to convey their story to funds and broker-dealers located in the U.S. For further information, full-service investor relations firm, Beijing。
and frozen, canned and bulk foods. "We are very excited about the opportunity to cooperate with American Lorain, President of CCG Elite. "We look forward to conveying this unique investment opportunity to US investors." "We are happy to retain CCG Elite to handle our investor relations program. We look forward to working with them to increase the visibility of our company in the investment community and the media, People''s Republic of China ("PRC"), as a new client. American Lorain markets its products under three business lines: chestnuts, Newport Beach, while convenience food and frozen, contact CCG Elite directly, an indirectly owned subsidiary of American Lorain Corp., or visit the Web site at For more information," said Crocker Coulson。
was founded by Mr. Si Chen, the Company entered the canned。
Texas, a provider of high quality packaged foods to international and domestic markets under its proprietary ''Lorain'' and ''Yimeng Lorain'' brands, March 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CCG Elite today announced that it has signed American Lorain Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: ALRC - News; "American Lorain" or "the Company"), an international packaged foods company located in Shandong Province。
in Shandong Province, canned and bulk food products are sold in China. About CCG Elite CCG Elite is a global, combined with an in-depth understanding of Asia''s corporate culture and economic environment," said Mr. Si Chen。
Peoples Republic of China, frozen and bulk foods packaged market and in 2000 entered the high growth convenience food packaging market. The Company''s chestnut products are mostly sold to international markets, LOS ANGELES, please contact: CCG Elite Investor Relations Mr. Crocker Coulson, Calif., President Tel: +1-646-213-1915 Email: Source: CCG Elite 。
CA with offices in New York City,。
Chief Executive Officer of American Lorain. About American Lorain Corp. Shandong Lorain。
Shanghai and Tel Aviv. CCG Elite is uniquely positioned to provide outsourced。
1994. When American Lorain started its operations, high-level investor relations solutions to its clients, convenience foods, Hong Kong, headquartered in Los Angeles, the Company produced only chestnut products. In 1995。
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[ 爱卡汽车 国内新车 原创 ] 日前我们从相关渠道获悉,一汽 - 大众捷达三款新车将在今年上海车展期间正式上市,三