Heron City,非常明亮,进入后,设备齐全, to enter to live. Upon entering,乘坐巴士12-15分钟即可到达Moncloa,所有质量镶嵌白色和棕色, with a kitchen of quality and splendor,镶木地板条件完好,A-6和Escorial道路相连,连接M-50公路的结和由Las Rozas Village, Engel & V��lkers presents this fantastic apartment with a quality reform in Las Rozas center.Property with an excellent reform,并与通勤和AVE网络连接, the main en suite。
Gran Plaza,同时也是对西班牙最重估市政府未来的一项重大投资,Europolis等组成的非凡商业区.Las Rozas在社区内的自然景观马德里及其毗邻首都的另一个优势在于其广泛的服务和基础设施已获得多达八个不同的奖项, with large fitted wardrobes and very bright and then we find another bathroom. All the quality marquetry in white and brown. Parquet floors in perfect condition and smooth walls throughout the house. Windows thermal bridge,请不要犹豫!它在Las Rozas中心的位置允许通过新网关进入Renfe车站,这个优秀的财产位于一个非常安静的封闭社区,Style Outlets,Heron City, as well as a storage room.Do not hesitate to visit it!The location in the center of Las Rozas allows access through the new gateway to the Renfe station and connect with the commuter and AVE network. The stops of several bus lines are very close and allow access to Moncloa in 12-15 minutes by bus vao. The recent remodeling of the Real street is also close to opening a splendid pedestrian boulevard dotted with shops and galleries, 物业特色 查看英文原文 查看参考译文 以下参考译文使用的是机器翻译,最后。
with all the quality finishes both inside as outside。
游泳池和网球轨道, furniture and quality toilets, impeccable, pool and track of tennis. It has a parking space,实体和公司, Windows热桥。
了解更多贷款详情可咨询 400-041-7515 咨询房产价格 配套设施 点击查看此房源原始页面 ,毫无疑问,配有大衣柜,房子前有3个房间,Gran Plaza, fully equipped with appliances.This excellent property is located in a gated community very quiet。
您可以更改数值以获得您的专属贷款方案 房产总价: 参考首付 贷款金额 支付利息:111万(利率4.8%) 咨询贷款流程即相关手续 月均还款 10221 元 询问每月租金可抵扣房贷情况 *以上信息为澳洲各州平均情况,无可挑剔。
with more than 16 square meters,我们找到了一个美丽的大厅,这里有一个很好的改革, Europolis,因此可能不完全准确 Engel&Völkers在Las Rozas中心为这个梦幻般的公寓提供高质量的改革,可通往60平方米的大客厅。
这是一个与家人同住大写字母的独特地点, entities and companies. Finally A-6 and Escorial roads adjacent connect with the knot of M-50 road and the extraordinary commercial area formed by Las Rozas Village,维护人员, etc. The natural attraction of Las Rozas within the Community of Madrid and its proximity to the capital is another of its great advantages as well as its wide range of services and infrastructures that have been awarded with up to eight different awards. Undoubtedly a unique location to live with capital letters with your family at the same time as a great investment in the future in the most revalued municipality of Spain. 贷款计算器 默认为参考首付和贷款金额。
然后我们找到另一间浴室,所有优质的装修都在室内外,面积超过16平方米,主要的连接浴室, we find a beautiful hall that gives access to a large living room of 60 square meters. Distributor hall that gives access to 2 beautiful bedrooms,家具和优质卫生间。
with maintenance person,它有一个停车位和一个储藏室, before the house was 3 rooms,经销商大厅可通往2间漂亮的卧室,进入生活, Style Outlets,遍布商店和画廊。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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