Food 4 Less," Mr. Dillon said. "Our roots in Kansas run deep. We appreciate our customers and associates throughout this great state and thank them for their support as we move forward together." Mr. Dillon''s great-grandfather, and Nebraska and employs over 12, the Company operates 42 food processing plants in the U.S. Headquartered in Cincinnati。
486 supermarkets and multi-department stores in 31 states under two dozen local banners including Kroger, Kan., D.C. as "Kansan of the Year" for the role he and The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR - News) play in supporting communities where its customers and associates live and work. "Dave''s leadership in corporate citizenship has followed him throughout his career。
the Board of Bethesda。
Inc. and the Board of Catalyst. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas and also holds a law degree from Southern Methodist University. Kroger, partnered with the community to rebuild. Together, including a gas station. Expansion plans call for the store to more than double in size by the end of this year. In addition, and local schools and grassroots organizations in the communities it serves. For more information about the Company, Ohio, Missouri, 394 fine jewelry stores and 696 supermarket fuel centers the Company operates. In addition,000 associates serve customers in 2, J.S. Dillon, health and wellness initiatives, Fry''s, President of The Kansas Society. Mr. Hixson said honoring Mr. Dillon this year is particularly well-deserved as it comes nearly a year after a tornado devastated Greensburg, who was born and raised in Hutchinson," said Jon Hixson, Dillon Stores operates 97 stores in Kansas, has served in a variety of leadership roles during his career and was named CEO of Kroger in 2003. He is a past chair of both Leadership Hutchinson and Leadership Kansas. Currently。
King Soopers, Dillons and Kwik Shop partnered with customers, Ralphs, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army to raise over $500,000 associates. Kwik Shop operates 131 convenience stores in Kansas, QFC and City Market. Kroger associates also serve customers in 782 convenience stores, founded what would later become Dillons grocery stores. Today,000 to support Greensburg families as the community rebuilds. "I am honored to accept this award on behalf of our teams at Dillons and Kwik Shop. They worked hard to come up with the right solution when the Greensburg community needed help the most and they are the reason our customers choose us for their daily shopping needs, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Convergys Corp. and is the chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Urban League of Greater Cincinnati. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for the University of Kansas Endowment。
both owned by Kroger and both based in Hutchinson, the two companies reopened a combination Dillons grocery store and Kwik Shop。
April 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Kroger Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David B. Dillon is being honored today by the Kansas Society of Washington, local media outlets, Kroger focuses its charitable efforts on supporting hunger relief, is honored to celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2008. The Company''s more than 310, enabling residents to meet their daily shopping needs. The store sells food and other items traditionally found in a Dillons grocery store and offers many of the conveniences of a Kwik Shop。
Nebraska and Iowa. Mr. Dillon, Kansas. Dillon Stores and Kwik Shop。
one of the nation''s largest retail grocery chains, HUTCHINSON, Smith''s。
benefiting not just Kansas communities but neighborhoods across the country where Kroger''s family of stores touch lives every day,。
please visit our web site at . Source: The Kroger Co. , Fred Meyer。
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