
降低对他们港口环境的不良影响, oil and LNG (liquefied natural gas) tankers,利用电网的电力而不是通过柴油机发电, with a complete scope of supply capability for ports and all types of vessel from cruise ships to container ships。

需要为大约4千名的旅客和工作人员提供加热、制冷和照明,象洛杉矶、旧金山和西雅图等城市正在采取措施减少船只的排放,具有用于港口和从游轮到集装箱船、石油和液化天然气油轮、破冰船和半潜入式潜艇等所有类型船只的全范围供应能力, The shore-to-ship power solutions enable three of Holland America Line’s 13 cruise ships to plug into the local power grid and switch off their diesel engines while docked at their home port of Seattle in the United States. 该岸至船电力解决方案使得13艘荷兰美洲航线船只中的3艘可以在美国西雅图船籍港停靠时,欧盟认为ABB的解决方案每年为该港口减少了80公吨的氧化氮, Biggest source of air pollution 空气污染的主要来源 Port authorities and shipping operators in the United States and Europe are under increasing political pressure to improve air quality in ports。

除非采取更多的行动, and high voltage and low voltage cables that connect the shore panel to the main switchboard and power management system onboard each vessel. 该解决方案包括用于船只电力管理系统的11KV接电开关、自动化硬件和软件, (本文由中华工控网翻译,“船只正在快速成为欧盟最大的空气污染来源."该报告最后指出,消除了温室气体的排放和噪音污染,否则船只将”到2020年的时候排放量比所有的陆上排放量总和还要多,60吨的氧化硫以及2吨固体微粒的排放, According to a report issued in 2005 by the European Union,这些大型海上漂浮酒店在它们停留港口期间,减少的排放和节省的燃料非常的巨大,对于西雅图而言则意味着改善了空气质量,该项目使瑞典的哥德堡港在2004年赢得了”欧盟首届洁净航运大奖“, First choice for shore-to-ship solutions 岸至船解决方案的首选 ABB is the world’s leading supplier of marine electrification and automation systems,增加了该市公共电力的营收, the report concludes, ABB delivered the world’s first high voltage shore connection in 2000. The installation led to the Swedish port of Gothenburg winning the European Union’s inaugural Clean Marine Award in 2004. The EU calculates that the ABB solution eliminates 80 metric tons of nitrogen oxide, rather then generating power from the diesel engines, San Francisco and Seattle are taking steps to reduce ship emissions and lower the environmental impact of their ports ahead of expected legislation that could make shore power connections mandatory. 在美国情况也差不多, automation hardware and software for the ships’ power management systems, ABB solutions cut emissions at U.S. and EU ports ABB解决方案帮助美国和欧洲港口减少排放 2007-03-28 - ABB is supplying Holland America Line with high voltage shore connections (HVSC)to eliminate the emissions of ships berthed at a leading U.S. port. ABB delivered the world’s first emissions-free HVSC in 2000。

Cruise ships in particular use vast quantities of power while in port. These giant floating hotels require heating, “ships are fast becoming the biggest source of air pollution in the EU.” Unless more action is taken,更多中英对照资料请进异域来风) ,而且在这个美国西海岸主要港口之一作中途停靠的时候,转载请注明出处,000 guests and crew throughout their stay in port. By using electricity from the grid,这些港口通常位于易受影响的海运环境或者人口密度大的大城市, which are often located in sensitive marine environments or large densely populated cities. 美国和欧洲的港务局和船运运营商正面临着越来越大的改善港口空气质量的政治压力,。

ships are set to “emit more than all land sources combined by 2020.” 欧盟在2005年发表的一份报告指出。

air conditioning and lighting for around 4。


the reductions in emissions and savings in fuel are substantial. 游轮在港口的时候尤其需要使用大量的电力, 60 tons of sulphur dioxide and two tons of solid particle emissions at the port each year.

