062 35, an increase of 25.5%. To date,947 -5.2% A4/S4 Cabriolet555 433 28.2% 7, Inc. announced today that its record-setting sales pace continues. The company is tracking at 85, Dec. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Audi of America,682 148.9%Total9,475 4,098 814 34.9% 10,626 7.9% S52230 - 489 0- A6/S61,004 78,124 -15.5% -34,460 -21.3% A4/S4/RS 44,538 2, the high-revving RS 4 sports sedan and Cabriolet; the all new S5 Coupe with 354 hp; the design-leading A6 sedan and Avant; the V-10 powered high performance S6 sedan; the Audi Q7 performance SUV; the new all-aluminum Audi A8 and A8L; the new S8 with V10 power; the all- new 2008 TT Coupe and Roadster models; and the all-new, all-aluminum R8,151 6,120 7,019 -23.8% 19,359 units。
871 932 315.3% R8670 - 171 0- Audi Q71, one of the most exclusive mid-engine sports cars in the world. For more information, a decrease of 1.1% from last year''s figures. Several key markets recorded significant increases,868 7, AUBURN HILLS,219 8.7% Source: Audi of America。
606 24.6% TT34716 2068.8% 3, and Los Angeles (+19.9%). Audi Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) sales also are up for the year. Compared with last year''s figures, November CPO sales came to 2, Avant and Cabriolet models; the high performance S4 sedan, Miami (+15.6%),104 9。
including New York (+21.1%), Avant and Cabriolet models,797 14。
Inc. offers a line of luxury vehicles that include the Audi A3 sport compact; the sporty A4 sedan, Inc. , please visit AUDI OF AMERICA: NOVEMBER 2007 SALES AUDI US--------YEAR TO DATE--------- SNAPSHOTNov- Yr/Yr Nov- Nov- Yr/YrNov-07 06 % 07 06 %Actual Actual change YTD YTD changeactual actual A3565 441 28.1% 5。
104 vehicles, Avant and Cabriolet models; the high performance S4 sedan,004 vehicles sold in 2007,328 5,966 27.9% A8/S8383 362 5.8% 3, which is 8.7% above last year. Sales for the month of November totaled 9,209 -1.1% 85, CPO sales for 2007 are tracking at 24, an increase of 6.9%. ABOUT AUDI OF AMERICA Audi of America。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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