adding that they understand the value of creating and keeping the brand promise. Mr. Mukhtyar also says that an efficient distribution network is a must to deliver a satisfied customer. The short-listed companies for the Frost market share and growth in market share; leadership in product innovation; marketing strategy and business development strategy. Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade), has been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies for more than 40 years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth consulting, Malaysia, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) and Singapore Precision Engineering Sullivan congratulates all the outstanding recipients of the Frost Sullivan 2007 ASEAN Automotive Awards CategoryAward Recipient BEST MODEL 1. Best Model of the Year (Indonesia)PT Toyota Astra Motor for Toyota Avanza 2. Best Model of the Year (Malaysia)Perodua for Perodua Myvi 3. Best Model of the Year Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd for (Singapore)Toyota Corolla Altis 4. Best Model of the Year Honda Automobile Thailand Co Ltd (Thailand)for Honda Civic SAFETY SYSTEMS 5. Best Safety Features in UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd for Mid-Car Segment (Malaysia) Toyota Corolla Altis 1.8 G (A) 6. Best Safety Features in Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd for Mid-Car Segment (Singapore) Toyota Corolla Altis 1.6 Sedan VVT-I (A) 7. Best Safety Features in Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co Ltd Pick-Up Segment (Thailand) for Mazda BT 50 Freestyle Cab 4 x2 2.5 Com V High COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 8. Market Leadership for Commercial Vehicles (Indonesia)PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors 9. Market Leadership for Commercial Vehicles (Malaysia)Automotive Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd 10. Market Leadership for Commercial Vehicles (Thailand)Toyota Motor Thailand Co Ltd AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENT 11. Automotive Component Manufacturer of the Year (Indonesia)PT Astra Otoparts 12. Automotive Component Manufacturer of the Year (Malaysia)Ingress Corporation Bhd 13. Automotive Component Manufacturer of the Year (Singapore)Armstrong Industrial Corp Ltd 14. Automotive Component Manufacturer of the Year (Thailand)Somboon Advance Technology Public Co Ltd AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTION 15. Automotive Distributor of the Year (Indonesia)PT Toyota Astra Motor 16. Automotive Distributor of the Year (Malaysia)Naza Kia Sdn Bhd 17. Automotive Distributor of the Year (Thailand)Tri Petch Isuzu Sales Co Ltd AUTOMOTIVE FINANCE 18. Automotive Finance Company of the Year (Indonesia)Astra Credit Companies 19. Automotive Finance Company of the Year (Malaysia)Public Bank Bhd 20. Automotive Finance Company of the Year (Thailand)Thanachart Bank Public Co Ltd NAVIGATION SYSTEMS 21. Business Development Strategy for Navigation Market (Malaysia)Automotive Synergy Sdn Bhd 22. Business Development Strategy for Navigation (Singapore)Elecom Marketing Pte Ltd 23. Business Development Strategy for Navigation (Thailand)ESRI (Thailand) Co Ltd ASEAN 24. Automotive Company of the Year (ASEAN)Toyota About Frost Sullivan, growth partnership services and corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities. Frost Sullivan Phone: +603 6204 5899 Email: Source: Frost & Sullivan , KUALA LUMPUR," he observes," he says. "Successful automotive companies nurture and proactively manage a distinct portfolio of brands targeting customers at various price points, Malaysia. Frost Transportation Practice。
Asia Pacific at Frost Sullivan 2007 ASEAN Automotive Awards were identified based on an in-depth research conducted by Frost Sullivan 2007 ASEAN Automotive Awards clearly demonstrated outstanding leadership in their own market segments. A common factor among these companies was an unwavering focus on a 'customer centric growth strategy' in an extremely challenging environment in 2006, a global growth consulting company, July 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost Industry,。
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