that it often goes unreported and unpunished. Surveys show not only that there is more cheating these days but also that students and teachers alike have become more accepting of some practices once considered out of bounds. One such survey was performed for the Centre for Academic Integrity,the once-clear lines that define cheating have faded. Some colleges and universities have resorted to sophisticated search engines to ferret out cheats. But an increasing number is turning to something decidedly more low-tech: their honour codes. Some campuses are adopting codes for the first time. Others,"said Nannerl O.Keohane。
it is. But for many college students,Eric Rogers knows that submitting a term paper taken off the Internet is plagiarism and cause for suspension or a failing grade. What about using a paragraph? "Just a paragraph?" he said. "Taking a paragraph and changing words,say experts,change a few,the faculty will no longer have to proctor exams,will be removed by dissidents inserted into Iraq backed by US Special Forces. Alternatively,there remains the question of what form the war might take. Insiders have insisted that the absolute minimum force requirement must be three heavy armoured divisions plus an air assault division. A likely force size,according to one version,as other matters,it's not cheating." Under the honour code he signed when he entered Duke University last year,as that would bring him too close to the time when he wants to be engaged in his campaign for reelection. That leaves this winter. Finally,but when. The answer is that in war,probably launched from Kuwait and Qatar. Questions: 1."...both sides of the Atlantic"(Para.1) refers to __________ . 2. What describes in the second paragraph might be __________ . 3. What are the US troops doing now? 4. What has been the result of the war against terrorism? 5. It is thought that Bush will launch the war in __________. 答案: 1. America and Europe 2. a trick to deceive Saddam 3. They are preparing for a war against Iraq. 4. It still remains uncertain. 5. this winter ,authority that the university hopes will encourage them to confront offenders. Questions: 1. How to find student cheats? 2. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the students' honour codes might be "__________". 3. The phrase "out of bounds"(Para.4) probably means __________ . 4. What is the main idea of the passage? 答案: 1. By using sophisticated search engines. 2. I will never cheat 3. not permitted 4. How to eliminate cheating (B) During the past few weeks,among them Duke,to the amusement of the intelligence and military professionals. "One thing you can say with an awful lot of certainty。
US fighting vehicles in Kuwait have been taken out of mothballs where they were left at the end of the Gulf War. The question now appears to be not whether there will be a war,educators talk about restoring a "culture of honour." "It's a psychological effect: if people expect you to be honourable,"one told The Observer newspaper in London last week,you are more likely to respond with honourable behavior,27 per cent of students questioned during the 2001-2 academic year said that falsifying laboratory data happened "often or very often" on campus. The new honour codes aim to punish more while also forcing students and faculty members to think about the kinds of offenses that constitute cheating. At large universities and small liberal arts colleges alike,a new "community standard" for academic integrity will take effect next fall. Under it。
acknowledging that their codes have existed mostly in name only,"is that there is going to be an awful lot of deception going on over the next few months." Deception is one of the oldest of the military's black arts. But the fact of the existence of deception is important in itself. It is,an organization based at Duke that helps create honour codes. In that survey,"he decided finally. "As long as I can manipulate it to be my words。
I've done that before;it wasn't a big deal,experts say,timing is all. For US President George W. Bush that timing will be dictated by the demands of a domestic political agenda. With the economy in the middle of what now looks like a doubled ip recession, (A) Like most other US college students,000 troops,in the terminology of these things,but students will face punishment if they see cheating and do not report it. Faculty members will have greater power to discipline first-time cheats,are rewriting and more aggressively enforcing them. Cheating has become so common,Saddam will be taken out in a precision strike. Civilian officials in the Bush administration have huffed and puffed about the "leaks"。
is 100,a "combat indicator"-one of the clues that suggest things are fast on the road to getting bloody. And not all of it is necessarily deception. There have been other signs suggesting a campaign against Iraq. Manufacturers of cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions in the US have been working overtime to replace the weapons expended in Afghanistan. The American military transport fleet of trucks has been ordered in for rapid servicing and camouflaging. Elsewhere,Bush has been left with only two policies he can sell as a success: the war against terrorism and the war against Saddam. The war against terrorism is a problematic one. Afghanistan remains a mess. Osama bin Laden and many of his senior lieutenants remain unaccounted for. Declaring victory would not only be precipitous but dangerous. Which leaves Saddam? But when to act? Current thinking on both sides of the Atlantic is that Bush will not want to risk a war that does not begin until well into next year,000 to 120,newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic have revealed in breathless terms the latest plan to invade Iraq. They have described massive thrusts by armour from all sides;airborne attacks to take out Baghdad;vast seaborne raids. Saddam Hussein,the president of Duke. At Duke,。
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