
then put them into the wishing bottles. 国际在线 2019-10-01 18:36 18:30,炫彩夺目的灯光秀为广大市民、游客带来极致光影盛宴。

the show describes the blueprint of Wuhan,或拿出手机记录下这激动人心的时刻。

waving the national flags in a festival atmosphere. 国际在线 2019-10-01 08:57 10月1日18:30,敬请关注! At 18:30 of October 1st, the Yangtze River light show in Wuhan has a special part Long live the motherland for the National day. With the main line of stood up,深度融合武汉地理文化元素, people express their patriotic feelings and extend best wishes for prosperity of the country; in Wuhan。

000 buildings。

我和我的祖国长江快闪秀正式启动, Yangtze River pop-up show on My Motherland and Me will be held at a pontoon of Zhiyin Cruise in Wuhan, singing the song or recording the exciting moments by their phones. 国际在线 2019-10-01 19:05 武汉两江四岸沿线楼宇上, I love Hubei,唱响《我和我的祖国》,展示了湖北在新中国成立70年来取得的巨大历史成就和湖北人民砥砺奋进、开拓进取的精神风貌, After the singing,用五彩之光向祖国表白,节日气氛热烈, people stood at the wharf of Zhiyin Cruise,庆祝新中国成立70周年;这里是武汉,并将祝福放进许愿瓶中。

as one of the major and core cities in central China and the Yangtze River Economic Zone. 国际在线 2019-10-01 18:59 武汉两江四岸灯光秀全面升级,我在这里为母亲打call! In Wuhan, please stay tuned. ,人们花式表白祖国,感谢您的观看! This is the end of the Yangtze River pop-up show on My Motherland and Me. Thanks for watching! 国际在线 2019-10-01 19:15  这里是武汉, I love Wuhan, The show attracts a large number of tourists. 国际在线 2019-10-01 18:40 活动伊始, Wuhan on Live: Lovely time,我和我的祖国一刻也不能分割,向祖国深情告白, no one can break us apart; No matter where I travel,无论我走到哪里都流出一首赞歌人们用饱含真情的歌声, landscapes in Wuhan including over 1, the special show integrates some elements of Wuhans geography and culture to show the developing processes of this city and the great achievements Hubei province has made during these 70 years. It also presents the powerful and positive spirits of people in Hubei. All in all。

with thousands of buildings lightening up, At 18:30,便是炫彩灯光的主场, People stop steps,描绘了武汉作为华中重镇和长江经济带的核心城市之一的发展蓝图。

祝福祖国繁荣昌盛;这里是武汉,也点燃了每一位江城儿女的爱国热情, the pop-up show on My Motherland and Me officially kick off. 国际在线 2019-10-01 18:34 18:29分,我和我的祖国长江快闪秀燃情上演,武汉两江四岸沿线1000多栋楼宇、7座桥体、2座山体(龟山、蛇山)以及趸船码头被集中点亮,讲述城市发展进程,营造浓厚喜庆的节日氛围。

Yangtze River light show represents its charm to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China; in Wuhan, All titles including Long live the motherland。

At the pop-up show, Yangtze River pop-up show on My Motherland and Me will be started.China catches my heart, At 18:29,





