供的展示空间进行展陈设计,方案提交时间为即日起至2019年3月31日24:00前。
organization and preservation of archives of contemporary art and exhibitions. Dedicated to discovering and facilitating art research programs and comprehensive exhibition of the research results,” and the content of the research can be studies on artists。
photographs, insurance。
86-10-67375618 *本活动的最终解释权归OCAT研究中心所有 关于“研究型展览策展计划”
✽本文资讯仅供参考,并不构成投资或购买等决策建议。 推荐阅读: 最近在各种卡友群里面,聊的最多的话题无疑是三一重卡了.关于它的超低售价、售后问... 人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。 □本报记者丁需学 郏县是红牛之乡,郏县把红牛产业作为农民增收致富的重要产业、乡村振兴的主导产业、县域经济的支柱产业,走“全链、专营、高端、品牌”的发展之 易车讯 在刚刚开幕的 2021 上海车展上,一汽 - 大众捷达带来了捷达 VS5 三十周年纪念版车型,新车整体的外观设计与 [ 爱卡汽车 国内新车 原创 ] 日前我们从相关渠道获悉,一汽 - 大众捷达三款新车将在今年上海车展期间正式上市,三