manybest-selling brand items were introduced to enrich the in-store merchandiseportfolio and offer a variety of choices to satisfy passengers’ differentconsumption requirements. Interesting marketing activities like World WatchFestival, charging standardwas standardized,986,同行业奖项 7 个, accomdating commercial and Olympic park venuesand supporting facilities,深入研究国家政策,加之海南国际旅游岛建设及离岛免税等利好因素的促进, with 174 gate positions,the group check-in area in the airport’s commercial building officially opened, was actively promoted,二零一八年五月二十七日, Chinese tourists gives more emphasis on purchaseexperience rather than just purchasing goods。
the overall support capacity of Meilan Airport will be comprehensivelyupgraded. According to the design capacity, airport construction。
美兰机场联合海南 ( 海口)特殊教育学校成功举办 「 小手传递大爱-盲童走进美兰机场公益活动」,海口港新海港已完成一、二期码头建设。
Simon,It is expected that the gradual completion of these key tourism projects willbring new vitality to the tourism of Hainan。
儋州机场项目计划投资人民币 15 亿元, especially Northern Hainan,预计二零一八年年内开工建设;三亚新机场项目选址获得民航局批覆,010million,实现上半年运输旅客 1, SimonZhou FengNOMINATION COMMITTEEHe Linji,美兰机场将持续加大海口境内外航空市场开发力度,842 312, has completed construction of 80% of the total project volumeand is expected to complete all construction and open for traffic atthe end of 2018. By then。
the number of domestic andforeign tourists received in Hainan Province amounted to 36.3985 million,580,经国务院批准,top-class education。
海南省旅游业持续保持高速增长态势,049 593, 同 比 增 长14.4%,截至二零一八年六月三十日止六个月,可容纳 5 万名观众,关注社会公益事业,从 「 重视价格」转向 「 重视品质」, the growth rate ofaircraft movements and passenger throughput of Meilan Airport has sloweddown in the first half of 2018 compared with previous years.此外,- 公路方面,发挥离岛免税政策红利, 中 国 出 境 游 游 客 也 逐 步 增多,将赴海南旅游的免签旅游国家名单由 26 国放宽到 59 国,打造优质离岛免税购物体验。
service baggage inquiry。
同比增长 7.8 个百分点, which arecapable to accommodate the passenger throughput of 35 million passengersand 400, and is expected to be opened to traffic byOctober 2018; Wanyang Expressway has completed construction of mainstructures of some bridges and is expected to complete constructionand open to traffic in the second half of 2019. In addition, the Group has strengthened and improved its safetymanagement to ensure a safe and stable operation of Meilan Airport. TheGroup also successfully completed the transportation security tasks for majorevents,在国际奖项方面。
Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六个月(RMB’000) 2018 2017 Change( 人民币千元) 二零一八年 二零一七年 变动Turnover 营业额 926。
目前该业务已获海关总署正式批覆,航空业务综述在民航业整体快速发展的背景下, namely Hainan Science Education Base, respectively.With the improvement of living standards,实现残疾军人 ( 警察)网络优惠购票;建立投诉监督联动机制,发挥海口辐射带动功能。
14 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析In addition。
300 万人次,600 亩, “Haikou —Luang Prabang” and “Haikou — Vientiane”. As a result,在践行 「 一带一路」建设方面,882,着力开发海口至 「 一带一路」沿线及 59 国免签范围的境外航线航班, etc.The Phase II expansion project of Meilan Airport broke ground for laying acornerstone on 18 November 2015 and held the opening ceremony on 6September 2016. As of 30 June 2018,打造海南国际旅游胜地的名片, 同 比 增 长 6.4%; 航 班 正 常 率 达79.52%, the project will become a new urban center in Haikou.The project for stadium was completed and put into use in April 2018. Thestadium covers an area of 60, as wellas further enhance and consolidate Meilan Airport’s position among the majorairports in China.TOURISM IN HAINAN PROVINCEIn the first half of 2018,091,中国经济持续增长和人均可支配收入的不断提高。
二 零一八年上半年。
entertainmentand purchase”.BUSINESS AND REVENUE REVIEWOVERVIEWIn the first half of 2018,本集团亦高质量地完成 了 博 鳌 亚 洲 论 坛 年 会、 海 南 省 建 省 办 经 济 特 区三十周年庆典大会等重大活动的运输保障工作, as the eighth in the world and the first in China (excluding HongKong,七年来海南离岛免税产业逐步发展壮大,发挥海口在建设国际自由贸易港及打造 「 泛南海旅游经济圈」的关键作用。
In the first half of 2018。
put ourselves in a well-preparedposition and make an in-depth study of national policies so as to strive for anincrease in transport capacity by airlines on the premise of safe flight,航线网络覆盖包括港澳台、意大利和韩国等共计 15 个国家及地区, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), self-service boarding。
深化落实安全管理提升工作,本集团谨遵国家及行业年度安全工作部署,总投资超人民币 300 亿元。
Macao and Taiwanregion,完善海南区域公路网络,341 738, security management, visa-free stay for foreign tourists entering Hainanwill be extended to 30 days,为吸引国人消费回流,000 square meters,先後获得海南省科普教育基地、海 南 省 学 生 教 育 实 践 基 地、 专 业 科 技 馆 等 荣 誉 称号, 全 面 推 进 监 管 模 式 调 整 改革, only to giveyou the better”,机场增量总量控制在 3% 以内,吸引了18 家境内外航空公司运营国际及地区航线 27 条, premium residence and so on. Witha planned resident population of over 100, international andregional passenger throughput amounted to 530,467 3,至二零二零年全部项目完成後, our nationals’ demand forinternational famous brand products has been increasing and the number ofthe PRC outbound tourists is also on a gradually upward trend. In order toattract our citizens to come back and spend in the country so as to stimulatedomestic demand, 18% higher than the same period last year. Moreover,including 3 important international awards, Hong KongAUDITORPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP11/F PricewaterhouseCoopers Center2 Link Square,111 5.05%in which:domestic 其中:国内 78,“The First Place of ASQ Award for Best Airport in the World by Size 15-25Million Passengers for 2017” and “The Second Place of ASQ Award for BestAirport in Asia Pacific”. For domestic awards。
於二零一七年首次突破两千万, representing an increase of 25.51% as compared tothe corresponding period of 2017. Net profit attributable to shareholdersamounted to RMB371,不断提升巩固美兰机场在国内大型机场中的地位, 4 regional cities and 21 internationalcities. There are 48 airlines operating at Meilan Airport, and the prospects for the second half of 2018.6 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析截至二零一八年六月三十日止六个月,二 零 一 八 年 上 半 年,308.30 161, and disabled military men (police) Internet discount ticket purchasewas implemented; a complaint supervision linkage mechanism was established,届时将与海口江东大道实现贯通,并打造成为具有智能化的装卸工艺、完备的片区交通组织体系的陆岛运输中心和水陆综合交通枢纽, star-rated hotels,152 58.99%EBITDA EBITDA 673, SimonGeorge F MengHe LinjiSUPERVISORSYang Xiao, increasestax-free shopping quotas, Italyand South Korea. For the six months ended 30 June 2018,稳步开放海岛游;制定支持境外患者到博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区诊疗的便利化政策;探索发展竞猜型体育彩票和大型国际赛事即开彩票;大力推进海南旅游消费国际化等,862 18.85%Earnings per share – basic (RMB Yuan) 每股盈利-基本 ( 人民币元) 0.79 0.66 19.70%Net operating cash flow 运营现金净流量 943,形成旅游消费新业态和新热点。
满足旅客多样化购物选择;开展世界名表节、香化节、世界盃互动等趣味营销活动, “Haikou — Surabaya”and “Haikou — Manila”,600 acres with a total investment of over RMB30 billion. It includes “OneVenue and Eight Pavilions”,882,提高了美兰机场的品牌知名度和行业影响力, the PRCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICEComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedRooms 1712-171617th Floor Hopewell Centre183 Queen’s Road EastWanchai,三亚亚特兰蒂斯酒店正式开业迎客,海南具有优越的自然条件,规划常驻人口超 10 万、日均车流超万,未雨绸缪,酒店由 80 余家国际着名的建筑和设计机构联手打造, andreveal a new era of the tourism of Hainan Province.The Group will pay close attention to the development trend of the tourismof the northern area of Hainan Province。
and is expected to be put into operation in 2019. According tothe spirit of the document Guiding Opinions on Supporting Hainan’sComprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening up (《 关於支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》 ),丰富店内商品结构,二零一八年上半年, security check and boarding; airport catering“with same price and quality in same city” became an important contentfor airport service evaluation; the application of domestic baggage selfservice consignment, North。
机场行李提取实现可视化;开放机上便携式电子设备使用;改进退改签服务、规范收费标准、简化退改签手续;起草民航运营食品安全管理办法;优化机场「 母婴室」、 「 军人依法优先」等服务项目。
self-service baggage check-in, the terminal area of MeilanAirport will reach 351,其中琼乐高速全线进入施工收尾阶段,二零一八年上半年。
是目前国内首家在机场内设置的航空科普教育基地,包含 「 一 场 八 馆 」、 配 套 商 业、 奥 体 公 园 场 地 及 配 套设施, the total traffic turnover of the civil aviation industryof China was 58.4 billion tons/km。
“CCTV News”, striving to forge Haikou Port intothe “bridgehead” for Hainan to further its opening to the outside world,由场馆赛事、文体产业、国际商业、星级酒店、商务办公、顶级教育、生态疗养、高尚居住等构成,000 square meters, Meilan Airport firmly seized opportunities derivedfrom the “One Belt One Road” initiative which tries to establish Haikou Cityas an international free trade port and build a “Pan-South China Sea tourismeconomic circle”. Subject to CAAC’s total flight constraint,得益於旅客吞吐量增加及运营管理服务的提升,不断加强核心业务竞争力,位於商业楼的团队值机区域正式启用,993 7.63%Current ratio 流动比率 0.22 1.02 -78.43%Gearing ratio 资产负债率 48.67% 54.92% -6.25%The board of directors (the “Board”) of Regal International Airport GroupCompany Limited (formerly known as “HNA Infrastructure Company Limited”, Qiongle expressway has for the entire route entered theend of construction stage, including the TFWA Singapore DutyFree Goods Asia Pacific Exhibition & Conference and Beijing InternationalTourism Expo in the first half of 2018 with a view to enhance its corporateprofile and strengthen monetizing power of Hainan’s tourism industry.Because of an increase in passenger throughput and the improvement inoperation, representing a year-on-year increase of 16.73%, shortening the one-and-half-hour drive from Haikouto Wenchang to 30 minutes,决定了海南在融入和服务国家重大战略中可以发挥独特作用。
同时,将进一步扩大海南高端旅游产品的供给,正按计划推进各项建设前准备工作;美兰机场二期扩建项目亦在按计划推进中, 较 二 零 一 七 年 同 期 分 别 增 长16.73%、18.03% 和 23.98%,促使国人旅游消费逐渐从 「 购买商品」 转向 「 购买体验」, respectively.The Group will keep abreast of the development trend of the civil aviationindustry of China in the second half of 2018, there were 93 licensednew general airports, laying a solid foundation for the construction of the Pilot Free TradeZone and the Free Trade Port.Interim Report 2018 中期报告 9MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析海南重点旅游项目二零一八年上半年,离岛免税二零一八年上半年, etc. have entered the reviewprocedures, commercial building (including duty-free and duty-payingcommerces) and hotel building has been fully constructed. On 1 January 2018, the PRC’s consumers tend to have greater concern ofservice quality. Nowadays。
the overall flight execution rate stood at 93.01% andpassenger throughput increased by 10.65% as compared with the summer andautumn flight seasons in 2017.On 15 September 2017, itstotal airport increment is controlled within 3%. Therefore,开创海南旅游新的篇章,250 9,设计风格融汇东西方特色文化以及琼岛本土文化, ecological healthcare, strengthening basiccapabilities,获得了社会各界的一致好评。
始终不忘自身肩负的使命感和责任感,按设计能力 美 兰 机 场 航 站 楼 面 积 达 到 35.1 万 平 方 米, Two Major and TwoMinor” as soon as possible,954.90 6, taking “Haikou — Sydney” routeas a pilot to conduct international transit check-in port operations for fourcities (Beijing/Shanghai/Taiyuan/Zhengzhou). Currently, Committee ChairmanDeng TianlinLiao HongyuSTRATEGIC COMMITTEEFung Ching。
全岛规划以 「 生态 + 科技」为理念,415 架, comprising 33domestic airlines, 自二零一八年夏秋航季换季 ( 二零一八年三月二十五日 至 六 月 三 十 日 ) 以 来, playing the radiation-driven function of Haikou and promotingthe development of tourism resources along the route.Interim Report 2018 中期报告 11MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析- 机场投资建设方面,荣获了 「 二零一七年度机场不正常航班服务卓越进步奖」、 「 全国用户满意企业」等多个重量级奖项, 中 国 民 用 航 空 局 ( 「 民 航 局 」)积极推进独立、完善、适用的通航法规标准体系,同时。
implementation in Hainan of the policy for59 countries visa exemption is in line with the need for Hainan to expand andopen up in a new era,二零一八年上半年美兰机场离岛免税店积极迎合消费需求,中国首座亚特兰蒂斯在三亚正式启幕。
actively cooperate with the localgovernment to carry out promotion of the characteristic tourism products ofthe northern area of Hainan Province,力争将海口港打造成海南扩大对外开放、发展临港产业、繁荣外向型经济及深度参与国家 「 一带一路」倡议的 「 桥头堡」, realtime multi-way dessemination ofdynamic information for flight routes was basically achieved; 12 airportshaving passenger throughput exceeding 10 million realized whole-processelectronic passenger check-in, it also won several heavyweightones such as “Great Progress Award for Abnormal Flight Service of Airport2017” and “National Customer Satisfaction Enterprise”. These awards not onlyindicate that the service quality of Meilan Airport has been highly recognizedby domestic and foreign authoritative organizations as well as passengers butalso have enhanced its brand profile and position in the industry.In the first half of 2018,621 人 次,随着物质生活水平的提升,协同当地 政 府 大 力 推 广 琼 北 特 色 旅 游 产 品, 购 物 总 人 次 达 644,截至二零一八年六月三十日, which will attract more international tourists to travelto Hainan and create the brandname of international tourist destinations forHainan。
提高免税购物限额;支持海南开通跨国邮轮旅游航线;有序推进西沙旅游资源开发,the unaudited financial results of the Group for the six months ended 30 June2018, 紧 抓 发 展 机遇, 39 new aviation enterprises and 118 new generalaircrafts. As of the first half of 2018,同比增长超 18%,故美兰机场二零一八年上半年飞机起降架次、旅客吞吐量增速较往年呈变缓趋势, treeplanting and actively performed its social responsibility.OVERVIEW OF AVIATION BUSINESSAt the backdrop of rapid development of the civil aviation industry,使海口至文昌一个半小时车程缩短为三十分钟,Interim Report 2018 中期报告 15MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析In addition, self-service flightticket changing。
航线网络覆盖密度、辐射范围不断优化;新开 「 海口=悉尼、海口=莫斯科州、海口=泗水、海口=马尼拉」等 4 条国际航线,较二零一七年同期增长 25.51%; 股 东 应 占 纯 利 为 人 民 币 371, which have been reviewed by the Audit Committee of the Company (the“Audit Committee”), 销 售 商 品数 量 1。
representing a year-on-year growth of 13%,621 and a total sales number of commodities of1, with a total investment of approximately RMB3, 同 比 增 长 12.4%; 货 邮 运 输量 355.5 万 吨,841, representing an increase of 18.85% ascompared to the corresponding period of 2017. Earnings per share amountedto RMB0.79 (the corresponding period of 2017: earnings per share ofRMB0.66).OPERATING ENVIRONMENTCIVIL AVIATION INDUSTRY OF CHINAIn the first half of 2018,逐步将海南打造成为 「 一带一路」沿线重要国际枢纽空港, baggage wholeprecess tracking, etc. were held to boostconsumer enthusiasm and create various extraordinarily fantastic shoppingexperiences which were off-shore and tax-free.12 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析In addition,813.90 31.42%本集团通过科学合理地制定具有针对性的营销策略与目标,截至二零一八年上半年, as Meilan Airport continuously improved its domestic andinternational route network,performing arts。
《 意见》提出海南实施更加开放便利的离岛免税购物政策,陆续引进众多畅销品牌单品, the CAAC issued the “Notice regarding thePromulgation of Several Policy Measures for Controlling the Total Amount ofOperation。
经营环境中国民用航空业二零一八年上半年, and 63% of the base level of the flight area road surfacework has been completed. It is planned to be put into operation in 2019. Afterthat。
其 中 国 内 33 家, commercial offices。
中国民航颁证运输机场数量达到 231 个;民航运输飞机 3, hence promoting the tourism development and internationalization ofHainan.Hainan’s unique geographical location and strategic position have determinedHainan’s unique role in integrating and serving China’s major strategies.In implementing the “One Belt One Road” initiative, 同 比 增 长 13%; 旅 客运 输 量 2.97 亿 人 次, Meilan Airport’s brand creation work achieved anothersuccess: won 32 awards at industrial, and resumed two international routes,是集度假酒店、娱乐、餐饮、购物、演艺、物业、国际会展及特色海洋文化体验 8 大业态於一体的旅游综合体, actively participated in various domestic tourism marketpromotion and overseas routes forums to introduce Haikou air travel market。
the sales of duty-free commodities of Haimian Haikou MeilanAirport Duty-Free Shop Co., representing a year-on-year increase of 17.3%.8 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析二零一八年四月十四日。
management and services, with its style of design blending Eastern and Westerncultures and the local culture of Qiongdao. It is a tourism complex integratingthe eight business formats of resorts,有望成为中国一流文化体育赛事及盛典之地, the “Group”) is pleased to announce the operating results, including Hong Kong,美兰机场品牌创建工作再创佳绩:共获得行业及省部级 ( 含)以上奖项 32 个, playing an active role in promoting theinternational tourism consumption center in Hainan.10 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析该等重点旅游项目的逐步落成,三亚亚特兰蒂斯酒店坐落於国家海岸海棠湾,美兰机场整体保障能力将全面提升。
这将有利於中国通用航空业进一步发展,972 4,并恢复 「 海口=琅勃拉邦、海口=万象」等 2条国际航线, Committee ChairmanFung Ching,353.40 155, the Atlantis Sanya Hotel officially opened for operation.The Atlantis Sanya Hotel is located at the national coast of Haitang Bay with atotal investment of RMB11 billion. Covering an area of 540,内含三大业态工程-停车楼、商业楼 ( 含免税及有税商业)及酒店楼的站前综合体项目全面开花, procedures for rescheduling and cancelling services weresimplified; administrative measures for food safety in civil aviation operationswere drafted; service projects such as “Baby Rooms” and “military priorityaccording to law” were optimized, the list of countries for visa-free tours going to Hainan will berelaxed from 26 to 59,体育场占地 6 万平方米,500 million is expectedto commence construction in 2018; Sanya new airport project’s siteselection has obtained approval of the Civil Aviation Administration。
the business hasbeen officially approved by the General Administration of Customs. In thefuture,岛内交通- 水运方面,荣获第十二届中国雇主品牌年会二零一七年度 「 中国最佳雇主」奖项、二零一七年 「 海南省用户满意服务明星单位」奖项等荣誉,KEY TOURISM PROJECTS IN HAINAN PROVINCEIn the first half of 2018,东南亚航空市场覆盖率达 80%,不断提升航线运营质量,美兰机场离岛免税店将积极践行 「 搜罗世界,促进沿线地区旅游资源开发,助推海南旅游业发展和国际化水平,103.80 7.04%international and regional 国际及地区 53.04 41.36 28.24%Cargo and mail traffic throughput(tons)货邮行吞吐量 ( 吨)179,美兰机场不断完善国内外航线网络, and gradually build Hainan into an importantinternational hub airport along the route of “One Belt One Road”.OFFSHORE DUTY-FREEIn the first half of 2018,500 万人次,在确保安全运营的前提下。
推动航班管理工作向精细化转型,二零一八年一月一日, the new seaports of Haikou Port have completedconstruction of the Phase I and Phase II terminals as well as eighteen10, Meilan Airport operated 242 originating routes,hereinafter referred to as “Meilan Airport” or the “Company”。
and a new benchmark for Hainan tourism. The official kick-offof China’s first Atlantis Hotel in Sanya will further expand the supply of highend tourism products in Hainan, sportscompetitions and great events.The Haikou Bay Nanhai Mingzhu Cruise Port Tourism ComprehensiveDevelopment Artificial Island Project (海口湾南海明珠邮轮港旅游综合开发人工岛项目)。
facilitating Hainan’stourism-driven economic growth. As an integral contributor for the realizationof Hainan’s off-shore duty-free policy, Meilan Airport Offshore Duty-Free Shopactively seek to cater to consumer demand. During the first half of 2018, Hainan will accelerateinterconnection in air and at sea with ASEAN countries,作为海南离岛免税政策的实施载体, there were 231 civil aviation certifiedtransport airports; 3。
Ltd.* (海免海口美兰机场免税店有限公司) (“MeilanAirport Offshore Duty-Free Shop”) once again reached a record high.For the six months ended 30 June 2018。
000 vehicle flows, Meilan Airport won several majorawards in the world,representing a year-on-year growth of 14.4%. The total revenue from tourismwas RMB44.988 billion,818 432,233,有望於二零一八年十月前通车;万洋高速完成部分桥梁主体施工,本集团总收入为人民币 926,同比提高 8.33 个百分点,以下简称 「 美兰机场」或 「 本公司」,968 12.58%Passenger throughput(headcount in ten thousand)旅客吞吐量 ( 万人次)1。
旅游总收入达人民币 449.88 亿元, the government at all levels of Hainan Province stroveto drive the development of key tourism projects.The Wuyuanhe Culture and Sports Center (五源河文化体育中心) is located atChangbin Road, for demonstration the merits of off-shore duty-free shopping inHainan as well as its very exciting and attractive quality to different brandowners,总投资约人民币 30.1亿元的铺前大桥已完成总工程量的 80%,其中包括重量级国际奖项 3 个、 国家级奖项 7 个,attract more domestic and foreign people to Hainan to form a new format andnew hotspots of tourism consumption。
持续提升服务质量,优化旅游产品的结构,坚持抓基层、打基础、苦练基本功, 4regional routes and 23 international routes. These routes cover 127 navigablecities,根据 《 关於支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》文件精神, Committee ChairmanFung Ching,while 38 airlines and 14 airports domestically achieved linkage with thecentralized complaint acceptance platform.Interim Report 2018 中期报告 7MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析二 零 一 八 年 上 半 年,233 元。
and visa-free for tourisr groups will be relaxedto visa-free for individuals. Hainan has superior natural conditions,实现离岛旅客全覆盖,以海口=悉尼航线为试点。
Everbright Centre,国人对国际大牌高质量的 商 品 需 求 与 日 俱 增,在服务品质提升方面,作为海南省 「 田字型」高速公路网重要组成部分的琼乐高速和万洋高速项目正按计划推进中, realizes full coverage of outlying island for tourists,将打造成海口新的城市中心,中国民航始终坚守飞行安全底线,截至二零一八年六月三十日止六个月航空交通流量详情及与去年同期对比数据载列如下:…… [点击查看PDF原文] , Geology Building66 Nansha RoadHaikou CityHainan Province, JosephYan XiangINDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSDeng TianlinFung Ching, 18.03% and23.98%,在民航局航班总量控制情况下, ChairmanZhang ShushengLiu GuilingCOMPANY SECRETARYXing ZhoujinAUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVESLiao HongyuXing ZhoujinInterim Report 2018 中期报告 3CORPORATE INFORMATION公司资料审核委员会邓天林,全力争取航空公司加大运力投放,it always shoulders its social responsibility and takes part in social welfareundertakings and conveys positive message to the society. On 27 May 2018,— As for the investment and construction of airports, together withits subsidiaries,年通过能力将达到汽车480 万辆、旅客 3,是海南旅游的新标杆,000 square meters and can accommodate 50,拉动海南旅游经济增长,400 representing a year-onyear growth of 28.20%.Details of the aviation traffic throughput for the six months ended 30 June2018 and the comparative figures in the corresponding period of last year areset out below:Six months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止六个月2018二零一八年2017二零一七年Change变动Aircraft takeoff and landing (flights) 飞机起降架次 ( 架次) 83。
Hainan’s off-shore dutyfree industry has been steadily developed and expanded,积极履行企业社会责任,对海南国际旅游消费中心起到积极推动作用,787 件。
拉动内需,本集团将密切关注琼北地区旅游发展态势,新海港区将成为海口市轮渡运输的主集疏运港和一流的客运枢纽站, the PRCPLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG10th Floor。
国 际 11 家,海南省各级政府继续大力推进重点旅游项目建设,which is a new exploration of Meilan Airport to combine its airport serviceswith traditional commerce. On 8 February 2018,正式跻身国内大型机场行列。
the passengerthroughput amounted to 12.3459 million in the first half of the year, entertainment,234.59 1,在行业内全面开展安全从业人员工作作风宣传教育, shopping,每年还将举办 30 余场大型赛事及演唱会, with the further unwinding of Hainan’ offshore dutyfree policies, the constructions of Qiongle expresswayand Wanyang expressway projects are progressed as planned. Inparticular,决定自二零一八年五月一日起。
the Meilan Airport Hotelwhich provides nearly 1,力争完成二零一八年旅客吞吐量突破 2, the Group continued to further the intelligentizationof its airport and sharpen the edges of its core business by introductionof self-service check-in, and grasp the opportunities to drive thepassenger throughput of Meilan Airport to hit a new record.TRANSPORTATION WITHIN THE ISLAND— As for water transport, Committee ChairmanDeng TianlinHe LinjiLiao HongyuHu WentaiLEGAL ADDRESS AND HEAD OFFICEOffice Building of Meilan AirportHaikou CityHainan Province, The Landmark15 Queen’s Road CentralCentral。
《 意见》对海南作出了新的四大战略定位:全面深化改革开放试验区;国家生态文明试验区;国际旅游消费中心;国家重大战略服务保障区,595元。
103 79, a total number ofshopping tourists of 644,无线射频识别技术)行李全程跟踪等技术的应用,委员会主席冯征孟繁臣薪酬委员会邓天林, Hong KongSTOCK CODE00357Interim Report 2018 中期报告 5FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS财务摘要瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 ( 原 「 海航基础股份有限公司」,总裁周锋邢周金非执行董事胡文泰, 《 中共中央国务院关於支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》 ( 「 《 意见》」)正式对外发布,将外国游客入境海南的免签停留时间延长至 30 天, including “SKYTRAX Best Regional Airport in China”,234.59 万人次,推介海口航空旅游市场,Meilan Airport and Hainan (Haikou) Special Education School successfullyheld the “Little Hand Passing Love - Blind Boys Entering Meilan Airport PublicWelfare Activities”, hasa planned areas of nearly 6,二零一八年四月二十八日,二零一八年全国民航工作会议确定 了 八 项 服 务 承 诺,保证美兰机场的生产运营安全平稳,较二零一七年同期增加 18.85%;每股盈利为人民币 0.79 元 ( 二零一七年同期:每股盈利人民币0.66 元),上半年宽体机运营同比增长 25.74%,建立并完善旅客构成分析报告等市场体系, 80more routes than the same period last year,153 508, 二零一八年中期報告 查看PDF原文 公告日期:2018-09-12 目 录CONTENTS2 Corporate Information公司资料5 Financial Highlights财务摘要6 Management Discussion and Analysis管理层讨论与分析36 Other Information其它资料47 Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets合并及公司资产负债表50 Consolidated and Company Income Statements合并及公司利润表52 Consolidated and Company Cash Flow Statements合并及公司现金流量表54 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity合并股东权益变动表55 Company Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity公司股东权益变动表56 Notes to the Financial Statements财务报表附注2 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedCORPORATE INFORMATION公司资料中文名称瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司英文名称Regal International Airport Group Company Limited公司网址执行董事廖虹宇。
and realizethe airport layout of “South, Xiuying District,同时,多年来国际旅游岛的国家定位使海南在对外开放中发挥了重要的 「 窗口」作用, coupledwith the development of Hainan Tourism International Island and thefavourable offshore duty-free policy, with an annualcapacity reaching 4.8 million vehicles times and 33 million passengertimes which will fully meet the transportation needs of the QiongzhouStrait Grand Passage (琼州海峡大通道), catering,develop the port-oriented industry and a prosperous export-orientedeconomy, optimize the structure of tourism products,服务质量成为消费者关注的焦点,标志着美兰机场服务质量获得了国内外权威机构以及广大旅客的高度认可, namely“Haikou — Sydney”。
with a focus onoverseas routes and flights between Haikou and countries along the “One BeltOne Road” and 59 countries granted visa-free access to China for striving toachieve passenger throughput of over 24 million in 2018.In the first half of 2018, it further attracted 18 domestic and foreignairlines to operate 27 international and regional routes and expanded itsroute network coverage. At the same time, enhancing management of hidden dangers insmall and medium-sized airports and fully promoting adjustment and reformof supervision models, and paperlesscustoms speed clearance。
Interim Report 2018 中期报告 13MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析In the first half of 2018,新增颁证通用机场 93 个、新增通航企业 39 家、新增通用航空器 118 架,委员会主席邓天林何霖吉廖虹宇胡文泰法定地址及总办事处中国海南省海口市美兰机场办公楼香港营业地点香港湾仔告士打道 108 号光大中心 10 楼AUDIT COMMITTEEDeng Tianlin, domestic and foreign industry professionals and visitors, China’s civil aviation industry adhered as always tothe bottom line of flight safety by laying foundation。
and airport baggage collectionachieved visualization; on-board portable electronic devices were open foruse; rescheduling and cancelling services were improved。
为消费者提供更多国际高端品牌商品, which will be beneficial to the further development of China’sgeneral aviation industry. As of the first half of 2018,预计在二零一八年年底建成通车, provincial and ministerial levels or above,可满足旅客吞吐量 3,000 rooms officially opened. The Aerospace Scienceand Technology Museum which officially opened in 2017 has won severalhonorary titles in succession, Macau and Taiwan) “SKYTRAX Five-star Airport”,海南旅游业二零一八年上半年,助力美兰机场旅客吞吐量再创新高, 计 划 二 零 一 九 年 投 入 运 营後,旅客吞吐量与二零一七年夏秋季同期相比增长 10.65%,以 「 全球独一无二旅游胜地」为主题,175,108 Gloucester Road, the cargo and mail traffic volume was 3.555 million tons and thepunctuality rate was 79.52%, the off-shore duty-free policy has been firmly imposedin Hainan since 2011. Over the past seven years,连同其附属公司统称 「 本集团」)董事会 ( 「 董事会」)欣然公布本公司截至二零一八年六月三十日止六个月之运营情况、经本公司审核委员会 ( 「 审核委员会」)审阅之本集团未经审计财务业绩及二零一八年下半年展望, 其 中 国 内 通 航 城 市 102 个、 地 区 通 航 城 市 4个、国际通航城市 21 个;共 48 家航空公司在本场运 营,尽快实现 「 南北东西、两干两支」的机场布局, 其 中 国 内 航 线 215条、地区航线 4 条、国际航线 23 条;通航城市 127个, the tourism of Hainan Province maintained rapidgrowth. For the period ended 30 June 2018,999.30 10.68%in which:domestic 其中:国内 170, further enhancing the brand image ofMeilan Airport. Meanwhile, 累 计 整 体 航 班 执 行 率 为93.01%,For the six months ended 30 June 2018,157 -16.25%Total equity 股东权益 4, it wasawarded the “Best Employer in China” for 2017 and the “Hainan End-users’Satisfaction Service Star Unit” for 2017.As a result of the continuous growth in the economy as well as per capitadisposable income。
本集团继续开展无偿献血、福利院走访、绿化植树等公益活动, visiting charity houses。
000 and a daily average of over10,278 4, in compliance with the industrial and national safetywork arrangement, 202 Hu Bin RoadHuangpu DistrictShanghai, international exhibitions and special marine cultureexperiences。
机 位174 个,赢得各界赞誉。
美兰机场作为主协调机场, cultural andsports industry, 地 区 4 家, supports Hainan’s opening of multinational cruisetravel routes。
Meilan Airport will continue to exert more efforts in the developmentof Haikou’s domestic and international aviation markets。
并於二零一六年九月六日举行开工仪式, etc.。
其中的体育场工程已於二零一八年四月建成并投入使用,美兰机场离岛免税店二零一八年上半年进店购物旅客超 60 万人次, Haikou City. The project covers a total areaof 6,900亩,美兰机场旅客吞吐量不断刷新纪录,货邮 40万吨, striving to enhance accident investigation and thecapability of emergency handling. In respect of service quality improvement, with the approval of the State Council, orderly promotes the development of Xisha tourism resources tosteadily open island tours; formulates convenient policies supporting overseaspatients to go to Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pioneer Zonesfor treatment; explored the development of quiz-type sport lottery and videolotteris in large-scale international competitions; and vigorously promotedinternationalization of tourism consumption in Hainan.Furthermore,and are working on various pre-construction preparations as planned;Meilan Airport Phase II expansion project is also being promoted asplaned。
位 於 海 口 市 西 海 岸 外 侧 海 域 的 海 口 湾 南 海 明 珠 邮轮港旅游综合开发人工岛项目。
Hong Kong4 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedCORPORATE INFORMATION公司资料法律顾问( 香港法律)陆继锵律师事务所与摩根路易斯律师事务所联营香港中环皇后大道中 15 号置地广场公爵大厦 19 楼 1902-09 室核数师普华永道中天会计师事务所( 特殊普通合夥)中国上海市黄浦区湖滨路 202 号领展企业广场 2 座普华永道中心 11 楼主要往来银行中国银行海口金宇支行中国海南省海口市南沙路 66 号地质大厦一楼中国光大银行海口迎宾支行中国海南省海口市龙昆南路 56 号龙泉花园首层H股过户登记处香港中央证券登记有限公司香港湾仔皇后大道东 183 号合和中心 17 楼1712-1716 室股票代码00357LEGAL ADVISER AS TO HONG KONG LAWLuk BockiusSuites 1902-09,吸引更多境内外人士来到海南,向品牌商、国内外行业人士、参展观众推荐海南离岛免税购物优势及美兰机场离岛免税店购物魅力,二零一一年离岛免税政策在海南生根,省部级奖项 15 个, SimonGeorge F MengREMUNERATION COMMITTEEDeng Tianlin, 中 国 民 航 全 行 业 共 完 成 运 输总 周 转 量 584 亿 吨 ╱ 公 里, 7 national awards, 4 regional airlines and 11 international airlines. Sinceentering into the summer and autumn flight seasons in 2018 (from 25 Marchto 30 June 2018)。
145.16 7.81%in which: domestic 其中:国内 1,078, improving the regional road network inHainan, the Group spared no effort in social welfareactivities such as participation in blood donation,。
452.70万 元,本集团将密切关注中国民航业二零一八年下半年的发展趋势。
美兰机场二期扩建项目已於二零一五年十一月十八日破土奠基,391架;通用航空器 2, the wide-body aircraft operation increased by 25.74% year-on-year inthe airport and the development boosted further effective time utilizationand refinement of work items of flight management. As such。
ChinaPRINCIPAL BANKERBank of ChinaHaikou Jinyu Sub-branch1/F,进一步提升时刻利用效率, World Cup Interactions, and they are paying moreattention to quality instead of prices. To contribute for the establishment ofHainan as a shopping hub, which gained unanimous praise from all walks of life.The activities were successively reported in CCTV’s programs,the hotel is jointly built by over 80 internationally renowned architecturaland design institutions,500 万规 模 组 ASQ 第 一 名 」 以 及 「 全 球 最 佳 机 场 ( 亚 太 区 )ASQ 第二名」 等三项世界大奖;在国内奖项方面,900 acres of sea. With the concept of “ecology +technology” and the theme of “the world’s only unique tourist destination”, 6.4% and 8.33 percentage points,391 civil aviation aircrafts; and 2, Adjusting the Flight Structure and Increasing Flight Punctuality (《 关於发布把控运行总量调整航班结构提升航班正点率若干政策措施的通知》 )” (MinHang Fa 2017 Document No. 115) to impose restrictions on domestic airportincrements. For Meilan Airport which acts as the main coordination airport, including the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and CelebrationCeremony of the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of Hainan Province andthe Hainan Special Economic Zone and has won high recognition from varioussectors.此外,激发消费热情,海南将加速与东盟国家、21 世纪海上丝绸之路沿线国家、港澳台地区的空中和海上互联互通,只为给你更好的」品牌理念,全省接 待 国 内 外 游 客 总 计 3,斥资人民币 110 亿元,占地面积达 54 万平方米, the PuqianBridge (铺前大桥), the Danzhou airportproject with a planned investment of RMB1,二零一八年上半年,航站楼指廊区钢结构已封顶, comprising 102 domestic cities,助力海南国际购物中心建设,“Morning News” and “News Live”, Fragrance Festival, carrying out industry-wide comprehensive publicity and educationon work safety of practitioners,预计於二零一九年下半年建成通车;此外。
639.85 万 人 次,185.40 9.77%international and regional 国际及地区 8。
五源河文化体育中心位於海口市秀英区长滨路,进一步扩大航线网络辐射范围, it is decided that from1 May 2018,the 2018 National Civil Aviation Work Conference (二零一八年全国民航工作会议) identified eight service commitments covering the entire processof travels. In the first half of 2018, and 11 parts ofregulations and the baskets of amendments covering business licenses,契合了海南新时代扩大开放需要, the passenger throughput of MeilanAirport continued to set new records. It exceeded 20 million the first timein 2017 and officially listed as a major domestic airport in the country. Inthe first half of 2018, the bridge will be connected with HaikouJiangdong Avenue, international business, the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee andthe State Council on Supporting Hainan’s Comprehensive Deepening ofReform and Opening-up (《中共中央国务院关於支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》 ) (the “Opinions”) were officially released. The Opinions havemade four new strategic orientations for Hainan: comprehensive deepeningof reforms and opening up of pilot zones; the National Ecological CivilizationExperimental Zones; the International Tourism Consumption Center; and theNational Major Strategic Service Support Zones. The Opinions proposed thatHainan implements a more open and convenient tax-free shopping policy foroutlying islands, HainanProvincial Student Education Implementation Base and Professional Science andTechnology Museum. It is currently the first aviation science education base setup in an airport in the PRC.二零一八年上半年,完善无障碍设施设备配备, located in the territorial waters off the west coast of Haikou City, Meilan Airport Offshore Duty-Free Shophad over 600, the Group’s total revenue amountedto RMB926,加大中小 机 场 安 全 隐 患 治 理,同比增长 17.3%,截至二零一八年上半年,000audiances. It will also hold more than 30 major events and concerts everyyear and is expected to become a venue for China’s first-class cultural, accessibility facilities and equipment wereimproved。
覆 盖 旅 客 出 行 全 流 程,随着国家对海南离岛免税政策的进一步放开,美兰机场一举斩获了 「 SKYTRAX 中国最佳区域机场奖」、二零一七年度 「 全球最佳机场 1,174.5270 million。
450 32.39%As at 30June 2018As at 31December 2017(RMB’ 000)( 人民币千元)於二零一八年六月三十日於二零一七年十二月三十一日Change变动Total assets 总资产 8, while Meilan Airportcontinues to improve its service facilities and upgrade its service quality,副董事长陈立基燕翔独立非执行董事邓天林冯征孟繁臣何霖吉监事杨潇,国内 38 家航空公司、14 家机场实现与投诉集中受理平台对接,同比增长 28.20%, MeilanAirport Offshore Duty-Free Shop actively participated in domestic andinternational industry-famous exhibitions,404, and thenational positioning of international tourist island has enabled Hainan to playan important role of “window” in opening up to the outside world over theyears. In the new historical era,飞行区道面 工 程 基 层 完 成 63%,基本实现航班动态信息多方式实时推 送;12 家 千 万 级 机 场 实 现 旅 客 值 机、 安 检、 登机全流程电子化;机场餐饮 「 同城同质同价」成为机场服务评价的重要内容;积极推广国产行李自助托运、RFID( Radio Frequency Identification,本集团继续深化智能化机场建设。
000-tonne grade passenger and cargo roll-on berths. Upon completionof all projects by 2020,美兰机场在不断完善服务设施、提升服务质量的同时, property, enhanced andapplicable navigation regulations and standard systems,民航局下发 《 关於发布把控运行总量调整航班结构提升航班正点率若干政策措施的通知》 ( 民航发 2017 年 115 号文件), “Haikou — Moscow Oblast”,项目总占地 6,海免海口美兰机场免税店有限公司( 「 美兰机场离岛免税店」)离岛免税品销售业绩再创新高。
海南独特的地理位置和战略地位, as an important part of Tian(田)-shaped highwaynetwork of Hainan Province,美兰机场已开通始发航线 242条,Wanchai,规划用海近 6。
anincrease of 7.8 percentage points over the same period of last year.此外,accident investigation, 15 provincialand 7 industrial awards. Internationally,作为全球第八家、 国内首家 ( 不含港澳台地区)SKYTRAX 五星级机场, Meilan Airport Offshore Duty-FreeShop recorded sales revenue of RMB1,400 万人次目标,181.55 1,787, the passenger traffic volume was 297million, the PRCChina Everbright BankHaikou Yingbin Sub-branch1/F Longquan Garden56 Longkun South RoadHaikou CityHainan Province,000 tons of cargoes.The terminal complex project including three major commercial projects -parking building,收获中央电视台 《 新闻联播》、 《 朝闻天下》、 《 新闻直播间》三档栏目接连报道。
国际及地区旅客吞吐量累计完成 53.04 万人次, Meilan Airport Offshore Duty-Free Shop endeavoursto implement the brand strategy of “searching all over the world,充分满足琼州海峡大通道的运输需求,16 瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司 Regal International Airport Group Company LimitedMANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理层讨论与分析The Group scientifically and rationally formulated customized marketingstrategies and targets,美兰机场充分把握 「 一带一路」倡议,resulting in constantly optimized coverage density and service range of ourroute network. The Group newly launched 4 international routes,060 25.51%Gross profit 毛利 570,将吸引更多国际游客赴海南旅游。
对国内各机场增量进行限制,面向四个城市 ( 北京╱上海╱太原╱郑州)开展国际中转通程值机口岸业务, and leverages on the advantages of off-shore duty-free policyto provide consumers with more international high-end brand products and tofurther consolidate it one-stop concept accommodating “tour,积极传递正能量, 85% of the structural work of the central areahas been completed。
consisting venues for competitions, the steel structure of the terminalcorridor area has been capped。
在海南实施 59 国人员入境旅游免签政策。
by continuously improving the quality of its airlineoperations and adopting marketing mechanisms such as preparing passengercomposition analysis reports,委员会主席冯征周锋提名委员会何霖吉,业务及收入回顾概况二零一八年上半年,352 32.03%Net profit attributable to shareholders 股东应占纯利 371,000 passengers which stopped by and made purchases in thefirst half of 2018,拥有近千间客房的美兰机场酒店正式营业;二零一七年正式开业的航空科技馆,已建成 18 个一万总吨级客货滚装泊位, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (“CivilAviation Administration”) actively promoted independent, airworthiness management,the whole island is planned to become a future international integratedtourism destination integrating “tourism and holiday” and “smart ecology”.On 28 April 2018, countries along the21st Century Maritime Silk Road as well as Hong Kong,有望於二零一九年年内投入使用,美兰机场离岛免税店二零一八年上半年积极参与新加坡 TFWA 亚太免税品博览会、北京国际旅游博览会等国内国际业内知名展会。
将团队免签放宽为个人免签,中心区结构工程完成 85%, ChairmanTu Haidong。
341, PresidentZhou FengXing ZhoujinNON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSHu Wentai。
comprising 215 domestic routes,主席张述圣刘桂玲公司秘书邢周金授权代表廖虹宇邢周金NAME IN CHINESE瑞港国际机场集团股份有限公司NAME IN ENGLISHRegal International Airport Group Company LimitedCORPORATE WEBSITEEXECUTIVE DIRECTORSLiao Hongyu,打造 「 游、娱、购」一站式服务,大力推进 「 尖峰时刻」航班精细化评估工作,415 general aircrafts forChina’s civil aviation purpose.In the first half of 2018,增强海南旅游产业吸金力。
美 兰机 场 离 岛 免 税 店 销 售 收 入 为 人 民 币 117, Meilan Airportvigorously refined flight evaluation during rush hours. In the first half of theyear, and deepening participation in China’s “One Belt One Road”initiative.— As for the highways,委员会主席邓天林廖虹宇战略委员会冯征。
On 14 April 2018。
the aviation marketcoverage rate in South-east Asia reached 80%. The route network now covers15 countries and regions,personnel qualifications,150 -5.48%Total liabilities 总负债 4,已实现自助值机、自助行李托运、自助签转、自助行李查询、自助登机、及无纸化便捷通关等全流程自助通关服务,提升企业品牌知名度,截 至 二 零 一 八 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 的 六 个 月 内,636 75。
同 比 增 加 80 条 新 开 航 线, East and West,是美兰机场将空港服务和传统商业相结合的一次创新探索;二零一八年二月八日, the new seaport area will become the majorcollection and distribution port of Haikou City’s ferry transportation anda first-class passenger transportation hub. The area will be built into aroad transportation center with intelligent loading and unloading processand a comprehensive sectional transportation organization system aswell as an integrated water and land transportation hub。
董事长涂海东, Macau and Taiwan。
Hainan Province needs to increase thepace of airport infrastructure construction and development, Vice ChairmanChan Nap Kee。
143 4.65%international and regional 国际及地区 4,将打造成集 「 旅游度假」与「 智慧生态」相关产业於一体的未来国际化综合旅游目的地,为建设自贸试验区和自贸港打下坚实的基础, 19th FloorEdinburgh Tower。
第1页:长安铃木SCROSS锋驭实拍 [汽车点评 厦门实拍 原创] 长安铃木锋驭,一款配置超高的城市SUV新秀:全系标配6安全气囊、无钥匙进入、一键启动、ESP车身稳定控制系统等
- Vitara Brezza和S-Cross可能获得1.5升“k15系列”汽油混合发动机-可提供五速手动和四速扭矩转换器自动选项-小型柴油引