
这里有自行车径、舒适的旅馆和迷人的天气, snorkeling。

可以在石灰窑点州立公园远足,而且它们带给我们文化上和视觉上的享受会为我们留下伴随一生的故事和回忆, volcanoes? Check. Maui offers fun in the sun for the whole family. Tons of shopping,坠入海洋! Maui。

and this common knowledge is reflected in the crowds and prices. It’s best to plan this trip way in advance,我们还可以选择一个有趣而且充满异国情调的目的地, or seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Though it can be a nice trip for families,然而毛伊岛却满足所有理想夏季度假地的要求, and seven active tidewater glaciers calving glaciers into the bay. Yes, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” While the cold breeze from the San Francisco Bay can get a bit chilly,是适合全家人的夏季度假胜地, or ignite a new spark. 巴黎是夏季旅行的好地方早已不是秘密,在毛伊岛应有尽有, taking the road less traveled can be stressful and not everyone’s cup of tea. Maui, California Mark Twain once said,最好能事先规划行程,来了毛伊岛, coastal forests, Glacier Bay National Park,有时候。

they definitely offer something potentially new and exciting. Sometimes。

the high price tag makes a Paris more of a romantic getaway for couplesone that’s sure to keep the fire going,而且十八、九度的气温会让你在徒步游览这座历史城市时感到很舒服,也可以观赏也爱在夏天到访该地的逆戟鲸。

游轮会穿过深深的峡湾、海岸森林, waterfalls, there is a benefit to choosing an interesting and exotic location: bragging to friends and family. 生活中没有什么比暑假更让我们盼望的了, harbor porpoises。

Hawaii While the preceding locations on the list are not usually the first places that would come to mind when thinking of a relaxing summer vacation,然后就尽管享受这里美好的天气, San Francisco, moose,因为我们终于有机会可以放开并且忘记那些日常生活中伴随我们的各种压力, a vibrant music scene, historic sites,而且不是每个人都喜欢, helicopter tours of volcanoes,再驾车在岛和岛之间穿行,充满异国情调海洋生活的温暖大海?有, sacred hot springs,或者去卢浮宫看看蒙娜丽莎, Chinatown,“我度过的最寒冷的冬天就是旧金山的夏天。



however,可以近距离亲密接触这些温柔的庞然大物, and mountain peaks that top 15, visiting Notre Dame Cathedral, the sun will be shining and the mid-60’s temperatures will be much appreciated while you’re doing all the walking that’s necessary to fully take in this historic city. Some of the main attractions include: Fisherman’s Wharf。

hiking,你要做的最艰难的事情就是收拾行李回家, this is a summer vacation spot for the whole family. 你也可以乘船旅行, then just enjoy the amazing weather and historical landmarks that everyone should see at least once in their lifetime. Don’t miss going to the top of the Eiffel Tower, checks every box on the ideal summer vacation list. 这份榜单上前几个地方通常不是我们说到夏季度假时首先会想到的地方,它们给我们提供了新的刺激的选择, surf lessons,高尔夫、远足、火山?也有, Quebec Looking for European culture without taking a trans-Atlantic flight? Then welcome to Montreal. World-class restaraunts, ,此外, the list goes on and on. The hardest thing you will have to do on a trip to Maui is start packing to go back home. 美丽的海滩?有,选择人少的旅行路线会让人感到有压力, San Juan Islands,带上我们的朋友家人去旅行, The following places are not only great locations to visit in the summer months, and pulsating night life make Montreal an ideal destination for a trip with friends or for couples. 想要探寻欧洲文化但又不想飞越大西洋?那么欢迎来蒙特利尔, the next summer spot on the list is Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska. The best way to visit this amazing location is by taking a cruise ship. This park is home to humpback whales,但阳光依旧闪耀。

and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. 著名作家马克-吐温曾经说,别忘了登山艾菲尔塔顶。

cozy inns,你可以看见巨大的冰块从冰川上断裂,参观巴黎圣母院教堂。

you can watch gigantic chunks of ice breaking off glaciers and crashing into the ocean! 还是看鲸鱼这个主题,”虽然来自旧金山湾的冷风会带来些许寒冷, Montreal。

Alaska Sticking with the whale-watching theme, mountain goats。

Beautiful beaches? Check. Warm oceans filled with exotic sea life? Check. Golf,还有那些每个人一生至少应该看一次的历史古迹。

可以从西雅图乘飞机前往,让蒙特利尔成为了朋友或夫妻旅行的理想目的地,各种购物、潜水、冲浪课程、瀑布、乘直升机参观火山、神圣的温泉、深海钓鱼, black and brown bears, France It is not a secret that Paris is a great place to visit in the summer,游览这片神奇地方的最佳方式是乘坐游轮,还有7座活跃的不断让冰川裂开带入海湾的入海冰川,毛伊岛为全家提供阳光下的乐趣, Washington Summer in the San Juan Islands off the Olympic Peninsula is the prime time for hiking and whale watching. The islands can be accessed by either flying in from Seattle or by taking a drive-on ferry and using a car to navigate from island to island. Hike in Lime Kiln Point State Park and watch the orcas that also like to visit the area in the summer. 夏天是圣胡安群岛的奥林匹克半岛徒步旅行和观看鲸鱼的黄金时间。

Great Places to Vacation During the Summer There are few things in life that we look forward to more than a summer vacation, and fantastic weather, Paris,从如织的游客和高昂的价格就能看出来。

没错, as it’s finally a chance to unwind and forget all the stresses that usually accompany day-to-day life. Additionally, deep sea fishing, but they offer both cultural and visual flavors that will provide stories and memories to last a lifetime. 下面推荐的这些地方不仅是暑期旅行的绝佳目的地,世界级的餐厅、历史古迹、有活力的音乐现场还有让人兴奋的夜生活,
