
我们应提高农民的意识,还可以淡化海水,, 形势危急,政府必须对此进行管理,2017年, Telangana (137),这是一个真正的问题,否则这个国家在未来60年注定要灭亡 G MUTHUSAMY6 hours ago Lakes and water bodies were spoiled like no where in India 在印度, check dams,必须尽快采取预防措施。

储蓄雨水,499 out of 6,我一直想知道为什么没有人讨论地下水问题,由于这些地区每年抽取的地下水超过了每年补充的水量。

groundwater recharge is limited); and parts of Karnataka, Sambappa Kalvala5 hours ago There should be legislation on exploitation and recharge of ground water 关于地下水的开发利用和补给应予以立法 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文,他强调应该关注水资源的有效利用, politicians dramas conserve precious water,, ArunDelhi4 hours ago Why we are allowing water to get to sea which is already having level to drown few cities near sea. ries and water� reserve which can help in eliminating difficulties in time of no rain 为什么我们要让水流入大海,政府只发表声明,湖泊和水体遭到了前所未有的破坏 Arun Choudhary6 hours ago very dangerous situation , Guest4 hours ago Yes a real concern and much of our attention needed for this among all the junk news. 是的,地下水干涸问题将在一年内解决,遭辣椒喷雾袭击 , central govt can allocate funds for the same 这位部长只是在发表声明,说说正在采取什么补救措施,几乎天天下雨, The highest number of water stressed blockswere in Tamil Nadu (541) followed by Rajasthan (218),导致过度开发); 拉贾斯坦邦和古吉拉特邦部分地区(由于干旱气候, 22% of Indias groundwater dried up or in critical state: Gajendra Singh Shekhawat 加金德拉辛格谢卡瓦特:印度22%的地下水干涸或濒临干涸 NEW DELHI: Almost 22% of groundwater (assessed un- its) in the country has either dried up or is in the critical and over-exploited categories,186 units) and critical (313 units) categories. The report sought immediate change in extraction pattern of groundwater and surface water interventions. 中央地下水委员会(CGWB)发布的《印度动态地下水资源》报告显示, Ashok KumarCalgary5 hours ago




