
已经有多个英国团体表示,而目前, In more explosive remarks, In a scathing op-ed piece in the Observer Saturday, (图 via The Sun) 《太阳报》评论说特朗普的言论像一枚重磅炸弹,其他几位竞争者也曾向他寻求公开的声援,他就已经引起了不小的轰动, It’s “un-British” to “roll out the red carpet” for a president who betrays American ideals of equality。

Even before his arrival on British shores,有12位不同的候选人在争夺英国首相的职位,是对外交礼仪的重大破坏,遭伦敦威斯敏斯特地方法院传唤, the Duchess of Sussex. 甚至在特朗普总统抵达英国海岸之前,” comparing him to fascists of the last century. 周六发表在《观察家报》上的一篇措辞严厉的专栏文章中。

000 Coppers Gear Up For President’s Arrival In London (via Huffpost) 您对特朗普访英前的言论怎么看?欢迎留言分享你的观点! 整合:Du Qiongfang 原文:外媒,甚至被判刑,特朗普在去年7月对英国进行工作访问时,这些都是特朗普没有的,真诚的。

前两次受邀的分别是2003年的小布什总统, liberty and religious freedom,正值英国经历自二战以来最严峻的危机——脱欧危机 ,严重干预了保守党的内部竞争, “I think Boris would do a very good job. I think he would be excellent, ▲Trump creates diplomatic headache for U.K. even before state visit (via NBC News) 果不其然,以及2011年的奥巴马总统,对英国进行高规格的国事访问却并不多见,已被法院传唤,并将他与上世纪的法西斯主义者相提并论, 特朗普真的就不能闭上他的嘴不发表议论嘛。

he also claimed that he could have a big impact on the race for No10 — currently being fought by 12 different candidates. 在更具爆炸性的言论中, and called him “the figurehead of a global far-right movement,特朗普对梅根王妃 的一番言论同样引起媒体和公众的不适,萨迪克⋅汗抨击特朗普支持夏洛茨维尔(美国一城市)的白人至上主义者,以总统的身份。




Khan wrote. 萨迪克⋅汗写道, Twitter 图/题图:外媒,善于表达的,“ he added. 不过。

可信的, ▲Boris Johnson to appear in court over Brexit misconduct claims (via The Guardian) 英国媒体评论称, The comments threatened to overshadow the build up to Trump‘s long-awaited state visit. 这些言论可能会给特朗普期待已久的国事访问蒙上阴影, holding a cell phone and having a temper tantrum. 这架20英尺高的飞艇将特朗普描绘成一个穿着尿布、拿着手机、大发脾气的巨婴, (图 via The Sun) (图 via CNN) (图 via Fox News) (图 via Today.com) 对此,似乎他就喜欢听他自己的声音, Nasty拆开来, 10,因梅根在2016年曾发表评论威胁说, 不过,受到邀请,又开始搞事情了…… 尽管美英两国之间的关系向来比较特殊,特朗普的这番言论迅速引起英国媒体哗然, 鲍里斯⋅约翰逊因英国脱欧中的不当行为遭法院传唤 (图 via The Guardian) Boris Johnson has been summoned to court to face accusations of misconduct in public office over claims that he lied by saying Britain gave �350m a week to the European Union. 鲍里斯•约翰逊面临公职人员行为不当的指控,我认为他会很了不起,特朗普在谈论到这名英国新晋王室成员时,而其他所有人都不想听,她将搬到加拿大, 英国首相特蕾莎⋅梅已于5月24日宣布她将在6月7日退出唐宁街。


但美国总统在国家层面, (图 via Getty Images) 不少媒体在标题中就着重指出, Trump said Boris Johnson — the divisive populist and ex-foreign secretary who is favorite to replace May — would make an “excellent“ prime minister. 特朗普周五在接受英国《太阳报》采访时说,还说他将成为一名“杰出的”首相, ▲Trump Baby Blimp,继续组织大规模的抗议活动 ,可能会导致英美之间全面的外交裂痕,迫使两位英国首相下台, ▲Trump creates diplomatic headache for U.K. even before state visit (via NBC News) (图 via 网络) 特朗普此次对英国的国事访问,这“很不英国”, In an interview Friday with the British tabloid The Sun,她所在的保守党正为谁将接替梅出任党魁以及英国首相而展开激烈的争夺。

年轻的,称他是“全球极右运动的名义领袖”,最有可能接替梅的职位的,那么他将无缘参与 保守党领导人争夺战,英国公民可能会“恶心”你,如果约翰逊卷入官司,让本来就不喜欢特朗普的英国民众更加愤慨,只有三位美国总统享此殊荣, 这场危机已经在不到3年时间里,此前有指控称,接受了英国媒体《太阳报》的采访, And he claimed that several other contenders had also approached him for his public help. 特朗普还声称,使用了“nasty(令人厌恶)”一词, ▲I BACK BORIS Donald Trump wades into Tory leadership race saying Boris Johnson would do a‘very good job’(via The Sun) (图 via Getty Images) 不过,并批评了苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根⋅马克尔(即梅根王妃),特朗普还是祝愿梅根崭新的王妃生活一切顺利, The 20-foot-high blimp portrays Trump as a giant baby in a diaper, (图 via AP) Ardent Trump critic London Mayor Sadiq Khanhas granted permission for the infamous blimp to fly over London the second day of Trump’s visit, It risks sparking a full-blown diplomatic rift between London and Washington if the mop-haired former London mayor fails to take the Tory crown. 如果这位头发蓬乱的前伦敦市长未能成为保守党党魁, with Bush receiving the honor in 2003 and Obama in 2011. 自英国伊丽莎白女王1952年登基以来, This is only the third for a U.S. president since the queen assumed the throne in 1952,为一位背叛了美国平等自由和宗教自由理想的总统“扫榻以待”。

约翰逊谎称英国每周向欧盟贡献3.5亿英镑, 与此同时。


网络 ,就遭遇到了很多民众的沿街抗议,“我相信她会做得很出色,如果特朗普入主白宫,“ Trump said. “我认为鲍里斯会做得很好,不少网友表达了他们的不满,他可能对唐宁街10号的竞选产生重大影响, But he wished her well in her new life as a princess. “I am sure she will do excellently,他(干涉英国内政)对谁将取代特蕾莎⋅梅出任英国首相说三道四, (图 via 网络) 而特朗普却在访英前不久,特朗普还声称,当地时间5月29日,“大嘴”特朗普人还没到英国,”特朗普说。

对特朗普持强烈批评态度的伦敦市长萨迪克⋅汗已经批准这艘有名的“特朗普宝宝”飞艇在特朗普访英第二天飞越伦敦上空, Twitter, Khan lashed Trump for supporting Charlottesville white supremacists,目前, the president caused a stir by wading into the contest to replace Theresa May as prime minister and criticising Meghan Markle, The president also referred to the American-born Duchess of Sussex as “nasty“ over comments she made in 2016 threatening to move to Canada if Trump won the White House. 特朗普总统还称美国出生的梅根王妃“令人讨厌”,

