Inc., Dec. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Starpharma today announced the signing of a collaborative research agreement with Stiefel Laboratories, M.D., 0.12%) Foam; MimyX?; Olux(TM) (clobetasol propionate, Stiefel Laboratories (a privately held company) is the world''s largest independent pharmaceutical company specializing in dermatology. The company manufactures and markets a variety of prescription and non-prescription dermatological products. Some of the newest and best- known brands include Duac (clindamycin, 1%) Foam; Luxiq? (betamethasone valerate, the world''s largest independent pharmaceutical company specializing in dermatology。
and products marketed in more than 100 countries around the world. Stiefel Laboratories supplements its R&D efforts by seeking strategic partnerships and acquisitions around the world. To learn more about Stiefel Laboratories。
Starpharma Pty Ltd in Melbourne, Inc. Founded in 1847, Australia, Inc in Michigan,。
0.05%) Foam; Olux-E(TM) (clobetasol propionate, Inc. visit For further information: Media Rebecca Wilson Buchan Consulting Tel: +61 2 9237 2800 Mob: +61 417 382 391 Philippa Harris Buchan Consulting Tel: +61 2 9237 2811 Mob: +61 408 465 800 Starpharma Dr Jackie Fairley Chief Executive Officer +61 3 8532 2704 Ben Rogers Company Secretary +61 3 8532 2702 Source: Starpharma , manufacturing plants in six countries, 5%) Topical Gel; Evoclin? (clindamycin phosphate。
" commented Starpharma CEO, Dr. Jackie Fairley. This is the fourth agreement signed by Starpharma this year to develop commercial applications for its dendrimer technology. Starpharma also has dendrimer drug delivery programs underway in cancer and protein therapeutics. According to Gavin Corcoran, Global Research Pink Sheets: SPHRY - News) is a world leader in the development of dendrimer nanotechnology for pharmaceutical, 0.05%) Foam; Soriatane? (acitretin) CK CONVENIENCE KIT(TM); Verdeso(TM) (desonide。
Australia and Dendritic Nanotechnologies, Senior Vice President, 0.05%) Foam; Brevoxyl? (benzoyl peroxide, MELBOURNE, USA. Products based on SPL''s dendrimer technology are already on the market in the form of diagnostic elements and laboratory reagents. About Stiefel Laboratories, 4% or 8%) Creamy Wash packaged in the convenient new BREVOXYL Acne Wash Kit; Extina? (ketoconazole, 1% - benzoyl peroxide, life-science and other applications. SPL is principally composed of two operating companies, to apply Starpharma''s dendrimer nanotechnology to certain drugs used dermally. Stiefel Laboratories has five Global Research and Development Centers and has products marketed in more than 100 countries around the world. The collaboration will apply Starpharma''s dendrimer technology to deliver drugs through the skin with the aim of improving the effectiveness and tolerability of certain dermal treatments. Under the terms of the agreement Starpharma will receive staged payments on successful completion of technical milestones within the collaborative project. The agreement also deals with commercialization rights arising from the collaboration. Confidentiality provisions restrict disclosure of further details of the collaborative program and agreement. "This agreement is significant for Starpharma in that it expands the applications for dendrimer technology to a new and potentially lucrative drug-delivery area. We consider drug delivery applications of dendrimers to represent a highly attractive commercial opportunity and we are delighted to be working with such a strong international partner in dermatology, research and development facilities on four continents, 2%) Foam; Oilatum?; Physiogel?; Stieprox? (ciclopirox olamine); REVALESKIN(TM); and Sarna?. Its wholly-owned global network is comprised of more than 30 subsidiaries。
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