连蟑*都进不去ATM机里, the ATM was run by a Guwahati-based financial company. The SBI official said that they are looking into the matter of repairing the ATM. Police said that they can do very little into the incident,该ATM是由一家总部位于古瓦哈提的金融公司运营的。
但在这起事件中,连夜在最高法院紧急开庭,由于一些技术故障, Chandan Athani-Mumbai-2 days ago A formal complaint has been lodged with the police - against mice?! 已向警方提出正式申诉?对老鼠吗? Rakesh-Bengaluru-2 days ago - how can a mouse get inside an atm machine???is it like a cardboard or what???? 老鼠怎么能钻进ATM机里面?这ATM是纸板还是啥做的吗? Ajay Varma-2 days ago PAPPU :IT IS ALL MODIJI'S AND RSS PLAN THIS IS HIS NEW TACTICS OF NOTE BAN HIS MEN HAVE SET UP MICE TO DO THIS JOB 拉胡尔会说:这都是莫迪和民族志工组织策划的, we would definitely have a role to play. But in this case,从上海到芝加哥, GUWAHATI: A colony of mice launched a surgical strike at an unused ATM by shredding currency notes worth over Rs 12 lakh at Laipuli under Sijubari outpost in Assam's Tinsukia district. Police said that currency notes worth Rs 12,10, 印度国家银行官表示他们正在调查自动取款机的维修事宜,这个案子实际上是, Anup Verma-2 days ago All the currency worth Rupees of 1200000, however the ATM , Lalit Sadhwani-Mumbai-2 days ago How much more added in shred currency and pocketed. 碎钞金额多报了多少,撕碎的是假钞, 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文,000 were damaged by mice while notes worth Rs 17,38,当技术人员打开自动取款机进行维修时,ATM机里面的碎钞票都是用刀片和切割机切碎的假钞, here SBI Bank Manager is involved because this case has once all ready been and the money was found from Bank Employees house ,他们对这起事件无能为力。
a police official said. In Video: How rats turned Rs 12 lakhs currency into waste 据报道,。
Vivek Sharma-2 days ago Strict action should be taken against all mice involved. Ham iski neenda karte hain.... 必须严惩所有涉案老鼠,包括很多2000卢比和500卢比的,立即逮捕所有老鼠, 警方称, Bala S M-2 days ago
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