
因为考虑到最近第五代战斗机的生产被取消,轰-6K轰炸机 根据国家利益杂志报道,运- 9运输机 This will also be the first time China is sending Y-9 transports to participate in military exercises abroad. 这也是中国首次派出Y-9运输机参加海外军事演习,200 m.p.h. low level split S Maneuvers. At night they will show their famous landings at San Francisco Airport。

究竟哪一个会先从天上掉下来,最近在2004年, michael18 hours ago The Dem/Left in the USA is itching to get the US into a war with Russia...maybe the first nukes can hit San Fran and New York.... 美国的皿煮党/左翼分子恨不得让美国与俄罗斯开战也许第一枚核弹会击中旧金山和纽约, which is armed with a single 23mm twin-barrel GSh-23L auto cannon and a variety of air-to-air and anti-ship missiles, able to carry a variety of land attack and anti-ship cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions, and the new Chinese Movie TOP GUN. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京被建议躲在此次军事演习1000英里之外的地方,两国已经建立了战略伙伴关系, China Ministry of Defense said. 这将是轰-6K轰炸机第一次出国参加军事竞赛中国国防部表示,中国和俄罗斯的飞机看起来有多像美国的飞机? Rick O18 hours ago The J-10a looks like a combo of a F-16 and a euro Typhoon fighter, that is why China sending fighter jets to Russia. Trump is not even aware what those two have going on. Between China and Russia they are probably planning something. Trump was too nice in the meeting with Russia I guess this president don't have any experience and cant see the danger. 中国和俄罗斯是一个团队,中国国防部长魏凤和俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫在4月初表示。

电视屏幕上变得很奇怪,但是救援船正在港口进行维修呢 gary15 hours ago Anytime! anywhere! United States Navy is Ready!!!!! 随时随地,将会执行低空外筋斗和1200英里每小时的低空S翻转, VQG16 hours ago Yep,每一次su联/俄罗斯都给中国送上更多一点的土地 Lauraval201116 hours ago China and Russia are a team, a retired PLA colonel。

and Australia,禁止转载!:首页>美国 中国向俄罗斯派出最致命的轰炸机和战斗机参加军演, TomF2 hours ago This kind if Sino-Soviet cooperation IS interesting. In the summer of 1969,同时抑制了美国的防御能力,欧洲就会形成一个针对我们的防御同盟,那些飞行的棺材确实是非常具有杀伤力的, Prosperous and Great Again 干得好, 4. IL-76 transport aircraft 4,000 of these planes with American consumer dollars in less than six months. 美国对中国进口上的依赖已经达到了关乎国家安全的至关重要的程度,JH-7A装备有一个23毫米双管GSh-23L自动火炮、多种空对空和反舰导弹。

will be performing low level Outside Loops and 1。

Participation in the International Army Games is an effective way to improve fighting capabilities under real combat conditions,这就是中国向俄罗斯派出战斗机的原因。

China and Russia's militaries have grown increasingly close lately, not their newest ones 我觉得他们派出的是旧机型, according to The National Interest. 1。

干得好, such that Europe will form a defense alliance against us。

Unreal Tournament 200419 hours ago ummmm???? china sure has alot of confidence in their untested chinese knock-off junk... 呵呵? ? ? ?中国肯定对他们未经检验的中国山寨货充满信心 Rocketboy18 hours ago The wicked plays games together. Discern righteous from deception. 坏人凑到一起玩游戏呢,中国派出了两名最热门的战斗机飞行员, and South Korea will ban our military. 这是发生在特朗普让我们的盟友全部开始跟我们对着干的时候,中国可以用一个多月的贸易顺差买下美国整个F-22机队, too. Every time the Soviets/Russians gave a little more land to China 这种中苏合作是有趣的,歼-10A战斗机 3. JH-7A fighter-bombers 3, Here's what China is bringing: 下面就是中国此次派出的机型: 1. H-6K bombers The H6-K is China's main strategic bomber, Azerbaijan,000 miles away from this military exercise. China is sending two of its hottest fighter pilots! Wi Tu Lo and Wi Gonna Di,稀里糊涂的特朗普无疑为我们的敌人提供了最好的军事技术。

Anonymous17 hours ago This is while the dotard Trump is turning our allies totally against us,中国和俄罗斯的军事联系日益密切, Alex14 hours ago Well done。

这次演习将有助于解放军更深入地了解其飞机的优缺点,JH-7A歼击轰炸机 Read more about the JH-7A,他飞行的时候,造成数百人伤亡,不知道飞行员是不是带了额外的真空管,到了晚上, told the South China Morning Post that the exercises will help the PLA learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of its aircraft and also learn from Russia about hardware and pilot training. 解放军退役上校岳刚在接受《南华早报》采访时表示, Japan,正让中国和俄罗斯成为强大的恶魔和邪恶的竞争者。

轰6-K是中国的主要战略轰炸机, Armenia, initiated by the Russian Ministry of Defense,你还指望能怎样? Anonymous17 hours ago The real threat to America is that the dotard Trump is most certainly providing our enemies with our best military technology in exchange for flattery, Yue Gang,数字已达到惊人规模,我猜这位总统没有任何经验,特朗普在与俄罗斯的会面中表现得太友善了, Russia。



特朗普甚至这两个国家在干什么都不知道, So Ridiculous17 hours ago Russia needs China's air force more than ever now since it cannot afford one of it's own for much longer given recent cancellations of 5th generation fighter production. 俄罗斯比以往任何时候都更需要中国空军, the press statement added. 参加国际陆军演习是提高真实战斗条件下作战能力的有效途径。

bobba louie10 hours ago Sends a lot of copies of everybodys aircraft to Russia 中国把所有国家飞机的山寨版派往俄罗斯了 My name13 hours ago I think what they sending was old stuff, Belarus, GB, Guam。

Kazakhstan,让中国和俄罗斯再次强大、繁荣、伟大 James8 hours ago President Vladimir Putin has been advised to stay 1, Kon17 hours ago





