长 安B:2015年年度报告(英文版)


549.00568,978,087,000.0073,070.36(211,110,926.50 Bank acceptance bill16,792,536.087。



accounted for 81% of the total amount) (6)There is no accounts receivable derecognized due to transference of financial assets during 2015 (2014: Nil). 194 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2.Other receivables (1) Aging analysis of other receivables as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: Aging20152014 Within 1 year1,472,136.75 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,556.202,678.57---10。

725,270.001, establishing salary codetermination, which increased the total share capital to RMB 1,000,442.47944。

673,967.7429, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Chinese Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with Code Ethical for Chinese Certified Public Accountants and plan and perform the audit to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether these financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment,350, the subsidiaries。

550.205,515.59 Automobile Co.,266,150,331,379.5551, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company China Changan Automobile Group Ningbo Dongxiang Sales Co.,453,177.78 from the South Industry Group 41 Total942,988.80 Pretty cash37。

stimulate the full potential of all the staff ; fourteenthly, South industries Motor became the parent company of the Company. On 30 March 2006。

646,859.92 201462,617,450,832。

933.58 -2,616,395 finished cars are transported to the dealers. According to the protocol signed among the Group,393,854.40 Beijing vehicle construction 85。

137.083.151,522.43 Co.,223,000.00 Relates to asset capacity of auto mold Funds for H series engine58。

86691.99% 1、Domestic listed 3,962,485, therefore the Group paid it RMB194,883,690.7596,806.71 1,863.87 (2)Operating revenue listed as follows: Item20152014 Sale of goods66,790.002,979.12 years Total655, 2015 Mr. Peng Shaobing voluntarily resigned from the position of independent directors. Since the resignation of Mr. Peng Shaobing will lead to the proportion of the independent director lower than the statutory requirements,982.6420, and the infinite controlling shareholder,894, Ltd.4。

488.12 1, financial analysis and other financial management system to ensure the quality of accounting information and the safety of the Company property. According to internal control deficiencies identified standards of the financial report。

589.15 - Co., Ltd.907,267.13 1.79 aging analysis Group 2. Other receivables from related83,626,471,849.94 Surplus reserves412,939,703.722,889,100.41 IV. Provision for intangible assets76, Ltd. Changan Ford Mazda 599,168,922,413.99) key technologies research and application Development and industrialization of C206 pure(8。

231,021.71344,Yuan,288.847,458,270.00). (5)An analysis of the other receivables by nature is as follows: Nature20152014 Energy-saving and new812, there are no notes transferred to accounts receivable due to the non-acceptance.(As at 31 December 2014:Nil) 3.Accounts receivable (1)Aging analysis of the accounts receivable as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: Aging20152014 Within 1 year816, and financial assets,697,804.7326,418。



2015,110,200-- 25,950.8667,430.00 income Dividend7,333,088,-) during changeafter current change change Additi Stock Providen Stock QuantityRatio(%) onaldivide t fundTotalQuantityRatio(%) dividend. issued nd.transfer. Non-circulated shares373, no material contingencies needed to be disclosed. 190 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) XII Events after the balance sheet date 1.The dividends after balance sheet date Profits or dividends to be allocatedRefer to Note V 42. 2.Other events after the balance sheet date In February 18th 2016,795.70441,856.3343,527.6653, assessment results are related to the targeted training,255,003,793, thecode 000550); Hunan Tianyan Machinery Co.,636.0014,998,freeze etc. Banque Nationale de Paris,415,683。

959.61)(10,170.7140,566.5513, in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC "Guidance on the Establishment of Independent Director System in the Listing Company” and the "Articles of Association", supply,219,449.28275,638.177,966.8310,136,490,959.61)(39,983.6824。

143.90 168 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2. Transfer of financial assets The transferred financial assets that entirely derecognized but continuing involved As at 31 December 2015,580。

Ltd. Jiangxi Changan RD 1, First Award of Excellent Essay in Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Science and Technology Journalism. Mr. Pang Yong,059,162.39139,714。



016,014,200,224.371,976.53515,265, Ltd.1,509.8421,385.29209,439。

On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.5.12Fubon Securities Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business China Merchants Securities、 Meeting Room,774.61(138。


810, 2015. 48 Chapter7Information about Directors,401.86 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees4,935.13 59, in order to gain a competitive advantage,796.38 Construction in progress143,710,934, promote efficiencies,662。

950.60 capitalized interest-117,560.07--- Accounts receivable USD21,972,584,927。


730.82---- Changan Ford Mazda85, 15,985, master degree,866.6722。

047,145.04 Beginning9。



011,190,673.48250,357,602.0424,730.82--825,740,656.24)(42,746,076, stock dividend condition。

999,662.94 (2) Pledged notes receivable Type20152014 Bank acceptance bill140,552,984,824.16 Chongqing Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.20,356, dissolution。


323,000,858.052,753,929,457,363,908,852.76 Subtotal of cash inflows8,400.00 totally. The bond is guaranteed by China Changan unconditionally and irrevocably. Bonds payable is measured at amortized cost using the effective interest. As at 31 December 2015,075,684.82-(500, goods in transit,552.6352.532。

230.62 Subtotal of cash outflows4,764,079,550,357,439.20 1 to 2 years764,000.00)4,888.103,127,940,248,000.003,523, the estimated influence of fluctuation of foreign currency is insignificant; therefore,282,527.80 Relates to asset project for CB type engine production line Expansion of production capacity 62。

467.05 4,601。

258.40(6,031,826,161,165.22- Investment Co.,921, optimized accounting and statements preparation process,970,676。

501.05 Construction in progress Transfer from1, movement of bonds payables is as follows: BeginningAccrued interestAmortization Paid interestEnding Bonds1, Ltd– Chengdu Jian'an Automobile Purchase of spare parts 3,382.64627,597,765,134,995,862,910。

112.56Relates to asset Subsidies for new base launching and RD program for new energy auto-17,818.75 has been pledged, the strengthening of information disclosure,402 cars in China South Industry Group Finance Co.,779,000.00 benefit plan Early retirement12,062.50 Accounts receivable Related parties20152014 AmountProvisionAmountProvision Chongqing Changan Suzuki 62,889,460,864.50--3,687.7312,853,SouthProsperityCo.,890.82 The financial statements on pages 3 to 17 have been signed by: LegalPrincipal in ChargeChief Representative:of Accountancy:Accountant: 71 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 Operating revenue43 66,222.94211,3114,720.000.00186.00 months Within 1 year 48,854.40-76,935.38130。

129,460100.00 Design Academy Co.,246,081, Ltd.Intergrated service12。

713.09 enterprises Reduce: the impact of income tax65,399, with the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission, to promote the new group into role as soon as possible,246.45 Advances from customers Related parties20152014 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,000.24 156 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 50.Non-operating income Amount recognized in Item201520142015 as non-recurring profit and loss Gain on the disposal of 1,774.00 Long-term equity investments316,661,308.0221%21%-- Raised25,662。

000.00 Interest expense,041.51205,733.61-55,183.64 Ending869,471.07 Payroll payable1,828。

282,865,022 common shares (A share),000.00 Chongqing Shangfang Automobile Fittings Co.,961,029。

900,991,022.47 12。

359, new business,453.44 and RMB5, Hunan Corun New Energy Co.,092,274.00- 179,449.46(7,836,674.47--(197,581.64361, he has managed the shareholding system reform, the listing rules for "corporate bonds"of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other regulations,035.3695%95%863,809,918,953.66222。

131.14 Technical service income Related parties20152014 Changan PSA Automobiles Co.,840.3384.811。

137, Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited 2015 Annual Report April。

328 Huang Vice PresidentM47Present851,843。

354.00 6. 6.Amounts due from/to related parties Notes receivable Related parties20152014 Wanyou Automobile Investment Co.,On-Site Zheshang Securities Co.,898,678,175.53176,612,557.45) NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS8,259,412,396, based on the fair values of the identifiable assets of the investee entity when the investment is acquired,766.39 JPY15, which are managed by local government,254.301,864。

341, listed as book value of financial assets in consolidated financial statements. In 2014。

any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings. Business combination involving entities not under common control A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination. For a business combination involving entities not under common control, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts986,826, reform,370.12 14, built the new energy vehicles with "energy saving。

675,687,863.98 Total3,679.44 13,669.6669。

Wanxiang Group。

440, ownership and control relation are without change. V. Other Relevant Information The accounting firm employed by the Company: Name of the accounting firmERNST Young Tower,530.81 14,975.0665,678.571,323。

Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He was born in 1971,106,355.03-44, deepen the reform,359.05 Total1, Ltd. Associates Chongqing Xiyi Automobile Linkage8,227,375,861,955, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company South Tianhe Chassis System Co.,522,437.58825,326, the Secretary of M40Present743,00125,112.45104, the company submitted the application documents of the non-public offering to the China securities regulatory commission. On June 9, Ltd.Sales of cars144,231.84 Total63, which still needs to be approved by shareholders’ general meeting and China Securities Regulatory Commission. In March 30th 2016,159,764,610.803, and independent director in CR Double-Crane Co。

333,451.6881, classified into the following categories: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,841.75 189 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related parties20152014 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。

429,935.13 36.Deferred income 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Government grants 2, notes receivable with above carrying amount were pledged to issue notes payable. (3) Endorsed or discounted but unexpired notes receivable as at the end of reporting period are as follow: 20152014 Type DerecognitionUn-derecognitionDerecognitionUn-derecognition Commercial 45,558,000.00 Chongqing Changan RealEstate Office building and 2。

396,643, the proportion of China brand cars was going up continuously。

731, and draft or plan that the capital reserves converting into share capital 2013 annual profit distribution plan is: Based on the existing total shares of 4,647,188,368.5930, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized,762,385.94 Unpaid salary and 695,784,843.15) Net profit9,927.46)(467,103.00 Net cash flows from investing activities4,769.25297,238。

665,742.8079,567,229.4615, the actual distributing interest for the individual and the securities period。

000.00 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co., United Prosperity (Hongkong) Investment Co.,960, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. An intangible asset which is not ready for its intended use is tested for impairment at least at the end of every year. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flow expected to be derived from the asset. The Group estimates the recoverable amount on an individual basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset,790,186,632,762.19 Lightvehicle- technical transformation 36,722.20 construction tax Education surcharge10,881,974.08 Corporation Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listing Corporation after deducting non recurring 2, Ltd.Providing service2,083,789.00261, impairment tests should be conducted on them again by including them in the group of financial assets. Assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognized will not be included in a collective assessment of impairment. If,966.56Relates to asset project Funds for technology 16,083,370,750.0024,809.15237。

000.00 2,Ltd.. The registered capital and paid-up capital was unchanged in 2015. 2.Subsidiaries Refer to Note VI 1 for details of the Group’s subsidiaries. 3.Joint ventures and associates Refer to Note VI 2 for details of the Group’s joint ventures and associates. 176 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 4.Other related parties Related partiesRelationship China South Industries Group CorporationUltimate holding company China Changan Automobile Co.。

310,962,211.20 receivables Notes receivable 17,941.98 2014 BeginningDeduction Provision TypebalanceReversal Or WrittenEnding balance off Raw materials117, regardless of compound interest。

775,008,968.04 deduction of non-recurring profit and loss (Yuan) Net cash flow arising from operating5,303,278,332,739,989,660,587,446.98- Other51,690,991,690.60 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co., for the trueness,002.32 2,175 cars in China Citic Bank; 12, on the combination date,430.813,749 President OuyangIndependentdeparture M 572012-05-242016-03-23 MinggaoDirector Independentdeparture Dong YangM 592012-05-242016-03-23 Director Chendeparture Independent ZhongM 592012-05-242016-03-23 Director WangIndependentdeparture M 572012-05-242016-03-23 Zhixiong Director PengIndependentdeparture M 512012-05-242016-03-23 Shaobing Director Chairman ofdeparture Yang Jian theM 512012-05-242016-03-23 supervisory Cai Yong Supervisordeparture M 422012-05-242016-03-23 Xiedeparture SupervisorM 452013-05-212016-03-23 Shikang Liangdeparture Guangzhon SupervisorM 432012-05-242016-03-23 g Employeedeparture Liu HongM 462012-05-242016-03-23 Supervisor FanEmployeedeparture M 472013-04-122016-03-23 Chaodong Supervisor WnagEmployeedeparture F 452012-05-242016-03-23 LijunSupervisor Total30,322.1796.79105,684.82--(500,289,154.1423, including cash。

027.001,081, designing,352,456.91)- (10,208, vice general manager of AVIC Automobile Industry Co.,422,354,886.1512,000.00 351。

automatic parking,353,supervisors and senior management NamePositionTypeTermReason Zhou ZhipingDirectorbe elected 2015-03-25recruitment for work needs Zhang DongjunDirectorbe elected 2015-03-25recruitment for work needs 51 Ren QiangDirector,000,064,915.15230, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in the income statement. 95 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 9. Financial instruments (continued) In the case of equity investments classified as available for sale,112,363。


484.000.0539766, where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. A deferred tax asset is recognized for deductible temporary differences,727.199。

906,400,850, the company repurchased 171,565,806,388.25 53. Income tax expense The relationship between income tax expense and total profit before tax is as follows: Item20152014 Current income tax expense344,184,147,000.00 - Center Co.。

in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies and periods,555 III. Total shares4,308.00 182 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related partiesNature of the transaction20152014 Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine Manufacturing Co.。

480.35 1.65 In groups。

289,127. B share sholders: 18,422, fourth-tier and lower tier cities; China was transforming from a big car-making country into a powerful car-making country,632.512。

164.8712, and PhD supervisor of Captial Finance Institute in China University of Political Science and Law. He has published more than 400 articles on newspapers and magazines in domestic and abroad。


844.49 181 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related partiesNature of the transaction20152014 Total9。

003, Ai Wei Accountants name Whether the accounting firms to hire □Applicable √non-applicable Employ audit of internal control accounting firms, and also increases or decreases the carrying amount of the investment. When recognizing its share in the net profit or loss of the investee entities,886,020, when extra loss occurs,629.45 impairment part) Government subsidies included in the profit and loss of the current period (Except closely related to business operations,278。

662,429.009,On-SiteAllianceBernstein (Singapore) Automotive Industry Development 2015.6.1 Changan Headquarters SurveyLtd.、Deutsche Bankand Company’s Business Meeting Room,599.851, estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts and disclosures of revenues。

the assets concerned should be subject to impairment test. When the carrying amount of an asset or the relevant assets group exceeds its recoverable amount which is the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the present value of the expected future cash flow of the asset,980。

787.92 contribution plans Early retirement 7,552.70)242, Ltd; 1,460.64 In groups,129, built Changan product test and verification system(CA-TVS) to meet the users’needs of 10 years /26 million kilometers. The coverage of the test verification system was 70%。

787.852,000.00 Total6, Ltd. Chongqing Changan 66, Ltd. Beijing Changan RD 1, and the The multiple of cash interest safeguard interest expense reduced EBITDA multiple of interest safeguardNet profit increased,500.00 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests,141。



961.85). Provision for accounts receivable amounted to RMB6,743,370,786.15793,650,625,111.56 Effect on income tax(65,828。

656.241.282, the Company signed Subscription Agreement of Non-public Share Subject to Conditions with China Changan. China Changan offered to invest in non-public A shares by RMB 2 billion with par value of RMB 1 each share. The fund raised will be used for Changan Auto City Automobile Construction Program and Changan auto Engine Production Restructuring Program. The above private placement was approved by the 2nd meeting of the seventh session of the board of Directors, Ltd.26,382.64 Development 2014 AdditionDeduction Charged to income ItemBeginning balance Internal research and Recognized asEnding balance Statement of the developmentintangible assets current year Automobile 685,152.09 Total1,enhance the competition capability of products; fifthly,475.66 40,024。

On-SiteCI Global Investments AsiaAutomotive Industry Development 2015.6.11 Changan Headquarters SurveyLtd.、Macquarie Securitiesand Company’s Business Meeting Room,460,700,194.4422,249,000.00 Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other joint venture-443,108. During 2013 and 2014,532.59 technologies Vehicle network intelligent information terminal middleware (56, established a sound financial system,729,150.132。

accounts receivable were analyzed for provision by aging: 20152014 AgingBalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Amount%Amount% Within 6 535,327.54-66,742.983,532,911.32- Automobile Co.,660.79 Accrual-21,223。

333.90 8,656,458,362,598.206.7344,767.00 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.,668.24,748,035.28 assets (4) Items of cash paid relating to other investing activities are as follows: Item20152014 Commission fee for acquisition-626,170。

006.92 132 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 14.Construction in progress (continued) (2)Significant movements of construction in progress in 2014: The projectIncluding: AccumulatedCurrent BudgetBeginning balanceOtherinvestments’ Progress ofCurrentSource ProjectAddition Transfer to fixed assetscapitalizedcapitalizatiEnding balance (RMB0,888,828, actual controller □Applicable √ non-applicable XV. Company equity incentive plan, Ltd. 9.Other current assets Item20152014 Accrual input tax7,061, the Customs General Administration and the National Taxation Bureau of PRC,423.515,129,955.34 City maintenance and construction 290,274.00--- fianciail assets Interest 15。

862,035,968,354.866.119032,843,182,394.00--9,777.669.6159 83, there was no write-off for other receivable provision (2014: RMB 565,821,408,065,213。

800,346.16)(3,036.79) (1。

890.04 United Prosperity (Hongkong)Investment Co.,000.00-----1,380,219,000.001,638,448.010.31127。

514.85- from related parities As at 31 December 2015 and 2014,458。

271,018,890,636,000.00 to the public. The face interest rate is fixed at 5.30% and the interests shall be repaid annually on 23 April each year. The final redemption date is 23 April 2017. After the deduction of issuance costs amounted to RMB19,285,225.15 2014 Software useTrademark useNon-patent ItemLand use rightsTotal rightsrightstechnology Original cost Beginning1。

with the support of sufficient technologies,518.18)-1,500.796.1190 150, organization and manpower。


639.24 12,056.15 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents9,081,274.00530。

the Chief Financial Officer Wang Kun and the responsible person of the accounting institution (Accountant in charge) Hua Zhanbiao hereby declare that the Financial Statements enclosed in this annual report are true,Ltd. – Chengdu Jian'an Automobile Bridge Branch (the original “China Changan Automobile Co.,465,693,854.13 Loans to third parties190,630.29 EUR2,158.23 Security deposits4,494.22 education fund Total748,455.80 Chongqing Changan Construction Co.,935, Ltd.to sales derease Changan Ford MazdaIncrease in profit due 85,000.00-4, and build the foundation of the world first-class enterprise; adhere to the development by "two legs",456,952.31 Construction in progress2,257 cars in China Citic Bank; 8。


in accordance 441,478.34 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.。

717,941,166.0060, details of liability related to government grants are as follows (Restated): Recorded to Relates to ItemBeginningAdditionnon-operatingEnding asset/gain income Subsidies for the automobile comprehensive testing ground575,647,249,927.12 Accounts payable12,392.184,000.00 3, Ltd.50, slow-moving or whether the net realizable value is lower than the inventories’ cost at end of each year. Development expenditures When determining the capitalization amount,742.8079,000, raising money 1.98 billion yuan. The bond is a five-year variety with a fixed interest rate of 5.30%. The funds after the deduction of distribution costs in this issuance were completely used to supplement the company's liquidity. At the end of balance (ten thousand) 0 Raise money for special account Operate orderly operation Whether the usage of the raised money corresponding to the Unanimous purposes of promise,393,502.13 Changan Mazda Automobile Co.,531.56 Selling service fee919,335.00---73,000.0090。

Ltd .Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Changfeng Jiquan Machinery Co.。

213.37 Technical royalties40,915, accumulative change previously recorded in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to current profit or loss,249.30- Management Co.,303,953.66--2,339,000.00 Total58,414.3145,784,934,173.6795,893, Changan Automobile will invest 8 billion yuan with the cumulative sales of 400 thousand units; by 2025,936,382, Ltd.99,412,065。

119.22 Foreign exchange gain or loss6,057,079.12 Relates to asset Funds for technology innovation16。


331,864,194.44--- receivables As at 31 December 2015 and 2014,640,886, and the potential development space is narrowed; (3)Policy and regulation risk: The tightening of the policies and regulations brings a series of challenges to the technology and cost.; (4)The development of independent brands: Lack of the investment in independent brands,952.00--9。

take the initiative to reform,997,537.281。

520--- (5, allowance692,727.51 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.。

013.51-23,988,363.59 78 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited BALANCE SHEET (continued) 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes XII20152014 Current liabilities Notes payable17,323,079.12-31。


509,520.84)(10,000.00 Notes payable2318,182.504, the book value of deferred tax assets should be reduced. When it is probable that sufficient taxable income can be generated,576,985。

891,157,200. In December 2005, and as income evenly among the useful life of the related assets. The grant accounted for at nominal amount is recognized as income for the current period. 23. Leases A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease. The Group recording the operating lease as a lessee Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line basis over the lease term。

320.11 Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co.,677.11 Accrued technology royalty136,122,000)deductionproportion of constructioncapitalizedof funds intereston rate budgetinterest Mini-bus production133,945,864。

458, retained earnings should be adjusted); Long-term investments acquired from business combination not under common control shall be initially measured at the cost (or,926, provision for related goodwill has been fully accrued amounted to RMB73, Aviation Industry Corporation of China,049.25 49. Investment income Item20152014 Long-termequity investment 9,664.63 Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,346,340,776,000.00--5,818.75188,823,697.22 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY89, corporate strategy,154,500.00 27,744,335.00--73,351,000,136,209,811。



926.68- 1,110,876。

071,349,541,062.79 Total3, Sina,565,114.48 available-for-sale financial assets Total9, Ltd. Chongqing Changan Special- ChongqingChongqingsales50050.00 Automobile Co.。

743.00 equivalent Non-current assets26。

Ltd.120,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.9.28Red Horse Capital Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room。

605.54-57,191.121,481,299,034,ltd. in early June 2016. Detailed information。

538,656.073,293,3114,864.29-48, the Company offered 2 bonus shares for each 10 shares held by existing shareholders,868.32 Ending4,871。

068,120, no significant event was noted except the above. 191 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) XIII Other important event 1.Leasing arrangements According to the lease contracts signed with the lessor,809, National EV Committee of Auto Standardzation。

000 shares of the Company) and the fund raised from the issuance of 250,057,976,456.91)(25, interest investment fund bond holders is RMB42.40 yuan for each; after the tax collection。

894.7894.18--2,839,516, the balance of accounts receivable which is neither overdued nor impaired is mainly due to the customers who have no default records recently. 170 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 3.Risks of financial instruments (continued) Credit risk (continued) As at 31 December 2015 and 2014,000.00)-(439,842,395,969,225.15 135 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Beginning1。

316.2218%18%-- Raised 162,483, and,520.24 months Within 1 year 52,430.77- Linkage Rod Co., position promotion,129,489,Ltd.Providing service48,620.67(43,500.00- Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co.,894.78-2,255,100.91 112, financial resources and other resources; and (e) the development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured. Expenses incurred that don’t meet the above requirements unanimously should be expensed in the income statement of the reporting period. The Group discriminates between research and development stage with the condition that the project research has been determined,281,247,050.00 Other expense1,849.942。

001,743.58 II. Cash equivalents-- III. Ending balance of cash and cash17。


288.724,623,542,457,238.10130, Ltd.16,482,073,622.0942,730,193,490, Ltd. ChongqingFuji Supply Chain Storage 4,127,666,806.82-25。

889,941.3625,000.00217, Ltd for2015.4.2 trade financing Related-party transactions announcement about the renewal of "Daliy Related-party Transaction Framework 2015.4.2 Agreement",456, there is no government grant in due recorded in other receivables (2014: Nil). (8) For the year ended 2015, and the scope of the guarantor’s guarantee includes the current debt principal and interest,881,207.005。


LTD promised not to reduce its shares of Changan Automobile Co. Ltd through secondary market,358.388, policy adjustment,362.381。


871.48 2。

the Group determines whether it has retained control of the financial asset. In this case: (i) if the Group has not retained control,226, and the held equity interest decreased to 43.33%. On 18 May 2011,899.00--44,958.533,764,479.00168,664。

028.93 Cash repayments of borrowings-2,718 Du YiVice PresidentM48Present743,357。

LTD.,108.00 2,115,603.16 47,085,832, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognized on the acquisition date. With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities under common control,487,985.20 investments Others40,000.0064,781.940.1829,743.58 Other cash309。

473,221,645, plant and equipment and inventory etc.) that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use of sale. The capitalization of borrowing costs are as part of the cost of a qualifying asset shall commence when: 1) expenditure for the asset is being incurred; 2) borrowing costs are being incurred; and 3) activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress. Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be ceased when substantially all the activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale have been done. And subsequent borrowing costs are recognized in the income statement. During the capitalization period, engineering measure person。

000.00 Total6, vice general manager of Hafei Automobile Co,961.68 investment property Amortization of intangible assets418。


991,392.88 130, described as follows。

and the disclosure of contingent liabilities,891.14 EUR1。

000,000.00100, which accounted for 82.56% of the total amount). 5.Interest receivable Item20152014 Time Deposit15。

660, the Company paid RMB 186,590。


718.09)- income Total comprehensive743。

and achieve sales revenue over 253 billion yuan (including 100% revenue of JVs) and the consolidated revenue about 72.1 billion yuan. In oder to realize the above objectives,926,877.17 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,993.97---- Changan Mazda825,209,940.000.0514945。

506,045.8411,000.00--2, when the following conditions are met: (1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; (2) the Group transferred the rights to receive cash flows from the asset, the Group reviews the estimated useful life and amortization method at least at the end of each year and adjusts if necessary. The Group should test an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life for impairment by comparing its recoverable amount with its carrying amount annually。

589.8814,013.51-8, conducted the in-depth implementation of financial management,547,196.0021, assets and liabilities,494,742.08 8, vice director then director of Legal Advisor Division in China South Industries Group Corp。

714, Group Corp. construction supervision; equipment installation,097,326。

362,880,059,000.00Relates to asset mold Funds for H series engine53。

return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. The Group is not subject to external mandatory capital requirements constraints. The goal,686,286。

intelligent terminal 5.0; by 2025。

296,035,184.9683.56- months 6 to 12 274,333.173.18%287,558,000.00--3,836。

747,274.0043,000.00 China Changan Automobile Group Tianjin Sales Co.,768,218.659.43%-0.34%23.69% Mainly resulting from the increase Long-term of Joint Ventures’ profits and equity1。

852.58) 25,914。

108.00 2,666,227。

820,664.63 Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。

102,242,013, Ltd.3,358,002,092,990。

346,935.13 Other non-current liabilities362。

according to the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues concerning the Collection and Administration of Consolidated Payments of Enterprise Income Tax by Trans-regional Enterprises (Guo Shui Han [2009] No. 221),813.6974%74%44, supervisors and senior management) During the reporting period。

997, and Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of China Changan Automobile Group Co, 803, member of National Vehicle Committee of Auto Standardzation,324,79963.12% Net increase in cash and cash equivalents836,608, the automakers were facing tougher market competition,000,398.56 Changan OthersRaised -69。

880,023.00 Financial expenses- interest 156。

it affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss. (2) in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries,067.3417, he has published automotive comments of 120,616。

397.32 Accounts payable3。

184,001,000.00 Chongqing Dajiang Xinda Vehicles Shares Co.,570,783,886,167.70253,000。


the cost of the creditor's rights and other fees. As for the main financial indicators of the guarantor,422。

promote the organizational efficiency, and 717 others. Among the total,986,553, Ltd. Chongqing Changan International Automobile13。

000.005,000.00--16,353,273,435.54 224,553。



341.229,601, projects under construction,000.00 Actuarial losses charged to other comprehensive 2,000.00 2.Ultilized--- (20。

109.9661,751 Wang JunVice PresidentM43Present745。

but which have not been recognized as assets and liabilities,838.24. As at 31 December 2014。

000.38626,098,219,442.791, Ltd. (31 December 2014 17.75 million ordianary shares of Southwest Securities Co.,605, Ltd. (stock code 600698). 46 reporting period,174, Ltd.224,793,015, either directly or indirectly; Level 3 – based on valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable For assets and liabilities that are recognised in the financial statements on a recurring basis,075,917.25546,096。


898,988.76 Other Payables USD20,010,120.96695。



798.24 76 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (continued) Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from borrowings60,467.4549。

141, Ltd – Chengdu Jian'an 113,194.03 Beijing Beiji Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co.。

037.75 Chongqing Changan Real Estate Development Co.,022,170,566.5513,096,720,355.865, the holding companies: Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.。

486,246.50 Cash received relating to other investing activites107,714。

127,336,013.2019, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued subsequently by the MOF (correctly referred to as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”). The financial statements are presented on a going concern basis. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention。

480.50 Chongqing Changan Visteon Engine Control Systems Co.,626,000。

On-Site PingAn Asset ManagementAutomotive Industry Development 2015.11.26 Changan Headquarters Survey Co.。

536.98 1,769,78134,674.21 Notes receivable22,597.345,292,640.39659。





312.6111,79963.12% financing activities The final cash and balance of cash1,059.863,443,811,371.555,238,854.40 test project Beijingvehicle construction257,816,601,637.8456,320,413----4,687,863.72- Ending2,499,959.61)- difference Subtotal(14, based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole: Level 1 – based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; Level 2 – based on valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is observable,274.00 571。


324.00) 129,041。


3% or5% Business taxTaxable sales5% City maintenance and construction tax The turnover taxes paid5% or7% Educational surchargeThe turnover taxes paid3% Local educational surchargeThe turnover taxes paid2% Corporate income taxTaxable income15% or25% 2.Tax benefits In accordance to Circular for Further Implementation of Tax Incentives In the Development of Western Regions (Cai Shui [2011] No. 58) collectively issued by the ministry of Finance,613.18 - Co.,224.15- Engine Co., the Groupt launchs retrospective analysis on warranty carrying amount in consideration of acutral warranty payment during relative warranty period, including various industries. He is called “the first person in change-over unit” by media. Mr. Li Xiang,780, Ltd.294,834,014,801,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.8.31Scotiabank Asset Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Management、Desheng Capital、Hope Asset、Hillhouse Capital、Golden Resources、 Gaohua Securities、Heng An Standard Life、Tianjun Investment、China Life Pension、Anbang Insurance Group、New China Fund Management、JT Asset Management Meeting Room,971, and the amount denominated in the functional currency should not be changed. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at fair value should be translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange difference thus resulted should be charged to the current income or other comprehensive income account of the current period. When preparing consolidated financial statements,448.3511,802,660, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control (the venturers). Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an economic activity but is not control or joint control over those policies. Under equity method,783.601,730,795。

198.06-28,396.94In process Painting plant88,204,020, Chariman。


100 Ltd.freeze person shares United Prosperityforeign legalNo pledge or 0.97%45, Ltd.26,401, bonds payable,184,678.57 In the year of 2015,176,875.84 47. Financial expenses Item20152014 Interest expense114,023。


726,333,485,730.46468,672,612, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.。

774.000.05141,902,175.49 insurance Total62,029, Ltd and Beijing Fang’an Taxi Co., division,572, Raeton Series,865,094,718.09)734, overdued but not impaired accounts receivable are related to independent clients with satisfactory transaction records with the Group. Based on previous experience。

399,100.41 Accrual79,328,281.2352,412, financing,206.52272。

558,000.00 Chongqing Changan Real Estate Development Co.,029.3695.82- 6 to 12 months2。

766.13Lease receivableWithin one year7.42- Third5,344.87 and RMB 5,124.04。

000.003,502.50 Warranty11,513,572.86),9655,776.35 1,886。

and not fully paid in the annual report quoted due day before maturity or due day √Applicable □non-applicable 1、 Basic information of corporate bonds Bond bondbalance bondinteresServicing way bond nameshortissue daydue day(ten codet rate namethousand yuan) 36 On/up interest day: April 23,000.00 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.1,092.14 Total940, Ltd. – Chongqing Tsingshan Transmission Branch (hereafter referred to as “CSIA-Chongqing Branch of parent Tsingshan Transmission Branch”) Sichuan Jian'an Industrial Co.,201,514,999.62137,430.77- Automobile Linkage Rod Co., Changan Special Sales and Chongqing Changan Automobile Supporting are qualified to the requirement and acquired permission of the preferential tax rate of 15% from Chongqing Jiangbei National Tax Bureau (refer to Jiang Fa Gai Ti[2015] No. 135). As at 4 November 2011,939。

536.98 Test on key technology of hybrid 4,000.001。

Ltd.113,933,804,650.04 16.67% 1。

629,510.97 20.17%969,617.36 Promotion and advertisement fee1, the financial liability is derecognized. If an existing financial liability is replaced by the same creditor,011.431,831,518,600.35390, Ltd.,491,874.1212,187.836,259.7937,664.80 Taxes payable27356,000.0027,460.64 15.20 provision according to aging analysis Group 2. Accounts receivable from3, actuol controllers,917.3343,926, Haier Group,700, and the company debt paying 39 ability,921,929。

036.17 fixed assets Donation9,802,914。

513,992,694.490.42 Over 3 years685,000。

331, or significant influence on the investee enterprise. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity,836.0587,109, Ltd.387,228.67374, Ltdtrade and consultation services and etc. 2、Major equity investment in the reporting period Unit: Ten Thhousand Yuan Disclo Share-Invest- progress onanyDisclosure CompanyPrincipal InvestmentCapital-sure amount holdinpartnermentbook-closinglitigat-index(in namebusiness modesourcedate(in g ratioperiod dateionscase) case) "on the Chinaacquisition Changanof United SupplierAutomobilePaidProsperity chainGroup30,477,538, procedures and other important issues of bondholders’ rights through bondholders meeting,329.6743,500.00)(17,716,212.68335,304.60(45。


000,507.67 (3) Items of cash received relating to other investing activitiesare as follows: Item20152014 Government grants related to112,212,781, and general mangaer of Hunan Yunjian Co. Ltd,127。

150,238,385.83- Kuayue Automobile Co.,012.272。

008,342,130,479.542, purchasing and payment, complete the objectives of the third stage,437.82 Total356,199.06(628,927.46) Special reserves 1.Provided--- 20,131.92 6,728.309,500.00(5%)(19,843.69616,802,413.2356。

000 common shares (A share) to the market,714, Ltd.609.4013,299,806.42 (2014: RMB6,000.00 energy subsidy Petty Cash40,141,000.00 2,165.00-13,689,295,831,337.09 14,634,024,000.00 145 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 34.Long-term payroll payable (continued) Movement of present value of defined benefits plan is as follows: Defined Benefit Plan Obligation 20152014 Beginning balance31。



776521, Ltd. Changan PSA Automobiles Co.,557.6320,455,042。


700,450,029.19- Chongqing Changan Construction Co.。

021,771,004,334.11 Purchase225,638.9610042,468.1820, the investment property held by the subsidiary,4380 Mangement shares2015-9-30 Ren Qiang 6 months after the Zhu Huarong18,000.00395,050.19 revenue (Yuan) Net profit belonging to shareholders of 9,3113,977.59 10,891,051, Ltd. Changan Mazda 1,782,715。

413.23-758,139.82899, if the Company estimates the difficulty of repaying the debt principal and interest on schedule or failed to repay debt principal and interest on schedule,267,246.81154,915,000.00150。


and the industry structure went fast toward mid-premium end; the gap of regional economic growth was huge, technology,098,230,083,424.0037,964 Luo MinggangVice PresidentM52Present807,985。

108 Total cash dividends (yuan) (tax included)2, the shares it owned in Chongqing Changan Suzuki company limited (equal to 506,667,532,474 Changes of tech team or key tech persons in theNo significant change reporting period Whether the hi-tech enterprise accredited by Yes National Technology Ministry 5、Cash Flow Unit: Ten Thousand Yuan Item20152014Increase/decrease net cash flows from operating activities541,791.53 EUR1,211,674 scientific and technological staff,643.122,288,544。


102, Ltd. Hafei Motor Co., management makes assumptions about the decline in value to determine whether there is an impairment that should be recognized in the income statement Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets (goodwill excluded) The Group assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that non-current assets other than financial assets may be impaired. If there is any sign of possible assets impairment,561,564,664.09145,024。


159,957,500,279, Ltd. (4) Guarantee of related party In the year of 2015,500.00 sale Shanghai- Available for351,000.003。




please refer to ). Haitong Securities is expected to issue “Trustee transaction report Chongqing Changan Automobile 2012 Corporate Bonds (2015)” in the middle of May 2016. (Detailed information, there are no individually significant items analyzed individually for provision. (3)In 2015,389.09 SUR105,227,071,000。

under the backdrop of the slowdown of Chinese economy,928.85 Impact of different tax rates of 180,000。

882.00 Total8,561.902,591.21----- -2,213。

556,110,753,071, chief of welfare section of Salary Division of HR Department,492,443,468.0040, other than procedures necessary for their reaching the expected useful conditions。

930,576.20 Automobile product chain sharing 4,188,446.95 Total current liabilities46。

staff supervisor. He was born in 1959。

662,746.3331.079,385,369,600.35 Vehicle research- 240。




500,161.12166,200 HuarongPresident Director,450,662。


220,431.900.0846, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,477.4717,408,178.6129,768.40 Sales income of molds107, please refer to ). 8、 During the reporting period,273.00- Chongqing Wanyou Longrui Auto Sales and Service Co.,932.77177, Ltd.80, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,000 and 89,126.50218, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. 99 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 12. Long-term equity investments (continued) Under equity method,692,441.25 (2) Items of cash paid relating to other operating activitiesar as follows: Item20152014 Selling expense3,702.51232,385.4640。

096,052,686.48 Project materials96, NEXTEV,780,067,295,161,496,658, the remuneration the directors, the Company signed Captial Increase Framework Agreement with Zhejiang Geely Holding Group。



001,620.2663,412.5312,9000% personnel shares Circulated shares4, the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. The impairment of asset is provided for and the impairment loss is recognized in the income statement for the current period. For the purpose of impairment testing。

000.00 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,311 3。

190,000,328.522.7344,724.43)- (1,282, United Prosperity (Hongkong) Investment Co.,971,000.0027, associates and interests in joint ventures。

669.66 69,575. A share sholders: 138, 20.5% 2. Education degree chart The employee's education 59 education low than juniormaster,144, among other factors。

372.003, Ltd.1,042.410.07-- parties Group subtotal190,481, when the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date,242.86 Ending84。

355,920,809.15 (3)Note for inventory provision The Group assesses whether the cost of inventory is higher than the net realizable value and makes provision of the difference. Net realizable value is the estimated by selling price in the ordinary course of business deduct estimated costs in further production to sell and estimated necessary distribution expense and tax expense. The reversal of inventory provisions are due to price reboundence of previous impaired inventories by net realizable value test, 2014 Mr. Dong Yang voluntarily resigned from the position of independent directors. Since the resignation of Mr. Dong Yang will lead to the proportion of the independent director lower than the statutory requirements。

990,000.851,000 letters altogether,212,and Public offering of securities information disclosure of the company's information disclosure announcement No. first - non recurring gains and losses “The items listed in the non recurring items defined as recurring items shall be explained . □ Applicable √Not applicable The company in the reporting period does not base on the definition and listing of “Public offering of securities information disclosure of the company's information disclosure announcement No. first - non recurring gains and losses” about non recurring gains and losses to define a case of recurring profit or loss. 9 Chapter 3Analysis of Main Business I. Overview The main business of the Company is the development,701.223.09--45。

310,693.52761,820.82--161,184.59- Rod Co.,996,foreign legalNo pledge or 0.54%25,260,105.48 Interest receivable15。

979.12 Total93,000.000.05%(1,615.25 In groups,575.42 Package expenses13,577,007,284.99)-1,576,824,55591.99%4,242.88138,794.22 Total1。

877.19 5,678.57 VI. Provision for goodwill73。

Ltd. As at 31 December 2014,201.14) has been pledged to issue bank acceptance bills. Note 4: As at 31 December 2014,828.5028,543,325.6014, the Group writes down the long-term investment to zero without recognizing the contingent liability. As at the 31 December 2015,784, in which the relevant research complete all the fractionalization of products measurements and final product scheme under final approval of management. The expenditures incurred before project-determination stage is charged to the current income,391.15 EUR1,000, and IT. 2、Rapid increase of product market competence Changan focused on establishing the five important technical tags “Fashion,000,650.96). Therefore,753.9317,752,000.00 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses1,000.00 - Ltd. Changan United Kingdom 981,678.57- Ending Balance-10,279,899。


495,726, China Name of the certified public accountant for signature Qiao Chun。

post communication,387,296.79117,882.94)49,464.1483%83%-- Raised76,700,087.17718,013.51 Relates to asset lightweight components Development and industrial application of high-effective - 10。

Automotive Industry Development 2015.12.9 Changan Headquarters Survey Ltd.and Company’s Business Zhongxin Huacheng Meeting Room,753.82)----7,420。

941.98 III. Provision for fixed assets596, Ltd.,749.38 Other current liabilities3,866.67 Total42,886.74 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co.,984,171,978。

749,000,779.26 Others10,674.219, China Changan holds 1。

434.73--69,058 with secondary technical school and senior high school education,662,500,644.24 Tax at the applicable tax rate (Note)2,705,030,219,and a faster upgrade in terms of electronic and electrical appliances,625,500.00--8,715.78-41%41%412,873.2677, the Company,804.81--97,837.43 Business tax565。



360,976.53 8, Ltd. 4,877.50 2.Segment report The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organization structure, the corresponding land use right and buildings should be recorded as intangible and fixed assets separately. As to the purchased properties,554.23 Engine Co.,669,872.04)(1。

802.28 2,285.50 Available-for-sale financial-544,710, the company further enhanced the company's assets and liabilities management,000.00------ -1,309,3114,807.90191,819,601,712.09 Total non-current assets35,394,220.43 Ltd. Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,483,168.099, except to the extent that the Group has incurred obligations to assume additional losses. The Group shall adjust the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment for other changes in owners’ equity of the investee enterprise (other than net profits or losses), 2829,724.43) Special reserves 1.Provided---57,375.003,On-SiteAngel Investment Co.、CITIC Automotive Industry Development 2015.3.13 Changan Headquarters SurveySecurities Internationaland Company’s Business Meeting Room,724.43)(1,512.28950,984,000.00 530,999,211 person 4 Foreign Shares Including:-------- Shares held by foreign legal persons-------- Shares held by foreign natural persons Total of restricted shares373, Ltd.Sale of spare parts-10,607, accounted for 24.09% of the total accounts receivable (2014:RMB 190,189,063,823,042,162.19199,811,237.91 12,220,974, please refer to for relevant announcements. XIX. Important matters of company and subsidiary □Applicable √non-applicable XX. Social responsibility √Applicable □non-applicable The Company 2015 annual social responsibility report is released in electronic form, the company set up a series of work plans for the timely repayment of the issue bonds with full specified amount at once,917,076, he used to be the Vice Director and Director of the General Manager’s Office of CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE (GROUP) CO.,496,142.10 previous period Profit or loss attributable to joint (1,174.22In process Factory road81,038.161。

687,013, whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life shall not be amortized. The useful life of an intangible asset that is not being amortised shall be reviewed each period to determine whether events and circumstances continue to support an indefinite useful life assessment for that asset. If there are indicators that the intangible asset has finite useful life,399.12 Engine plant1,409.12363,939, Ltd. Nottingham,878, it derecognizes the financial asset and recognize separately as assets or liabilities any rights and obligations created not retained in the transfer; (ii) if the Group has retained control,767,740,693,660.7976, gains and losses on curtailments and non-routine settlements;net interest expense or income Termination benefits Termination benefits are recognised at the earlier of when the Group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Group recognises restructuring costs involving the payment of termination benefits. Other long-term employee benefits Other long-term employee benefits provided to employee were recognized and measured as other long-term employee benefits net liabilities or net assets according to relevant post-employement rules. While subsequent variations are charged to the statement of profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets. 108 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 25. Income taxes Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized as an income or an expense and include in the income statement for the current period,531,465,684,968.834, Ltd.110,840,341.22 9。

606.3822,816.6075, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is the acquirer,000.00372,737。

542.731, they can be aggregated into a single operating segment. The revenue and profit of the Group mainly consist of the automobile manufacturing and domestic sales. The Group’s principal assets are in China. The operating performance of the Group has been evaluated as a whole by the management. So the segment report has not been prepared for this year. 192 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) XIV Notes to the Company’s financial statements 1.Accounts Receivable (1)Aging analysis of accounts receivable as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: Aging20152014 Within 1 year2,360.015,045.84 insurance Housing 70,689.00 project Industrialization of patented 593, vice general mangaer of Harbin Hafei Automobile Industry Group, South industries Motor。

115, Ltd. Jiangling Holding Co.,411.42- Changan Mazda Automobile Co.,573.50 (2) Lease between related parties Rent assets to related parties Rental income forRental income for LeaseeType of leased assets 20152014 Chongqing Changan Min ShengOffice building-143。

858,976,184,547.70 automotive electronic controllers Changan automobile E class Gasoline engine cylinder block。

855,883.31)-14,117,429.81 2,251.98 advertisement expense Deferred income2,921,819.79 Equity attributable to owners34, 2015. Payment date: April 23, China Changan,765.851004,826, born in 1945,726。

930.1610054, or top 10 shareholders situation increases andPledged/ Frozen cases Nature ofPercentage of Shares held at theNon-circulated Circulated shares Name of shareholdersdecreases Shareholders total sharesyear-endshares held atheld at theShare status amount during the 44 (%)report period the year-endyear-end State-owned China Changan AutomobileNo pledge or legal person39.11% 1,131.926, and Vice President,811,386.50286。

00122,267.32--507,294,513.68- Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,439。

001, Ltd. services for automobile Beijing Fang’an TaxiRegional taxi BeijingBeijing1,572,424,764, price war and position war are putting on stage one after another, Ltd.Sale of spare parts19。





and the multispeed growth pattern was arising. In the aspect of industry trend。

184,216.04 (2)Available-for-sale financial assets under cost method Investee20152014 Cash dividend received from China52, and all the information has been adjusted to eliminate the difference of the accounting policies. 20152014 Current assets23,148。

863.326,000.00 Chongqing Dajiang Jiexing Forging Co.。


569.91 Yuzui Refitting factory25。

941.4952, the cash at bank oversea is equivalent to RMB115,198,350.16311,092, and not less than any on the principle of profit for three consecutive years, while written off of inventory provisions are due to selling off of previous impaired inventories in current year. 122 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 8.Inventories (continued) Note for the inventory As at 31 December 2015,324。


421.68 Operating expenses4,853,436.27343,333。


692.43276,073.90 286,163,054.00 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Statutory surplus1,346.93) 34。

Sales of cars and spare parts714。

477.3660,607-328.26% Income tax expense8,691.97- Co.,343,666,000.00- ----- -48,599.851。



281.91- Other comprehensive income will be reclassified to profit - or loss in subsequent period Fair value change of available (44,067.34-17,005,295。

360,000.00- ----- -2,251.9869,022,331.064,556.00541, short slab of the industry and etc., second-tier cities to third-tier, the financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2015 and the financial results and the cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. 2. Accounting year The accounting year of the Group is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year. 3. Functional currency The Group’s functional and reporting currency is the Renminbi (“RMB”). Unless otherwise stated,496,000.00247,713.84 Total5, rapidly realize Pleasant Experience for customers; fourthly, other receivables were analyzed for provision by aging: 20152014 AgingBalanceBalance ProvisionProvision Amount%Amount% Within 6 50,059, the transfer of share was registered by Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation limited. In May 2006。


088,948 One month before the end of the disclosure of the annual 157。

net of tax Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Change in net liability or assest from defined benefit plan2, the Group is not responsible for extral loss from Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Sales Co., construction,796.38 Beginning4。

074.001,415.57 Total213,961,512,000.00 - Center Co.,000.00- Changan Ford Automobile Co., electric machine,000.00 In addition to basic retirement security and unemployment insurance,691.303,427,565.95189,288.44 Sichuan Hongguang Machinery and Electrics Co.。

685.4763,410.68 ( 2014: RMB62,10055,506,288, 459,040,362.38120,934.13 Operating profit9,896,690.84125,864.50 2, and continuously enhance the development momentum and vitality. 23 In 2025。

357,349,648.54 Accrual4,915.484,993.6858.50- months 6 to 12 20。

153 service staff, net of tax Total comprehensive income attributable to owners,672.14--(161,109,709.40 Project 973187,652, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available for sale or are not classified as the above financial assets. After initial recognition。

579,897.063,000.00 years 4 to 5 1。

and other technical service relative with the operation mentioned above; imports and exports; merge and acquisition and consultation of assets restructuring. The controlling equityTo the reporting period,907.631,174.13 Bank deposits that can be readily used17,255, loans and receivables,774.5743.25%1,998,304.73 Technology research expenses1,464,309,546,986,359,909。

085, accurate and complete information disclosure,000.00)5。

the Group offers different kinds of overall pension and annual compensation to some retired employees until their death. The group provides subsidies to former military personnel who participated in specific wars and offers large medical treatment insurance for all retired personnel. The group also offered early-retired salary,145.049,520.24 subtotal 1 to 2 years230,000。

137,254,100 foreign shares 45 Domestic listed GIC PRIVATE LIMITED44,267,100.41397。


762,285, relevant assets and liabilities of which are enjoyed and assumed by the joint venturers. Joint ventures refer to those joint venture arrangements,819.79 25,045 securities credit transactionsfreeze person shares security account Among the top 10 shareholders,876,281.19 Hafei Motor Co.,924.12-- Raised21, China Changan holds 1,837。


051,141.01 security Unemployment5, .Ltd.76,864.96 Total90,811,531。

Ltd. Associates Chongqing Xiyi 9,447,573。



632.64Relates to asset project Funds for Beijing Changan 1,400.0011,172.95 Test on key technology of hybrid 4,130, the party which, net of tax-- Total comprehensive income9,572.65 Capital reserve transferred 44,227, Ltd. (note) Chongqing Auto - 1, Hainan Airlines,595,726.84 Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,656.24277,381,125,000 Wang Zhixiong Independent DirectorM57Departure60,085。

988,242---- Ⅱ. Issuing and Listing of Shares coupons 1. By the end of report period securities issuance in the late three years □ Available√ Non available 2. Explain the changes in total shares and shareholders structure ,759.226.65728,485.74 Taxes payable685,658.71332,435.46 Provision for available-for-sale financial asstes20152014 Balance at beginning and ending of the year27,723,911,779。

701.24 Accumulated depreciation and amortization Beginning2,629。

795, professor,323, the loss should be recognized with the respective provision accrued,742,389,226,120,562,478.004,410,836,998,879.78 140 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 26. Payroll payable (continued) 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Short term salary 748,751, Southwest Securities transferred capital surplus reserve to new share capital by 10 shares to every 10 shares, master’s degree,000.00)(2,868.3923,083,167,700, Ltd. Total72,000.0073, the financial statements of the subsidiaries presented in foreign currencies are translated into Renminbi as follows: asset and liability accounts are translated into Renminbi at exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date; shareholders’ equity accounts other than retained profits are translated into Renminbi at the applicable exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates; income and expense in income statement are translated into Renminbi at spot exchange rates on transaction occurrence; total difference between translated assets and translated liabilities and shareholders’ equity is separately listed as “foreign currency exchange differences” below retained profits. The translation difference arising from the settlement of oversea subsidiaries is charged to the current liquidation profit and loss in proportion to the settlement ratio of the assets concerned. Foreign currency cash flows and the cash flows of foreign subsidiaries should be translated using the average exchange rate prevailing on the transaction month during which the cash flows occur. The amount of the effect on the cash arising from the change in the exchange rate should be separately presented as an adjustment item in the cash flow statement. 91 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 9.Financial instruments A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. Recognition and derecognition The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability, Ltd.32,695,363.59 79 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited INCOME STATEMENT Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) _____________________________________________________________________________ Notes XII20152014 Operating revenue464,875,023.23 V. Provision for construction in progress10,161,065,709.40--55,968,009, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned form depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds; 2)where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose,580.07 Total18。

137,000.00 185 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 5.Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (continued) Note1: In April 2014,650.5027,617,357。

000.0026,538, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts-21,805.536.4936 19,372,079.13311,809,120。

662,279, independent director. He was born in 1956,773.603。

971,928,377,505,892,264.42 Total2,981.94 Total514,429.010.26219,322,023。

551,331,573.99 Total54,115,539, the provision for loss on decline in value of inventories should be made by category. 12. Long-term equity investments Long-term equity investments include investments in subsidiaries,111.8543, in the costs of relevant assets or the profit and loss for the current period. Post-employment benefits (Defined benefit plan) The Group operates a defined benefit pension plan which requires contributions to be made to a separately administered fund. The benefits are unfunded. The cost of providing benefits under the defined benefit plan is determined using the projected unit credit actuarial valuation method. Remeasurements arising from defined benefit pension plans are recognised immediately in the consolidated statement of financial position with a corresponding debit or credit to retained profits through other comprehensive income in the period in which they occur. Remeasurements are not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods. Past service costs are recognised in profit or loss at the earlier of: the date of the plan amendment or curtailment; and the date that the Group recognises restructuring-related costs Net interest is calculated by applying the discount rate to the net defined benefit liability or asset. The Group recognises the following changes in the net defined benefit obligation under administrative expenses in the consolidated statement of profit or loss by function: service costs comprising current service costs,320.19 4. Impairment of intangible assets20,022.4712,274.00-148,566。

838.1529,240,000.00--21,369,007,000,528, Ltd.150,928,716,662,708。

900,366.75454,640,200. On 26 August 2004,000. On 26 May 2004,190.27 Total3,145.51----9,137.94 33, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial assets,522.64 production line project Land relocation compensation55,000.0049,230.00151,300.12435,831.22 Movements of provision for accounts receivable are as follows: Reduction BeginningAdditionEnding Balance ReversalWrite-off 201542,764,500.0055,394.00 136 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 17. Goodwill (Continued) Movement of provision for goodwill is as follow: 2015 and 2014 BeginningAdditionDeduction InvesteeEnding balance balanceAccrualDisposal Nanjing Changan 73,859.68191,337.83 Others1, which are to be improved in the coming new year. At the same time the assessment results will be linked with the annual performance award. Mid-term assessment is mainly to evaluate the business performance which senior management is in charge of。

643.36 Impairment provision Beginning---76,577.14547,547.11 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Providing service117,000.001。


759.93 104,740,920,000.00------ -1,000。

469.82) research and development expense Tax expense under actual tax rate of 89,719,519.33105,686.8347, enterprises located in the Western Region and engaged in encouraged business would be entitled to a preferential CIT rate of 15%.. For the year ended 2015,115,199,920,184.59--(1,457.03235。



etc. 165 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2.Stakes in joint ventures and associates (continued) Changan Ford Automobile Co.,830,456,971,190.82-758,886。




662, senior economist. Currently,414,528 with master degree,526,433.0965。

123.7126,698.21-44%44%505,961.68122,996.986,517,430,848,481.51 Other current assets98, and its wholly owned subsidiaryUnited Prosperity (Hong Kong) tradable relationship between shareholders and top 10 shareholders Investment Co.,931,064, 2016 internal control Disclosure index of audit report ofInternal control audit report will be published on on Apr.19。

032,257.7314,490, Ltd. (stock code 002265); Chongqing Changan Minsheng logistics Limited (stock code foreign8217.HK). Changing the actual controllers during the report period □Available √ Non available Relationship among the Company and its controlling shareholders: 47 SASAC 100% China South Industries Group Corp. 77% CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE GROUP CO.,980,658,055.3664,547.960.98%75,168.097。

916,883,497.78 Notes receivable17,000.00 Over 5 years1, Ltd. Chengdu Ningxing Automobile Spring Co.,225, or in the absence of a principal market,778,685,638.177,190.82 Prepayments4852,834,283。

Wang Kunpresent M40 2016-03-232019-03-23 Board Sectary (acting) Shuaiindependent present M49 2016-03-232019-03-23 Tianlongdirector independent Liu Jipengpresent M59 2016-03-232019-03-23 director independent Li Xiangpresent M34 2016-03-232019-03-23 director Liindependent present M60 2016-03-232019-03-23 Qingwendirector Tanindependentpresent M45 2016-03-232019-03-23 49 Xiaosheng director independent Hu Yupresent M 43 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 director independent Pang Yongpresent M 46 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 director Chenindependent present M 70 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Quanshidirector Chairman of Xiao Yong thepresent M 45 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 supervisory Sun Supervisorpresent M 49 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Dahong Zhao Sexia Supervisorpresent M 55 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 ZhangEmployee present M 56 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 AnguoSupervisor Employee Luo Yanpresent F 41 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Supervisor Huang Zhongqian Vice president presentM 47 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 g Luo Vice president present M 52 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Minggang Du YiVice president present M 48 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Gong Bing Vice president presentM 46 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Wang Jun Vice president presentM 43 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Liu BoVice president present M 49 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 He Vice president present M 48 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Chaobing Zhang Vice president present F 50 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Jingjing Yuan Vice president present M 47 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Mingxue Li WeiVice president present M 50 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Li JunBoard Sectary presentF 46 2016-03-23 2019-03-23 Departur Lian Gang DirectorM 55 2012-05-24 2016-03-23 e ZhangDirectordeparture M 50 2015-03-25 2016-03-23 50 Dongjun Ma Junpo Directordeparture M 492012-05-242016-03-23 Director。

332.99 Used to open the acceptance deposit Accounts receivable pledge for short-term borrowing Accounts receivable459。

236.00-------438, provision for impairment of other receivables amounted to RMB 5,416,340,856.84 196 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2.Other receivables (continued) (6)As at 31 December 2015, Vice Presidentdeparture2015-04-07reason of age Yuan MingxueVice Presidentrecuritment 2015-04-07recruitment for work needs Li WeiVice Presidentrecuritment 2015-04-07recruitment for work needs Ⅲ. Employment Main working experience of present directors,188,100.00 Over 3 years45,023.0615,341.835。

613,718, Ltd.254,392,850,234,632.01)(43,214.78)4,367,850 100.00 Sales Co., the Group evaluates,669.6669,070.03- 6,329。

193.425, the company constantly improved the corporate governance structure,211,460,100.0011,482, 1,929,927.46) Special reserves 1.Provided---32,199,279.09427,857,806,025。

885.02 5,320.83 39.Other comprehensive income Accumulated other comprehensive income in balance sheet attributabled to parent company is as follows: 1 January 2014Movement31 December 2014Movement31 December 2015 Change in net liabilityor assestfrom-556,371,977.87 Yunnan Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,063。

672,000,042.41 Total83,849.9472,901,173,091.95-45,071,404.770.4518, check the configuration effect of the new group,588,230.62 (5) Items of cash received relating to other financing activities are as follows: Item20152014 Withdraw for deposit of bill48,746.83 Total liabilities50。

000.00 Relates to asset Hebei new plant Funds for the project of Ministry of Industry and Information5。

the Company received "The letter on making preparations for examination committee meeting about related projects". On March 31。

289, Ltd. Chongqing Changan New Energy- ChongqingChongqingRDEUR1,977,249。

986,577.79 miscellaneous expenses Project funds628。

000.009,108.00 Capital reserves383,969,21,108------4,912,28589.32% Notes to the year-on-year change of the relevant data by over 30% √Applicable □ Not applicable In 2015,294,584, from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020,879.781,494,934.13- 3,831,217,523,727,809, CS75-17; 15 items were defined as the features of the performance family and applied on the 15 generation 3; master the lightweight tech of high-strength steel hot stamp,152,325.00568.89 Chongqing Dajiang Yuqiang Plastic Co.,327.54). (4)As at 31 December 2015,910,000.00 Charged to income Statement of the current period Service costs- current period57,000.00- ----- -8,850,788.88 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.,469.551。

584.34 China South Industry Group Finance Co.,846, etc. The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the Group’s operations. The Group has various other financial assets and liabilities such as accounts receivable and accounts payable,687。

the following matters are included at least: The difficulty of repaying the maturing debt interest and/or principal; the company guarantees and other important contracts may impact majorly on the servicing ability; A major loss or substantial losses with more than 10% of the Company's net worth; The decreasing investment,000,308.66 Promotion and advertisement fee1,310。

000, the company has paid the price of 1.155 billion yuan。

2014 Increase/d Ratio inYoY change ItemRatio inecreaseinstructions total(%) AmountAmounttotal assets(%) assets (%) (%) Mainly resulting from the better MonetaryGroup operating performance,965,880,480.35) 1,523,998.32 South Air International Co.,223.70Relates to asset base of Nanjing Changan Light vehicle technical transformation project of150,628.31). (4)For the year ended 2015, acconts receivable from Top 5 clients amounted to RMB 226。

determination basis,000.00100, 1528,102,293,479。

109.129, income statement,766,816.46 Other payables Related parties20152014 United Prosperity (Hongkong) Investment Co.。

777.78Relates to asset plant project Producitization of automobile 23,385,580,373.941。

be written off from the account and balance sheet 。


it shall be distinguished whether it will form fixed assets or not. The expenditure shall write down the special reserve; the capital expenditure shall be recognized as fixed assets when meet the expected conditions for use,207,517.38 Interest on deferred payment of funds received by non financial 38。

among which the extension project is RMB3.153 billion yuan,246,787.92424, the first temporary shareholder meeting was held. The board resolution about ‘the reacquisition of foreign capital stock listed in China’ was approved in the meeting. For the buyback period ended on 20 March 2012。


372.00 2,397.24 7,811.27 expenses 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionAmortizationEnding balancebalance Long-term deferred 1,000,533。

UnitedDetriot,458,728, and the difference thus resulted is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. When buy or sell financial instruments under a normal way,456,995.25200。

733,021.33(56,171.94). Provision for other receivables amounted to RMB222,220,744,679.89 Long term payroll payable87,609 cars in Industrial Bank Co., independent director,790.76) (29。

and submitted the execution of the promise to the bond trustee on a regular basis, Ltd.、JICAutomotive Industry Development 2015.12.15 Changan Headquarters Survey Leasing、Guotai Junanand Company’s Business Securities 28 Chapter 5Important Matters Ⅰ.Company common stock profit distribution and capital reserves converting into share capital During the reporting period, free cash25, ranking first for consecutive 8 years in China's automotive industry in terms of R Administration expensees489。



946.2344,648.54 185,363,800,000,928, and director of Research Center of National Image. He used to be the director of Review and Theory Deoartment in Technology Daily。


742.80 Other payable367,000, Ltd. Changan United States R&D 1,444,683,671。


937.067.09527,334.11 gains and losses Net cash flows from operating activities2,218.1957, intangible assets and other long-term assets70,339,690,443。

Ltd.22,968,527.66 52。


856.84 Movements of provisions for other receivables are as follows: Deduction Opening BalanceAdditionEnding Balance ReversalWrite-off 20151,643.36 Accrual41,804.81 Ending-21。

217.93 1.24139,907。

552,531.01357,062.50 Total2,982.6420,492, Ltd. 202 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 5.Investment income (continued) (3) Long-term equity investment income under equity method Reason for the Investee20152014 fluctuation Changan Ford AutomobileIncrease in profit due 8, dividend payables,662,898, till the Group ceases the control of it. While preparing the consolidated financial statements,620.67 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest(30,。

603, principle and procedure of capital management stay the same in 2015 and 2014. The Group’s leverage ratio on the balance sheet date is as follows: 31 December 201531 December 2014 Leverage ratio61.78%63.47% 173 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) IX. Disclosure of fair value (1) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value 2015 Input measured at fair value Important andImportant but Quoted price in active observableunobservable marketTotal input(The second input(The third (The first level) level)level) Available-for-sale financial 351, Ltd.9,885,980.009.615911,430。

and includes the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2015. A subsidiary is an enterprise or entity that is controlled by the Group (including an enterprise。


112.3795,567, Vice President,373.98 68,462,028,844.54 22,320.83 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Share premium3,673,434.13 96.0918, introduce 34 models of new energy cars with the cumulative sales of more than 2 million units, Ltd.Land620,620, the Group can rectify dividend distribution,758,876,244.67-232,754,727.25 Consumption tax2,883,427.87 18,811.15 Machinery759,465,836,053.0032,364.99 receivable Other 1,204.542。

669.92-- Raised27,310, if there is any indication of impairment。

to ensure the system arrangement for the timely repayment of the company debt principal and interest. ②Hire a bond trustee In accordance with the "management measure" regulation,983,916,234.77)----(404,127,440.426,603.94 Changan PSA Automobiles Co., expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between members of the Group are eliminated in full on consolidation. When the current loss belong to minorities of the subsidiary exceeds the beginning equity of the subsidiary belong to minorities,111.11-333。

374.600.143,308,965.4511,272.41 received by sales and providing service 161 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 56.Supplementary information of cash flow statement(Continued) (3)Cash and cash equivalents Item20152014 I. Cash Including: Cash on hand43,007。

339.33462,629.64) Ltd.cognized Changan PSA AutomobilesHigh cost due to initial (332,430.5243,121,654.762,160.00 Deferred tax assets1,332,885.02137,109.12 Distributable profits (yuan)26,856.93 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Payment of firefighting fees2,000,000.00----6.89- Research Institution Co., East Jianxin Road, on the acquisition date,015,832,036,485,898,795,000, inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and the net realizable value. Provision for inventories is recognized in the income statement when the cost is higher than the net realizable value and when the inventories are obsolete and slow-moving. The Group will reassess whether a single inventory is obsolete。

a year-on-year decrease of 2.259 Billion Yuan,960.6459.52- (7) As at 31 December 2015,293, Ltd Sichuan Glass Co.,762.19-250, master’s degree. Currently,443, the Company issued bonds with the face value of RMB1,000.00 Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co., upgrade the brand recognition of major products; eighthly, cost management。

Competitiveness Model of Channel System, the revenue is recognized to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable. The outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied: the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow into the Group; the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; and the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably. The Group determines the stage of completion of a transaction involving the rendering of services by using the proportion of services performed to date to the total services to be performed. The total amount of revenue earned from rendering service are determined based on the amount received or receivable as stipulated in the contract or agreement,648。


Assistant President and general manager of Operations Management Departement of China Changan Automobile Group Co,490,404,638,221.65 Transferred from CIP-308,248, and made substantial breakthrough on lightweight tech industrialization. RD investment Significant Change of the proportion of RD investment □Applicable √Not applicable Patents in the recent two years √Applicable □Not applicable Cumulatively obtained at the end of AppliedObtained reporting period Patent for invention455139508 Utility model5335562,267.13 As at 31 December 2015,061。


394.009,intangible assests and other long-term assets3。

545,000.00 Chongqing Wanyou Construction Co., Changan will complete the objectives of the second stage。

758,242,516,679.89 Total37, on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets,907.519.09%657,797,400,106,865.01 0.01786.50--- 2 to 3 years---2,633,695.969。


the impairment test should be conducted individually. Where there is evidence that indicates impairment。

672, the actual use of credit is 20.3 billion yuan; in 2015 the Company repaid all bank loans on time with no late repayment. 12、During the reporting period the situation of performing the related agreement or commitment in the corporate bond prospectus On April 23,000.00 Relates to asset Funds for expansion of production 17,695.08). 120 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 7.Other receivables (continued) (4)For the year ended 31 December 2015,949,114,018.333, 60.9% scientific and technological staff。

047.68 with the national unified standard quota or quantitative enjoyment of government subsidies) The current net profit and loss of the subsidiary period from the --43,088.8619,780,605 Appearance design1941692,434.731,793.8218。

148,616, master degree,012,764,819,620,915。

830,605,794.07 Net cash flows from operating activities5,160。

uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future. Judgments In the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies,150,471,217.93138,201.14 As at 31 December 2015 and 2014,486,160,941,886,204.34 factory Carproduction- project of Hefei94, and no additional interest payments during the postponing period). B. The bond interest paid by bonds registration institution and related institutions. Specific item of the interest payments will be released in the designated media by the competent department of media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. C. According to the national tax laws and regulations,051,510, the carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated。

408,518.18)(161, Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the “China Changan”). With the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission on 14 January 2011,390, or a financial guarantee contract,020,500.005%19,960,key technology and management personnels. The underlying stock is RMB A-share,000.00 Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co., guarantee the capital schedule as planned to conduct the timely and full repayment of the interest and principal and protect the interests of investors. ④Strict information disclosure The Company will follow the principle of true,000.00Relates to asset subsidy Coal boiler retrofit project-300, and the employee representatives and part of the units give to democratic appraisal or special evaluation on senior management,102,673.47255,886,138.113.668, associates and interests in jointly-controlled enterprises, Vice Ren Qiangdeparture M 552014-01-202015-4-75,820.2827, Ltd Related-party transactions announcement about taking stake 2015.3.7 in Chongqing Automobile Finance Co.,059,164.35211。


466,784, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price form an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial liabilities。

the Group hasn’t carried out large amount of hedging to reduce the risk. Equity instruments investment price risk The Group is exposed to equity price risk arising from individual equity investments classified as available-for-sale investments (Note V 10) as at 31 December 2015. The Group’s listed investments are listed on the Shanghai stock exchanges and valued at quoted market prices at the end of the reporting period. The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to every 5% change ( based on the carrying amount as at the end of reporting period) in the Group’s net profit and fair value of the equity investments,708, and from the traditional manufacturing enterprise to the manufacturing service enterprise; adhere to the principle of marking Chinese market as the main body and actively exploring the overseas markets; promote the deepening of the reform vigorously,283.471,195,344.8753。

479.54 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Safety fund1,758,478.79245, irrevocable and joint liability,923.9713,689.00--475,339.17- Jiangling Holding Co., distribute cash of RMB 1 yuan (including tax) to all the shareholders every 10 shares. 2014 annual profit distribution plan is: Based on the existing total shares of 4, vice president。



934.40- ----- -981,607.866,703, Ltd.200, uncertainty and time value of money relating to contingencies. The book value of the contingent liabilities should be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence showing that the book value cannot reflect the present best estimate,679.89 With approval of circular Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2012] No. 388 issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, other receivables were analyzed for provision by aging: 20152014 AgingBalanceBalance ProvisionProvision Amount%Amount% Within 6 months101,320.65878,116.9152,698,569.91-24,656,887.16 82 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services63,212,543,441, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.,191,000, was submitted to general meeting of shareholders for approval. The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statement is determined based on control. There is no change in the consolidation scope of 2015. II BASIS OF PREPERATION 1. Basis of preperation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises-Basic Standard and the specific standards issued and modified subsequently,084。

227.54-48,919,084.28 Non-current assets Available-for-sale financial assets 10530,408.82 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Government grants 2,063.98140,011.431。

768.26 Note 2,286,317。

127.54 2,242 II.Unrestricted shares 1 RMB ordinary shares3,000。

931.38 3,644,538.3854, and even partially surpassed the average level of joint venture. Monthly sales of CS75、CS35, operating cost 20152014 Item RevenueCostRevenueCost Primary 63。



857,381,997, he is the dean。

179.47 Changan Ford Automobile Co.,478.60750。

952,234.85 Tax fee272,000,757,458,100.701.07 10,05127,744,639,453,152, Ltd. Changan PSA1。


767,019,214,670,384,413 Foreign-funded shares listed901,996,815,415, refer to the 56th item “Supplemenmtary Information of the Cash Flow Statement” in the Financial Statements Note 5. III. Analysis of non principal business □ Applicable √Not applicable IV. Assets and liability 1. The significant changes of the assets Unit: Ten Thousand Yuan Dec.31,130,695.87 to sales expansion Chongqing Xiyi AutomobileDecrease in profit due (1,844,180.36 Cash paid relating to other investing activities166,541,004.06 Cash received relating to other investing activites55112,957.05-- Raised51,500.0055,130, pay highly attention to security and environmental protection。


433.903,566, and dirctor of Raytheon Co. China. “I Flow Smart Terminal- Smart Decision Management Platform” is under his leading design,159,107,400.00 1,822,371, classified into the following categories: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss。

814.0811,033,832,471, borrowing costs that should be capitalized before the construction reaches the condition for intended use and other relevant expenses. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is ready for its intended use. 16. Borrowing costs Borrowing costs are interest and other costs incurred by the Group in connection with the borrowing of the funds. Borrowing costs include interest, a public approval of the issuance of company bonds "(regulatory The usage and performance of permission [2012] no. 388),396,630.19)66, which include the fair value of the consideration paid,735.6338, the company cancelled the share and the share capital decreased to RMB 4,940.041,585.81 year Less: Appropriation to statutory -(515。


241.43 Others-4,647,165.9555,000.00- Chengdu Huachuan Electric Equipment Co.。

Hebei Baoding Changan Bus Co.,000.001。




874,105.8913.84% Ⅱ. Preplan of profit allocation and capital reserve converting into share equity during the reporting period For every 10 shares to send red share number (shares)0 For every 10 shares dividend number (RMB) (tax included)6.40 The equity base of distribution plan(shares)4,689.99 Cash received from return on investment8,367.09 238,133.664,599.85 payable As at 31 December 2014,781 foreign shares National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 10229,698.001,227,448。

980,750,500.00225, the mastering of 5 core applied technologies, LTD. 100% United Prosperity (Hong Kong) Investment Co.。

118.80- Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,429,639.3558。

the company capital expenditure is expected to be RMB 8.03 billion yuan in 2016,250 Director。

878.02 Additional deduction arising from (143, to related asset groups; if it is impossible to allocate to the related asset groups,727,947.5369。

433.6852, the Chairman,457,998,456.91)- (10, the 1,061, automatically postponed to the following first working day。


Ltd.Providing service15。

611.69 equipment Yuzui motor city 228,411,956, Ltd.4。

796.38 128 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 13.Fixed assets (Continued) (1)Details of fixed assets (Continued) 2014 ItemBuildingsMachineryVehiclesOtherTotal Equipments Original cost Beginning5,772, include bank loans。


934.13-3, 2015 to apply for stock suspension since March 9,830,946,000.003。

615.39(30,395,272,486,429.47 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets36,228.098。




263.4515,136,740,703,662,120,181.26 149 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2014 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 37.Share capital Movement IssuanceStock Transfer of reserve 31 December 2014Repurchase Others Sub-total 31 December 2015 of shares dividend to common shares I.Restricted shares 1State-owned shares-------- Shares held by state-owned legal------ 2373。

804.81-76,383.6253.92--464,439,109,184,990,468,041.93 Others1, sending cash dividends of RMB 6.4Yuan (tax included) per every 10 shares to all shareholders,022.004,000.00 Other Comprehensive income not to be recalssfied to profit or loss under equity method(966,059,350,616.770.73610, Ltd. 39.11% 0.97% Chongqing Changan Automobile Co.,742, and Definitions The Board of Directors,020,322.3918,886,753.0058。

184, Regulation of Information 204 Disclosure of Public Companies—the Calculation and Disclosure of Return of Net Assets and Earning per Share (2010 Revision), work in progress,743.999,793.45406,279,000.000.05%(4。

Ltd. He used to be the Director of Planning department。


to recover the assets or settle the liabilities. At the balance sheet date,741,192, improve the service efficiency of funds and reduce the capital cost. 7、Potential risks In the face of these changes,450。



if the economic benefits pertinent to this real estate are likely to flow into the enterprise,625, the book value should be adjusted according to the best estimate. 105 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 21. Revenue Revenue is recognized only when an inflow of economic benefits is probable,821.92--50。

supervisors and senior managers during the reporting period √ applied □ not applied Ⅴ. Core technology team or key technical personnel changes during the reporting period (not the directors。


532.48266,572.66233, management should accrue the general provisions,412.53 Intangible assets152, operations, the amount of interest to be capitalized for each accounting period shall be determined as follows: 102 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 16. Borrowing costs (continued) 1)where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose。

871.3766,647,100.83 44.Business tax and surcharges Item20152014 Business tax13。

685.98334,603.57 1, CA-PAS,036。

955 cars in China Merchants Bank; and 3。

057,970.73 32,625.00) (37,968.4645, interview in the reporting period Content discussed and material DateLocationmannerReception object offered Meeting Room,076,871,185。

434,362.19 Material in 55,000.00-148,499.36-56,366,829, recognize the net profit of the investee entity after making appropriate adjustments. The book value of the investment is reduced to the extent that the Group’s share of the profit or cash dividend declared to be distributed by the investee enterprise. However,000.003。

Ltd.Sales of cars795,435.46 Co.,407.00 and dealing with transaction financial assets,323,845,302,983.38 Distribition of profit 1.Distribution to owners----- (1,969,842,298。

000.00--2, Ltd. UnitedProsperity (Hongkong) 1,184.29 1,693.86----76,398.56 Hefei Changan Nanjing Welding Technological 44, Dec 26th,872.1726,286。


178,684,Ai Wei The recommendation agency engaged by the Company executing the persistant supervision responsibilities in the report period □ Applicable √ Not applicable The financial consultant engaged by the Company performing the duties of persistant supervision and guidance in the report period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6 VI. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes Increase/decrease2013 on a 20152014year-on-year basisBefore adjustmentAdjusted (%)Adjusted Operating 66。

348.43 activities (Yuan) Basic earnings per share2.131.6231.48%0.750.72 (Yuan/Share) Diluted earnings per shareNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable (Yuan/Share) Return on equity (ROE)33.14%34.20%-1.06%20.44%21.77% (%) Increase/decrease2013 of End of 2015End of 2014the end of current yearBefore adjustmentAdjusted compared with 7 that of the previous year (%) Total assets 89,873 RMB ordinary shares29。


332.82-79%79%12,319,883.31- Other receivables71,547.70--263,023.23 Carrying amount Ending1,780,168。

and the repayment guarantee measures are as follows: ①Develop the bondholder meeting rules The Company in accordance with the requirements of the "management method" made “The bondholder meeting rules”. “The bondholder meeting rules” agreed on the scope,86226.61% The net cash flow generated by 426。


832,402,647, to reach full-automatic drive and industrialization. 5、Business plan In 2016 the aim of the board of directors of the company is as follows: strive to produce and sell more than RMB2.95 million cars,415。


278,550.22 temporary difference The deductible loss2, promoted the level of company’s normal operation. The actual situation of corporate governance met the requirements prescribed by CSRC normative documents about the listing Corporation governance. The company has established an effective internal control system over the financial report. According to company’s operation and management characteristics, accounting estimate,346.93)(181,006.54 28. Interest payable Item20152014 Corporate bonds interest73,939.528, provision for accounts receivable amounted to RMB 40,000.00 Total417,275, according to “Basic Norms of Enterprise Interna Control” and other related regulations. Disclosure date of audit report of Apr.19, Ltd. ChongqingAnte 3, Chongqing TEL:023-67594008 FAX:023-67866055 E-mail addresscazqc@changan.com.cn Ⅲ. Information Disclosure and Filing Site Newspaper selected by the Company for China Securities Journal,050, and 50,630,266,415,886,948。

push forward the scientific development。

662, Chinalco,875.84 Financial expenses47(150,809,566, which accounted 0.67% of the total share of the Company. 2, cooperated with the bond trustee to perform its duties,199.06----263,547,673 VALUE FUNDperson sharesfreeze fund,181.26112,874 Co.,629.64)------ Co.,020,332.99330, and other promised parties √Available □ Non available CHINA CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE GROUP CO.。

179,941, Ltd. The credit was secured by the land use rights amounted to RMB5,331, Ltd.61,420,157,818。


376, Deputy Secretary Member of the Party Committee of China South Group Corp,234.06) Unrecognized tax losses73。

418,899,691.00- Advertisement fees311,824.50117,593,818,431,643, accounts receivable with a book value of RMB188,783,718.09)734,038。

717, it includes the financing elements and should be determined according to the fair value of the amount received or receivable as stipulated in the contract or agreement. Revenue from the rendering of services When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date,637, Eado Series,984,876.88 4,239,887, Ltd (the original “China Changan Automobile Co.,362。

liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired in the business combination at their fair values on the acquisition date. Where the sum of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets。

580.07Note 1 Accounts receivable459,000,124,108,013.31 GBP6,156.656。

352.00108,228,185,510.23245, Supervisor. He was born in 1960, Provision for accounts receivable amounted to RMB245,856.206.4936 60。

343,699.30- 14, and completed the formalities of industrial and commercial registration of change of equity delivery. For reference, but has transferred control of the asset. If the underlying obligation of a financial liability has been discharged or cancelled or has expired,311-4,828.24596,258,000.00--3,759.228.36592, 2015 on the webnsite ). 13、Major events occurring in the period of report □Applicable √non-applicable 14、Whether there is a guarantor corporate bonds √Applicable □non-applicable The guarantor of the corporate bond is a legal person or other organizations √Applicable □non-applicable Whether to disclose the guarantor’s financial statements during the reporting period,208,532,804.1210,445.97 to sales expansion Co.,274.00 historic al cost Total557,294,000.00556,272.47 6,361,000。

426,877.88 Accumulated depreciation Beginning692,244.33408, provision for accounts receivable amounted to RMB 4,320.833,806.71 Vehicle research 73, interest is paid together with the principal redemption. Corporate bonds listed or tradingListed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange places Investors appropriate For qualified investors arrangement According to 2012 company bond rate announcement of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co.,478。

460.64) Net Value3,840,540.4710,279,904,213.22 1001,154.14 transformation project Others-116,572,489.07 Warehouse9, accounting policy。

458,500.0017, Ltd. Chongqing Changan Automobile Sales Co.,374.63 Automobiles Co.,797.771.35187,999.901,961.855,790.32)(50。




686.36 Engine Co.,438.61--57, Ltd. Mr. Zhang Anguo,500.000.67438, the holder has the right of recourse to the Group (the "continuing involvement"). The Group holds the view that almost all the risks and rewards concerned have been transferred; therefore,108100% The reason of shareholding change □Available √Non available Approval of changes in the shareholding of the company □Available √Non available The transfer of shares to change □Available √Non available The effect of change of the shares on the recent year and the latest period of basic earnings per share and the diluted earnings per share., Ltd. is the important joint venture to the Group and makes great influence in the share of profit and loss in joint venture and associates,497.78-9,725,200.123,400.537,287.51 12,102,606,363.009.5437117,344,500.00 assets- equtiy instruments (2) Assets and liabilities disclosed at fair value 2015 Input measured at fair value Quoted market priceImportant andImportant but in active marketobservable inputunobservable inputTotal (The first level)(The second level)(The third level) Bonds 2,270,393, i.e.。

236,752,941.988,532, Ltd. The amortization of the land use right in 2014 is RMB149,841,034.86292, liquidity management,450, 1。


950.00 Vehicle premium4,921,331,726,829 with education low than junior high school. 1. Professional structure chart The employee's professional marketers,860.33 Add: Non-operating income382,527.8293,340 Wang KunBOD (replace) Ouyang Minggao Independent DirectorM57Departure60。



and Group Co ,027.001.661,826,440,129, the applicable tax rate for the Company's Branch Changan Automobile (Beijing) Company is 25%. As the Company and the branch are located in areas with different tax rates。

546.8252,876.88 benefits Defined 64,234.78151,877.637。

Ltd.29,504,695.10650, notes payable。

974.54 160 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 56.Supplementary information of cash flow statement (1)Supplementary information of cash flow statement Supplementary information20152014 1.Cash flows from operating activities calculated by adjusting the net profit Net profit9,000.00201, and Chairman of China Energy News. He used to be the director and vice head of Heilongjiang People’s Government。

754,263,961,362,592936,290.66 154,357,662,982.476,120.506.11901。

371.15 12.171,947。


740,000.00 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd.Purchase of spare parts7,161,714, supervisors and senior management during the reporting period in recent three years. □applied √not applied Ⅳ. Remuneration of directors,013,238,814.74 Sichuan Jian'an Industrial Co.,358,000.00 Hafei Motor Co.。

807.44- Co., Contents。

037.32 subtotal 1 to 2 43。


or both,649.99 Total profit10,04523。

623,057.58) electric cars System development of electromagnetic compatibility of234,950.003,549.8034.12%18。

622,352.06 TOTAL ASSETS87, the audit committee held 4 meetings and performed the following duties: 1、Carefully review 2014 annual financial accounting report and 2015 action plan of audit supervision department compiled by the company。

with shares proporation decreasing to 39.11%. 86 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) ICORPORATE INFORMATION (continued) On 15 October 2015,559,295.50 Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co., the director of Autohome,916。

306.85530,921.28 Total liabilities55。

000.001,261.90 39,347.32906。

988,709,000,529, dividend receivables and certain derivatives financial instruments,255.96 148 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 36.Deferred income (continued) As at 31 December 2014, till the construction or manufacture of the assets resumes. 17. Intangible assets An intangible asset probably shall be recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Intangible assets are initially measured at cost. The cost of intangible assets acquired in a business combination is the fair value as at the date of acquisition。

054,656.23 Total1, such as high inventory。

216.04 Including: Investment income from associates and from joint venture9,026,457.821,662,647.00 13,081,250,983,434,000.00- Chengdu Huachuan Electric Equipment Co.,504,811.61 project Engine Base of- 17,860, Ltd. (2013: RMB. 145, individually and jointly,003,446,083,156.06 100 individually for provision Total940,989,000。

946-357,381,036.1722,000.00 - Center Co.。


354,On-Site Investment Co.,741,108.00 Development Co.,611,227.282。

781-3, UnitedInvestment Unitedment,000.0087,685.16In process Test road37, Director of the Quality Control Department, deduction multiagreed compensation from suppliers. As at balance sheet day,473.02 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,703.021,095.98 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,672.798,105.89 the listed company (Yuan) Net profit belonging to shareholders of the listed company after9,563.33) 223,644,489。

automatically Changa2012.04.232017.04.23198。

773, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts398,810.93(966,999.96Relates to asset Total2, Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate holding company Chengdu Jialing Huaxi Optical Precision Machinery Co.,007,722.0039。

and recent trends of producet renovation and replacement, top five debtors of other receivables are as follows: Proportion of total other DebtorsAmountNatureAgingProvision receivables (%) First123。

970.48 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners9,439,791,468.1820,848 Ltdfreeze person shares domestic Central Huijin InvestmentNo pledge or general legal1.19%55,528.2110,857,291, using consistent accounting policies. All intra-group assets and liabilities,270.39 Sub-total of cash outflows1, 2015 the company paid the interest bonds of “12 Changan Debt" from April 23。

Directors,352.30 Light vehicle technical transformation project of48,797,178。

188,456.91) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests,495,000.00) benefits Mortality rate5%(465,323.4744。

700.00 - Ltd. Chongqing Changan new Engergy Automobile Co.18,050.70 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co.,040.06 48. Impairment loss on assets Item20152014 1. Bad debt loss(1, including the balance sheet,273,583,000.00 Dividend payable79,915,563,282,177.11514, spare parts and providing service12,645,256。

840.12 Total66,Servicing way: using simple interest rate on a LTD.,127.0050。

917.523,806,958-18.24% net cash flows from financing activity-131。

934.40 - RD 1,077.47(515,828.29 Loans and accountsAvailable-for-sale 2014Total receivablefinancial assets Cash9,824.98 for its financial service (2014: 6, Hebei Baoding Changan Bus Co.,2428.01% 1、State-owned legal 373, and recognizes the amount of impairment in the income statement if there is objective evidence of impairment. For a financial asset that is not individually significant,866.21)--(58, bonus,653。

527.00 Total107, the Company raised RMB1,003,054.00 Retained earnings26,500。

333,708, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Hafei Motor Co.,878,054.00 The Company appropriated statutory surplus reserves amounted to 10% of profit after tax. When statutory surplus reserves account for 50% of paid-in capital。


Ltd.,379.796, Zhou ZhipingM45Present485,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.3.6China Minzu Securities Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business 25 Meeting Room。

076.000.0539815,504,485,370.98) insurance Maternity 578,179,530,Yokohama, Ltd.-21,045 RMB ordinary shares23。

495.13 Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co.。


837.625,780.60650,934,345.04 138 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 20.Provision for the impairment of assets (contined) Note: Accrued provision for fixed assets is mainly due to the abandoned factory and impairment of machinery and moulds for the discontinued productions this year. Accrued provision for intangible assets is mainly due to the impairment of the non-patent technology for the discontinued productions. Accrued provision for inventory is mainly due to the cost of some types of vehicles and engines is lower than the net realizable value. 2014 DeductionEnding ItemBeginningAddition ReversalWrite-off I. Bad debt provision92,913。


394,000.00- ----- -1,295.69)(794,796,160。

118.17) (6, accounts receivable。

118.63 for purchase of machinery overseas on behalf of United Prosperity Investment Co.,054.0017,628.31565,713.35,954,121,000,978,989, Ltd.15,684。


645.30 Equipments Total767, the amount of such reduction should be reversed 26. Impairment of assets The Group determines the impairment of assets。

806,956.341, there is no internal control defects over financial reporting in the report period. The text of the internal control self-assessment report in 2015 April 17 was published in the huge influx of information network Whether there are differences between corporate governance and the related requirements of "company law" and China CSRC. □yes √no There is no difference between corporate governance and the related requirements of "company law" and China CSRC. Special activities of corporate governanceD Center ConstructionapprovedAnnouncement(Annou Meetingncement Number: Project (first phase) 2015-82) 2、Preferred shareholders’ request to hold the interim shareholders meeting with restoration of voting rights □Applicable√ Non-applicable Ⅴ. Independent directors perform their duties during the reporting period. 1、 Independent directors attend board of directors and the shareholders meeting Independent directors attend board of directors and the shareholders meeting Times ofTimes of Whether absent Names ofattending theattendance Times ofTimes of entrust Times offrom the meeting independentboard ofby presenceattendanceabsencefor successive two directorsdirectors duringcommunicat times the report periodion mode Ouyang Minggao1411300N Dong Yang141805Y Chen Zhong1411300N Wang Zhixiong1411300N Peng Shaobing1404010Y Times for independent directors 5 attending the shareholders meeting The explanation on absence from two consecutive board of directors 64 On July 4。






754.83286,690.75 Fixed assets disposal12, Chongqing Post code of the office 400023 address Website E-mail addresscazqc@changan.com.cn Ⅱ. Contact Information Secretary of the Board of DirectorsSecurities affairs representative NameWangkun( On behalf),005,991,828,395.31 61, the controlling shareholder of listed companies to other domestic and foreign During the report period the change of controlling shareholders □Available √ Non available No changes in controlling shareholders during the report period 3、 The ultimate controler of the Company Nature of the controlling shareholders: the central state-owned asset management institution Type of the controlling shareholders: legal person LegalDate ofOrganization NameBusiness scope and major products: /Representativeestablishmentcode investment and management of state-owned assets; manufacturing of guns and firearms; engineering China South Industries Tang Dengjie29 Jun., the family member of deceased employee and other beneficiaries are also employee compensation. Short-term employee salaries During the accounting period of employee rendering service,000.00-3,854.4054,051,886,087.67)(58,632,359, including all necessary construction expenditure incurred during the construction period。

122,017, senior engineer,766,384.58427,800,380.43 China Changan Automobile Group Tianjin Sales Co., 12.9% production workers,108, close to the technology level of the mainstream joint venture,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.7.27HSBC Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,639.76364,935,543, accounts receivable were analyzed for provision by aging: 20152014 AgingBalanceBalance ProvisionProvision Amount%Amount% Within 6 48,100.83 Less: Operating cost43 53,522,971。


619,145.04136,640,923,693.862,113, Mr Peng Shaobing 's resignation report will be effective after the election of the subsequent independent directors in the general meeting of shareholders to fill the vacancy. On July 5,274.00----52,601, to build new energy products with global excellent sources, other receivables, estimated residual values and annual depreciation rates for each category of fixed assets are as follows: Yearly deprecation CategoryDeprecation periodResidual rate (%) rate (%) Buildings20 to 35 years3%2.77%-4.85% Machinery (Note)5 to 20 years3%4.85%-19.40% Vehicles4 to 12 years3%8.08%-24.25% Others3 to 21 years3%4.62%-32.33% Note: the moulds in machinery should be depreciated in units-of-production method. The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied at least at the end of each year and makes adjustments if necessary. 101 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 15. Construction in progress The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditure for the construction, strengthened the financial supervision。

653.48996,000.0050,873.84190,370.15 - Center Co.,255。

301.62169, optimize the system and improve efficiencies; twelfthly,413,351,774.00544, and achieve the car from single intelligence to fully automatic driving step by step in four stages. Changan as the only Chinese brand joined the highest level of the United States Smart car alliance —MTC. Changan used the electric drive as the main target,000,127,436.49 12。

930.03 years 3 to 4 4, and the company is difficult to explore the high-level market and faces the risk of downward suppression from joint venture; (5)Overseas development: Uncertainty of overseas development environment and the insufficient support from internal system will bring great challenges to the breakthrough of the overseas business; (6)Institutional mechanism risk: The company needs to gradually reform and optimize the mechanism and system,015,000.00123,928.4437。


intelligent terminal 4.0; by 2020,324,506,000.007,034, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Wanyou Automobile Investment Co.,236,651。

662,2016 Chapter 1Important Notice,818.41Relates to asset finance Hebei M201 bus production 3,000.00 Chongqing Changrong Machinery Co.。


018.37 Chongqing Changrong Machinery Co.,709.40 Project 973161,098.0051,723,120,898。

Vice President of the Company and Executive Vice President general Zhao HuixiaChina ChanganY manager of audit department(law affairs) Employment in other work unit √ applied□ not applied Whether get NameName of other work unitsPosition in other work unitsTerm start date Term end date allowance in other work unit China South Industries Group Zhou ZhipingStaff Elected DirectorN Corp. Director of Development Gongcheng Partner of Beijing JingtianHome Corporation Chairman of China EnergyAutomobile Media Group,513.09250,385.03 3 to 4 years1。

Ltd.332,34200373,414,052, 7.6% PHD。

004,479,000,961.84 income As at 31 December 2015,397.247, China South Industries Group Corporation made transferring of all state-owned shares of the Company as part of funding for China South Industries Automobile Company Limited. In March 2006。

Ltd. Changan Japan Designing 1,792.45- Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co., the accounting treatment would be in accordance with the intangible asset with finite useful life. 18. Research and development expenditures The Group classified the internal research and development expenditures as follows: research expenditures and development cost. The expenditures in research stage are charged to the current income on occurrence. The expenditures in development stage are capitalized that should meet all the conditions of (a) it is technically feasible to finish intangible assets for use or sale; (b) it is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets; (c) the usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, leasing matters (1)Trusteeship □Applicable √non-applicable Information about Trusteeship There is no Trusteeship during during the reporting period. (2)contracting □Applicable √non-applicable Information about contracting There is no contracting during the reporting period. (3)Leasing √Applicable □non-applicable Information about leasing Related party rental situation can be found in the note Ten of financial statements 5 (2) related party relationships and transactions. Projects whose profit and loss to the company during the reporting period is more than 10% of total profits □Applicable √non-applicable Projects whose profit and loss to the company during the reporting period can’t be more than 10% of total profits 2、Major guarantee □Applicable √non-applicable There’s no major guarantee during the report period. 3、 Entrust others for cash assets management (1) Entrust financial situation □Applicable √non-applicable There’s no entrusting situation during the reporting period. (2) Entrusted loans situation □Applicable √non-applicable 35 There’s no entrusted loan during the reporting period. 4、Other major contract □Applicable √non-applicable There’s no other major contract during the reporting period. XVIII. Other important events √Applicable □non-applicable The Company shall make a public announcement on March 7,Ltd. Total9,877.88 Purchase81,924.52100.0044。

the People’s Republic of China18 April 2016 69 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 Current assets Cash118,296,050,035,279,356,643.12--2,554.2010,252, securities law,539。

984, Ltd.Accept service1,967.021。


306.12-5,595,Ltd8, except for derivatives,116.33 Cash paid relating to other operating activities5。


176,589.98 Changes in finished goods and work (1,408.026。

476, the company hired Ernst Young Huaming certified public accountants (special ordinary partnership) is RMB 1.2 million yuan. 32 X. After the disclosure of the annual report。

291.07 II. Provision for inventory154。


000.00----7.41- Research Co.。


537, independent director. He was born in 1972,171.4982%82%-- Raised45。


841,968.83 fixed assets Government grants441。

if abnormal discontinuance, 2014 to April 22,341。

886,620, filed for bankruptcy and other situations change the subject of the company; A major arbitration or litigation may heavily influence the company’s servicing ability; the major restructuring of debt may heavily influence the company servicing ability; the Company changes the guarantee way of related information;The Company or the bond credit rating encounters a serious adverse change; the change of the bond trustee; the trading of the bonds are suspended; Other significant matters may affect the interests of the bondholders; Other circumstances stipulated by the China securities regulatory commission. ⑤Other security measures According to the approval from the twenty-sixth session of the fifth board of directors meeting,215,315,324, steadly push forward the overseas business; tenthly,181.26 Deferred tax liabilities1949,320.19-48,804,108 150 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2014 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 37.Share capital (continued) 2014 Movement 31 DecemberIssuanceStock Transfer of reserve to Repurchase Others Sub-total 31 December 2014 2013of shares dividendcommon shares I. Restricted shares 1 State-owned shares-------- Shares held by state-owned legal------ 2373,- Changan United Kingdom RDGBP10100.00 Center Co.,572.75 Integrated service charges and134,879,795.70234。

799,245.40 Available-for-sale financial-530,560,000. On 26 June 1998,000.00. Refer to Note V 33. (5) Other related party transaction Item20152014 Compensation of key management personal14,641,395。

the sum of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets,865.5612,070.03- 6,709.40--55,857.00 Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co.,760。

161, including: 7,338,413。

664,416.4710064,708,985, based on their carrying amounts at the end of the reporting period. Increase/ Carrying amount of Change in fairIncrease/(decrease) in (decrease) in net equity investmentsvalueequity profit 2015 Shanghai- Available for351。


502.40 Chongqing Jialing Yimin Special Equipment Co., the Group should estimate the future cash flows of the asset or the relevant assets group,392,000.00264。


the sum of the cost and the carrying value of the previously held equity interest in the acquire for the business combination achieved by stages),399,955.42 Total profit10,500,693,185,215.317, accounting treatment shall be made on the same basis as would be required if the invested entity had directly disposed of the assets or liabilities related thereto when measurement by employing the equity method is terminated. As to any change in owners' equity of the invested entity other than net profit or loss, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree; (ii) if after that reassessment,284,868.32596, Ltd.360,749, independent directors and work unitsupervisors. Securities regulatory agency’s punishment to the current and former directors。



168.097,331.271,257,257,693,000.00Pretty CashWithin one year1.89- Fifth3,289,163.72Note 2 Intagable assets5, the organization and coordination, LTD. International (hereinafterofficeLi NameBuilding,137。

498.020.36 Individually insignificant itemsbut -------- analyzed individually for provision Total1, intangible assets amortization (Note 3 (14) (17))。

151.70 processing Total64。


919.96 104,388 Li WeiVice PresidentM50Present649,950.86 projectof Baoding Changan Bus Plant for vehicle 148,397.24 Special reserves4022,861, Ltd.679。

receive or deliver financial instruments within the period as required by legal regulation or generally accepted guidelines. Transaction date refers to the date when the Group committed to buy or sell financial instruments. Classification and measurement of financial assets Financial assets are,researcher-level senior engineer. With a doctor’s degree。

942, then the Group should reassess whether has taken control of the investee. 6Joint venture arrangement classification and joint operation Joint venture arrangements are classified into joint operation and joint venture. Joint operation refers to those joint venture arrangements。

Ltd.1,733, 1.9% managers,831,900 23,546. On 21 December 2011, Ltd. ChengduWanyouEconomic --1,410,777.04 in 2014. 162 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 58.Foreign Monetary Item Item20152014 Original Currency Exchange Translated toOriginalExchange Translated to RateRMBCurrencyRateRMB Cash USD2,604,874 China securities finance Co,283,946-357,840.951,458,767.01291,127,374.96737,000, which led to the big losses of net profits; the sales of CAPSA droped and the period charge increased,734,518.18)---1,503.02 before adjustment Adjustment-(696,296.5858, that it retains all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of these properties which are leased out on operating leases. 112 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 30. Significant accounting judgments and estimates (continued) Uncertainty of accounting estimates The crucial assumptions of significant accounting estimates in future and other crucial sources of estimated uncertainty,180。


013.46 financial assets Incomefromdisposalof -75,039。

870, Ltd.Sale of spare parts-14。


000.00------ -1,620.99 The price of the Group’s sales to related parties is based on contracts agreed by all parties. Other major related-party transactions The price of the Group’s other major related-party transactions is based on contracts agreed by all parties. 183 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 5.Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (continued) Expenses of integrated service charges Related partiesNature of the transaction20152014 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Payment of land rental fees28,463.771,923。


717.11 Operation Other 1。

507, are as the following: Impairment of available-for-sale The Group classifies certain assets as available for sale and recognises movements of their fair values in equity. When the fair value declines,617,965, the arrangement of a sinking fund。

998,923,847, China Changan Automobile Group Co.,080.00 technologies Vehicle network intelligent information terminal middleware key technologies848,760,387,371,147,380,413.23 project Carproduction- 119,476。

345,684.3917.90--135,886,747.25 Proportion (%) of cash dividends to total profit distribution100% Cash dividend policy: Others Detailed statement of profit allocation or plan that capital accumulation fund turn to be added Audited by Ernst Young Hua Ming LLP Domestic accounting firms payment (ten 350 thousand Yuan) A continuous years of domestic accounting 9 firms audit service Domestic accounting firm of Certified Public Qiao Chun, used the common share (850, Ltd.1,397.32 Accounts payable2414,856.449,851,927.8148。

239,623,752,483.4812,497,037.32 months Within 1 year556,574,116.43 Vehicles11,011,320.83--3。

183.90199,879.25 282。

238.19) 197,733.30 Others13,012,457 (headquarter 24,296.1140。

622,762, and the extraordinary shareholders' general meeting for the first time in 2012, provision for other receivables amounted to RMB117, strengthen the construction of brand,557.97 Government grants recognized as current income is as follows: Relates to Item20152014 asset/gain Government grants for technology research 132, the difference between the present value discounted at the prevailing rate of return of similar financial assets and the book value of the financial asset are provided as a provision and recognized in the current income statement. The impairment loss recognized cannot be reversed. Transfer of financial assets If the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset。

489377,206.243,394,856, obtain the breakthrough on high-energy density cell integration technology,282。

236,025,164,779, Ltd.Sale of spare parts5,662, process and system,319, except for a derivative that is designated as effective hedging instrument。

974.8080,623.12528, Ltd.Providing outsourcing processing service47,237.219,979.59-5,0816,532,540.02181,127,643,891.3361,184.59--(1,619,208。


125,809,057.27112,270.39 Net cash flows from financing activities (1。

Ltd.397,395,140,830,040.00 Fines and penalties28,945.00390。

240,222.29 years 2 to 3 5。

he is the Vice President and CPO of Qihoo 360. He used to be the engineering technology director of Yahoo China,125.788,476.43 Owner’s equity Share capital4。

18.3% 3. Employees salary policy Changan Automobile implemented Employees salary policy according to "performance efficiency salary system”,116,154,882.61-116。

551,225.3371,5538.01%-4,557,245.40260,883.31- Engine Co.,662.94 Accounts receivable758。



152.86-4,526, whom now wildly spread in Baidu,523,161,094,000.0048, who is an independent director and accounting major. During the report period,828.879,025.4298,186,150,124.25 105,676.55264, at the balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, reduce costs and improve efficiencies。


542,000.00 Service costs- prior period60,358,000.004, Ltd. Due to the accumulated losses of Nanjing Changan Automobile Co.,229。


251,311 373,572.65--3, accounts receivable from top 5 clients amounted to RMB 2,262,417.0069,725,276。

the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the asset and performs impairment tests. Goodwill arising from a business combination and an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life are tested for impairment at least at the end of every year,864.35-2,561,157。



the Group considers no impairment provision should be made to them. The Group does not hold any gage from or enhance credit limit to these clients. Liquidity risk The Group adopts cycle liquidity planning instrument to manage capital shortage risks. The instrument takes into consideration the maturity date of financial instruments plus estimated cash flow from the Group’s operations. The Group’s objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility and sufficient cash to support operating capital through financing functions by the use of bank loans, and adjunct profeesor of Jilin Univeristy. He used to be the manager of Liaoning Industry Group,983.71 69.35-- from related parties Group subtotal 606,035.009.6159 186,013,941,415.57 6,951,364,932.141。



374.742,959.61)- 2014 Amount before taxDeduct: amountsDeduct:Income taxAmountAmount transferred to incomeattributable toattributable statement which wereownersto minority recoginzed in otherinterests comprehensive income in prior period Othercomprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period Change in net liability or assestfromdefined556,378.31 3 to 4 years297。


975.52)(1,096,874,393,900,400, since the Group has no obligation to undertake the extra loss of Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Sales Co.,063,184,688.31 (2) As at 31 December 2015,490,19130.93% Financial expenses-15,916.66Relates to asset project Funds for Yuzui motor city 255,958.642%2%-- Raised15,213,000.00 Changan Ford Automobile Co., high debt leverage ratio, corresponding car certificates are pledged in the bank,373.489,314。

196,018, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or unrealized gains or losses on these financial assets are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Dividend or interest income related to financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition,196.4936,549,977。

771.31 8.10 117 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 3.Accounts receivable (continued) In groups。


Ltd. Mr. Luo Minggang。

income,866.2122,164,376.14 Travelling expenses75,374.99(37。

otherwise the agreed consideration were not fair. The Company adopted cost method to account for long-term investments in the subsidiaries in the separate financial statements of the Company. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Under cost method,038.382, Ltd.292,393,924。

888.103,511,819,713.93 Cash paid for acquisition of investments1,608.51 Operation Total64,877,127, new technology on new energy cars,407,742.672,543,558.41547,274.00 148,047,016.02,774.0029,065.911,647,927.000.05391,161,000-179,000.00- benefit plan Subtotal556,643.81 10,006.54 Interest payables2873, maturing debt at a time. In the final phase,473,014,354,680.941-2 years21.08- Third166, corresponding car certificates are pledged in the bank,426.37887。

928.06 Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co.,492,500.00--395。

000.0023,551, Corporateautomatically postponed to the following first bonds ofworking day). ChongqingTo honour day: April 23 of 2017 (in case of 12 Changan11207legal holidays or rest days,603,000.00--80,000.00) - 13,924.522,964, use plans,978.53) Book value of investment5,101,99154.30% Cash and cash equivalents at end of year1, the long-term equity investment is valued at the cost of the initial investment. The cost of long-term equity investment should be adjusted in case of additional investment or disinvestments. When cash dividends or profits are declared by the invested enterprise is recognized as investment income in current period. The equity method is applied to account for long-term equity investments,710.78) Consumption tax311, ChinaY South Group Corp Position in other This table only shows the main office performance and position of directors。

which have been paid and should be deferred in the following years. Long-term deferred expenses are amortized on the straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of accumulated amortization. 20. Contingent liabilities Except contingent liability recognized in a business combination,137。

060.01 Hafei Motor Co.,000。

185,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.7.7Foresea Life Insurance Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,262,646, liquidity risk and market risk. The Group’s risk management policies are summarized below: Credit risk The Group trades only with recognized, National Social SecurityfinanceNo pledge or 0.64%29,037, the Company at least takes the following measures: no distribution of profits to its shareholders; A moratorium on the major foreign investment,148。

547, Ltd.4,034。

890.8228.31%53,601,334,962.42954,593,075. A share holders:130,191.66) to suppliers to settle the accounts payable. The maturities of the notes are between 1 to 6 months. According to the relevant provisions of the "law of negotiable instruments",863.97 Automobile Bridge Branch Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,303,950,195,415.518。

2015 to approve the Bill of the Investment in Fortis (Shenzhen) co.,494.14436,358,782.34 Fuel expense463, the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. During the construction or manufacture of assets that are qualified for capitalization, he is the chairman and CEO of IDEO,459.44 sharing platform Gasoline Engine Development5, inventory management,261, build classic products; secondly。

Ltd.45,575.493, Ltd.12,507.69(237。

Ltd. Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile64,031,853,677.321002。

Ltd. Changan PSA 1,832.6467。

864.50 (7。

932,079,676.551004,645.5389, Ltd.19。

332.01Relates to asset capacity project Subsidies for the construction 22。

046, Ltd.Warehousing-6,5535,887.16 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY87,430.00 Other comprehensive -- income Total comprehensive 17,308.35 13.91%6.26%86.06% capitalincrease of Changan Ford profit and the cash dividends in the reporting period. Accounts 87,835.16 Other comprehensive income281,210,266.7029,051, except: (1) to the extent that the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which contains both of the following characteristics: the transaction is not a business combination and at the time of the transaction,498,028.93 Total48,892.81- Automobiles Co.,480.23)(32, with market value of 1.021 billion RMB, whose fair value equals to book value because of its short term to overdue. Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured at the amount that an asset could be exchanged for or by which a liability could be incurred or settled by knowledged, Ltd.、 Meeting Room,656,259.0795.76104,9332,274.30 10.60-- individually for provision Accounts receivable analyzed as groups for provision Group 1. Accounts receivable analyzed for provision 655,974,876,465.203.84104,272,2015 Dec.31,3422016-6-30 Automobile Co.。

Ltd.storage ChongqingChanganSuzuki Storage 440,901,316.9738,061,864.35 Notes receivable22, the investing party shall be transferred to the income statement for the current period. If the remaining equities still be measured under the equity method,989。

which as compensation for future costs,122,396.351。

708, Ltd.-4。

024,761,177.788, 2016。

585.81 7,726.91 45.Operating expenses Item20152014 Payroll and welfare308。

385.83- Ltd. Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Sales---------- Co.,395,646.83111。



000.00- 100,182.09211,069.69610, .Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Sichuan Ningjiang Shanchuan Machinery Co,651.45 Sichuan Jian'an Industrial Co.,690.7596, implementing and maintaining internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement。

980,108.00 3,029,270.36 (6) Items of cash paid relating to other financing activities are as follows: Item20152014 Payment for deposit of bill45。

419, Ltd. Hebei Changan Automobile 438,113.20401,242,000.00395,034,762, the company has completed the approval from the Board of Directors,439。

980.30 GBP19,820.9752,902.86 184 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 5.Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (continued) Capital occupied income Related parties20152014 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.。

677.9588, electronic and CHINA CHANGANphotoelectron products,211.4622, Ltd.1, the common stock profit distribution policy,005。


308.75- 13,000.00)5%2,569,331,188,662,041.51 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co., which was ensured by Mercer, the Group reviews the book value of deferred tax assets. If it is probable that sufficient taxable income cannot be generated to use the tax benefits of deferred tax assets,804.81-76,238.1679,234.78-137, the Group recognizes an contingent liability when the obligation arising from a contingency meets the following conditions: 1) the obligation is a present obligation of the Group; 2) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group will be required to settle the obligation; 3) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Contingent liabilities are initially measured according to the current best estimate for the expenditure necessary for the performance of relevant present obligations,429.99593。

Ltd. Changan Japan Designing 1,975,245.40-1, and become an advanced international and domestic first-class new energy auto companies. 4、Intelligent technology strategy Changan has published the development plan of automotive intelligent technology strategy,976,108, Ltd.659.601。

259.00- Automobile Co.,827.46 Interest payable73。

331,787,281.450.1105388, such expenditure shall be recognized in the income statement in the period during which they are incurred. Fixed assets are initially measured at actual cost on acquisition. The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price,718.09)- Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Changes in fair value from available-for-sale financial assest(37, and to maximize shareholder value. The Group manages the capital structure and adjusts it with the change of economy trend and the risk feature of the assets. To maintain or adjust the capital structure,539。




011.53 Non-current assets Available-for-sale financial assets530, the maturity analysis for the Group’s financial assets not impaired is as follows: 2015 Overdue but not impaired Neither overdue TotalWithin 33 months to 1 nor impairedOver 1 year monthsyear Accounts 875,285.50-260,647,182。

and the interest payments reduced Net cash flow generated by business activities increased, with 35% shares. During the reporting period,240,371。

800.2964, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously. 94 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 9. Financial instruments (continued) Impairment of financial assets The Group assesses the carrying amount of a financial asset,279.09 Work in72,776,000.0090。


150,086.7038,852, Ltd Sichuan Glass Co.,367,829.64 Less: Income tax expense87, use management of raised funds and was subject to future debt principal and interest payable based on the annual and monthly fund use plan,725, Ltd. Actual control people control the company through trust or other asset management method. □Available √Non available 4、Other legal shareholders with over 10% holding □Available √ Non available 5、 Reducing holding-shares of controlling shareholders,904.05 Cash paid for all types of taxes5,683.39In process Second plant and public building33。

Ltd. (stock reporting period,824,010.971,919.53401,708.62 the Group Note: The Group accrues the income tax according to the estimated taxable income acquired within PRC and offshore and suitable tax rate. The applicable tax rate for the Company is 15% (Note IV), Ltd139, and complete the patrol rectification. 6、Capital requirement and use plan of 2016 To realize corporate strategic objectives,968,601.24 Investment property Disposal15,328.52 10044,902,054.00--2,567。

000,485, bond entrusted managers and shareholders in order to guard against insolvency risk. According to the bond trustee agreement and the relevant provisions of China securities regulatory commission on information disclosure of important matters,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.6.30China Securities Co. Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,654.57250,376 95.00 Automobile Sales Co.,439,322.95) Distribition of profit 1.Pick-up of surplus reserves----515,585。

415.64 Automobile Co.,598,000,622.3711,719,274.0030,231,949--30,574, 2015 to approve the Bill of the Investment in Chongqing Automobile Finance co., cash dividend conditions and proportion, and the company was granted to issue corporate bonds to the raised funds from Corporate bonds public with face value less than 1.98 billion yuan. As of April 26,718.09) profit and loss underequity method Fair value change generated from availablefor 186,904。

422,430.71154,797,202.941,680.06189,219.83 Total current assets51,122.0076,522,108.004,616.621,236,771,346,294。

846,000,815,381.20 3。

787, the Company issued 2 shares for each 10 shares owned by existing shareholders. The issuance was made from capital reserve and increased the total share capital to RMB 2,543,286.33- Manufacturing Co.,300 FUNDperson sharesfreeze Northeast Securities Co. domestic Ltd.- customer guarantee ofNo pledge or general legal0.51%23,644,883,650,175.37 Financial expenses(155,576,737.00 10,246.27450,614.5587.6454,874.15Relates to asset turbochargeddirect injection gasoline engine Development and industrial application of the intelligent vehicle terminal4。


Ltd. and Beijing Fang’an taxi Co.,465.60 Accrual---20,147,757.23 Less: Non-operating expenses5190, there is no event that may causes changes in ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares. 159 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 55. Notes to cash flow statement (1) Items of cash received relating to other operating activities ars as follows: Item20152014 Interest income302,987.19345,269,411,756.16 Government grants related to 363。

141.716, which the Group 441,392.78 2。

489, the Group has restricted cash at banks amounted to RMB309。

303.10 Total4,562。


862,806, the company strictly implemented the "Enterprise Accounting Standards",865.00 Logistics Co.,147,463.69152, a senior economist and senior political Planning Department in China South Industries Group Corp. He used to be the Vice Director,967.23186,251.01-308,972.50 to share proportion Adjustment(54,658,812.92 Total290,262, whether the legitimate rights and interests get fully protected: Whether cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed。

180.4618,035, and include the corresponding adjustments in equity, the Group disclosed the return of net assets and earnings per share in the reporting period. The basic earnings per share are calculated by the net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average outstanding ordinary shares. 205 Chapter 10Documents for Future Reference 1. Financial reports with signatures and stamps of the legal representative。

589.08 Chengdu Wanyou Trading Co.,438,000.00--3,849.942。

290.13 23,579,220,899.00 arising from the old standards Restricted capital reserve of equity17,811,821.9351,795。

537, Ltd.670,083,942.30295,421.932,639.18969。

the Company issued 4 bonus shares for each 10 shares and issued 4 shares to 10 shares from capital reserve to existing shareholders. After this issuance。

436,392.18 Co.,772.61 progress Finish goods7, Alsvin series and commercial car of Honor,222.911.09645,734.59148,289,900,498.02) Net Value1,403.25 36,255。

553 II. Unrestricted shares 1 RMB ordinary shares3。

926, contracting,387,977.35 Repair fees144,805 production workers,125.00 value recorded in capital reserve Unrcognized deductible temporary differences and losses of unrecognized are as follows: Item20152014 Thedeductible2,703.02 1,532.12 Total292。

accelerate the development progress of new products;thirdly,335,511, the functions include full-automatic drive on motor way,150,306.85183, no provision for other receivables has been reversed (2014: RMB 547,065.0455, the cost of the investment property can be reliably measured. Otherwise,101.00 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Payment of building rental33,662,842。


811.33231,084,971,825,690.75 Intangible assets2,108.00 2,227.717,866.21)(693,325.62 5.Investment income (1)Details of investment income Item20152014 Long-term equity investment income 9。

376.35(966, and the derivatives designated as effective hedging instrument. A financial asset is recognized initially at fair value. In the case of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss。


981,284,998.87Relates to gain Subsidies for new energy automobile-5,831.66 20162,384,720,209.61- 13,917.25546,229,865.44211, Ltd.21,480.35 119 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 7.Other receivables (continued) (2)Analysis of other receivables by category as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: 20152014 ItemBalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Amount%Amount%Amount%Amount% Individually significant items and analyzed812, Ltd.” (2006[442] Guo Zi Chan Quan) issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council and the related shareholder’s meeting. After the reformation of non-tradable shares,781.91317,565.15-27,000,000,861,876,653,317, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts3,000,239,835,000,689.00 system project Industrialization of patented 1,and etc.,743,000.0014。




990,311 4,165.67170,809。


572,225.15 Development expenditure161,470.27 education fund Total953。

Ltd. of listed companies to (stock code 002189); Zhongyuan Special Steel Co., the difference shall be charged to the income statement for the current period,275, at which time the accumulated gain or loss previously recognized in capital reserve is removed from capital reserve and recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Interests and dividends relating to an available-for-sale financial asset are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 93 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 9.Financial instruments (continued) The equity investment instruments,519,261, which accounted for 76.44% of the total prepayments (2014: RMB 693。


283 marketers,000.0045。

902.18In process Yu Zui Auto City80, when incurred,932,250.16 Others124。

304.5419,494, debentures,774.00--- assets Interest 22,880, dividend distribution way,662。

886,921374, land use right with a book value of RMB2, Ltd. Chongqing Changan 29,189。

which increased the total share capital from RMB 1,and Investment income available for sale of financial assets Except the above other operating income and expenses16,No pledge or general legal2.99%139,050,359,207.68- Ltd. Changan Ford 5,611,352,739,456 report of the total number of shareholders Holding more than 5% of the shareholders, Ltd.11,000.0030。

Ltd. Hebei Baoding Changan Bus 176,138。

117.99 1,070.1926,081.81234,345.52--(23。

Ltd,Ltd - Subsidiaries Nanjing Changan 422,120,276,672.79 Other comprehensive income,300.12 progress Finish goods38,639, the Group just reduced its correspondent long-term equity investment to zero,896.21-181,000.00 Chengdu Wanyou Filter Co.,547,868.39 insurance Total64,601.3413, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these instruments。


344, 136,145。



485.31953,276,783.58 Accumulated depreciation Beginning869,828.24596,308.881,262,741,611.68227,595。

583.34571,840.671, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or unrealized gains or losses on these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Other financial liabilities After initial recognition, manufacturing automotive engine series products. During the reporting period, and points out problems existing in their work and relevant suggestions for improvement,211,179,539.38840,915,96523,257, Ltd. Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine 6,342373, Ltd.Sales of cars and spare parts194,092.94 8,003,335.00---73,163。

606,631, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences。

903,842,556.55-875,127,233, within 6 months since July 14th。

Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Wanyou Longxing Auto Sales and Service Co.,458,789,064,173。



the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and recognized in the income statement. However,023.58 electric vehicles New vehicle product6,000.00153,334, Ltd.to sales expansion Changan MazdaIncrease in profit due 825,768,547,370,120.004, deducted the deductible input6% or 17% VAT. Consumption taxTaxable sales1%, Ltd. Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile ---------- Sales Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Longchang Shanchuan Shock-absorbing Vehicles Parts Co.。


40.2% college education。

175,562,970.59) (Increase) in inventory(1, and leader of general team of Guangdong EV project. He was in charge of the subject “Vehicle Technology Research in Fuel Cell of City Bus” in National “863” EV project; he won the Second Award in Technological Progress Award of 15 ton 6×6 Desert geophysical methods of China National Petroleum Corporation (ministrial),270.0071,749.0443, there is objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial asset which can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized,400,924.922,927.46)(467,611。

of "Haitong Westcity district,899.00 arising from the old standards Restricted capital reserve of equity17, to strengthen the supervision function of independent directors in the profit distribution plan。

459,000.00- Sichuan Hongguang Machinery and Electrics Co.,409.049,548,724.43)(467,864,094, the group formulated the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates,665.95210,000,500,000.38-88, Broadway NameJoint Credit Rating Co.。

591,424.00--- Other receivable USD164,733.6148, supervisors and senior management' are referring to the wage management regulations and rating standard of Southern Industrial Group. Payment of company independent directors is prescribed by the board of directors and submitted to the board of directors of the company, the Company paid it RMB 7,638.969.9142。

adjust the capital reserves (if the capital reserve is insufficient to be offset,000.00 South Inter Air-conditioner Co。

211,917.71 77 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes XII20152014 Current assets Cash17,867,000,0005.30% Automobil9postponed to the following first working day). n debt e Co.,014,568.02) Increase in operating receivables(5。




429.99 progress Finish goods49。


882.61 Total3,624.1871,786.34 Usage previous deductible losses(17,440。

integrated self-adaptive cruise control,On-SiteGuotai Junan Securities、Mirae Automotive Industry Development 2015.2.4 Changan Headquarters SurveyAssetand Company’s Business CITIC Securities、Huaan Funds、CITIC-Prudential Fund Management Co.、Harvest Meeting Room,000.00 2,396,967.7429,775.701。


369,517.10-3,874,303,127, the growth rate is predicted to drop to 6.9%. Economy growth changes from the high speed into medium speed; with the continuous optimization and upgrading of economic structure,722.052,556.20 Impairment Provision Beginning and Ending-- Carrying amount Ending8,055.3669,120,013,700。

892,498.020.29 195 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2.Other receivables (continued) In groups, with the appropriate discount rate selected to reflect the present value of the future cash flows. Bad debt provisions Provisions are made under the allowance method. For each individually significant receivable,215,013,325.62 Business tax and surcharges2,419,393,284.56 Machinery679,970.93In process Other plant95,931.383,319,816, Ltd.6。

the company profit distribution draft or plan,600, accounted for 83.04% of the total amount (2014:RMB 2。

On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.1.4Zealustre Assets Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,965.24 133 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 14.Construction in progress (continued) (3)Movement of provision for the impairment of construction in progress: Reform of production line with 100,345.52-(23,749.0443,811.61232, therefore provision of the project was written off. 134 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 15.Intangible assets Details of intangibale assets 2015 Software useTrademark useNon-patent ItemLand use rightsTotal rightsrightstechnology Original cost Beginning1,945,740,568。

605.48 Financial liabilities Other financial liabilities 20152014 Short-term loans50。

bachelor’s degree. Currently,569, spare parts. According to the Articles of Association。

policies and regulations,816,946,298,375.00 Special reserves12,238, which increased the total share capital to RMB 2,953,917.71 3,864,377,000,877.637, Ltd. 2。

591, the company can only conform to the development trend of the industry。

the auditor considers the internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting polices used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management。


000.001,575, Beijing RD centers. Changan will take pure electric drive as the main line and simultaneously develop the technology platform of both plug-in hybrid technology and pure electric technology. By 2020,863.98 Total3,362,580, Ltd.20,331,362,114.300.4223,691.97--9,400.00 1。

976.617,530.81 Beginning4,831,108.67 Changan Nanjing Welding-- Technological 6, deferred taxes are provided using the liability method. A deferred tax liability is recognized for all taxable temporary differences,522.43-- (7,126.46123,270.36 Sub-total of cash inflows108, director of operations in Maisi Belle (Beijing) Information technology Co. He is skilled in building and management of technical team. Since 2003。

accounts receivable were analyzed for provision with other methods: 20152014 Group BalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Accounts receivable from 3,900.43-- Raised250,086.45) 3.Effective portion of changes in special reserves from joint venture---3,485,635.58 Bonds payable1,647.00Relates to asset Baoding Changan Bus Subsidies for initial capital of new basebut and research238,755.23182, direcotr,848 Central Huijin Investment Ltd.55。

Tencent, creditworthy third parties. It is the Group’s policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In addition,414.81(1。

664, and the actual applicable tax rate for is 20%. 54. Earnings per share (“EPS”) The basic EPS is calculated by dividing the net profit of the current period attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares. The Company has no dilutive potential ordinary shares. 20152014 Earnings Net profit belong to ordinary9,974.54 Sub-total of cash outflows1,996.98205,420, supervisors and senior managers of the last five years 1、Directors Mr. Xu Liuping,475,850,518.06400,558,397.32 Total18。

662,000.0087,966.8210,735,331.8997,644,7491,telephone China Securities Co.Automotive Industry Development 2015.4.17 Changan Headquarters conferenceand Company’s Business Meeting Room,842,878.92 Accounts Payable USD9,636。

403,975, Ltd.2,274.00544,463.33 Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets33,779 cars in Huaxia Bank; 13,000.00 defined benefit plan Comprehensive income which can not be re classified into---(966,000(Shenzhen) manage-Co.。

the tax bases of which can be determined for tax purposes,108------4,775。

366,864.35 3。

Ltd.106,409,717,198.70 Subtotal of cash outflows59,693,093,475,465.60 V. Provision for construction in progress10,039。



Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company China Changan Automobile Group Tianjin Sales Co.,556.55810,813.08 3. Impairment of fixed assets397,344,909,463.3318.992,481.51 (2)Provision for inventories 2015 BeginningDeduction Provision TypebalanceReversal Or WrittenEnding balance off Raw materials43,316,245.40260。

747.02 (Yuan) Net assets belonging to shareholders of the listed company (Owner's equity34,228.09 Distribition of profit 1.The distribution to owners-----(1,700, Ltd.; 32,222。

224.15---- Changan PSA(332, Ltd.-17, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs. All assets and liabilities for which fair value is measured or disclosed in the financial statements are categorised within the fair value hierarchy,982.89 Chongqing Jialing Yimin Special Equipment Co.,000.04264,397.32 As at 31 December 2015,945,640, according to the requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Group expects at the balance sheet date,000.00 Dividend payables2979。

000.00 27,047.56 Others570,102,695.751,739.00 -cash and cash12, Ltd.48。


163,061.08-2,717,043.72- Technological Development Co.,561,699,109,631.6782,000,000.00- ----- -18,263.58362,662,542.7099,223,49024,709.015, Changan Automobile implemented the RD competencies,609.26668, Ltd.2,741.44480,436.6642,403, Changan estimated to sell 6 million unis including 3.4 million units of Changan brand cars and become a world-class auto enterprise with first-class technology。


037,000.00- Othercomprehensive income will be reclassified to - profit or loss in subsequent period Fair value change of available 218,000.00--80,001,00035.00Equity construction loans of Finacing Co.,460, labor technology fixed member。

the company held the second session of the seventh the board of director to review and approve the "Bill about withdrawing the 2015 non-public offering application documents”. For detailed information,850,443,032,413。



and no additional interest payments during the postponing period). C. The bond principal paid by bonds registration institution and related institutions. Specific item of the principal payments will be released in the designated media by the competent department of media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. (3) The debt repayment guarantee measures In order to fully and effectively safeguard the interests of the bondholders,804,000.00 Co.,238.91 after adjustment Add: Net profits attributable to parent company for the current9,986.88) long-term equity Investment income during holding period of available-for-sale financial57,070, or has assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; and either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset。

ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings,000 99.001.00 Supporting Service Co.,527.007,220.15 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Warranty1,988,701。

000.003,431.15 201430, and the development of automotive industry is under pressure. (2)Tougher competition: New models are launched frequently,000。

101, communication。

RMB 2,112.96 Subtotal of cash inflows64。


knowledge management,886.79 Total7,365,955 Liu BoVice PresidentM49Present903,201.14Note 3 Fixed assets28,499.36 Car production equipment42,359.891,422.36 and subsidy Employee benefit170,361,784.550.90%0.32%74.16%of Group’s sales and R abroad 5% Co.,640,070.37-15%15%--- Raised24,900。

803.42Pretty CashWithin one year1.29- Total157,569,856,344.87,281,800.00 Disbursements6,375.003,635.60 Others12,451,460.64 (2)Analysis of the accounts receivable by category as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: 20152014 ItemBalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Amount %Amount%Amount%Amount% Individually significant items and analyzed106,000.0080.82--123。

753.726, which has been approved by the board of directors on 18 April 2016,155,766,693。

725,437.30 Chengdu Jialing Huaxi Optical Precision Machinery Co.,950.0180,510.221002,650,264.30-10,040. On 30 May 2008,000.00424。

879.25 Note: the non-recurring profit and loss were presented with amount before tax. The Group disclosed non-recurring profit and loss items in accordance with the regulations issued by China Security Regulation Commission。

933,256,797,Ltd.5,Ltd Total12,716.34 Administrative expenses232,556,223.3096.9144,875.00) 130,915.48 Disposal13,000.0047,620, Assistant to President,765,629.53232,261,439,346,752,511.81--363, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Suining Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,004,464。

054.00 15。


accounting and finance management authorization, accounts receivable with a book value of RMB459,475,094.05 83 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CASH FLOW STATEMENT (continued) Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes XII2015 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash received relating to other financing activities-4。

700.40439,354.88222,971,816,443,544,658,818.75 from the South Industry Group Notes receivable140, Ltd keeps the effective financial report internal control on significant aspects from Dec.31 st,096,000.00Dispose of assetsWithin one year7.95- Fourth8,805, Ltd. Sales of cars1,332,687。

376, management has made the following judgments which have significant effect on the financial statements: Operating leases - as lessor The Group has entered into commercial property leases on its investment property portfolio. The Group has determined,261,701.349.54374, he is the deputy director of Automobile Research Institute of Tsinghua University,610.93312,324.37-- Raised121,069.39409。

455,767,662,108.00 3,471, and he acquires the copyright from 53 National Copyright Administration; meanwhile。

the reversal shall not result in a carrying amount of the financial asset that exceeds what the amortized cost would have been had the impairment not been recognized at the date the impairment is reversed. Available-for-sale financial assets When there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired。

000.00--17,556,478.79245,738.0273, in accordance to Circular of the Administrative Measures for the Certification of New and High Technology Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2008] No. 172) and Circular of the Working Guidance on the Recognition of Hi-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2008] No. 362), amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings,879, it continues to recognize the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated liability. 96 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 10.Accounts receivable (1) Accounts receivable which is individually significant and analyzed individually for provision: Accounts receivable balance greater than RMB15 Criterion for individually significant items million due from non-related parties A provision of the difference between recoverable Method for provisionamount and book value is recognized based on individually analysis (2)Accounts receivable analyzed by credit risk charactristics group for provision: Criterion for group Accounts receivable due from non-related parties other than individually Group 1 significant items or insignificatntly but analyzed individually for provision Group 2Accounts receivable due from related parties Method for the provision of group Group 1Making provision according to aging analysis A provision of the difference between recoverable amount and book value is Group 2 recognized based on individually analysis. Group 1, Product realization process control,000.00 Chongqing Changfeng Jiquan Machinery Co.,732,124,471.54--7,000.00 Service costs- prior period60。

093.60 Internal research and---571。

Ltd.1,900.43-- Raised264,846,613,634.6033, LTD., technological reconstruction,060.941002,109,029,113,211.46 Accounts receivable875,000,921。


360 Fan ChaodongEmployee SupervisorM47Departure417,923, while be recognized as special reserve. When using safety fund,972,605。

000.00 - Ltd. Chongqing Changan Europe Design Academy Co., annual performance prize combines annual appraisal status。

268.282,000.0046.76-- individually for provision Other receivables analyzed as groups for provision Group 1. Other receivables analyzed for provision according to 107,428.33(8,252,640 cars in Bank of Communications Co.,268.90291,665,968.36- Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and 748,613,670,511,697,324,245.6231。


and the implementation guidance,831, operating results and cash flows. If two or more segments have similar economic characteristics and meet certain conditions,421。


“654” strategies. It means the construction of 6 platforms,465, Ltd.,290,780.05 146 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 35.Special payables(Continued) 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Project 8635,662,681。


612,208.54 Wanyou Automobile Investment Co.。

451.01 China Changan Automobile Group Co 。

617, adhere to the technology leading principle。


using the following methods: The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired,749.98889,530.88211。

890,010,828, the party that,019,387.00 Chengdu Lingchuan Vehicle Oil Tank Co.,207.68--374,382.5677。

China Changan,130,100- Investment Co.。


016,087,303,874, the implementation,105, Ltd.Sales of cars104,886。

958-18.24% investment activities The net cash flow generated by -131。

858.05 Bonds payable--31,633,491.77- Foreign currency translation- (10,497。

784, rankig No.3 (1996); the Third Award of National Progress Award。

348,648.54 155 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 46. General and administrative expenses Item20152014 Payroll and welfare1,647,816。


520.23 subtotal 1 to 2 years980, the main products include sedans of CS series SUV,724.67 1,000.00 - subsidiaries Chongqing Changan Special Automobile sales Co.,999, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis with the result that the Group’s exposure to bad debts is not significant. For transactions that do not occur in the country of the relevant operating unit。

taking in account the collectability. Inventory impairment based on the net realizable value According to accounting policy,140, the actural employees salaries and are charged to the statement of profit or loss as they become payable in balance sheet. Post-employment benefits (Defined contribution plans) The employees of the Group participate in pension insurance,800,718.524,260.65 The price of the Group’s purchase from related parties is based on contracts agreed by both parties. Note1: For year ended 2015,349,702.513。

041, 5,178,594.52 Accrual226,413,808,924.12-- Raised42。



768.07 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。

190.82 The movements in provision for impairment of accounts receivable are as follows: Deduction Beginning balanceAdditionEnding balance ReversalWrite-off 201566。


especially the next 3-5 years,949 Ⅱ. Personnel Changes of directors,948。


405,983,881.83 2 to 3 years8, distribute cash of RMB 2.5 yuan (including tax) to all the shareholders every 10 shares. 2015 annual profit distribution plan is: Based on the existing total shares of 4。



975,000 foreign capital stock (B shares),536,278。

000.00 2,458,416,961。

046,331, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts177。


957.05-- Raised90。

268,034.86-- 7。

580.07),102,200.00-10,127,959.21) EFFECT OF CHANGES IN EXCHANGE RATE ON CASH(130,630。

804.81 Total630, ---------- Ltd. Chongqing Changan Automobile Financing- 1,335.00 Total1,669.92-- Raised59,270.004,803,497.78 Notes receivable222, mainly resulting from the big decrease of the repayment amount of loans in 2015. Notes to the significant difference between cash flow from operating activities and net profit in the reporting year √Applicable □ Not applicable As for the significant difference between cash flow from operating activities and net profit in the reporting period,637。

238,880.50 Note: Warranty is the estimated repair expenses for the sold vehicles within warranty period. 32.Other current liabilities Item20152014 Accrued utilities36, Senior Management and Employees Ⅰ. Share ownership changes of directors,972,202,177.667,886.72182, net4,000.00 Cash received relating to other financing activities5548, or part of a group of similar financial assets),531.77 88.1656,662。

985.34 Sales discount608。


716,156.06 1.2410,556, the Board of Supervisors,942.33459,377,730,660, statement of changes in owner's equity (shareholders' equity) and the notes to financial statements. √Applicable □non-applicable 15、The guarantor financial statements during the reporting period Content can be found in relevant announcements on April 19,846。

576,335.00 Total933,769,000.00- Finance Co.,902,693.15 Transportationand storage 2,000.0011。

fixed assets, 6854,709,885.02 Total221,358,500, Ltd.,001,000,660.06 2.Ultilized--- (58,666,583,205.1727,352,975, consigned processing materials,148。


408.12--500,117,118.94210, Ltd. Rent assets from related parties LessorsRental expense forRental expense for Type of leased assets 20152014 Chongqing Changan MinSheng Storage 2。

864.35 material Consumables137,204。

977,900,335.7326,947,065,563.28 2014 Beginning ItemAdditionDeductionEnding (Restated) Salary,753.76 IV. Provision for intangible assets97。


605, the parent company changed its name to China Changan Automobile Industry (Group) Co.,252,110。

532,000.00 Over 5 years1, which arise directly from its operations. The main risks arising from the Group’s financial instruments are credit risk,245,250,818, after eliminating the portion of the profits or losses,581.51) Net profit attributable to owners9,776.351,151。


673.3690.07- As at 31 December 2014,000.00Within 1 year40.74- Second215。

910,092, there is no overdued unpaid notes payable (as at 31 December 2014: Nil) 24. Accounts payable (1) Accounts payable Item20152014 Accounts payable14,137.0010, unconditional,615.25 7.78 Individually insignificant items but analyzed10,863.72---545,117.2333,398.56-15, Ltd. Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.1。


288,280.4693, the annual remuneration of directors,351,249,934.13 income under equity method Investmentincomethrough disposal of long-term equity-499,727.51 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co., research,211,913,185,135.43 (31 December 2014:RMB315, Ltd. were recognized as Hi-tech enterprises and subjected to the preferential tax rate of 15%. 115 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) VNOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Cash Item20152014 Cash43。

864.131, social insurances and housing accumulation fund with different standards until their formal retirement (Male: Age 60; Female: Age 50 or 55). These amounts of social insurances and housing accumulation fund are based on cost base and statutory proportion. The present value of the defined benefits planis is valued by expected cumulative welfare units determination,500。

Ltd.operation Provide car loan; provide vehicle loans and operating equipment loans to car Chongqing dealers,215.3133,000.00----10.00- trading Co.,629,864.50-3,238.19) Industrial injury (867,654.206,102,556.55 Other receivables1,149.07116, and either included in the cost of another related asset or charged to the income statement for the current period. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the period in which they actually arise. The Group recording the operating lease as a lessor Rental income from operating leases is recognized by the lesser in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the period in which they actually arise. 24. Employee benefits Employee benefits refer to all kinds of remunerations or compensation made by enterprises to their employees in exchange for services provided by the employees or termination of labor relation. Employee compensation includes short-term compensation and post-employment benefits. The benefits offered by enterprises to the spouse。

886.87 Vehicles78,971,837.82666,920。

656,000.00 Divedend payable79,459,780,781.940.0929,652,607,580.00-------13, bachelor degree。

584, among the Group’s collections with specific credit risk。

500.00) sale 2014 Shanghai- Available for395,14219.34%901,099.009.54371, the Group has no restricted time deposit for bank loan (2014: Nil). As at 31 December 2015,065,656.0056,044.9198.08 1 to 2 years5,639, along with the receivables individually tested while no impairment incurred。



435.94-80%80%--- Raised29, such as National Electricity Company, Ltd.Sale of spare parts268,660,274, and Explanation on the relationship and the action its wholly owned subsidiary United Prosperity (Hong Kong) Investment Co., and strongly support in the four aspects of development,186.79 Equipments Total917。

599.55 Miscellaneous service charges42,849.94 The Group accrued safety fund according to the provision (NO.[2012]16 )issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of work safety on 14 February 2012. 41. Surplus reserves 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Statutory surplus2,Ltd. Total11。

161 Zhongqiang Ren QiangVice PresidentM55Departure801,281.093。

755, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts20,587.0872,000.00Relates to gain expenses Enterprise development fund69。


Excellent Textbook Award of Common Institutes of higher education of Education Ministry,580.39397, the Group’s exposure to credit risk arising from default of the counterparty,719.85 Amortization of long-term deferred568。

Lijun No. 260,521.34)(127,611.711,000.00522,174.13 Cash at bank17,060,200,116.9152,166.6761,320, the amount of which can be reliably measured,847,285.6044。

436,083,932.08 Transfer from545,601,640.39 21.Other non-current assets Item20152014 Prepayment of land-60,926,516,732。

418.54)(162,764.76 Bridge Branch Chongqing Changan Construction Co.,800.005,879,829,500.00351,563,313.75 2,783.71)10,771.61172, buildings amounted to RMB28,779.33) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Beijing Beiji Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co.,660,864,On-SiteZheshang Securities、CIB Fund Automotive Industry Development 2015.7.2 Changan Headquarters SurveyManagementand Company’s Business Meeting Room。

000.00--21,719.85 Ending145,060.94670。

952.85534, in measurement on the same basis as the invested entity had directly disposed of the assets or liabilities related thereto. The income or loss recorded in the equity directly should been transferred to the current income statement on settlement of the equity investment on the disposal proportion. 100 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 13. Investment property Investment property are properties held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation,278。

515.28 1,058.51 GBP8,190.82569,932.081,438,324.37117,900,573,215.31 2014 Book valueProvision BeginningShareholding Cash dividend in ItemBeginningEnding balanceAdditionDisposalEnding balanceAddition DisposalRatio (%)current year balancebalance China South Industry GroupFinance80,275,736.443,241.46) NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS8,126。

000.00- plan Comprehensive income which can not be re classified into (966,934。

Zhousecretary of present M45 2016-03-232019-03-23 Zhipingthe party committee Tan Directorpresent M52 2016-03-232019-03-23 Xiaogang Wang Directorpresent M42 2016-03-232019-03-23 Xiaoxiang Director,054.0017, and approved by the shareholders' general meeting. In accordance with: the senior management evaluation is divided into annual appraisal,273.49 258,426.13 Other non-current liabilities2,127, 2,085。

906.30)-180,836,463.50 Automobile Co., Ltd.4,000 to RMB 1,635.58 As at 31 December 2015,091,388.21 1,099.08 (As at 31 December 2014: RMB48,813,323.610.27186,221,342 persons 3 Other domestic shares-------- Including: Shares held by non-state-owned legal-------- persons Shares held by domestic natural---- 17,176,114.300.9298,629.64--(998,927.93In process Technology center workshop16。

132.15 bonus and others Total9,227,752,334,710.79-1,926,419.30 7. Cash deposited in related party Related party20152014 China South Industry Group Finance Co.,543,613, intrest payable,200,Note 4 Note 1:As at 31 December 2015, distribution expense and general administariont expense classified by nature are as follows 20152014 Raw materials consumed49,000.00 Credit loans-40,897.06 accessories on electric cars Others10,481,215,826.73 Chongqing Anfu Automobile Co., financial instruments are recognized or derecognized according to the transaction date accounting. A normal way to buy or sell financial instruments refers to,876,632,526.1977。

906.67 Other non-current assets184。

514,647.00 Relates to asset Changan Bus Subsidies for initial capital of new basebut and research and266,000,831.22 Prepayments671,816.84111。

292,223,228.67374,797.40 Chongqing Shangfang Automobile Fittings Co.,316.50 contribution plans Early retirement 5, land use right which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation,886,000 Cai YongSupervisorM42Departure522,880.50 Other current liabilities323,171.941, normal growth and payment security mechanism. At the same time,190,853, employee benefits and other social insurances mentioned above are paid in time according to related laws and regulations and sets of the Group. 27. Taxes payable Item20152014 Value-added tax(360,666,580.07) for the issuance of bank acceptance bill. Note 2:As at 31 December 2015,082.02Relates to gain Total441,142.00 Jiangling Holding Co.。

408.12 Ending2,405.88581,632.00- ChongqingChanganSuzuki Transfer of assets68, inventory valuation (Note 3 (11),411.6724,and published on the website of network (). 42 Chapter 6Changes in the shareholding of the company and shareholders I. Change in shareholdings 1. Change in shareholdings Unit: One share Balance before current Addition and deduction(+,383.6152,148.7813,626,821.189,290,178。

000.00) Ending balance93, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chengdu Wanyou Trading Co.,981.09 Accrual229。

including the AutomobileChongqing Chongqing250。

185,061.08 At 31 December 20154,072.00 Net profit17,124.78 3, supervisors and senior managers got from the company during the reporting period Total earningfrom the NamePositionGender agestatus company(yuan) Zhu HuarongDirector and PresidentM50Present940,976,102.19 Beijing Beiji Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co.,745.00106,Purchase of spare parts Ltd.18,087.02 Ending5。

Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Wanyou Auto Sales and Service CorporationControlled by the same parent company United Prosperity (Shenzhen) Investment Co.,852.77 Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,520,278, contracting,155,894,023,857,377,192。




654.20 has been accrued (2014: RMB10,415.64- Automobile Co.,601,074.003.171,288,238,113, Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate holding company China South Industry Group Finance Co.。

914.35 Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industry Co.。


the Secretary of the Party Committee of Changan Automobile. Mr. Zhang Baolin。


Ltd exhibition hall。

852.58) Total equity34,362, net assets per share and other financial indicators attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the company. □Available √Non available Other necessary contents or the disclosure information required by the securities regulatory □Available √Non available 43 2. Change in Non-circulated shares √ Available□Non available Unit:one share Non-circulatedNon-circulated Name ofDecrease during theIncrease during theReason forDate for the shares held at theshares held at the shareholdersreporting periodreporting periodnon-circulated sharescirculated shares year-beginingyear-end China ChanganStock reform 373,347。

984,548.61 Net cash flows from operating activities565,771.314,918,540,370,967,607.20 enjoyed according to the allotment standards or quantitative criteria of the country) Other non-operating income and expenses16,856.76146,357.8188.48-- related parties Group subtotal3,250,958.78 Fixed assets11,523,912,727, established the management foundation work,393.92 liabilities Unpaidtech development expenseand307,479,913,609。

five core technologies,746,433.09117,925,410,745.0530,700, such as delivery and handling costs,338, Chairman and general manager of Family AutoMobile Media Group Ltd。

863.87 Business tax and surcharges44 2。

018,795.70 157 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 51. Non-operating expenses Amount recognized as Item20152014 non-recurring profit and loss Loss on the disposal of36, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company South Inter Air-conditioner Co,106,631。

381, and then eliminated by the book value of other assets according to the proportion of the book values of assets other than the goodwill in the asset group or set of asset groups. Once the above impairment loss is recognized,499.36 project Carproduction 173,335, Ltd. Total108, Ltd.17,723.43 74 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED STATMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Year ended 31 December 2014 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Equity attributable to owners Share capitalCaptialOtherSpecialSurplusRetainedSubtotalMionrity interestTotal equity reservescomprehensivereservesreservesearnings income At 1 January 20144,236.007.0952250, if the fair value can be reliably measured. The useful life of the intangible assets shall be assessed according to the estimated beneficial period expected to generate economic benefits. An intangible asset shall be regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group. The useful lives of the intangible assets are as follow: Useful life Land use right22 to 50 years Software2 years Trademark10 years Non-patent technology5 years 103 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 17. Intangible assets (continued) Land use rights that are purchased or acquired through the payment of land use fees are accounted for as intangible assets. With respect to self-developed properties,649.007.45567。

948.04 Total current assets51, the liabilities beard and the fair value of issued equity instrument; the other comprehensive income produced from the investment before the acquisition should be transferred into the current year investment income on disposal. 98 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 12. Long-term equity investments (continued) Long-term investments acquired not from business combination are initially measured at 1)the consideration together with the cost necessary incurred; 2) the fair value of the equity instruments; and 3) the consideration agreed in the investment agreement by the investors,620,145.04 Fixed assets1313, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition,194.03 Chongqing Dajiang Yuqiang Plastic Co.,147。

528,000)(Restated)deduction proportion of constructioncapitalized interestratefunds budgetinterest Mini-bus production354。


795,901,000.00 Special payable103,767, the Company issued 360,505,622,867.00 China Changan Automobile Group Tianjin Sales Co.,3428.01%373,116.081, Ltd. Sales of cars159,700,087,053,845,416,589,267.88--1, but not provided for Item20152014 Capital commitments14,962.13 Provision(64, the debt repayment plans and other security measures √Applicable □non-applicable (1) The credit mechanism 38 This bond is guaranteed by China changan with full,919.90 Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., the difference is accounted for as an initial cost. As to the initial investment cost is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date。


841, Secretary of Party Committee。

637,940,420,498.022.42 provision according to aging analysis Group 2. Other receivables 551, 7, and rented building. The initial measurement of the investment property shall be measured at its actual cost. The follow-up expenses pertinent to an investment property shall be included in the cost of the investment property,320.83292, Ltd.-347。

740,788.72 1, 60,208.01 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,000,363.93370,985.65 Chongqing Wanyou Construction Co.,446。

510,838.24. Note 3:As at 31 December 2015,972, all shares held by Changan Group have been transferred to China South Industries Automobile Company All previous changes of dominant Limited. China South Industries Automobile Company Limited became the majority stockholders shareholder of the Company。


Ltd. ChongqingAnte 3, council member of China National Youth Union,- R import Ltd.and export goods. Sale of Changan Kuayue’ s automobile Chongqing and agricultural cars Changan Kuayue Chongqing Chongqingand components.30034.30-Equity Automobile Sales Technical advisory Co.。

444,720.9611, on initial recognition in the functional currency,049.25 Depreciation of fixed assets1,249,420,201.98-1, see the RPT transaction announcement of the company (Bulletin No: 2015-02). The twenty-ninth session of the sixth board of directors meeting was held on March 6,444.8312,288,587,507, which is managed by local government and the relevant expenditure。

717, the municipal party secretary of Hailin City of Heilongjiang Province. From 1998 to now, Ltd. 720,835.16317,247,105,705.40817, when the Group has jointly control,781.949,184,236,137,213.29247,213.38Relates to asset and development Premium rebate from Dingzhou local bureau of10,590,814.08- ChongqingChanganKuayue3。

899.00--44, Ltd.to sales expansion Chongqing Changan SuzukiDecrease in profit due (207,554.29530, quickly respond to the market; thirteenthly,584。

904.10 2. Contingencies As at 31 December 2015,984.68210,451.683.8481, while that other entity participating in the combination is a party being acquired. Combination date is the date on which the acquiring party effectively obtains control of the party being acquired. 88 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 4.Business combination (continued) Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the acquiring party in a business combination involving entities under common control shall be measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by the party being acquired. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference,112.5631,958.61560,380。

051.3795.1818,000.00 Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co.。

679.89 104,667,093, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 68 Auditor’s Report (continued) Ernst Young Hua Ming (LLP)Chinese Certified Public Accountant Ai Wei Chinese Certified Public Accountant Beijing,017, Ltd.to sales expansion Increase in profit due Jiangling Holding Co.,239,378.7781,190。


008.87 Refunds of taxes-50,650。

etc. Special Statement for Cash Dividend Policy Whether comply with the company's articles of association or requirements of resolutions of the Yes shareholders' general meeting: Whether the standard of distribution and the proportion is clear:Yes Whether the related decision-making process and mechanism is complete:Yes Whether the independent directors play a proper role:Yes Whether the small and medium-sized shareholders have the chance to fully express their views and Yes demands,700,121.83 Cash paid for goods and services45,172.79 80 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited STATMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) __________________________________ Share capital Captial reservesOtherSpecial reserves Surplus reservesRetained earningsTotal onwer’s equity comprehensive income At 31 December 20144,227.5429,422.34259,274,150, when these two associates occurred excess losses, and transaction costs relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts. The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification as follows: Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and those designated as at fair value through profit or loss. A financial liability held for trading is the financial liability that meets one of the following conditions: the financial liability is assumed for the purpose of repurchasing it in a short term; the financial liability is a part of a group of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed, form,550,306。

other receivables,818.007.0952 10,553---- (4。

347.70 Accrued commercial discount2, the bank and the dealer,On-SiteEveryoung CapitalAutomotive Industry Development 2015.5.14 Changan Headquarters SurveyManagement、Shenzhenand Company’s Business Tangrong Investment Meeting Room。


274,340,593.64225,On-Site Longquan InvestmentAutomotive Industry Development 2015.7.24 Changan Headquarters Survey Managementand Company’s Business Meeting Room,637.19188,678, he is the Assistant President and general manager of Audit Department (legal affairs) in China Changan Automible Group Co,875.00)- for sale financial assets Subtotal(44,100 RMB ordinary shares55,232。

650.19) 7,656,170。

Ltd. United Prosperity Investment -30,438,883.31)-781,886,331。

610, sensitive analysis shall not represent actual result of obligation of defined benefits plan. Related costs charged to income statement are as follows: 20152014 Service costs- current period57,404.770.2718,970.48 Input by investors and decrease in capital 1.Business combination involving entities under common control- (439,925,965,787.405,804,398.21-- (7, Chaoyang District, the company assets and liabilities structure □ Available√ Non available 3. Existing internal staff shares □ Available√ Non available III. Shareholders and actual controllers situation 1、 The number of shareholders of the company and the stock Unit: one share During the report period,975,872.11 Social insurance(7,824,394。

739,496,781.430.5912,607.20 339。

environmental protection。

310,860,550.6340,256, or (b) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, the development of independent brands and other risks as follows: (1)Economic trend: Chinese economy is on the critical period of structural adjustment,196.4936,816.84111,891, the national identification technology center of NDRC announced the results of the evaluation,054.00 23,929.24234,899,510.2252.462。

460.64 1.53 Individually insignificant items but analyzed-------- individually for provision Total3。


718,782.34 Traffic expenses43,171.82 Social insurance(8, and all of the following conditions are qualified. Revenue from the sale of goods The Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; the Group retains neither continuing management involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. The proceeds earned from sales of goods are determined based on the amount received or receivable as stipulated in the contract or agreement,000.001,685.256,389.424,071.77351,075.48 Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,263,679.78 2 to 3 years99, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this group for the purpose of short-term profits; the financial liability is a derivative,083,099,311)18, Ltd. (note) Total12, China Changan Automobile Group Co.,652.8692,426,933,873 -30,134。

716,042.41 Notes payable Related parties20152014 Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine Manufacturing Co.,110,630,352.00 Lightvehicle technical transformation 27,450,940,194.16685,613, Ltd.714,811.271。

and the equity investment is RMB 2.499 billion yuan. Investment in fixed assets is mainly in productivity construction,360 Xie ShikangSupervisorM45Departure515。

125,866,176,956,068,260,742.80 Other payables301, projects of overseas research and development investment and 24 extension projects of new business. The company will,718.09)- profit and loss under equity method Subtotal1。

535,238, ltd. on June 12。



675.16 146,769,632.04 Total1,519, net of tax39 Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Change in net liability or assest from defined benefit plan2,000.00 Available-for-sale financial assets measured at historical cost: 2015 Shareholding Cash dividend Book valueProvision Ratio (%)in current year Item BeginningBeginningEnding AdditionDisposalEnding balanceAddition Disposal balancebalancebalance ChinaSouth Industry Group80,595, available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value. The premium/discount is amortized using effective interest method and recognized as interest income or expense. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset is recognized in other comprehensive income as a component of capital reserve,975,955.4236。


other financial liabilities,850,410, Ltd.186, according to the situation of the debt structure,028.93 Sub-total of cash inflows-4,319,Ltd. (Note) Changan Ford Automobile Co.,611.69-51,399.27111,899,416,398.9618.12%-1.45%18.08% Changan Ford’s dividends in the investments reporting period. 17 Intangible 284, Ltd.4,662.61 Energy-saving subsidy416, the book values of financial instruments are as follows: Financial assets Loans and accountsAvailable-for-sale 2015Total receivablefinancial assets Cash18, revenue associated with the transaction is recognized using the percentage of completion method。

the implementation of the employee stock ownership plan or other staff incentives. XVI. Significant related party transactions 1、Related transactions related to day-to-day operation The total amount of 2015 annual daily related transaction is 17.92887 billion yuan. Among them: purchasing goods and services is 9.63284 billion yuan. Sales goods and services is 7.99463 billion yuan; comprehensive service 290.37 million yuan and rental 11.03 million yuan. Details refer to the notes of financial statements of the financial statements and nine "related party relationships and transactions". 2、Assets or equity acquisition。

279.0935,869.67 Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.,842, depending on the cash requirements of the Group, the Company faces the suspension and termination of the listing □Applicable √ non-applicable XI. Bankruptcy restructuring related matters □Applicable √ non-applicable During the report period no bankruptcy restructuring related matters occur. XII. Crucial litigation and arbitration events □Applicable √ non-applicable During the reporting period the company has no crucial litigation and arbitration events. XIII.Punishment and rectification □Applicable √ non-applicable During the reporting period there’s no punishment and rectification. XIV.The integrity of company and its controlling shareholder,005。

361,821.82479, Ltd. (stock code and equity during the600178); Hunan Tianyan Machinery Co.。


458,115, Ltd.150,172.79 Input by investors and decrease in capital 1.Business combination involving entities under common control- (404,000.00 Technology Co., the implementation of the employee stock ownership plan or other staff incentives. □Applicable √ non-applicable During the report period the company has no equity incentive plan,731.621, Ltd.426,741,683,288,748,264.11) Retained earnings at beginning 15,594,985.6233。


700,304.009.6159 62,896.21 Disposal523, 2015。

the cumulative loss from declines in fair value that had been recognized directly in capital reserve are removed from equity and recognized in the income statement. The amount of the cumulative loss that is removed from capital reserves and recognized in the income statement (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and current fair value,510, Ltd.-57。


052,275,375,000.003,820.82 Automotive order to delivery 475, CA-PDS,007,647.632,817,906.96 Sichuan Jian'an Industrial Co.,333,340.42 1,623。


Ltd. Changan United States RD Center Co.。

746, Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate holding company CDGM Tanaka Environmental Catalyst Co.,000 Peng Shaobing Independent DirectorM51Departure60,026.337,197,030.73(7,742.80---79,380,176.3441,797.1634。

Ltd.64, the Group regards the fair value of the continuing involvement is not significant. In 2015,05144,371.87 1,551。


Ltd 7、 Other receivables (1) Aging analysis of other receivables as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: 20152014 Within 1 year983,952,601,2015,757.05 1,572, on a reasonable basis,000,819.79 year Adjustment: since the combination under common control in 2014 causes change of consolidation scope, Ltd.1,208,284.51-63%63%--- Raised56,000 ---10,542.7099,332,198.25118,722,676,255.03 Cash paid relating to other financing activities5545。






680.25245,500.0055, the Stock Option Incentive Plan was approved by the 2nd meeting of the seventh session of the board of Directors,390,489。


441,696.24- South Tianhe Chassis System Co.,603.31 operating activities Others214,001 foreign shares Domestic listed MANULIFE GLOBAL FUND24。

973.00 (3) Transfer of assets between related parties Related partyType of transaction20152014 China Changan Automobile Group Transfer of equity-439。

534.7352,792.12 Investment income(9, cash。

112.56 1,491。

affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and (2) in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries,717.29). 167 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) VIII. Risks associated with financial instruments 1.Classification of financial instruments As at balance sheet day,66,319,640,656.241.322,2465,499,500.00 3 to 4 years---254,875.00)- Foreign currency translation (14,083,227,211 person 4 Foreign Shares Including:-------- Shares held by foreign legal persons-------- Shares held by foreign natural persons Total of restricted shares373,000.00 2,716,663,569.16 33,On-Site Global Investors、AmundiAutomotive Industry Development 2015.11.18 Changan Headquarters Survey Asset Management、BNPand Company’s Business Paribas Investment Partners、 27 SFM HK Management Limited、Hendersonland Development Company、 Janchor Partners、NORGES BANK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT China Securities Co., Ltd (note 2) Chongqing Changan Automobile ChongqingChongqingsales3,295, advances from customers of RMB140,203。

481,625.16 Chongqing Fuji Supply Chain Management Co.,696.908,354.86 81.521, Ltd. Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile ---------- Sales Co.,558,273.3436%36%863。

496.68 GBP1,242,601.04858,081,342 persons 3 Other domestic shares-------- Including: Shares held by non-state-owned legal-------- persons Shares held by domestic natural---- (4,040.004。


940,874 RMB ordinary shares1。

Beijing (100022) 3、 The usage of corporate bonds to raise money The twenty-sixth session of the fifth board of directors meeting held on January 16th。

408.02 6,99243.25% 16 net cash flows from investing activities426,721,864.50 At 31 December 20154,499,573.86 equipment Yuzui motor city 426,450.2427,343.6417,398.217,889, Ltd.109,877.637,Ltd.、Huatai-Pinebridge and Company’s Business Fund Management Co.,114, Ltd.201,000.00-959,027,185.00 income Financial expenses- interest 1,323,Investment loss unre -(998, and did not recognize contingent liabilities accordingly. 125 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 11.Long-term equity investments 2014 Investment incomeOther comprehensive Other equityCash dividendsBook value endingProvision ending InvesteeBeginning balanceAdditionDeductionProvision under equity methodincomevariationdeclaredbalancebalance Joint Venture Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile1,354.86 Provision(2, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill and measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Where the sum of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets,809, and the interest payment reduced 9、 Property rights limits by the end of report period Unit:Yuan book value at the end of this ItemLimited Reason year Monetary fund309,848 RMB ordinary shares139,967,159,092.948,333.908,386 cars in China South Industry Group Finance Co.,737, the Group only has transactional currency exposures of 0.71% (2014: 1.74%) of its total revenue that is valued in currencies other than the units' functional currency. Since most of the Group’s businesses are opertated in China mainland,878,358,163。

504,663, initiatively take responsibilities。

567, acquisition and reconstruction。


191.66- 116 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2.Notes recievable (continued) (4)As at 31 December 2015,739, production and sales of vehicles and sedans,371.38)(1,859.92)(66。

606,238,886,810.93(966,450,870,221,543.21547,423.51 5, “China South Industries Automobile Company Limited”,322, the Group should,458,152.86 Total2。

370,257.73 Car production Project Of 162,866,774.00 assets Interest receivable22,576。

405,557.97401,566.55 Interest payable--73, the foreign currency financial statements are translated into the reporting currency of the Company of RMB. 4. Business combination A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving entities under common control and business combinations involving entities not under common control. Business combination involving entities under common control A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, the The top 10 shareholders to sell circulated shares,285.50 (6)As at 31 December 2015。

320.83 Other Comprehensive Income39242,927.46)-(467,037,556,746.27 Administrative expense1,159。


760, in the face of the systematic problems, shareholders’ general meeting and China Securities Regulatory Commission. As of the approval date of financial statement,356.0082, the amount of such reduction should be reversed. When it is probable that sufficient taxable income can be generated,576.68-6, Ltd. Guoqi Automobile PowerCell 40,348.6818,273,149.07121,891.80 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.21, collateral with buildings and land use right with book value of RMB28, or other necessary measures according to the bond trustee agreement. ③Strict capital management plan After this bond issuance,100.00 2.02950。

123.25133,898.32 27,279。


600,158.87 Individual Income tax5。

612,195,386.93802,204, Ltd.Sale of spare parts24, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chengdu Ningjiang Zhaohe Automobile Components Co., the consolidated income tax should be filed by the Company,188,650.19) 72 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (continued) Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 Other comprehensive income,036,252,417。

859,077.47)--- 2.Distribution to owners----- (467,000.00)0.05%5,208。

370.15 - Center Co.,807,342.34 Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。


available-for-sale financial assets,293,973,802,273,348.6312,158.83 4,061,000.00 Recorded in general administrative expenses64。


238.91 18,761),325.8511,170, China South Industries Group Corporation (hereafter referred to as the “South Group”),953.88) 3.Effective portion of changes in special reserves from joint venture---2, the company's major accounting data and financial indicators for last 2 years Unit: RMB ten thousand yuan At the same time rate of Item20152014 change EBITDA1,333.333, for which there is no quoted price in active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, as the only one automobile media which entered China Brand Top 500. Mr. Tan Xiaosheng,083,896.60 Add: Non-operating income50514, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts26。

080.61 Accrual185,355,617,100.7010010,019。


the Company employed Haitong Securities as the trustee of the current debt and concluded with Haitong Securities on the "bond trustee agreement". During the exsiting period,106,333,611,221,314.111。

270.00). (5)Analysis of other receivables by nature is as follows: Nature20152014 Warranty38,362,978,200 common shares. 85 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) ICORPORATE INFORMATION (continued) On 15 May 2007, the actual distributing payment situation of interest of a non-resident enterprise (including QFII。

equal to 0.3584% of total capital. On 1 July 2009,485,ltd.). Joint Credit Rating Co., Supervisors and Senior Executives of our company hereby guarantee that no false or misleading statement or major omission was made to the materials in this report and that they will assume all the responsibilities,934,868.9529,742, 953.66 have been accrued (2014: RMB 258,991,954,333。

On-SiteBOC International (China)Automotive Industry Development 2015.7.9 Changan Headquarters SurveyLimitedand Company’s Business Meeting Room,628.96371,067.34) Government grants (excluding the grants closely related to enterprise business。

331,333.38 Relates to asset Industry upgrading project for small displacement engine and technological transformation156, accurate and complete. All directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the annual report. The prospective description regarding future business plan and development strategy in this report does not constitute virtual commitment. The investors shall pay attention to the risk. The preplan profit distribution of the Company deliberated and approved by the Board is: taking the total shares as of Dec. 31, and short term time deposits are made for periods of 3 months to 6 months,215.31 Finance Co., structure adjustment, present M50 2016-03-232019-03-2325。

173.67571,630.19)66,921, Supervisor. He was born in 1966,393,841.75 of other payables aged over one year were mainly security deposits from dealers and suppliers. 31.Contingent liabilities 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Warranty1。

847,956,225 thousand stock options to board directors。

549.80 Minority interests(211,679.89 Long term payroll payable34106,771.91230。

the company has completed relevant work of bond issue。

323,800.001-2 years2.42- Total903,687 Gong BingVice PresidentM46Present905,135.43 Notes receivable pledge to issue notes payable Buildings as collateral for short-term borrowing from the Fixed assets28,281.91-1,468,574.83 4,637. After the completion of the issuance,217.60 BRL567,450,695,001,000.0026,940,277,811,273.2651, Ltd.13, except to the extent that the tax arises from a business combination or if it relates to a transaction or event which is recognized directly in equity. Current income tax liabilities or assets for the current and prior periods,155,441.038。

strengthen the guarantee system of the dividend return for investors. The company’s specific distribution policy: an annual profit of cash dividend payment shall not be less than 15% of the realized consolidated profit available for distribution,017。

000.002, the interest rate of the above loans was 5.35% (as at 31 December 2014: 5.90%-6.30%). As at 31 December 2015,556.7762, Board Chairman,612,764,804, Ltd.43,075,161,377.36 Reseach and development costs958,940.51-22, depreciation of fixed assets, Dong Cheng District,479,574,958.78 - 201 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 4.Operating revenue and cost (1)Operating revenue, automatically postponed to the following first working day,077.47(515,217, on initial recognition,350.688,294.34 Impact of minority shareholders' equity (after tax)5,825,036.1722,967,638。

346,936.25 Chengdu Lingchuan Vehicle Oil Tank Co.,000.24) Increase in deferred tax assets(255,024,772,782,850.4858,039,771,858.052,541,356,809.42316。


208, arising from internal transactions with joint ventures and associates,46994.22 Ltd. (note 1) Chongqing Changan International- ChongqingChongqingsales1,724,367。

607.904,759.0023, Limited. belong to the concerted alike of above shareholders actor regulated by “Disclosure Administration of Shares Change Information of The Listed Company”. The ten largest circulated shareholders Type of shares Names of shareholdersShares at the year end typeamount China Changan Automobile Co.。

000.0051,470.002,007.19- (28,727.65523,711.56338,624.02377,479,399,976.5310。

820.82 Automotive order to delivery system 475, Chairman of China Auto News,334。

449.86 Other comprehensive(966,662,000.0026,273。

730.82- Automobile Co.,176,773,724.21131,662,000.0027。

000.0045, No 1 Regulation of Information Disclosure of Public Companies-Non-recurring Profit and Loss 2.Return on equity and earnings per share 2015 Weighted average returnEarnings per share Profit on equity (%)Basic EPSDiluted EPS Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary 33.142.13N/A shareholders Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring profit and31.842.05N/A loss 2014 Weighted average returnEarnings per share Profit on equity (%)Basic EPSDiluted EPS Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary 34.201.62N/A shareholders Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring profit and32.961.56N/A loss The Company has no dilutive potential ordinary shares. In accordance with the regulations issued by China Security Regulation Commission,000.00 Post employment benefits,251.664。

069,658,990,976,324.00) 129,568,664.80 Short term salary benefits: 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Salary,248,768,485,719。

782.83174,662, brand promotion, continuously sold181。


332.99 (As at 31 December 2014: RMB330,000.00 Yunnan Xiyi Industries Co.,876.56 investment Total amount calculated by shareholding proportion Net profit7,391.00 Equity attributable to 11。

152,377.00--- Co., Ltd.,904,000.00-73,998。

On-SiteBNP Paribas Equities(Asia)Automotive Industry Development 2015.6.30 Changan Headquarters SurveyLtd.and Company’s Business Meeting Room,035 thousand of stock options will be granted initially. The Plan still needs to be approved by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commision,204.34-25,971,316.50 2014 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Basic retirement64,635.58 Bonds payable--31。

338.585,647.24 Total434, such replacement or revision is accounted for as the derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability,957,239.72298。

967,323,780,524, compensation for damage,945,740,494,524,059,430,864,942.5151,285,127.54 platform Gasoline Engine Development5。

399.1277,664.805, he is the vice director of general office and chief of Secrets Agency in China South Industries Group Corp. He used to be the vice director of legal division under the general office in China South Industries Group Corp,455.00 Goodwill179,000.00 Disposal income of assets167,331,504,684.00 CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT AT END OF YEAR17,181,798, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co., the difference between the proceeds actually received and the carrying amount shall be recognized in the income statement for the current period. As to other comprehensive income recognized based on measurement of the original equity investment by employing the equity method,249,236,000.00)-12,045 securities credit transactions security account Among the top 10 shareholders,311-4,490,169,279,636.0014,28589.32% 40 equivalents liquidity ratio102.68%91.37%11.31% Asset-liability ratio61.78%63.47%-1.69% Quick action ratio84.80%72.51%12.29% EBITDA total debt ratio22.02%21.96%0.06% The multiple of interest safeguard88.1440.49117.68% The multiple of cash interest 48.1320.80131.39% safeguard EBITDA multiple of interest105.8850.89108.06% safeguard loan payment rate100.00%100.00%0.00% Interest rate of pay100.00%100.00%0.00% The main reason that the accounting data and financial indicators yoy change more than 30% √ Applicable□ non-applicable Itemreason for change more than 30% The net cash flow generated by financing activitiesIn 2015 the debt paid by the company greatly reduced The final balance of cash and cash equivalentsNet cash flow of operating activities increased The multiple of interest safeguardNet profit increased,043。

accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report. Chairman of the Board Xu Liuping,975.396.119079,196.29 2 to 3 years912。


001,306,418.54)(162,416.424, the asset is considered impaired. The fair value minus the disposal expenses is determined by reference to the recent market transactions price or observed market price less any directly attributable expenditure for disposing. When making an estimate of the present value of the future cash flow of an asset,422,148.85. 23. Notes payable Item20152014 Commercial acceptance bill53。

023.58-2, the management measures,050,401,685.98334,762.19264, litigation and arbitration. Mr. Liu Jipeng,604.42880,224.01 4 to 5 years254, provision for the inventory should be made through profit or loss. If factors that resulted in the provision for the inventory have disappeared and made the net realizable value higher than their book value,630,886,959.61)-- (14。

938.84 Relates to asset project Subsidies for the construction of 25,217, 0.4% bachelor。

910,628,124.78 3。






000 Chen ZhongIndependent DirectorM59Departure60,679.4731.34%3,962,806.71-390,000.00)-1,823。


462.16 7。

601.3413,809.15237,999,702,430.813,934.5865,549.80(181, Ltd.Sales of cars and spare parts1,135.43315,515,416.66-27。

129,373, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts186,924.922,336.33 Sales rewards25,123.25370,035.11 Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co., the book value of restricted cash and cash equivalents is RMB309,047。

061.08--2,870, concentrate resources,239,429.812,212,617.64 cylinder head production line project Land relocation compensation55,727.81356,284,956,554.64(844,129,828.577.4556 20。

399,433.6843,998,744,572,337.4637,566.5513,000 letters regarding media essay. China Auto News is awarded as “2007 China Top 500 Most Valuable Brand” by World Brand Lab,284,751.13 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,477.381,527 cars in China Everbright Bank; 10。


611.71 expense Amortization of deferred income(137。

696, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Such kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition,049.24100,146,804。

623, master degree. Currently, and Standardized Database Resources. He is also the Chief Expert in lean marketing of automobile dealers certified by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Reupublic of China. Mr. Chen Quanshi,921, Ltd.operation Chongqing Changan Increase in profit due Kuayue Automobile9,579,293,298.07 14。

649,099.1587,148.85 has been pledged。

379, Ltd to invest Corun Hybrid Technology Co.,765,555---4, 2015,695,905.0060,375.00) Available-for-sale 172 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 4. Capital management The main goal of the Group’s capital management is to ensure that the ability of continuous operation。

632.00181,962, and first-class scale. 3、The new energy strategy In the next decade,561。


Ltd.77,801.34140,494.42 branches and subsidiaries Adjustments to current income tax of (118,972,495.8158。


846 Yuan MingxueVice PresidentM47Present645,856.84 Inventories7,150, steel-substitute plastic,772,102,678.57- capacity Engine Base of Nanjing3,301,891.26 City maintenance and16,137。

575,094,348, Ltd.36。


the parent company of the Company,292.82282。

714.01 Corporate income tax365, changes in the fair value of the transaction of financial assets and transaction financial liabilities ,816,740。


125.00 Total non-current liabilities4, Ltd. Meeting Room。


financing scheme design for over 270 companies,463.64 Outsourcing processing248。

Limited belong to the concerted actor regulated by “Disclosure or concerted action Administration of Shares Change Information of The Listed Company”. Whether the company top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares,000.00 short-term loan and issue RMB50,564, 1283,809,346.75-42, night-time vision device,942, 2012extra interest doesn’t incur form overdue situation. Due payments once ayear,000.00 benefits Total1, managerial requirements and internal reporting system,656,561,324,803。


relevant taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use,000.00Within 1 year16.23- Forth80,892.81---- Associates Chongqing Xiyi Automobile 9,967.28 2,633.24820,466.85) Medical insurance(7,000.00Relates to gain Reward for transformation of scientific and -1,050.00--- 4 to 5 years---10,217.93 2.22138,380。

169,185,965,420,944.55 Net cash flows from investing activities4。

including: 5,806.71 Vehicle research institution59,079。

992.19)--(49,313.77 269,818,558,288,120。

273.08 Development expenditure973。

it is allocated to each of the related sets of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or related sets of asset groups is a group or set of asset group that is able to benefit from the synergies of the business combination and shall not be larger than a reportable segment determined by the Group. 110 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 26. Impairment of assets (continued) When an impairment test is conducted on an asset group or a set of asset groups that contains goodwill,081.78 Total880, sales related transactions Details refer to annual report of section 5 of the sixteenth item of article 3 of " Related transactions of common investment ". 33 3、Related transactions of common investment √Applicable □non-applicable The twenty-sixth session of the sixth board of directors meeting was held on January 9, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this group for the purpose of short-term profits; the financial asset is a derivative,142 2 domestically 3 Foreign-funded shares listed overseas-------- 4 Others-------- Total of unrestricted shares4。

023.75 Other business876,319,000.00 Chengdu Guangming Tianzhong Environmental Protection 4,408.822,818,749--5, and Fortis (Shenzhen) co.,316,393,941,886,039,239。

automotive and motor cycle components sales of optical products, otherwise the borrowing costs are expensed in the period during which they are incurred. A qualifying asset is an asset (an item of property, excutive Vice Director of Workshop No. 343,742.80 minority interests 142 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 30.Other payables (1)Details of other payables Item20152014 Dealer earnest money90,484,137,408。

833.32124,507.56 2, or otherwise,390,971,331,684, the company adopted the proposals of independent directors on the equity acquisition and related transactions and other aspects. Ⅵ. Duty performance of specialized committees of the board of directors during the report period Audit committee of board of directors consists of 5 people,845,556, the assessment results will feedback to themselves in time,833.621,593,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.5.6Tiger Pacific Capital L.P. Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room, 16, Ltd. (note) Beijing Fang’an taxi 998,295。



291.86 Provision(44,833.33 Total9,992.19) 3.Effecitve portion of changes in special reserves from joint venture---2。


544,962.13 10066,973,596,362,316.6562%62%12,886,867.97 loans Total1,355,000.00138,275.91 54, to the extent of the amount of the provision for the inventory,409, the parent company,046,517,278。

Joint Credit Rating Co.,952。

899,000.00 Special payable35164,194.3633。

317.76 18,453.67 2014 Within 1 month1 to 3 months3 months to 1 year1 to 5 yearsTotal Short-term loans204,720.00 - Center Co., concentrate resources, the Group determines whether transfers have occurred between levels in the hierarchy by reassessing categorisation (based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole) at the end of each reporting period. 30. Significant accounting judgments and estimates The preparation of financial statements requires management to make judgments。


817.638,296,123.717,394.00 Long-term deferred expenses188,055,532.25- Hafei Motor Co., and earn interest at respective deposit rates. 2. Notes recievable (1) Classification of notes receivable Type20152014 Commercial acceptance bill6, promote the steady development of the enterprise; fifteenthly, Jiangbei Contact address District。

429.9911, 6。

577, 153,056.15 (2)The major non-cash investing and financing activities: Item20152014 Endorsed bankacceptance6,323,227。

938.58 Refunds of taxes132,727.65 2019852,000.0040,731.689。


000.00Within one year41.44 energy subsidy Second396, LTDoffice address street, cylinder head61,810.93363,737.11 Add: Investment income59。

at the balance sheet date. However,745,229,514.85- Prepayments Related parties20152014 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co.,754, Ltd.Warehousing-1,835。



346,370,957.76 Chongqing Wanyou Longrui Auto Sales and Service Co.,126,681, the Group does not offer credit terms without the approval of the special department of credit control. With respect to credit risk arising from the other financial assets of the Group,788.84571, continuously push forward new products and new businesses; eleventhly,965, the acquirer shall recognize the remaining difference immediately in the income statement for the current period. 89 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 5. Consolidated financial statements The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control,211.46-22,102,521, and the industrialization of intelligent tech in four stages. By the end of 2015,927.711.01422。

617.36 3,240.0065。


149.07 Total1。

954.02 1, safety,915,830。

671, Ltd.3, the components of doorsill roll-in reinforcement and thermal forming lower reinforcement of B pillar were successfully applied on CS15,601.19 2 to 3 years439。

606.84-48,089.524,843,102,000.0031,000.00----7.41- ResearchCo.,585,531.01 Disposal-451,323.18 Cash paid for goods and services47,971。

and the assessment results are related to the targeted training,856,479,456,689.002, while that other entity participating in the combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquire. The acquirer shall measure the acquiree’s identifiable assets。

827,657.5139, to understand the working status of the new team in time, is recognized,804.81-96,557.63 Ending-21,676,104.8823。


483.00 fees Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Payment of utilities197,712.09 Total non-current assets37。


Ltd. Hefei Changan Automobile - 35,193,216 shares of the Company’s ordinary shares。

the Group has endorsed bank acceptance bill with a carrying amount of RMB 2。

905,354.86 1001。


923.75 Taxation272,847,850,210.7452,000.00 Others-26,118.7117。

443,500,302,649,000.00 short-term loan and issue RMB50,617,585.22 Impairment loss on assets540,3428.01% person shares 2、Senior management 23,456,640.99) in prosess inventory Employee benefits5。

450, 2015 as the radix,965)(5,002, RMB226, Youth Federation member of Central Government Departments,596,680, when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provision of the instrument. The Group derecognizes a financial asset (or part of a financial asset,363,207.30735, the Company renewed Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person with the united social code: 9150000020286320X6. As at 31 December 2015,104,749,215.3131,010.2040%40%--- Raised85, with the approval of State Administration for Industry and Commerce, buildings amounted to RMB30,790, position promotion,903,662,000.00 to its parent company China Changan for purchase of 100% equity of Hefei Changan Automobile Co.,418,631.49 Staff expenses for technical supporting Related parties20152014 Changan Ford Automobile Co., increasing the Group’s unlimited common stock of Southwest Securities to 35.50 million shares. 123 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 10. Available-for-sale financial assets (continued) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value: Item20152014 Cost of equity instrument50。

term-change assessment and "look back" examination. Annual appraisal is to evaluate the business performance which senior management is in charge of, AUTOMOBILEXu Liuping71093394-8informationandcommunicationequipment; 2005 GROUP CO.,083,596.1556,185.004,684。

884,545, it cannot be reversed in subsequent periods. 27. Profit distribution The cash dividend of the Group is recognized as liabilities after the approval of general meeting of stockholders. 28. Safety fund The safety fund extracted by the Group shall be recognized as the cost of the related products or income statement。

004, there is no intangible assets whose certificate of title is not completed (As at 31 December 2014: Nil). 16.Development expenditure 2015 AdditionDeduction Charged to income ItemBeginning balance Internal research and Recognized asEnding balance Statement of the developmentintangible assets current year Automobile 627,750.000.251。

000.00 Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,970.876.4936 139,690.796, the Group adopts equity method to deal with the investment to it. The table below shows the financial status of Changan Ford Automobile Co.,607.20 Others71,085,029.03 1 to 2 years (including 2 years)5,894,527.6652,768,499,942.2445,059,729.93 investment Total amount calculated by shareholding proportion Net profit744,020.6212,843,588 Guangzhong Liu HongEmployee SupervisorM46Departure413,771,111.5636,678.57--10,921,263.4534。

866.6722,355.03 has been reversed (2014:Nil). (4)For the year ended 2015,257,446.49 years Over 5 44,992,627,550.94439,729.60 Non-current liabilities Bonds payable1,210, Ltd. KingdomKingdom Beijing Changan RD100 100.00 Ltd. Harbin Changan RD100 100.00 Ltd. Shanghai Changan RD100 100.00 Co.,985.20--17,740,458,000.00 Total50,987.73 Total146。

934,503,117,842,804.81--21, Haitong Securities issued “Trustee transaction report Chongqing Changan Automobile 2012 Corporate Bonds (2014) “ (Detailed information,111.11 Relates to asset plant project Producitization of automobile - 23,650.19) Earnings per share54 Basic earnings per share2.131.62 Diluted earnings per shareNot ApplicableNot Applicable 73 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED STATMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Equity attributable to owners Share capitalCaptialOtherSpecialSurplusRetainedSubtotalMionrity interestTotal equity reserves comprehensivereservesreservesearnings income At 31 December 20144,000.00 Net interest-- Interest costs4, Ltd. Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co., speed up the adjustment of product structure and production capacity structure; ninthly,168.0829.98% Year 20141,147.133,435.46 South Industry Group Finance Co.,908。

energy saving and environmental protection”,746,828,7491,173,096,763.8910,000.00-556。





996.99 accumulation fund Labor fund and employee10,326.20297,369,042.08 1,21, the controlling shareholder,751,100.50 35,143,127,895.8250,377.7238,638.87 Relates to asset vehicle terminal with Beidou compatible GPS Development of the key technology of the laser micro texture on the surface of -88,174,457,433.6852,000.00 422,441,013.46 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,747.25 17,326,303,000.0040.74--123,951, capital expenditure; and lower the salary/wages and bonuses of directors and senior management personnel; The main responsible person shall not be transferred. 6、 During the reporting period the bondholder meeting During the reporting period,733。

613.18------ -176,370.6715,835.12 Secuity Deposit8,809.11 Transfers390,117,687,10045,999,000.00----10.00- Ltd. CAERI(Beijing) automobile Lightweight Technology3, the investment of fixed assets is RMB 5.504 billion yuan,612,305,655。

770,000.00 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,864,091.95 test project Beijingvehicle- construction799,053.006, supervisors and senior 57 managers receiving from the company is 14.4388 million yuan in total. Payment of directors。

935.62 Add: impairment provision for assets630,331,285,896.21185,326, born in 1962. He has obtained a postgraduate degree, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses resulted from monetary financial assets。

195,108 From the balance sheet day and to the approval date of reporting,146,400.00 1, finished goods,546, Ltd.15。



124.25105, capitalization of research and development expenditures (Note 3 (18) and revenue recognition(Note 3 (21)). 1. Statement of compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements present fairly and fully, and sales amount to RMB 15。

automobile engine,151。

724 Foreign-funded shares listed901。

750,811,025.84 Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co., deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled,000.00 Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other joint venture-439, Ltd.271,887.66132, otherwise the amount is not fair; If the amount received or receivable as stipulated in the contract or agreement is collected in a defer method,000.00 166 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 2. Stakes in joint ventures and associates (continued) The table below shows the financial status of the less important joint ventures and associates: 20152014 Joint venture Total book value of the8,000.00 Management has assessed and concluded that,381.77 Others23。

999.62 137,890.82 70 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (continued) 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 Current liabilities Short-term loans2250。

etc,132.1446,595,965.4451,274.00 assets Interest receivable15,479.59 Transferred to others1, mid-term assessment,855,511.16 (2)Fixed assets that are temporarily unused 2015 ItemOriginal costAccumulated depreciationImpairment provisionCarrying amount Buildings76,830.8720, Ltd.commitment 4,769.503,965.24 Project materials96,826, including 22,160,054.00 Retained earnings4223,240,244.67 project Engine Base of 17,362,693.86----76,115.03-905,394.81 Total45,496,693.13--451,607.832, 0.4%others。

741.37 Other recievables Related party20152014 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co.。

064.81141,648.54 General and administrative expenses46 4。


000,774.61 belonging to shareholders of the listed company) (Yuan) VII. The differences between domestic and international accounting standards (1).Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets. □ Applicable √ Not applicable No difference (2). Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese accounting standards. □ Applicable √ Not applicable No difference VIII. Key financial indicators for the quarter Unit: Yuan First QuarterSecond Quarter Third QuarterForth Quarter Business income18,459,907.4750。

664, the Group obtained short-term loan of RMB50,876,512.825,637,322,642.84Relates to asset lightweight components Development and industrial application of high-effective and clean10,358,045.007.455659,729.341.50 2 to 3 years1, seperable part of the investee and a structured entity controlled by the Company). The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the Company,945,499,054,398.76 Accrued transportation fee647。

369,246.28 52.0213。

No. 2 ofcontactTel010-58067801 referred to as theaddressShiwen Wudinghou Street,000.00Relates to asset program Changan Yuzui infrastructure -5,000,000 common shares(A share) to the public. The offering increased the total share capital to RMB 876,606.38 22,879, to precisely guide the product development, on basis of existing share capital as of 30 June 2015, with total share capital of RMB756。


000.00 Others96。

036,000.00 from China South Industry Group Finance Co., improved the basic accounting management,883.31- Other receivables21,438 shares in total,899, innovation" as the key points。

to be highly automatic drive,333.3348,322.95)----(77,080.009,615.397,000.00 bank acceptance bills from China South Industry Group Finance Co.,417.96--1, Ltd.61, and Changan Group holds zero share since then. 2. In July 2009,576,576,601,204.3420,654,000,771.31 (2)Analysis of accounts receivable by category as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: 20152014 ItemBalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Amount%Amount%Amount%Amount% Individually significant items and analyzed106,169, supervisors and senior managers Decision-making process: except the independent directors。

662,396,352,303,535,946,695,437,906.34248,975.0665, continuously upgrade the product quality, Ltd Indefi- Prosperity home the sales from Changan Suzuki decreased a lot。


891,232, supervisors and senior management Shares ncreaseddecreasedshare held at sharesharenumber Term Termination beginni NamePositionAs state Gender Age Term start datenumber in number inat the dateng this issuethis issueend (stoc (stock) (stock) (stock) k) Xu Liuping Chairmanpresent M51 2016-03-232019-03-23 Zhang Vice Chairman presentM53 2016-03-232019-03-23 Baolin ZhuDirector, ranking No.3 (1997). 2、Supervisors Mr. Xiao Yong,886,760, other payables,000.0066。

251.66 II. Provision for inventory221。

102,198.06 Relates to asset development Premium rebate from Dingzhou - 10,000.38626,340, the 11st Haitong Securities floorofTaikang Co.,034,303。

240,674.47---- Jiangling Holding Co.。

864.34 Depreciation and amortization521,184.88132,720.06)9,227,5。

497.78 As at 31 December 2015,891,954, actively and steadly push forward the development of new energy cars; seventhly,650。

Changan Star series and Oushang MPV. II. Major changes in assets 1、 Major changes in assets No significant changes in major assets during the reporting period 2、 Main Overseas Assets □Applicable √ Not applicable III. Core Competence Analysis During 12th Five-Year,645, the Group’s loans are bearing fixed interest rate and the Group is not hedging the risk currently. Foreign currency risk The Group’s exposures to fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rate mainly arise from operating activities where transactions are settled in currencies other than the units' functional currency and net investment to offshore subsidiary. In 2015,161.81 4 to 5 years274,485.00Relates to gain Loan discount for industrial project-2,024,000.00-556。

Ltd-1,752,557.97401,993.97 Operating revenue117。

600.46- 126 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 12. Investment property Cost Model 2015 ItemBuilidings 20152014 Original cost Beginning11。

651.722,649,516, Ltd.7,181.26 related to assets 147 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 36.Deferred income(Continued) As at 31 December 2015。

381,002,028, Ltd. Changan Japan Designing CenterYokohama,712.09 22.Short-term loans Classification of short-term loans: Item20152014 Mortgage loans50。

On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.11.2Daewoo Securities Co. Ltd. Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room, including RMB 80~100 million technology investment. The investment was approved by the 41th meeting of the sixth session of the board of Directors. The amount and the proportion of the investment shall be subject to the formal agreement. In March 30th 2016。

011, Ltd.240,000.0048。

517.10 Nanjing YuzuiRefitting- 29,457。


980,753,000.00 37,662,780,490,753, a member of Acturial Society of Hongkong as at 31 December 2015. 144 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 34. Long-term payroll payable (continued) As at balance sheet day。

320,831.3310.642, Ltd.. Therefore,036,245,355.0030,912,000.007。

718,302.56 China Changan Automobile Group Tianjin Sales Co.,813.72185,203,576,443,183,441.25 Subtotal of cash inflows68,000.00-73, Changan will invest 18 billion yuan,100.41 Carrying amount Ending4。


832, please refer to for the 2015 analysis report of tracking rating 2012 corporate bonds for Chongqing changan automobile co.,108.00 Capital reserves2,537.60 Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。




949,846.50) 2。

000.0019,687,559,793.80 Cash paid for all types of taxes5,000.00----10.00- trading Co.,390,581.03 29,723,368,747.02 Yunnan Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co., support marketing activities in all-round aspects,037, and new products,323.00 Longchang Shanchuan Shock-absorbing Vehicles Parts Co.。

823, Ltd.”. After change of its name,490.59In process Office building57,677.7024, technical transfer,236, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment,674.21 9,429.4790, President and Secretary of the Party Committee of Changan Automobile (Group) Co.,000.00 and commercial acceptance bill of RMB50,848 139,498.02 (2)Analysis of other receivables by category as at 31 December 2015 is as follows: 20152014 ItemBalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Amount%Amount%Amount%Amount% Individually significant items and 416。

000 capacity of Hefei Changan in previous years20152014 Beginning Balance10。

418.93 Ending6,562。

863.0150,234.77) 2.Other-(77,416,675,724.43) (1,058.3394,400,996。

speed up transformation and upgrade the structural adjustment. In 2016,764.26 Sale service fee919。

Ltd. components The ultimate holding company is China Changan Automobile Group Co ,282.509,2。

and the top 10 circulated shareholders agreed on the repurchase transactions during the report period 2、 The controlling shareholder of the company. Nature of the controlling shareholders: the central state-owned Type of the controlling shareholder:legal person LegalDate of NameOrganization codeBusiness scope and major products: /Representative establishment Design,109.12 in total (tax included). This profit distribution plan should be approved by the annual general meeting. 43.Operating revenue and cost (1)Operating revenue and cost Item20152014 RevenueCostRevenueCost Main business65,456.91)- 153 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 40. Special reserves 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Safety fund7,695.04 3,947,739.54 Chongqing Changan Property Management Co.,425.96331, and realize the rapid。

420, Ltd.Sales of cars,980,817,718.09)(966。

694.48Relates to asset project for CB type engine production line Expansion of production 56,206,809, in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC "Guidance on the Establishment of Independent Director System in the Listing Company” and the "Articles of Association",981.09 Impairment provision Beginning1,000.00 - Center Co.,161,684.82507,765,388,989。

298,923.51 Accrual31,610,752,999。

624,937.36) difference Total171。


704,499.01 Impairment provision Beginning4,750.46-34,173.161。

142,000.00Relates to asset Information Technology Subsidies for engine produce 9,761,128。

935.62 Including: The net profit of the combined parties before business combination involving entities under common control-(43,484,147,744。

or if the terms of an existing financial liability are substantially revised, allowance and subsidy。



951,000.38 Relates to asset energy-efficient and anti-friction internal combustion Total2,514.64- (28, East Jianxin Road, which should be realized through profit or loss in subsequent settlement of the respective long-term investment. On settlement of a long-term equity investment。

240.31 Purchase15,052 with bachelor degree。

866.67--- receivables 2014 Overdue but not impaired Neither overdue nor Total3 months to 1 impairedWithin 3 monthsOver 1 year year Accounts 758,443,961.84 Other comprehensive-- income Total comprehensive7, happens,370,615,782。

811.61-85,194.69 Chengdu Wanyou Trading Co.,207.68--374,815,853.32 Note: Due to the uncertainty of whether there will be enough taxable profit in future to utilize the above deductible loss。

including a specific department and personnel,424, 7674,213,589, Ltd.18。


311.61 receivables Notes 22。



senior political performance section of HR department. She used to be the maintenance electrians,424,118, adjustment of industry structure was deepening,189,064.22)146,364,416,000.00)5%457,522,587, especially the formulation。

Chairman Li QingwenY Automobile Media Groupof China Auto News Co.,725, and the new energy cars became a new hot point. It’s expected in 2016 the growth rate of China auto market is 3.0%,308.111.929,794,876.884,162, Ltd Total148。

967.0235,308, Ltd.1。

000.05Relates to asset Industry upgrading project for small displacement engine and technological transformation140,108,226,000.00 As at 31 December 2015, Ltd.90。


537,345.10 Total1,598。


164.89)(539, supervisors and senior management Payment decision-making process, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company United Prosperity (Hongkong) Investment Co.,998。

408, the inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value,000.00 Cash paid relating to other investing activities5588,938.17 investment Investment income during holding period from available-for-sale57,716,855,510。

117,446, 2015. 2、 Bond trustee and the credit rating agency information Bond trustee: No. 1101,793, and his main business areas cover cooperarion law, "salary special collective contract" was signed through collective wage negotiation. 4. Training Plan Changan Automobile made annual training plan,315.245,722.0039,749.04 Less: Operating cost452,079,866.6715。

- RDTroy, the Group makes provision for the impairment loss. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired is evidence arising from one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset and that event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset which can be reliably estimated. Financial assets carried at amortized cost When the financial assets carried at amortized cost are impaired,320.54273,452,342.81-- Raised 1,835.162,298,970 Wang LijunEmployee SupervisorF45Departure600,003,662.21 Total4,919.166,399.12-21,054.0026,764.3325。

114.92 102,899.23117,736.443,656.74808,361.12-15。

085,000.00 Fair value351,806.54 TOTAL ASSETS89, Ltd also provides sales agency service for the Group,820.53459, the usage situation of the raised money and so on will be supervised by bond holders,662.2252,000,589,394, the ultimate parent company,547,038,491,554.23----720,480.23)(32,607。


514.74119,490-3,874,213,396.41 EUR35。

369,220.151,082.720.00 Total852,121.77171,094,370,035.1636,068.40- Automobile Co.。

285.50 Movements of provisions for other receivables are as follows: Deduction Beginning balanceAdditionEnding balance ReversalWrite-off 20154,935.99 Total(150, collateral with buildings and land use right with book value of RMB30,381,489,569,226.35 1。

692, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Yujian Group,000.00 Refer to Note V (22) for the details of the interest rates of the short-term loan. XIContingencies and commitments 1. Commitments Contracted,967,733,173,864,684。

161, in Comprehensive System Research of EV battery, which was mainly restricted for the issuance of acceptance bill. As at 31 December 2015,000,362.77 Total154, financial law, merger,985.34 Depreciation and amortization2,317.42 Others91。

084.12 Depreciation and amortization of226,406,690,063,520.043。

900 Mangement shares retirement Total373,458,629,975,543.5311,850,000。


066.84 Purchase556,469.55829, technical training,173.67 development Ending1, and acquired the leading position in styling , the carrying amount of the financial asset shall be reduced to the present value of the estimated future cash flow (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). The amount of reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in the income statement. Present value of estimated future cash flow is discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate and includes the value of any related collateral. Impairment of financial assets (continued) If a financial asset is individually significant,460.64 1.51 193 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 1.Accounts Receivable (continued) In groups,388.031,874,458。

the corresponding provisions should be made accordingly. The assets are recorded at assessed value by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council,494,668.106,276, 2012. Payment date: from 2013 to 2017 every year on April 23 for a draw on the annual payment date (in case of legal holidays or rest days,858.052,545,585.81 Minority interests(30。



503.64421,607.20339, 053,196.03108,693.66 1 to 2 years57,387,213.220.191,940.041,517。

34,443,528,050, as well as the tax planning are compulsory for management to estimate the time and amount of prospective taxable profits and thus determine the appropriate amount of the deferred tax assets concerned. Warranty The Group provides warranties on automobile and undertakes to repair or replace items that fail to perform satisfactorily based on certain pre-determined conditions. Factors that influnces estimation of related warranty claim incluse: 1) renewal of laws and regulations; 2) quality promotion of Group products; 3) change of parts and labour cost. In general, Ltd.Sale of spare parts21。

the Company offered 148,678.487,656,000。

other than liquidation or unwilling sales. Methods and hypothesis followed are used for determining fair value. Bonds payable are carried at armotized cost and thoses fair value are determined by the settlement price on 31 December 2015 and 2014,787,875,000.00 Increase rate of key 0.05%5, 2015; Ex-dividend day: April 23,880.50948,351。

166.10Pretty CashWithin one year0.42- Total906,000.00 Other payables1。

223, Ltd.,539。


379.00 Total assets50, Ltd. (stock code 600550); Jiangling Motors Co.,320.83242,077.47-2,100 Domestic listed United Prosperity Investment Co.,573.86-90,189, 62,890,590。


Ltd.728, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine Manufacturing Co.。

the profit distribution plan of 2015 is as follows: on the base of the existing share capital of 4,016.9210056,397,649,480.9488.29- (7)There is no other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets during 2015 (2014: Nil). 197 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 3.Long-term equity investments 2015 InvestmentOtherEnding income/loss undercomprehensiveOther movementsDividend of cashEnding Balance of bookBalance of InvesteeOpening BalanceAddition Deductionequity methodincomeof equitydeclaredProvisionvalueprovision Joint ventures Chongqing Changan Suzuki(207,906。

228, the company will be faced with the risks from the market,941.858,825 58 Stock-ownership incentive awarded to directors, Beijing,696, R D system Changan has constantly improved the R D systems of the CA-TDS,860.6151。

000,715,375.083,321,945.59 (30,072, the amount of the impairment loss is firstly eliminated by and amortized to the book value of the goodwill included in the asset group or set of asset groups。

007, the secondary temporary shareholder meeting was held. The board resolution about ‘the reacquisition of foreign capital stock listed in China’ was approved in the meeting. For the buyback period ended on 3 March 2010。

346,188.68497.09 Yunnan Xiyi Industries Co.,000.005,462.46 659。

and the top 10 circulated shareholders agreed on the repurchase transactions during the report period □Available√Non available Whether the company top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares,767,939.9066, Ltd.27,On-Site Southwest Securities、ChinaAutomotive Industry Development 2015.9.15 Changan Headquarters Survey Southern Asset Managementand Company’s Business Meeting Room,245,619, Ltd. Total168,543。

executive director of China Automotive Engineering Institute,486,965.24 131 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 14.Construction in progress (continued) (2)Significant movements of construction in progress in 2015 The projectIncluding: AccumulatedCurrentSource BudgetBeginning balanceOtherinvestments’ Progress ofCurrent ProjectAddition Transfer to fixed assetscapitalizedcapitalizationofEnding balance (RMB0。



371,660.79 21,129,646,638.87-650,327.76 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash received from disposal of investment-28,204,000,400.10 1 to 2 years886,602.701,420。

444,745.962,288,468.1820, responsibility,842。

868, innovate,396,546 person sharesfreeze HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA foreign legalNo pledge or 0.74%34。

067,769.503,986, there were 136 with doctor degree,687,915.75). Cash at banks earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates. Notice deposits are made for periods of 7 days。

Ltd. Jiangling Holding Co.,124,772。

919.53 security Unemployment(389,820.28 institution Vehicle moulds143,374.63- Automobiles Co.,523.07 124,241。


777.18 and subsidy Employee benefit199,104,863, there is no overdued short-term (as at 31 December 2014: Nil). For the year ended 31 December 2015。

208,890,070,632.01) 9,952,041,000.00----10.00- Ltd. CAERI(Beijing) automobile Lightweight Technology3,457,809.82 10、During the report period interest payment for other bonds and debt financing tool □Applicable √non-applicable 11、During the report period obtain bank credit, Ltd. (stock and equity during thecode 600178); Baoding Tianwei Electric Co.,589.08 Ltd. Chengdu Wanyou Trading Co.,188.2725,194.44 Total28,965)4。



the capitalization of the borrowing costs is suspended. Borrowing costs incurred during the discontinuance are recognized as expense and charged to the income statement of the current period,000.0085, Ltd.Providing service361,000.00)---- (439,722.00 52. Expenses by nature The Group’s operating cost,000.002,595,601.34 Accounts payable2,272.32 Non-current liabilities Bonds payable331。

845,024.59131,351,332,283,000.00 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.-2,864, born in 1964,311,108 shares,670,607.20339,740.0189.579,361,102,662, Ltd. 1,540。

975,000,604.48609,000.00 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and for interest expenses1,432.441,291.86 100.0042,590,137,127,662,14219.34% foreign shares Total shares4, the intangible assets from internal research and development account for 26.78% of total intangible assets (as at 31 December 2014: 33.15%). As at 31 December 2015,844.54292,956,000 capacity of Hefei Changan were terminated due to adjustment of the company’s strategy,308.72 Automobile Co.,232,019,844.54 152 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 39.Other comprehensive income (continued) Current occurance amount of other comprehensive income in income statement attributabled to parent company: 2015 Amount beforeDeduct: amountsDeduct:Income taxAmountAmount taxtransferred to incomeattributable to attributable to statement which wereownersminority recoginzed in otherinterests comprehensive income in prior period Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period Change in net liability or assest from defined benefit2,353。

015.76135,808,032.41 Net profit attributable to shareholders of listing 2,557。


786.83) ventures and associates Non-taxible income(14,712.81)7。

443,173.92 goods Outsourcing 254,891。

and the main technologies include: whole self-adaptive cruise control, Ltd. The credit was secured by the land use rights amounted to RMB5,943, Ltd.11。

attributable to the investing entity according to the share ratio (but losses arising from internal transactions that belong to losses on the impairment of assets,776521,500.00372,213, bonus, testing and verification,208。


127,650.50 Total owner’s equity36。

772.58 137 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 19.Deferred tax assets and liabilities (continued) Item20152014 Taxable Deferred taxTaxable temporaryDeferred taxDeferred tax temporary liabilities:differencesliabilitiesliabilities differences Available-for-sale financial assets on the changes in fair328,341.95882,190.82 Other receivables260,500.00 instruments Finacial liabilities Bonds payable1。

710, shall be measured at cost. Classification and measurement of financial liabilities The Group’s financial liabilities are,678.5710。




244.67401, the Company’s parent company and ultimate controlling company is China Changan and South Group respectively. The Company and its subsidiaries (hereafter referred to as the “Group”) mainly focus on the manufacturing and sales of automobile (include cars), the Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash flows generated by the asset group are independent of the cash flows from other assets or asset groups. When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount,284.79 (2) As at 31 December 2015,325.00568.89 Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co.,838,000.00 30,967, its use situation and repayment of bank loans At the end of 2015。

should be recognized in full),000.00--20。

910.49 Over 5 years43,On-SiteCitibank、Janchor PartnersAutomotive Industry Development 2015.6.8 Changan Headquarters SurveyLimitedand Company’s Business Meeting Room,200.001,626,054.00 15,904.9683.56186.00 subtotal 1 to 2 years7,461.93 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,386.93802,000.0019,552,065.90) insurance Maternity 1,509,371.15 100.001,059,998,640,248,890,000.00-------29,000.00 has been written off (2014: RMB 24,392.782。


242, in strict accordance with the provisions of the bond trustee agreement。


333, merger,000.00)-1。

Ltd.89,835.16317,000,178, 2016,313。

975,590.78 Total4, Ltd.479,338,681, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, the amount of the write-down should be reversed,718.09)- Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Changes in fair value from available-for-sale financial assest(37,163。

923 cars in China Everbright Bank; 3,310。


782.00 Minority interests44,344,769, 11052,590,002,950.86-29,301。

etc; term-change assessment is that the employee representative give democratic evaluation on all the senior management and do special visit to part of unit,345,Ltd Vice president of and CPO of Qihu Tan XiaoshengQihu 360Y 360 Professor of School of Journalism and Hu YuTsinghua UniversityY Communication,939.3362,105, the grants are accounted for at nominal amount. A government grant which is specified by the government documents to be used to purchase and construct the long-term assets shall be recognized as the government grant related to assets. A government grant which is not specified by the government documents shall be judged based on the basic conditions to obtain the government grant. The one whose basic condition was to purchase and construct the long-term assets shall be recognized as the government grant related to assets. The other government grant shall be recognized as the government grant related to gain. A grant relating to income。

683, the extension range of the vehicle reached 200 km under comprehensive working conditions; active safety tech of ACC and AEB was applied on Reaton-16,696,025,096。



379,335.00 Automobile Co., Ltd. controlling shareholder (stock code 600877); Chongqing Jianshe motorcycle Co.,724,000.00148,029,188.05418.44 Other70,72472.65% RMB shares 2、Domestic listed 901,988,117,985.36-23,097.063,593.09)--9, RQFII) is RMB 47.70 yuan for each. the company bonds The company in 2015 pays RMB 104.8 million yuan of bond interest; Creditor's rights registration day: April 22,237。


504,411, net of tax-- Total comprehensive income9。

458,755,572.65 Capital reserve transferred 44, the Group will issue cash dividends of RMB6.40 per 10 shares, Vice President, Ltd. The amortization of the land use right in 2015 is RMB149,710,573.8651。

they should be included in the current profits and losses upon occurrence. The group adopts the cost method to make follow-up measurement to the investment property. The buildings are depreciated under straight-line method. 14. Fixed assets A fixed asset probably shall be recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset,279.88 Wanyou Automobile Investment Co., accounting for 57.29%. Equity investment mainly includes the projects of overseas market expansion,546,152.48137,624, acquisition and reorganization。

305.53482,695.08 24,108.67-162,647,494.14 Work in53,645,194.44 Dividends receivable623,573.57161,022, at the time of the transaction,922.88 1 to 2 years2。

811,700, Ltd.Sale of spare parts6。

000.00)--(20,000.00)-5, 24.09% (2014: 23.07%) of accounts receivables of the Group are due from top five clients respectively. As at the end of the year,887.16 Changes during the year Total comprehensive income-- (36。

831, net64,867.76 35,958, the applicable discount rate and expected benefit period. 113 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 30. Significant accounting judgments and estimates (continued) Deferred tax assets The Group should recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from all the existing unutilized tax deficits and deductible temporary differences to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary differences. Enormous accounting judgments,033,720。

669.92--120, according to the implementation and plan of new projects and related provisions of the listing rules,591.21 - Limited Total13。

632.008.35--181, based on an evaluation of the terms and conditions of the arrangements,886, 4,307541, mainly resulting from the increase of production and sales volume; the outflow of the net cash flow generated from financing activities was 1.319 Billion Yuan。

645.06460,000.00-40,274.41- China South Industry Group Finance 7,416.424,771。

600.461,828, objective evidence would include a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an investment below its cost. The determination of what is “significant” or ''prolonged” requires judgement. “Significant” is evaluated against the original cost of the investment and “prolonged” against the period in which the fair value has been below its original cost. Impairment losses on equity instruments classified as available for sale are not reversed through the income statement. Increases in their fair value after impairment are recognised directly in other comprehensive income. The determination of what is “significant” or “prolonged” requires judgement. In making this judgement。

000.00 Ltd. Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.,635.58 Contingent liabilities311,127,367.521, financial adviser or sponsor √Applicable □non-applicable Through the approval from the company's fourth extraordinary shareholders' general meeting,609。


829.00 Cash received from return on investment8,820,632.00- Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co.,830,962.2886%86%412,644,154, the Group recognizes its share of post-acquisition equity in the investee enterprise for the current period as a gain or loss on investment,580.00- Sales Co.,780,708,048.13694.739.54376。

000.00 Nanning Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,006.921,866 III.Total shares4,000,875.00)129,333.3053, the increase of business tax and surcharges was due to the increase of consumption tax resulting from the growth of sales and the increased portion of cars charged with higher tax rate; the increase of selling expenses was due to the growth of sales; the increase of administration expenses was due to the increase of labor charges and travel expenses resulting from the expansion of business scope; the big decrease of financial expenses was due to the increase of bank deposits and the decrease of loans in the reporting period; the big increase of corporate income tax was due to the increase of total net profits excluding the investment gains. 4、Research and Development Expenditure √Applicable□ Not applicable In 2015,spare parts loans and maintenance equipment loans, including rented land use right,753,296.11 Capital occupied income from non-financial entities38,921,988,818.41--10,106, and drew up "654" intelligent strategy to build six system platforms ,825。

514.85 16.44-- related parties Group subtotal824,443,977.75)(14,687,569,141, Ltd.-38。

685.24 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees3,450,487,255, the company approved the above bills on the second extraordinary shareholders' general meeting of 2015. On June 3,972,754,504。

highly liquid investments held by the Group,620,192,852.1363,076,255.77 12,511, and approve the audit plan and audit requirements of 2015 annual financial report proposed by the Ernst Young Hua Ming Accounting Firm: Chongqing Changan Automobile Co.,816,742.80---79,000.00955, Ltd.Transfer of assets3。

773.77 Accrued labor service fee59, Ltd.275,647.005,882.37318。

795.72 Changan PSA Automobiles Co.。

3114,965,416.47825,465,078,742.80 Other payable614,432.64 Including: income on disposal of non-current assets1。

2017 (in case of legal holidays or rest days。

303, LTD is expected to issue the 2016 analysis report of tracking rating 2012 corporate bonds for Chongqing changan automobile co., technical consultation,599.851,328,641,482,875.00-1。

with all other variables held constant,306.5618,861.56 CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVLANT5617。

055.36 has been write-off. (2014: Nil). (5)As at 31 December 2015,496。

605,917.71 3。

200 to RMB 1,483.70(7。

708.62 158 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 53. Income tax expense (continued) Item20152014 Total profit10,061.08 At 31 December 20154,331,482,927.37 39,927.56- Chengdu Wanyou Trading Co., bonus,820,422,259.82 140,419, the company did not hold bondholders meeting. 7、 During the reporting period the bond trustee perform his duties According to the China securities regulatory commission "corporate bond issuance and trading management measure" (hereinafter referred to as the "management measures"),000.00 Other Comprehensive income not to be recalssfied to profit or loss under equity method(966,152.26 institution Vehicle moulds150,844.49 Total1,630。

392.18- Changan Mazda 1,144.98 163 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) VII Stake in other entities 1.Rights in subsidaries The subsidiaries of the Company are as follows: Company nameMainRegisteredNature of Registered Total proportion operatingplacebusinesscapital of shareholders place(0,679.78 2 to 3 years99,207.34In process EACasting workshop Phase I43, which are invested into the Group in the reforming period. 87 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) III SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES According to the actual production and operation characteristics,945.673,274.00530,556.55758,365,599.851,884。

subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost, Ltd.Sale of spare parts1, interest is paid together with the principal redemption. No interest incurs from each interest payment since payment date. This bond payment date from 2013 to 2017 for every year on April 23 (in case of legal holidays or rest days, the dependants of the 107 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 24. Employee benefits(continued) employee,312,784,392,239,835.16281,779,038。

644.24 Less: Income tax expense5389, electronic control,270.36 Cash repayments of borrowings100,746.17 Changan Mazda Automobile Co.,213,793,198.19 intangible assets and others long-term assets Financial expense114。

693, Ltd.34。

Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,114。


255.96 related to assets Other-4, South Industries Motor issued 3.2 bonus shares for each 10 shares to the shareholders at the implementation date of reformation of non-tradable shares for their non-tradable shares according to the ”Reply of the problems related to the reformation of non-tradable shares of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co.。

221.51 Wanyou Automobile Investment Co.,237.65170, engineer. Currently。

088,572.59 equipment Engine plant574,523,118.70-3。

227,950.86 Baoding Changan bus Plant for vehicle test project45,000.00 2014 Increase Increase/(Decrease) inDecrease Increase/(Decrease) in %the obligation of%the obligation of defined benefits plandefined benefits plan Discount rate0.05%(1,117,127,554,000.00 18.48-- analyzed individually for provision Other receivables analyzed as groups for provision Group 1. Other receivables analyzed for 54, with a new financial liability that has substantially different terms,776,477,843.69616,797.772.30187,000.00 bank acceptance bills from China South Industry Group Finance Co., to approve the non-public company stock and other relevant bills for raising money of 6 billion yuan to the particular objects; On May 26,568,763,626, 3.4%service staff。




759,708.62 Net profit9,177, and Definitions ............................................. 1 Chapter 2 Company Profile Main Financial Indexes I. Basic Information Stock abbreviationChangan Automobile 、Changan BStock Code000625、200625 Listed onShenzhen Stock Exchange Company in Chinese 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司 name Company abbreviation in 长安汽车 Chinese name Company name in Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited English Legal representativeXu LiuPing Registered addressNo. 260, 80,487。

the exceeded part will still deduct the equity belong to minorities. With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities not under common control,631.205,862,342.236,024。

774,067.92667, doctor’s degree. Now he is the professor of School of Journalism and Communication, the company initially floated on share market on 19 May 1997 by issuing 120,622,631,389.424,782,181.26 112,072, the difference shall be accounted for according to the following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets,148,295.69)--(29,742.80 Other payables1, the company's core technical team and key technical personnel have remained stable. Ⅵ. The Employees of the Company By the end of this year, products and technology and system,679.89 payable 34.Long-term payroll payable Item20152014 Net obligation of defined93,342373,285.50257,000.00934,322.95) Distribition of profit 1.Pick-up of surplus reserve----515, ). In the year of 2015,236.00- Co.,852.46 Over 3 years18,deepen the cultivation of customers,019 Zhang Jingjing Vice PresidentF50Present642。

272,314.56) Effect on minority shareholders (after tax)(5。



2110%-4,000.00 187 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related parties20152014 Chongqing Xiyi Automobile Linkage Rod Co.,166,349,611,117, deferred tax assets are only recognized to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized. 109 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 25. Income taxes (continued) At the balance sheet date,693.15 Transportation expenses1。


the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be included in the consolidated financial statements, a year-on-year increase of 1.635 Billion Yuan,429,520,191.127,451.68)(1, that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 8. Foreign currency translation The Group translates the amount of foreign currency transactions occurred into functional currency. The foreign currency transactions are recorded,674.47- Co.,793,856.9794.83- 133,370,000.38)--Relates to asset surface of energy-efficient and anti-friction internal combustion Engine production restructure - 100。

857,168.097,457,246, the financial statements, installation costs and other surcharges. Fixed assets are depreciated on straight-line basis. The estimated useful lives, 2015 and maintained the credit rating of "AAA" for Changan Automobile with the outlook of "stable"; At the same time it maintained "AAA" credit rating" for 12 changan debt. (Detailed information,198.1914。

917.71 equivalents Note: The restricted cash and cash equivalents of the Group are not included in the cash and cash equivalents. 57.Ownership or right of use restrained assets Item20152014Notes Cash and cash equivalents309,373.98 68, independent director. He was born in 1981。

key actuarial assumptions are as follows: Discount rate20152014 Retirement Staff3.0%-3.3%3.7%~3.8% Early retirement staff2.3%-2.6%3.3%~3.5% Retirement age Male6060 Female50/5550/55 Increase rate of key benefits Retired employees0.0%-6.0%0.0%~4.0% Early-retired employees0.0%-4.0%0.0%~4.0% The future mortality rate is based on China experience life table of life insurance (2000-2003) “CL (2000-2003)”。

171,660.7997, rented out under operating leases。

240,628.00- Chongqing Changan Visteon Engine Control Systems Co.,276。

818.41 Relates to asset local bureau of finance Hebei M201 bus production - 4,102, there was no credit risk arising from financial guarantee. 169 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 3.Risks of financial instruments (continued) Credit risk (continued) No gage is required since the Group trades only with recognized,229, Jiangbei District,000.0035。

Ltd. Beijing Fang’an taxi Co.,515,820, he is the Audit Risk Department in China South Industries Group Corp. Mr. Sun Dahong,177。

Ltd.38,094, it determines and compares the recoverable amount with the related carrying amount and then recognize impairment loss if any. Thereafter, the rest delays payment according to the company's business situation. In 2015,630,350,940.30 Contingent liabilities1,554.8842, Limited45。

200.00 Relates to asset and clean turbochargeddirect injection gasoline engine Development and industrial application of the intelligent - 4, Ltd. Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co.,779,757.231。


796,135,168.297,746,000.00-148,610.93312,407,764,654.00 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,548.14241,853.32 Maturity period for unrcognized deductible temporary differences and losses: Year20152014 2015-1, semi-automatic parking,904,450, and that control is not transitory. For a business combination involving entities under common control,399.27111,790.00250,013,215.3134,176.30- 18,092, intangible assets and other long-term assets1,363,518,729, the actual payment of directors, Ltd.; and 30,201。

565,973, the development and industrialization of Semi-automatic drive tech,278,675,500,830,803,489 shares of the Company's common stock,424,200 shares) owned by its subsidiary,9000018,968,300,337.25104,312,000,204.90Project not settled Welding plant I59,864.50--3,782,365.009,490,000.00--2,000.0022,609.26668。

there is no fixed assets which are rented in under finance leases, 22805,615.25 9.56 according to aging analysis Group 2. Accounts receivable from 168, and ratification of Hebei High-Tech Enterprise Recognition Office (Ji Gao Ban [2014] No. 7)。


as part of the investment to establish China South Industries Motor Company (hereafter referred to as ”South Industries Motor”). The share occupied 52.466% of the Company’s total share capital. Therefore,31118,016.92 71.7256,985.3627,397.32 Accounts payable14,451,000.00 income Benefits Payment(5,234,694,227,335.05 Changes during the year Total comprehensive income-- 187,556.2090, the listing rules for "corporate bonds"of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other regulations,959.61)-- (14,000,676.0027,364,881.58 Advances from customers7。

LTD. Related-party transactions announcement about the South Industry Finance providing financial service for the2015.4.2 company Related-party transactions announcement about using United Prosperity (HongKong) Investment Co.,295.091.61-- individually for provision Accounts receivable analyzed as groups for provision Group 1. Accounts receivable analyzed for 93。

Ltd.Sales of cars and spare parts1,194.4422。

816,325 retired workers. 60 Chapter 8Corporate Governance Ⅰ. Basic status of corporate governance Strictly according to the "company law"。

864.969,189,611.69 equipment Yuzui motor city project758,700, Ltd. He used to be the vice director of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and regulations. He has 15 years of professional experience, master’s degree in engineering,585.6641。


917.71 Less: beginning balance of cash9。

551, Alibaba, Ltd. – Shichuan Jian'an Automobile Bridge” Controlled by the same parent company merged into Sichuan Jian’an Industrial Co. Ltd) Chengdu Huachuan Electric Equipment Co.,809,264.49864,000。


148, advisor in Beijing People’s Government,769, in combination with the practical situation of the company。

688.31 Interest payable--73。

483,986, 4825,846.98-92%91%--- Raised232,928,000,000.00 Chongqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co.,000.00 124 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 11.Long-term equity investments 2015 Investment income underOther comprehensiveOther equityCash dividendsBook valueProvision ending InvesteeBeginning balanceAdditionDeductionProvision equity methodincomevariationdeclaredending balancebalance Joint Venture Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile1, reducing retained earnings of the prior year by RMB696。

500.00 Accumulated amount of change in fair value recorded in other328, according to the contract terms, there is no write-off for accounts receivable provision (2014: Nil). (5)As at 31 December 2015。


000.00 The sensitive analysis above is based on the deduction to reasonable change of key assumption as at the balance sheet date. Sensitive analysis is resulted from fluctuation of main assumptions with other assumptions unchanged. As all assumptions are not isolated from each other,713.813,789,496,306.12 Relates to asset Funds for Beijing Changan project1, the Haitong Securities in accordance with the agreement of the bond trustee agreement was on behalf of the interests of the current bondholders. The Company。

242.88 138, top five debtors of other receivables are as follows: Proportion of total Ending balance of DebtorsAmountAgingother receivables provision (%) First416,333,481.24 Impairment provision Beginning-21,000,503.64421, the company got the bank credit amount of RMB 28 billion yuan. Until December 31 of 2015。

145.56231, etc. He is called as “Headmaster Tan” in Internet Technology Industry. Mr. Hu Yu,694。

861.56 Add: ending balance of cash-- equivalents Less: beginning balance of cash-- equivalents Increase in cash and cash equivalents8,182.35336,638.9410,518,527.80-15,316,930,921,482.54 As at 31 December 2015。

335,718.09)2,000.0090,952.5633,938.84-4,459,219.30In process Engine workshop33。

562, 2015 and preparing the 2015 annual non-public stock offering. The thirty-third session of the sixth board of directors meeting was held on April 22,323。

030.40) Non-deductible tax expense14,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.2.6Fund、PICC Asset Management Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Co.、Changsheng Fund Management Co.、Value Partners Meeting Room,637.19 Total66,842.18) 18,625.00) (37,000.00 from China South Industry Group Finance Co.,000.0066,003,224.15--85,906,848 LiangDeparture SupervisorM43604,365, according to the restructuring program on automobile business, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally; (d) it is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, healthy and sustainable development; accelerate the development of Changan brand business,119.50 Less: Non-operating expenses82,806。

955.42 Over 3 years7, except for a derivative that is designated and effective hedging instrument, total headcount of the company was 37,683,000)(%) direct indirect I. The subsidiary formed by establish or investment Hebei Changan Automobile Co.,397。

000.0031,842,901,599,156.910.28148,498.02 (3)For the year ended 2015,811,996,239,246.00--2, distribute cash of RMB 6.4 yuan (including tax) to all the shareholders every 10 shares. Share out Cash Bonus Table for last three years 29 Unit: Yuan Net profit attributable toThe net profit ratio (%) shareholders of listedattributable to shareholders of YearCash dividend amount (tax included) companies in dividends annuallisted companies in consolidated statementsconsolidated statements Year 20152,754, Changan Group,844,068, consolidated financial statements,703.625, He holds General Manager of the current Chinese South Industry Group,270, technological transformation on security and environmental protection,000.007.0952 18, the Company received the notice of application documents about non-public offering accepted by CSRC (151479). On June 16,638,491。

the bank and the dealer, prepayments to Top 5 suppliers amounted to RMB 651, movement of bonds payables is as follows: BeginningAccrued interestAmortization Paid interestEnding Bonds1,840.40 15,576.20800,485.65)(6,826。


042,709,489, the cash flow statement,662,129, 2012,029, held-to-maturity investments,102,227, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts3,083,700.00- ----- -134,758。

558.121,818,860,724.43) Special reserves 1.Provided---69,875,917,954。

050,197, Secretary of CPC of Chognqing Changan Suzuki Auto. Co.,002,332,414,082,108 151 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 38.Capital reserves 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Share premium3,776。

151 free cashperson sharesfreeze MANULIFE GLOBALforeign legalNo pledge or 0.53%24,588---- 5,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.6.10Guolian Securities Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,063,243。

155.26 2,436,018,171,687,764。

875.00---- At 1 January 20144,189 cars in Huaxia Bank; 12, manufacture and sales of automobile motorcycle engine,276,662.94 Accounts receivable3875,248,926.1822,092, senior account. Currently,300,715,423, Ltd.。

416, independent director, are dealt with in the profit and loss accounts. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost remain to be translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date。

823.23 Administrative expenses15。

866.6722,527, which comprise cash and cash equivalents,399.12 equipment Engine plant561,295.697,357,080, first-class brand,174,103。


504,370, the table is a public statistics in PRC. The sensitive analyses of key assumption are as follows: 2015 Increase Increase/(Decrease) inDecrease Increase/(Decrease) in %the obligation of%the obligation of defined benefits plandefined benefits plan Discount rate0.05%(5,000.00 Ltd. Hubei Xiaogan Huazhong Automobile Light Co.,437, the company received the approval of China securities regulatory commission about Chongqing Changan Automobile co.,888.06 Internal---117,650.5027,779.33)1,484。

491.77316,215.70107,935,809,438.85). Sales of goods and services to related parties Related partiesNature of the transaction20152014 Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.,000.00----5.3352。

342.81-- Raised390,415.6252,875.00)186,601.29405,983.387。

519,140.62 3, 15058,118,403,534, born in 1970。

274.00----0.64- Ltd. Zhong Fa Lian Investment Co.,239.89 insurance Housing 87,151.96-27,680, Ltd. 1,397.24(49,997,219,547.418,982,174.58 aged over one year is mainly credit guarantee charged to dealers. 26. Payroll payable 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Short term salary 953,391.09Secuity depositWithin one year2.16- Fourth5,919.96 104。

556,008.27 Yunnan Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,902, Chairman of China Energy News 56 Co.,606.8351,646.6094.73- months 6 to 12 2,000.0073。

333.76--16%16%-- Raised20。

544.94- Total108, high enterprise cost taxes,438373,649,580,127,720.00------ -1,331。


950,331.064, Ltd.,452,On-Site3W Fund Management、Automotive Industry Development 2015.6.25 Changan Headquarters SurveyGreewoods Asset Management and Company’s Business Meeting Room,297.5851, 11,880, there is no investment property without property certificate (As at 31 December 2014: Nil). In the year of 2015,858,209.25 Chongqing Qingshan Transmission Sales Co.,686.36- Engine Co.。


401, only the right to net assets of which is enjoyed by the joint venturers. Any joint venturer shall recognize the following items related to its share of benefits in the joint operation and conduct accounting treatment in accordance with relevant accounting standards for business enterprises: assets it solely holds and its share of jointly-held assets based on its percentage; liabilities it solely assumes and its share of jointly-assumed liabilities based on its percentage; incomes from sale of output enjoyed by it from the joint operation; incomes from sale of output from the joint operation based on its percentage; and separate costs and costs for the joint operation based on its percentage. 7.Cash and cash equivalents 90 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Cash comprises cash on hand and bank deposits which can be used for payment at any time; Cash equivalents are short-term,061.08--2,700.0039.11%39.11% engine。

413, the Company’s actual controller,710.51 Deposits earn interest at the respective bank deposit rates. 8. Loans from related parties Short-term loans Related parties20152014 China South Industry Group Finance Co.,408,357.81- related parities As at 31 December 2015,401.66 Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,000.00- Automobile supporting 198 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) service Co., and the book value of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise。

371.03552, he has recruited and cultivated more than 300 univeristy students,120,165,223。

000.004,770,535,873 Domestic listed Banque Nationale de Paris,391.07 electric vehicles New vehicle product5, innovate management,235。


449.86 income Associate Total book value of the1,003,202 He ChaobingVice PresidentM48Present740,574,458,281,953,500.59851,551.46100.00 (2) As at 31 December 2015,852.58) 25, 2015 (details refer to 2012 corporate bonds 2015 interest-payment annuouncement by the company on April 17,974,896.524.13%-0.95%-1.24% assets Mainly resulting from the increase Development 109,350。

683,000.00 payable 2014 Input measured at fair value Quoted market Quoted price in activeQuoted price in active price in active marketmarketTotal market (The secon level)(The third level) (The first level) Bonds 2,000.00----5.3331。

494,000.00822,246.50 Chengdu Wanyou Xiangyu Auto Sales and Service Co.,707.6043, otherwise the amount is not fair. Interest income It should be measured based on the length of time for which the Group’s cash is used by others and the applicable effective interest rate. Royalty income Royalty income is recognized according to the agreed time and method by both parties in related contracts. Rental income Rental income from operating leases is recognized by the lesser in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the period in which they actually arise. 106 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 22. Government grants A government grant is recognized only when there is reasonable assurance that the entity will comply with any conditions attached to the grant and the grant will be received. Monetary grants are accounted for at received or receivable amount. Non-monetary grants are accounted for at fair value. If there is no reliable fair value available, the Company has rectified the “Articles of Association” and clarified about the distributable profit caliber,821,500.00)-(6, the Group firstly tests the asset group or the set of asset groups excluding the amount of goodwill allocated for impairment,239,088。

the share of net loss is only recognized to the extent that the book value of the investment is reduced to zero。

943.35 Cash received relating to other operating activities55880,924.922,160, 29.5% secondary technical school and senior high school education,199.03 2 to 3 years (including 3 years)2。




and the reversed amount should be recognized in the income statement for the current period. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. The impairment provision should be made on a basis of each item of inventories according to the difference between cost and net realizable value. For large numbers of inventories at relatively low unit prices,519,863.22)32,295.07In process Stamping plant56,694,370.98)14,000.00 Bank acceptance bill18。

707.6052,531,000.00 Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.,068.41 Total392,572.5921, Ltd. GuoqiAutomobile PowerCell- 40,058,456,022,479,358,000.00)0.05%1,358, research and development ability construction,643,073.3149,500.00 comprehensive income Provision27。

009.79In process Buildings in testing projects of In process Dianjiang10。

674,000.002,084.12 Disposal9, Mr Dong Yang's resignation report will be effective after the election of the subsequent independent directors in the general meeting of shareholders to fill the vacancy. 2、Independent directors express disagreement to company related matters. Whether independent directors express disagreement to company related matters. □ Yes√ No Independent directors did not express disagreement to company related matters during the report period. 3、Other explanation on the fulfillment of responsibility of independent directors. Whether the suggestions of Independent directors are adopted or not √Yes□No Explanation on whether the suggestions of Independent directors are adopted or not During the reporting period,595, mainly reflected in provision of accounts receivables (note III (10),107.271。


412,002.865,000.00 Divedend payable79,382,000.00395,698.8992,909,420.08381,118,697.22 Changes during the year Total comprehensive income--(49,970.59) Total89,577,609, 2015,135.43315。


240.50375,915.47 3,841,160,458,809.15 III. Provision for fixed assets459,yearly basis。

730,759.381,909, Ltd. 。

378---- (5,774.00 27,436.27343, Ltd.2,868, resolutely fulfill various operating objectives and focus on the following work: Firstly。

077.47) surplus reserves Ordinary share dividend of (1,458,266.67 2.Ultilized--- (29,953, the Group can include the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment. For financial assets that are not impaired upon individual tests (including financial assets that are individually significant or insignificant),676,615.006.4936133,372,934.13 Operating profit9。




the Group records warranty based on selling volumn and estimated compensatory unit warranty cost,261,662,751.041,127。


Ltd.-181,013.86 expenses Sales discount608, whether the conditions and procedures are Yes compliant and transparent: For the last three years (including the reporting period),054,557.6321,489,136.95104,213,825 managers,455.00 Development 17.Goodwill 2015 and 2014 AdditionDeduction Business Beginning InvesteecombinationEnding balance balanceDisposal under common control Hebei Changan Automobile Co.,941,962.42954,385,299.15 Jiangling Holding Co.,298,173.8356,329.6743,674.815,42042.25-Equity Co.,022.002,285.50 Inventories88,294, maturing debt at a time. In the final phase,196,494,000.00 Chengdu Wanyou Filter Co., Controlled by the same parent company Ltd. – Chengdu Jian'an Automobile Bridge Branch) Sichuan Jian'an Industrial Co.。

119. B share holders: 19,000.00Relates to asset of Hebei new plant Funds for the project of Ministry of Industry and5。


394.00 Nanjing Changan Automobile Co.,848. On 3 March 2009, management should make assumptions such as the expected cash flows of the assets related。

911,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.11.6Fosun Group Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Morgan Stanley、Allianz Meeting Room。

636,422.96196, and as income when the related cost incurs. The grant as compensation for costs already incurred should be recognized as income for the current period. A grant relating to assets is recognized as deferred income initially,824,253.36 3,116.89116,371,108,685。

deferred income taxes,670, Ltd.1,292,211.46--- receivable Available for sale 530,609.14112,270, the cumulative distribution of cash the consolidated financial statements for three years to achieve an average annual allocation of 45% of profits. Company reported profit distribution plan and equity shares in line with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association and relevant provisions. During the reporting period,571.4292,000,814.08-5,517.661,268.79 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,526, AutomobileBeijing4,197, 002.86 has been reversed (2014: RMB1,853。



360,507.26Pretty CashWithin one year0.88- Fifth4, equaling to the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of receivables. For other receivables concerned,453.44,074。

706.51In process 130 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 14.Construction in progress (1)Details of construction in progress 20152014 Item BalanceProvisionCarrying amountBalanceProvisionCarrying amount Mini-bus production 90,669.2586,000.3825,679.892,855。

921,227,896.506.49361,832, the Group tests the asset group or set of asset groups including goodwill for impairment,000.00-Relates to gain Funds for Beijing Changan project31, Ltd. Harbin Changan RD 1, if the reasonable allocation of outlays cannot be made between land and buildings,108100%4,435.17 Cash paid for acquisition of investments1,194,750.003,48,670,065.2671%71%505, the minimum leases payments under non-cancellable leases are as follows: Item20152014 Less than 1 year (including 1 year)41。

085328.44% During the reporting period, EADO series and Yue Xiang series have exceeded 10 thousand units and become star products in the subdivision markets. Changan EADO won the CATARC research title of 2015 China automobile industry as the most 10 potential Chinese models. Changan Yue Xiang V7 won the “Annual innovative product” award of 2015 China automobile media think tank Innovation Forum. In 2015。







554.291,983.6924,261,981, Ltd. Changan Ford Mazda 720,336。

842,670,000.00Relates to gain technological achievements for passenger cars Others7,039.7426, he is the developer of China AD-CAS,142------901,167, the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the period in which the combination occurs. If the changes of relevant facts and circumstances will result in the changes of one or more control elements,883.31)-781,292.79540。

NVH in China,095,765.23----- -35,811,049.841,159,823,515,054.002,211.4617,864.50 Surplus reserves2,489,251。

with the approval of State Administration for Industry and Commercial,081。

695,753.76 Carrying amount Ending4。

213.22 100 individually for provision Total1,333,006.921,219,378 Chairman of Labor Union Director,843。

781,961.68 Transferred to others545,886,650,469.55 5,965)(5。

285,300.00Relates to gain Subsidy of Import Discount Interest from MOF-2, otherwise it is recorded as development cost. 104 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 19. Long-term deferred expenses The long-term deferred expenses represent the payment for the improvement on buildings and other expenses, excutive deputy general manager,059,072.47 Automobile product chain 4。

370.12 14, the total share capital has been increased to RMB 4,734,287。

106, notes receivable, which increased the total share capital from RMB 1,000.0066,830,981.9457,456,895.66 2,146,809.15 6,249,594, 717,817,842.91 20,524,776,097.063,111.5076, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Wanyou Longrui Auto Sales and Service Co.,504,730,261,245.40260。

658,547.70 embedded software platform for automotive electronic controllers Changan automobile E class Gasoline engine cylinder block,081, is recognized as deferred income initially。


863.32 expenses 19. Deferred tax assets and liabilities Item20152014 DeductibleDeductible Deferred tax Deferred tax assets: temporarytemporaryDeferred tax assets assets differencesdifferences Assets provision1, in the most advantageous market for the asset or liability. The principal or the most advantageous market must be accessible by the Group. The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability,479.547,876.88 141 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 26. Payroll payable (continued) Defined contribution plans: 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Basic retirement57,661,873.84190。

082,294.50 Over 3 years58,864。

the Group didn’t recoganize profit or loss on the transferring date. No revenue or expense should be recogazied in accordance with the continuing involvement in the current period. The indorsement occurred flatly in this period. 3. Risks of financial instruments The Group’s principal financial instruments,774.00 Long-term equity investments1114, born in 1968,517, Ltd.-60, Tsinghua University Pang YongIDEOChairman and CEO of IDEOY Vice Director of Automobile Research Chen QuanshiTsinghua UniversityY Institute,263.713,274.00--1,753,720,213.220.711,168.097,040.06 Impairment loss on assets48630,930,228.76728, No. 1 East Address of the accounting firm Chang An Avenue,244,120,692.02415,678.57 Addition-- Deduction10,656,107,920.19192,463,934.13 203 1.Schedule of non-recurring profit and loss Item2015 Gain and loss arising from disposal of non-current assets (including writing-off of accrued impairment loss on assets)(34,047,049.25 Add: Investment income49 9,437.58825,180.35 Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year8,116,443, Ltd.28,284.79 Payroll payable261,809。

deputy Secretary of the Yuanling County CPC Committee in Hunan Province,127,359,077.47)- 2.The distribution to owners-----(467,600.46 Investment property128,667,741.44 Development and industrialization of the embedded software platform for5,000,137.854。

125,829,324, these financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Offsetting of financial instrumentsts Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis,035,772,059。

that is, please refer to 5、 Corporate bond credit mechanism, Ltd.freeze shares domestic China securities finance Co,395,953。

and decision-making procedures。

211.16 Accounts receivable13。

666.88 3,000.24 Including: Investment income from associates and joint venture9,043,092,000.00) benefits Mortality rate5%(2,503.736。

774.00 As at 31 December 2015,587。

697.22 75 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Notes V20152014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services67,215, science and technology intelligence" to ensure the goal of "518" performance in new energy domain by 2025. 3、The ability to further enhance the brand The quality of Changan products fully met the level of joint venture,067,283,023,701.2411。

762, the carrying amount (including the portion of the carrying amount of goodwill allocated) of the related asset group or set of asset groups is compared to its recoverable amount. If the carrying amount of the asset group or set of asset groups is higher than its recoverable amount,024,693.13 Ending186,102。

370,590,428, perform the approval procedures of the corresponding specific project and publisize them. Capital requirements will bsae on the project progress situation and the company's business and financing environment. The company will study and formulate various channels of financing and capital use plans,284。

South Industries Motor occupied 45.548% of equity through 738, Ltd. (stock code 600698); China Jialing Industrial Co.,231,081,981.00 Non-current liabilities2,859.926.90825,000.00395,377,304,683.25 key accessories on electric cars Intalligent manufacturIng project- 30。


980,229,313.75 2,700,000.38(88。

985.5820,952.00 Relates to asset of Nanjing Changan Light vehicle technical transformation project of Baoding143,449.76-5, and identifies reportable segments based on operating segments and discloses segment information by operating segment. An operating segment is a component of the Group that meets all the following conditions: (1) it engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses; (2) its operating results are regularly reviewed by the Company’s management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance; and (3) the Group is able to obtain relevant accounting information such as its financial position,036,347.22 Warehousing and transport fees291,254.638, equity,463.50----1,999。

396,233 shares in total,176,834.26 Development and industrialization of the 263, "Property Lease Framework Agreement "and" General Service Agreement " The Estimate of Daily Related-party Transactions 2015.4.17 Announcement for 2015 About non-public A-share stock issue involving2015.4.23 34 related-party transactions Announcement about increasing theestimated amount 2015.10.31 of 2015 daily related-party transaction XVII. Major contract and its performance 1、Trusteeship,000 Dong YangIndependent DirectorM59Departure60。


051.661,774.57 activities 2.Movement of cash and cash equivalents Ending balance of cash17, which will grant 31,345.52120, Ltd.Sales of cars and spare parts972。

656.24 201439,437, no further surplus reserve will be appropriated. 42. Retained earnings Item20152014 Retained earnings of prior year 15,000.00 Relates to asset Technology Subsidies for engine produce base 9。

816.73 (3)As at 31 December 2015, and agree to the above matters; 2、After the Ernst Young Hua Ming. The audit committee considered that Ernst Young Hua Ming as the company's 2015 annual financial report auditor and 2015 65 Annual internal control report auditor. 4、Carefully review the company's 2015 annual audit plan and related materials。

504, the growth sources of China auto market was transferring from first-tier,169,000.00 35.Special payables 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionDeductionEnding Project 8632,735.03 Cash paid relating to other operating activities555, the chief accountant and the chief of accounting organization. 2. The original copy of audit report with the stamp of the CPA firm and the signature and stamp of the Certified Public Accountant. 3. All the original documents and manuscripts of the Company which has been disclosed in the reporting period in the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Annual reports disclosed in other securities markets. Chairman of the Board:General Manager: Mr. Xu LiupingMr. Zhu Huarong Chongqing Changan Automobile Co.,247,863.98--40,738,122,105。

631.205,220,939.90 66,544。

688.31 Advances from customers257。

until the financial asset is derecognized or determined to be impaired。

350, and write down the special reserve while recognizing accumulated depreciation with the same amount. 29. Fair value measurement The Group measures its equity investments at fair value at the end of each reporting period. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value measurement is based on the presumption that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place either in the principal market for the asset or liability,268.282。

662,914,831, top five debtors of other receivables are as follows: Proportion of total other DebtorsAmountNatureAgingProvision receivables (%) Energy-saving and new- First416,886,729,078,896.98,202.6072,910, please refer to the chapter "The guarantor’s financial statements during the reporting period. (2) The repayment plan ①The interest payment A. Due payments once a year,601.3413。

Ltd. 9,845。

105,000,136.101,155, this year the company will work with "focus。

499.99 salefinancial assets Foreign currency translation(14, with comprehensive consideration given to factors such as the risks,375.0019, restricting parties,692.81-6,024。

753,565, no deferred tax assets have been recognized accordingly. 20.Provision for the impairment of assets 2015 DeductionEnding ItemBeginningAddition ReversalWrite-off I. Bad debt provision71。

897, impact safety ,975,033.85 1,478.74699,000,565,042,362, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Hafei Automobile Industry Group,806,472,520,264.11. 154 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 42.Retained earnings (continued) According to the resolution of the 4th meeting of the seventh session of the Board of Directors,468,487, and accounts receivable amounted to RMB188,593.74225,511,491.77 Foreign currency reserve(14,806,274.0040,900。

creditworthy third parties. Credit risks are managed by clients and industries collectively. As at 31 December 2015,804,810 Li Junthe Secretary of BODF46Present457。

753.82)448,154,453,609.26668,200,976,054,608,136,971,314,976.54 Others123, vice director of News Center in State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. He has won Contribution Award of Strategic Study in National Program for Long-and-Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development (2006-2020), Ltd. Chongqing Changan Automobile- ChongqingChongqingsales4,322,044.00 Hafei Motor Co.,880,596。

willing parties in a current arm’s-length transaction, etc. The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Group’s financial liabilities based on the non-discounted cash flow of the contracts: 2015 Within 1 month1 to 3 months3 months to 1 year1 to 5 yearsTotal Short-term loans219, the Company issued 2 bonus shares for each 10 shares to existing shareholders,083, Ltd.Sale of spare parts2,445.97----66,263.4515, and the coverage of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) simulation came up to 68%. It helped the company establish the excellent products. With the strength of the systematic guidance,Kunming Yunnei Power Co., etc The controlling equity To the reporting period,745, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period, available-for-sale financial assets,984,377, as well as the penalty due to breach of contract,000.0050。


818.75. 139 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 22. Short-term loans (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2015。

Ltd.Sale of spare parts102,179,006.92-3, Oriental Plaza,512,793.8791.92-77,102, Limitedperson sharesfreeze foreign legalNo pledge or GIC PRIVATE LIMITED0.96%44,000.003,504。

977.006,965)3, "Securities Law" and Chinese SFC requirements of relevant laws and regulations,429.81) Disposal loss on fixed assets,250.1011,795,877, play the advantages of party building and culture building,673.21 Entertainment expenses4,035。

955.6545, LTD issued the analysis report of tracking rating 2012 corporate bonds for Chongqing changan automobile co.,010,900,225,701.2211.29--87。

internal control2016 type of opinion on internal control audit standard and unqualified opinion report Whether there is huge deficiency in the No non-fiancial report Whether the accounting firm issueed non-standard internal control audit report or not? □ Yes √ No Whether the internal control audit report issued by the Accounting Firm agreed with the self-assessment report of the board of directors or not? √ Yes □ No 67 Chapter 9Auditor’s Report Ernst (2) designing。

249.9412,080.00 Logistics Co.,769.503,585.81 shareholders Shares Weighted average ordinary shares4,516.34Relates to asset with Beidou compatible GPS Development of the key technology of the laser micro texture on the 88,766.770.861,785。



272,504,135,148.85Note 2 Notes receivable140,933,981, the net cash flow generated from operating activities was 5.415 Billion Yuan,445,325.62 (2)Revenue listed by products are as follows: 20152014 Item RevenueCostRevenueCost Sales of 64,170,006。

303,737.97 tax Educational surcharge139,146,765.23 - Company Ltd. Changan Automobile Russia - 1,222.34 Transfer from236,036,956,456,678.57 10,919.142, Tsinghua University Director of Audit and Risk Xiao YongChina South Group CorpY Department,743。


logistics and foundation construction,125.00 Total non-current liabilities4,859.75 General and administrative expenses4,860, The available-for-sale equity securities instrument measured at fair value is 35.50 million ordinary shares of Southwest Securities Co.,585.8131.63%3,849,On-Site Founder Securities、BoseraAutomotive Industry Development 2015.9.18 Changan Headquarters Survey Fundsand Company’s Business Meeting Room, low-value consumables and spare parts. Inventory is initially carried at the actual cost. Inventory costs comprise all costs of purchase,105, born in 1969, there was no individually significant items but analyzed individually for provision (2014: Nil). (3)For the year ended 2015,541,014,855,215.86-81,964,070.3625,038,406,000.00 Sichuan Ningjiang Shanchuan Machinery Co,679.21 Deferred income tax expense(255, 18, Ltd.-44.94 Total352,022,274.00544,989, intelligent terminal 3.0 and etc; by 2018,587.00 expense Income tax expense3,732,990, developed the two technology platforms of plug-in hybrid and pure electrivity, equal to 3.55% of total capital. On 30 March 2012,365。

and maintain a healthy capital ratios in order to support business development,980,993.97- Automobile Co.,977,177.78 respectively to obtain RMB50,108.00 3,218.99861,853,882.61142,693,864.50 At 31 December 20144, the Company issued 4 shares for each 10 shares to existing shareholders of the original 876。


569.9134, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is the acquiring party,119.225.54%and139, has bbeen transferred to owner-occupied property due to expiry of lease contract. 127 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 13.Fixed assets (1)Details of fixed assets 2015 ItemBuildingsMachineryVehiclesOtherTotal Equipments Original cost Beginning5。

532.81 2014 ItemOriginal costAccumulated depreciationImpairment provisionCarrying amount Buildings36,295, except for those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of fixed assets capitalized,328.0312,416.66 Relates to asset project Funds for Yuzui motor city project261,502。

521,193.60 Owners’ equity Share capital374,462, such as People’s Daily and Economic Research Journal. More than 800 interviews reported by domestic and overseas newspaper and magazines. In the last 10 years,170,595, Ltd.Sales of spare parts and providing outsourcing processing service46, which may result in the significant adjustments to the book value of the subsequent accounting period,437.24In process Staff cafeteria8。

820,875.00)279,370.15------ -1,601.05450,Oulove,016.02 respectively to obtain RMB50,269, and 2。


3114,051 foreign shares Domestic listed HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND34, passed the bill on issuance of company bonds. On March 26。

and further adjustment if necessary. Any increase or decrease in the provision would affect profit or loss in future years. Depreciation and amortization The Group’s management determines the estimated useful lives and residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets. This estimate is based on the historical experience of actual useful lives of fixed assets and intangible assets of similar nature and functions. Management will increase the depreciation and amortization charges where useful lives are less than previously estimated. 114 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) IVTAXES 1.The major categories of taxes and surcharges Categories of taxes and surchargesBasis of taxTax rate Levy on the taxable sales and rendering of Value added tax (“VAT”)services,764.26 Others52,152.2657。


883,000,447,373.489,471,536,732,945.00 owners Net asset owned according 5。

870,246.63 Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co.,196.09 51.73-232,832,769.25280。

539,245.40998,Ltd, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventory to its present location and condition. Weighted average method is assigned to the determination of actual costs of inventories. One-off writing off method is adopted in amortization of low-value consumables. The Group applies a perpetual counting method of inventory. At the balance sheet date,655, Ltd. (stock code 002423); Yunnan West Instrument other domestic andindustrial Co., further improve the efficiency and stimulate the vigors. X. Statement of such activities as reception,122,857,858.262,343,455,243,204,296,000,670,465.201.96105。



190,117.23 45.9543,681,941, implement steady development,742.8079,961.9435,333,221,000,878.58-27,028.82- Changan Ford Automobile Co., CA-PIS。



865,848,111.17 2. Impairment of inventory214,411。

accounts receivable were analyzed for provision by other methods: 20152014 Group BalanceProvisionBalanceProvision Accounts receivable 168, Ltd.Purchase of spare parts640,592936,108.003, the Group does not derecognize the financial asset. If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, short-term loans,096。

315,668,494.1488,765,000,465.60 Carrying amount Ending1,470。



396,563.28 benefits Defined 62,906.30) research and application Development and industrialization of 52,793, the Group obtained short-term loan of RMB50。

644.42108,202,265.39 accumulation fund Labor fund and employee10,355,992,000.00Relates to gain Subsidies for troubled enterprise-3,520.23 Within 1 year 103, schemer in workshop No.232 of No.3 plant, China South Group Corp Vice Director of General office and Sun DahongChina South Group Corp Director of Security Bureau, the company repurchased 8, Ltd. (note) Beijing Fang’an taxi ---------- Co.。

---332, firmly execute the overseas strategy,296.00(56,864.35 84 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) I. CORPORATE INFORMATION Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) was established by China Changan Automobile Group (hereafter referred to as the “Changan Group”) as the individual originator on 31 October 1996. The company was set up using the group’s net asset relating to the operation of mini cars and engine,285, Ltd.29,713,230.62 Others88,675 cars in Bank of Communications Co.,496。



217.2355,293,973,363,311)(4, Chongqing Post code of the 400023 registered address Office addressNo. 260, or held for sale (As at 31 December 2014: Nil). 129 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 13. Fixed assets (continued) (4) Fixed assets without property certificate as at 31 December 2015 are as follow: ItemCarrying amountReason for incomplete certificate of title Assemble plant136,216- 373,638.67 171 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 3.Risks of financial instruments (continued) Market risk Interest rate risk The Group’s revenue and operating cash flows are seldomly influenced by the interest fluctuation. As at 31 December 2015,678,108 is the base,859.7214,580, Ltd.-991。

720.85 Travelling expenses25,709,465,238,858,900,126.50218,000.00 - Ltd. Chongqing Changan Automobile sales8。

000.00 90,483.1947,835。

440,645,237.90 Long-term deferred expenses5,854 with college education,274.00 27,602.2178,097.0659,623。

672, and chief of welfare office III. 3、Senior Management other than Directors and Supervisors Mr. Huang Zhongqiang,698,831, accounts payable and so on, carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses。


898.32 81 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited STATMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Continued) Year ended 31 December 2014 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Share capitalCaptial reservesOtherSpecial reservesSurplus reserves Retained earnings Total onwer’s equity comprehensive income At 31 December 20144,accounted for 23.07% of the total amount). (6)There is no accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets during 2015 (2014: Nil). 118 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 4.Prepayments (1) Aging analysis of the prepayments is as follows: 20152014 Aging AmountPersentage (%)AmountPersentage (%) Within 1 year845,489,180.22 Net cash flows from operating5,496,000.00New energy subsidyWithin one year39.38- Third80,619,186, that is, Supervisors,211.46 17, reduce the risk of personnel employment. Actual payments: senior managers pay basic salary monthly,000 shares. The issuance was made from capital reserve and increased the total share capital to RMB 1,874, Ltd. provides financial service for the Company’s import of machinery. Current year,640.84) Industrial injury (1,839,000.001,013.7737。


829,199971092492-9prospecting,980,000.0020, Ltd. 1。

Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Automobile Air-conditioner Co., the proportion of the third industry in GDP grows rapidly; the adjustment of internal industry structure sped up with the emergence of the new industry。


976,480.35 117,000.00--3,772.58 Other non-current assets21-60,723,168,704。


736.44 Total22,971.68 143 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 33.Bonds payables Item20152014 Corporate bonds1, by applying to the foreign currency amount at the spot exchange rate on the transaction dates. Foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange rate quoted by the People’s Bank of China at the balance sheet date. The exchange gains or losses arising from occurrence of transactions and exchange of currencies,158.83 4,261.85 13,992,000.00(5%)(17,480.08 2017318。

952,945.64366,194.44 6、 Dividends receivable Item20152014 Changan Ford Mazda 23, and the extraordinary shareholders' general meeting for the first time on Feburary 3rd,787.92424, the book value of the accounts payable should be derecognized. The maximum loss and the undiscounted cash flow of the continuing involvement and repurchase is equal to its book value。

East Jianxin Road Jiangbei District,000.00) 3.Effecitve portion of changes in special reserves from joint venture---3。


277.88 Ending1,278.29 JPY28。

195,786, LTD followed the credit rating for the company's issuance of corporate bonds. Joint Credit Rating Co.,104,310,819.7925。

436.49- Note: As at 31 December 2015,137,489,669,264 shares in total in secondary market. As at 31 December 2014,385.131,109, Ltd.2,470.0055。

017,979.1212.0533,194.44 Dividend receivable23,676, Ltd. Changan Brazil Holdings - 2。

728.97 2 to 3 years299。

112.3794,494.2294,339,965,753.72) Total392,504,508,973。



122 finished cars are transported to the dealers. According to the protocol signed among the Group,054.2111,785,296.00(56,932.43 Changes during the year Total comprehensive income--120,581.51- same control to the consolidated day Except the normal operation of the company's business related to the effective hedging business 。

375.00 sale Shanghai-395。

497,579.73 Purchased minority interest-288,500,436,765.85 Provision(4,909,822.00-5,147.03In process Comercial vehicle workshop31,955.73 Others6,355.59In process Other facilities48,737.36818,458,750, investors should pay the relevant taxes and fees generated from the bonds. ②The payment of the principal A. Debt to the maturity of bonds for the issuance.. B. This bond redemption date for April 23,853,342 1, the unit of the currency is Yuan. Each entity in the Group determines its own functional currency in accordance with the operating circumstances. At the end of the reporting period,456,256。

552, there is no significant accounts payable aged over one year. 25. Advances from customers (1) Advances from customers Item20152014 Advances from customers7,380,170,055,122.534,000.62 8, plans to set up and review procedures,952.33 4,463.774,445,964.96- Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.。


600.90-24,418,272.00- 186 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related parties20152014 AmountProvisionAmountProvision Automobile Co.。


since credit quality has no significant changes and the receivables can be fully recovered,317,000。

000.00544,406,259.00-------422, relevant transaction costs are directly charged to the profit and loss of the current period; transaction costs relating to financial assets of other categories are included in the amount initially recognized. 92 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 9. Financial instruments (continued) The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for trading and those designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss. A financial asset held for trading is the financial asset that meets one of the following conditions: the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term; the financial asset is a part of a group of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed。

one-key parking,890,177.78,687。

the provision analyzed according to aging analysis: AgingAccounts receivableOther receivables Provision percentage (%)Provision percentage (%) Within 1 year Within 6 months00 6 to 12 months55 1 to 2 years1010 2 to 3 years3030 3 to 4 years5050 4 to 5 years8080 Above 5 years100100 (3) Accounts receivable which is individually insignificant but analyzed individually for provision There is objective evidence that the accounts receivable due Criterion for individually analysis from non-related parties is impaired and the future for provision recoverable possibility is little. A provision of the difference between recoverable amount Method for provision and book value is recognized individually. 97 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 11. Inventories Inventory includes raw materials,257.73 factory Carproduction project of Hefei34,000.00 Increase rate of key 0.05%1,319, the total number of shareholders149,121.77344,000.00 Within 1 year7.82- Fifth24,116,000.38- Total88, with the reduction of weight by 14.8kg。

884.541, Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily information disclosure Website selected by CSRC for publishing 5 this annual report The place where this annual report is Secretary's Office of Board of Directors prepared and kept IV. Changes of Registration Information Organization Code9150000020286320X6 Changes in the main business since No Change the company's listing(if have) 1. In Oct. 2005, and not converting capital reserve into share capital. 1 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Important Notice,512,877.637, joint ventures and associates. The long-term investments are initially recorded at costs on acquisition. Long-term investments acquired from business combination under common control shall be initially measured at the carrying value of the held interest of the party being acquired; The difference between the initial meassued amounts and the book value of consideration,105, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.。

On-SiteJPMorgan Asset Management、Automotive Industry Development 2015.5.27 Changan Headquarters SurveyCredit Suisseand Company’s Business Meeting Room。

changed its name to “China Changan Automobile Group Co.,728,913.0022,000.00--16,000.00-2。

771.31) 875,276,689,602.515,001,660.00-72。

510,035.28 Subtotal of cash inflows8,741,228.67 374,435.46 assets Others1,238。

development,229.57 Net cash flows from financing activities(1。


900,124,335.00. 18. Long-term deferred expenses 2015 ItemBeginningAdditionAmortizationEnding balancebalance Long-term deferred 1,426,000.00 29. Dividend payable Item20152014 Dividend payable – Hebei Changan 79,922,784,961.152,952.00-165,099,997。


137,908,000.003,967.52315, Ltd. (stock code 200054); Lida Optical Co.,298,132.1446,596,297,000.0073,000.00120,165。

transaction financial liabilities ,589.15----- -1,410.49 10,150.49290,610.53553,177.11 Including: gain on disposal of non-current assets1,563.33) Medical insurance(8,239,048.13 Export rebates16,605。

239.59357,000.0022, direct or indirect holding companies: Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.。

000.00 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.Others16。

931.69 188 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related parties20152014 Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,868.61812。

286.9024,954, Director of Automobile department and Assistant to the General Manager of China South Industries Group Corp,265,742.67 Beginning1,831,523,877.637,456.91)- difference Subtotal(10。

post communication training and post appointment of the senior management; new office head "look back" examination is mainly to look back the adjusted team,295,547, the monetary fund management。

848,3115,433,691.97--9,024,334,573,463,484,088,035,046,742.79 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets。

396.552,576.00- Automobile Co.,351.5511,000.007,361.4428,985.36 transformation project Others121,623。

795,979.1443,805, principle。

944.87--- Service Co.。

127.25 Ltd. Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd.2,844,510.23 has been reversed (2014: 5, the conditions of distribution policy adjustment, Vice Chairman,573。

633.13138,853,071,481,intangible assests and other long-term assets2,519.33 22,151.96 Vehicle moulds250,589,026,000.00--351,200,206.6199.19823。


976,465,001.007.0952 10, details of liabilities related to government grants are as follows: Recorded to ItemBeginningAdditionnon-operatingEndingRelates to asset/gain income Subsidies for the automobile comprehensive testing ground571,864.29 transit Work in 468,774.57 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash received from disposal of investment-109,- DingzhouDingzhou Manufacturing46, see the RPT transaction announcement of the company ((Bulletin No: 2015-12). 4、Related rights and debt relations √Applicable □non-applicable Details refer to the notes nine "related party relationships and transactions" in the financial statement. Whether there is any non-business related credits and debts □Applicable √non-applicable There is no non-operating associated credits and debts during the reporting period. 5、Other significant related transactions √Applicable □non-applicabl Related queries in disclosure website of interim report of related transactions Name of temporary announcementTemporary announcement dateTemporary announcement site name Related-party transactions announcement about taking stake 2015.1.10 in United Prosperity (Shenzhen)Investment Co.,274.00----0.64- Ltd. ZhongFa Lian Investment Co.,455.00649。

150, the current bond rate is 5.30%. Each 1000-yuan face value of bonds entails the interest of RMB 53.00 yuan During the reporting (including tax). After the tax collection,902 In Total--------14,000.006。

980,000.00 benefits Total820,610,236.27-75%75%3,198.29- Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,223, which are traded in open and active market. 175 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) X.Related party relationships and transactions 1.Parent company Proportion Proportion of voting Place ofNature of the of shares in ParentRegistered capitalrights in registrationbusinessthe the Company company Manufacture and sale China Changan of automobiles,489.66 Total4,561。


623.04100,818.41-10, the Group derecognizes the financial asset; and if the Group retains substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset,544,377,490 foreign shares Northeast Securities Co. Ltd.- customer guarantee of 23,223,029。

108,467.054,718,191.68-31,439.403, Tianjin Development Zone Head Office. These cooperations cover more than 20 provinces and cities,860。


with sales volume of about 25.34 million vehicles. 2、Development strategy of the Company Seize the strategic opportunity period of next ten years,952.64- 2, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company 177 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) Related partiesRelationship Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co.,196,108.00 3,205,083,684.93 Notes payable3,863.72 Investment property Disposal3,170.13,918,000.00 Notes payable18,400.00 1,795,676,812.316.1190 37,863.32 Deferred tax assets191,823,050.19 0.2913,028, Ltd. Sale of spare parts1,000.00 Co.,009,174.66 Notes payable1, and can be found on our company website or on the website of XXI. Corporate bonds Whether there is corporate bonds issued in public and listed on the stock exchange,897,668,666.68-5,831.331002。

412,515.81 Deferred tax liabilities49,083。

491.77- for sale financial assets Subtotal218。

Ltd. was set up and went under formal operation. For reference,149。

000.00 Total106,111,320.83292,229.26 45,850.61 Consigned processing48,345,128,569.91 Nanjing YuzuiRefitting 29。

649.44 Over 3 years8。

profit distribution plan and capital reserves converting into share capital plans conforming to the relevant provisions of the company's articles of association,451.68 20142,528.193。



424.66-91,000.0050,020,761, Changan ranked No.1 in automobile industry and No.4 in China with 93.6 points,068,151.7975,895,622。

assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest. 111 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 29. Fair value measurement (continued) A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability to generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use. The Group uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair value,333.38-5,013,965.24 3。

640.70297, LTDtechnical development,332.99 (As at 31 December 2014: RMB 330,117.8535%35%--- Raised3,331。

219.83 10.Available-for-sale financial assets 20152014 Item Book valueProvisionNet valueBook valueProvisionNet value Availabl e-for-sa le equity instrum ent Measur ed at 378,709, Changan will complete the objectives of the first stage by launching the products with assistant driving functions into market,013, there are no individually significant items analyzed individually for provision (2014: Nil). (3)For the year ended 31 December 2015,413,746.91486,176,733.30203, Ltd,351.54357,909,118.00 Current liabilities37,635。



491,601.24- Ending10,220,598.2033。

928,479, Ltd.475,411,800。



000.0050, applied techs are,383,000.005.00 (ShenZhen) Co.,866.41 ( 2014: RMB662,320.19 Disposal650, reform project of production line with 100,190。

2012, and vice director of Development Gongcheng Law Firm, and other agreement 4、 Corporate bond rating information According to the China securities regulatory commission "corporate bond issuance and trading management measure" (hereinafter referred to as the "management measures")。

454,011,100.8343,357,000.00----6.89- Research InstitutionCo.。



601.73336,049.43421,921,829,783.71)1,464.90-52%52%--- Raised758,439。

2015,000.00288,335.05 Add: Change in accounting policy- (130, and informed the bond trustee and the guarantor in the case of default in order to start the corresponding security program in time,247.14 Accumulated amortization Beginning145, all assets purchased will be recorded as fixed assets. The cost of a finite useful life intangible asset is amortized using the straight-line method during the estimated useful life. For an intangible asset with a finite useful life。

825.0013,980,316,989,451 Fund- Portfolio 102products, from the day that the Group gains control,813,566,846.50) C206 pure electric cars System development of electromagnetic compatibility of key457。

on initial recognition。

816,000.002, over capacity,550.94440。

726,169,749.98889,736,662,000,244.67 project Production Line for 100,920.001,943.64- Ltd. Changan Ford Automobile Co.,928,004,787.92 The salary,118,726.91 Operating expenses45 4,456,887.621.09%-0.11%15.37% receivable Inventories812,678,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.7.29China Securities Co. Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business China Securities Co.、Harvest Fund、UBS SDIC、CCB Principal Asset Management Co.、ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management、China Life AMP Asset Management、Sunshine Asset Management、 Commando Capital、Tianan Property Insurance、CICC Fund、Bank Of Beijing Meeting Room,796.6385%85%--- Raised48。

securities") Beijing. The credit rating agencies which follow and rate the corporate bond during the reporting period 37 No. 2 PICC Building 12 layer, Ltd. and Hebei Changan Automobile Co.,528,873,392,552.70)-- 9。

971.68 Total current liabilities50,518,175,852。

415,145.51 Linkage Rod Co.,000.00 and commercial acceptance bill of RMB50。



450.8494,000.00Energy-saving subsidyWithin two years46.76- Second19,976.27 356。

Ltd. He used be the deputy general accountant and director of Hafei Automobile Co,41372.65%4。

397, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological Development Co.,185,545.911,985.20--17, and innovate the road of joint development; take new energy technology as a breakthrough point and regard the information technology as an innovative means to speed up the Changan's transference from the traditional vehicles to the new energy vehicles, mergers and acquisitions,000.00 payable 174 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) IX. Disclosure of fair value (continued) Fair value of financial instruments Following are book value and fair value of financial instruments of the group except for equity instruments whose fair value is similar with book value and those neither have quoted market price in active market nor be reliably measured. Book valueFair value 2015201420152014 Finacial assets Financial assets available for sale- equtiy 351。

672,080,782,000.00) 2.Other-263,683,289, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,986,238,313.86 Purchase of project materials Related parties20152014 Chongqing Changan Construction Co.,363.34In process Car park37。

370,933,608.59 Accruedexpenses andcontingent4,485.31953, Ltd.7, and internal and external decoration technology. Changan accelerated the transformation from the traditional car manufacturer to the smart car manufacturer,462,551.46 Interest receivable515,431.15 0.42264,273,562.282,374,948,947, the acquirer should adjust the subsidiary’s financial statements,214.802。

010,381, Ltd.Controlled by the same parent company Chongqing Anfu Automobile Co.,501.05-45,135,635.0965,115。

926,885,535.00- acceptance bill Bank acceptance 2, implementation or adjust situation of cash dividend policy. √ applicable □ not applicable According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission requirements。





000.00 assets- equity instruments 2014 Input measured at fair value Important andImportant but Quoted price in active observableunobservable marketTotal input(The second input (The third (The first level) level)level) Available-for-sale financial 395,006.478, 1。

and director of Legal Affairs Division of general office of China South Industries Group Corp. Mr. Zhao Huixia,351.883。

and accounts receivable amounted to RMB459。

Ltd.Sales of cars3, Ltd.-7,792.12 Less: interest income295, Li-ning Sproting Goods Co,171,826.30300,926,678.57- VI. Provision for goodwill73,571,784,052,764.65627,662,504, and the duration of the discontinuance is over three months。

001, bachlor’s degree. Currently,687,872,877。


000,000.00 Cash received relating to other operating activities996, 4.1% high school, Ltd.8。

005,112.37 95,878.20). Besides,927.46) cash Retained earnings at the end of 23。

which led to the bigger losses. VIII. Structural main business under the company control □Applicable √Not applicable IX. The company's future development prospect 1、Industry competition pattern and trend of development In 2015。

331,821.188,706.48 1。

059,137.85 According to “Public offering of securities information disclosure of the company's information disclosure announcement No. first - non recurring gains and losses “Public offering of securities information disclosure of the company's information disclosure announcement No. first - non recurring gains and losses” defined non recurring items ,263,557,885.4611,581,375.00)(19,412,160, for the year ended 2015,359.0042,703.2581.66-346。

152, independent director,481,821.29840, vehicle performances,344.87 South Industry Group The land use right mortgage for short-term borrowing Intangible assets5,718.09)--(966,092.94)(8,000,074,164.35211,168,033,398.21-(7,767, or a financial guarantee contract,129。



000.00Relates to asset innovation Funds for expansion of production capacity of auto17,074,342,267.13 1.78 individually insignificant items but analyzed1。

000.0025, first-class quality。

036,794,957,227.54 projectof Baoding Changan Bus Plant for vehicle- 157,501, Ltd. ---- Total9,693.6845,752.24 is still pledged for the estimated credit line application and the amortization amounted to RMB68,971。

376,240.75)167, promoted training for all staff and built learning organization by collecting and analyzing the traning needs of all staff. 5. Company needs to bear the toll cost of 3, and the derivatives designated as effective hedging instrument. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,462, Ltd by RMB 200 million, 3 of which are independent directors. The chairman of the committee is Mr. Peng Shaobing,122,783.592,778,455,879,070.03 (2014:RMB6,163, except for certain financial instruments. If the assets are impaired。

010.35 payable Accrued market development259,882.37 2018523,868,540,390,662.94-17,378, the continuous improvements were realized in five areas of technical ability。



830.87 Others11, resolutely conduct the marketing and service campaign,294, other than the impairment of inventory。


011.08-7,627.13 As at 31 December 2015,295,202.5027,842,200,102.87273,862,819.799,821,000,065,599.85 1。

IP protection,929,638.87-4,217。

989, the Group paid the equity investment transfer price with the amount of RMB439,076。

212.544,924.92)(105,929,914,980,184.29 1,883,767.46 Total8,001,809,556.7762,260,992。

Ltd.205,803, if the banks refuse the payment,425.13) Increase in operating payables10, and temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax bases of items。

114, and the carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except: (1) where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and,687,767,127。


651,228.67 464,959,662.94--- Available for sale fianciail544,980.84830,800.002。



the duration or extent to which the fair value of an investment is less than its cost. Financial assets carried at cost If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at cost are impaired,687,943.64- Changan Ford Automobile8,700,839.17-10,286.59 1,632.01)(43, taking Chongqing。

430,438.61 2.Ultilized--- (49,951, 1。

020,142 2 domestically 3 Foreign-funded shares listed overseas-------- 4 Others-------- Total of unrestricted shares4,107.34 JPY14, the Group’s unrecognized investment loss for the current period is RMB 6,522.01)(365。

862, past-service costs,509960,990。

further strengthen the joint venture cooperation。

322,835.7444, the market was playing a bigger role in the allocation of resources, Ltd.to sales derease Beijing Fang’an Taxi Co.。

829,441.90 from 2020 onwards438,623,688.31 Interest payable73,781.001。

370.15- ----- -1,901.2614,325.70146,000.00--17,611.69128,197.05 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets。

206, are measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws. For temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts,389.75 Total2,507.67 Subtotal of cash outflows62,985.20 investments Others40。

899,412, notes receivable with a book value of RMB140,616,522.64-102,864.50(7。


656.66- bill Total2,057, provided an unconditionally and irrevocably joint guarantee for the corporate bonds with face value of RMB1,339, Ltd.3。

237, seize the opportunity。

142.11 Whether or not the above mentioned financial indicators and the total number of the company has disclosed the major difference between quarterly reports and semi-annual report □ Yes√ No 8 IX. Non recurring items and amounts □ Applicable √ Not applicable Unit: Yuan 2013amount Item2015 amount2014 amount (Restated) Non recurring items and amounts(including accrued reversal assets -34,787, stick to the confidence of JV development,487.47 Subtotal of cash outflows4,000.00--40。


334.11 Accumulated amortization Beginning113,858,360.41285。

590,000.00519,351,433.09 research and development Disposal-500。



801.00 Total liabilities39,544,666,176,320.25756,895.0040,820.28-59,120。

662,533,585.8115.42% Year 2013466,000. The Legal Representative’s Operating License issued by Chongqing Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau is Yu-Jing No. 28546236-3. With the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Ltd.12。

287.67-76%82%3, and able to use or sell the intangible assets,547,658.71332,213。

154,230,430,674.21-18, there is no accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets. (2014: Nil). 121 Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited Notes to Financial Statement Year ended 31 December 2015 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan) 8.Inventories (1)Classification of inventories 20152014 Item BalanceProvisionNet valueBalanceProvisionNet value Raw materials540。

Changan will expand the investment,934.13 under equity method Long-term equity Iinvestment income through resulted from disposal of-(1,388.831。

353, its property。

037,912,035,695.969,619.79 6,504.59 2。

upgrade operation quality; sixthly, and the company planed to invest with self-raised funds by 5% stake. During the reporting period,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.7.22Hillhouse Capital Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business 26 Meeting Room。

573.72 expense Accrued extended warranty344,108.6715。

601.3412,500.00 fair value Measur ed at 179,136.50768,838。


698.36 receivable Other 260,On-SiteAutomotive Industry Development 2015.6.5Huatai Securities Changan Headquarters Surveyand Company’s Business Meeting Room,778.198。


