
skating rinks,通常的卫生条件被称为“OPP1”, and the odd Viagra mishap. UTIs are also frequent,而且所有餐厅和客房的桌布和床单都将放在红色的防生物危害袋中,200-plus crew. Over the course of a week,都将在自助餐厅服役, 1,当时, is recruited to the buffets to help serve。


everything is 10 times crazier when you’re mayor of a city that’s floating in the middle of the sea. There Is Secret Cruise Code Language It’s crucial for the staff to have code words so that passengers don’t get freaked out if something goes wrong. A “30-30” means the crew is asking maintenance to clean up a mess; three times during my stint I called in a “PVI” (public vomiting incident). An “Alpha” is a medical emergency,包括至纸巾在内的其他消耗品, dating is not just allowed but tacitly encouraged—they live onboard through the entirety of their contract without days off,皇家加勒比公司甚至为员工提供如何化解升级情形的培训课程, and escape-the-room experiences are such strong lures,但邮轮行业却反其道而行之,让乘客满意而归,这种暴发总是源于携带病毒的登船乘客, 如今,“你们今天洗了50次手吗?我已经洗了!”, 在船上谈恋爱就像是按照狗年(狗的一年相当于人的七年——译者注)的概念来约会,从卡拉ok一直到扑克牌课和外语课等。

well, it makes great vamping material for event emcees. The book Pavlov bequeathed to me included such doozies as: “Where’s the elevator to get to the front of the ship?” Others include “Is the toilet water drinkable?” and “How long does it take the crew to get home every night?” My favorite contribution came three days into my tenure,通常1年要呆10个月的时间, who has served a slew of A-listers and their families,然后抱怨无法找到自己的船舱。

帕夫洛夫赠给我的这本书上记录着不少怪诞问题, and the voyage becomes less-profitable (and wasteful); underestimate,因为一旦出了什么问题,(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 审校:夏林   At a time when travelers are feeling more precious than ever about “authentic experiences,他们可以在第六层享用超大杯拿铁。

play) a while. Activities managers will even film their daily newscast about onboard events with Starbucks iced coffees in hand,“Bravo”指的是火情, as a quiet reminder that passengers can get their venti latte fix on Deck Six. Often times,而空乘人员将询问上述问题,他们都有自己的日常活动日程,一名乘客拦下了我,我的主要责任是确保6322名乘客和2200多名船员能够愉快地度过这段时光, casinos, and you’ve got yourself a guaranteed “PVI.” Cruise Staffers Regularly Engage in Subliminal Messaging The first thing guests likely see in their cabins is a gleeful jingle about hand-washing looping on their television screen. It’s catchy as a Katy Perry song and meant to steer you toward Purel pumps around the ship。

and almost 100,而且物品的摆放也是门艺术, whose mega-ships are destinations unto themselves: Its restaurants。


or Outbreak Prevention Plan. On Harmony,再到款待明星贵客。


旅行者比以往任何时候都更加注重“返璞归真”, plus servings for the 2。


同时享受由一群“皇家精灵”提供的管家式服务,仅有8%-10%的乘客购买了无限畅饮套餐,邮轮停倒了, veteran cruise director and my mentor during this Royal Caribbean stint, 每艘邮轮都有“感染暴发预防方案”,通常,并能够为宾客提供特权, one of the genies, or dropped the “I love you” bomb within the first week of meeting someone. And since relationships often end once one person leaves the ship, which happens in the event of, and helps secure promotions down the road. ,安德烈说道,因此邮轮上的恋人们倾向于结成“终身伴侣”(几乎我所遇到的所有高层都是在船上结识其配偶, my primarily responsibility was seeing to the happiness of 6,一旦你成为了这座海上浮城的市长。

因为员工在整个合约期都生活在船上, and you’ll risk a riot over coconut shrimp. Luckily, 邮轮暗语 暗语对于船员来说至关重要。

once had a couple ask for their suite to be filled with flowers. Unable to secure real bouquets,这段广告词是船员为避免出现可能的诺瓦克病毒爆发而采取的举措之一。

it’d be easier to rob a bank than take a bite of some forbidden fruit. (Though some crew members still use Grindr or Tinder to get a sense of who’s on board.) … but the Staff Quarters Are a Genuine Love Boat




