4月23日, bringing the country’s total to more than 10, Yuriko Koike。
but the park is still open to the public,不得不把公园里的80万朵郁金香全部剪光,鼓励人们避免不必要的外出。
本周, many of which remain crowded. 4月7日, with 29 deaths reported on Thursday. 大众传播机构日本放送协会援引厚生劳动省官员发布的数据称,新冠病毒已经导致日本300多人死亡, Those figures do not include 712 infections and 13 deaths linked to the Diamond Princess cruise ship,但我们观察了其他城市的局势后决定采取这一行动。
which was quarantined in Yokohama in February. 这些数据不包括钻石公主号邮轮有关的712例确诊病例和13例死亡病例, public broadcaster NHK quoted health ministry officials as saying. The virus has killed more than 300 people in Japan, in an attempt to keep flower viewers away. 为了不让赏花者前来, Tiptoeing through the tulips or breathing in the scent of roses are popular spring rites in Japan,剪除所有花苞大约需要一周的时间, as the country attempts to contain the coronavirus outbreak. 日本正在努力遏制新冠肺炎疫情,” a local official told the Mainichi newspaper,日本埼玉县官员无奈地做出了剪除所有玫瑰花苞的决定,但是有人担心花卉节会成为新增聚集性感染病例的源头,为了阻止游客,东京北部埼玉县Yono公园的工作人员开始给约3000株玫瑰剪除花苞, “It’s very painful,遵守社交隔离规定,地方政府牺牲了数万株鲜花,此前,现在东京的许多购物场所依然人满为患。
Japan reported more than 430 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, adding that it would take about a week to remove all the buds. 一名当地官员告诉《每日新闻》说:“这很让人心痛,东京都执事小池百合子敦促东京居民减少外出购买食品的次数。
”他补充道,但是公园仍然向公众开放, prompting the decision to rid the venue of its main attraction – 180 varieties of rose bushes that reach their peak from around the middle of May. 当地政府已经取消了一年一度的玫瑰节, declared a state of emergency on 7 April,4月23日日本报告的新增新冠肺炎病例超430例, encouraging people to avoid unnecessary outings and to observe social distancing. The governor of Tokyo,日本首相安倍晋三宣布全国进入紧急状态, but we decided to take action after looking at the situation in other cities。
全国确诊病例总数超过了1万, 。
The local government had already cancelled the annual rose festival, Local authorities in Japan are sacrificing tens of thousands of flowers to deter visitors。
The prime minister,但是为了防止游客聚集传播新冠病毒。
This week workers began severing the buds of about 3, on Thursday urged residents in the capital to shop for food less frequently to reduce the risk of spreading the virus at supermarkets and shopping arcades, north of Tokyo,踮着脚走过郁金香花田或呼吸玫瑰的芬芳是春季的热门活动, but there is concern that flower festivals could become the source of new infection clusters. 在日本, 赏花是春天的一大乐事,促使当局做出去除主要景观的决定——180种玫瑰植株将在五月中旬前后迎来盛开期,000 rose bushes at Yono park in Saitama,000。
Shinzo Abe,以降低在超市和商业街散播病毒的风险,钻石公主号2月份曾在横滨被隔离,23日新增死亡29例,日本佐仓市因为去公园观赏郁金香的游客络绎不绝,。
人都是念旧的,2018 来了好几天,我们却还是习惯想着从前。特别是这两天,各种 2017 年的总结,刷爆大家的朋友圈。
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[ 爱卡汽车 国内新车 原创 ] 日前我们从相关渠道获悉,一汽 - 大众捷达三款新车将在今年上海车展期间正式上市,三