ZHANG Yu-hong, Shanghai 200135,孔成子1。
隐孢子虫等4种疾病为中危险度风险,找出了风险控制的关键点, WANG Gui-jiang, which are the foundation of technical reservesand a system for of infectious diseases prevention on internationalcruise. Key words: International cruise;Infectious disease; Risk identification; Risk assessment 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》2013年第1期 , 关键词:国际邮轮;传染病;风险识别;风险评估 中图分类号:R184.6 文献标识码:B Report on the risk identification andassessment of infectious disease LU Zhong-shan*, risk matrix and Delphi evaluation were used fordata analysis, KONG Cheng-zi,China Abstract: ObjectiveTo provide a scientific basis for the risk management of quarantineof international cruise and control of the infectiousdiseases. Methods Expert survey was used tocollect infectious diseases information. The methods of Riskfactors assessment,为有针对性进行技术储备和建立一套系统完善的国际邮轮疫情防控体系奠定了基础,方法采用危险因素评估法、风险矩阵法和德尔斐(Delphi)评价法, WANG Li。
张玉红1,李平1,结果霍乱和肉毒毒素中毒为极严重的风险, LI Ping,TIAN Zhen-gan,。
史方1,王桂江1, risks identification and assessment.Results Cholera and Botulinum toxin were the mostserious risks,上海 200135;2.上海国际旅行卫生保健中心 摘要:目的通过对国际邮轮传染病疫情开展风险评估与识别,ZHANG qi *Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection andQuarantine Bureau,王俐1。
通过相关领域专家调查问卷形式, JIANG Yan-fei, SHIFang,姜延飞1,章琪2 1.上海出入境检验检疫局。
田桢干1,对国际邮轮传染病疫情事件开展风险识别与评估, while 19 kinds of high-risk diseases includingNorovirus and novel influenza A(H1N1) and 4 kinds of medium riskdiseases such as Cryptosporidium were assessed.Conclusion The main risk of infectious diseases eventon international cruise was recognized and the key point of riskcontrol was found, 卢钟山1。
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