从头到尾整个节奏都非常舒服,两个人的声音辨识度都很高,让人会不由自主跟着慢慢晃,歌曲本身也很随性、自由,十分抓耳动听,与吴亦凡低沉浑厚的磁性声线浑然一体,节奏感很强,感觉和《Deserve》有异曲同工之妙,一时之间竟不知道哪一首更好,美国说唱歌手Rich The Kid参与Feature, 《Coupe》鼓点、重低音让人感觉很舒服非常享受,用独特的flow为歌曲更添抑扬顿挫之感, 歌曲以hook做开头,还在hip hop/rap分榜上了第二,凡哥和Rich The Kid抓耳的低音交错搭配非常完美,Hook部分转换两种唱腔,上榜时间很长,稍显慵懒的曲调和极强的律动感, 吴亦凡Coupe歌词 Coupe (feat. Rich The Kid) - 吴亦凡 (Kris Wu)/Rich The Kid Written by:Kris Wu/Bryan Nelson/Akil King/Dimitri Roger I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth You know Imma speak truth I can prove it Getting to it but don"t chase yeh Getting money like brinks yeh I don"t know what y"all think yeh Money falling like rain yeh Flooded out the new face yeh Pulling up in that wraith yeh Car ain"t got no plates yeh I got that fast car NASCAR It ain"t got no top no Blast off Mask off Engine hitting high notes Pull up Gas up Hold up In the night we come alive yeh Doors is suicide yeh Drip a make ya blind yeh Drip a make ya blind yeh The summers on fire They hear me like the choppers The numbers never lie I"m really worldwide yeh Leave em all behind Vroom I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth Overtime working harder Stack the money grind smarter Might keep the bit if she gorgeous Might cop the Rari got a Porsche ***** Imma get more cash lately The money in love wit you baby Pop a pill now I"m faded Now that I"m rich they intimidated Michael Mary on the jeans I been flexing on the scene Ok add her to the team Working hard all my diamonds clean Big boss CEO **** her one time and its time to go Ghost driver tell him drive slow Riding around wit extend On me cash in ***** I"m the goat Went broke as a joke Them Racks in Pinky rings thats a 30 Riding round whole birdie Big ***** she a ****** Bought the coupe for 230 I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth I chop the top off the coupe I"m tryna speed to you We got a penthouse suite We got a crazy view I"m working harder than you Ain"t gon lie that"s true I"m working harder than you You know I speak the truth 3 I got that fast car NASCAR It ain"t got no top no Blast off Mask off Engine hitting high notes Pull up Gas up Hold up 吴亦凡Coupe歌词什么意思 这是一首节奏感鲜明的旋律说唱歌曲。
《Coupe》以hook开头节奏明亮轻快,小宝儿慵懒的低音炮和Rich The Kid典型的黑人嗓音搭配得和谐融洽,上来就很抓耳,并被收入了Spotify的Hot Rhythmic和BeatsRhymes两大歌单中, ,强而有力的节拍,仿佛能冲破生活中的一切桎梏, 吴亦凡新歌《Coupe》不仅进了Best of the week榜单。
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