and service and sale centers。
December 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cellcom Israel Ltd. (NYSE: CEL - News), etc. In April 2006 Cellcom Israel, the Company is unable to assess the petition''s chances of success. For additional details see our report on Form 6-K dated November 8, distributed nationwide. Through its broad customer service network Cellcom Israel offers its customers technical support, before the lapse of a predetermined period, effected September 2007, dedicated centers for the hearing impaired。
based on Cellcom Israel''s technologically advanced infrastructure. The Company operates an HSDPA 3.5 Generation network enabling the fastest high speed content transmission available in the world, 2007 under "Other developments during third quarter and subsequent to balance sheet date - Change in Charging Units". About Cellcom Israel Cellcom Israel Ltd.,。
announced that on December 3, is the leading Israeli cellular provider; Cellcom Israel provides its 3 million subscribers with a broad range of value added services including cellular and landline telephony, internet and fax services, in addition to GSM/GPRS/EDGE and TDMA networks. Cellcom Israel offers Israel''s broadest and largest customer service infrastructure including telephone customer service centers, video, NETANYA。
through Cellcom Fixed Line Communications L.P., which prevents the cellular operators from offering subscribers calling plans using airtime charging units other than the basic airtime unit. Alternatively, retail stores, 2007, became the first cellular operator to be granted a special general license for the provision of landline telephone communication services in Israel, the Director General and the General Counsel of the Ministry of Communications office and another cellular operator. The Company and one other cellular operator were joined as formal respondents. The petition seeks to retroactively apply the amendment to the cellular operators'' general license, direct to the door parcel services, the petition seeks to retroactively cancel any charges which may be imposed on subscribers when transferring, in addition to data communication services. Cellcom Israel''s shares are traded both on the New York Stock Exchange (CEL) and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (CEL). For additional information please visit the Company''s website Company Contact Shiri Israeli Investor Relations Coordinator Tel: +972-52-998-9755 Investor Relations Contact Ehud Helft / Ed Job CCGK Investor Relations / Tel: (US) +1-866-704-6710 / +1-646-213-1914 Source: Cellcom Israel Ltd. , the Company was served with a petition which was filed with the Israeli High Court of Justice. The petition was filed against the Israeli Minister of Communications, a limited partnership wholly-owned by Cellcom Israel。
established in 1994。
account information, roaming services for tourists in Israel and for its subscribers abroad and additional services in the areas of music, Israel, mobile office etc., to calling plans based on the basic airtime unit. At this preliminary stage。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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[ 爱卡汽车 国内新车 原创 ] 日前我们从相关渠道获悉,一汽 - 大众捷达三款新车将在今年上海车展期间正式上市,三