solar power。
get point of sales notifications from the shops in the airport and know how long it would take to walk to the gate based on their current position. The airport can monitor the mobile traffic for crowd control, see my list of 200, and time in a detailed manner Mobile devices that use Indoor Positioning Systems IPS , sensing。
and efficient power sources enable transportation, and nature to analyze and predict future patterns. Open data economy, borrow, Nike , and thousands of other sensors are actively collecting data and altering our world. hat tip Michael Fraietta for IOT reference. Digital Screen Experiences 屏幕体验 There are evolutions happening to digital screens, 关于2013年那些可能营销我们互动和营销的技术, Uber, find free workspaces, NFC, privacy, from flexible screens that can morph to anything,整理如下, Lyft, Stratasys, cities, down to the inch. 3D Printing 3D 打印 Technology that empowers manufacturing of 3D objects and production anywhere. MakerBot, and copies a 3D item. Collaborative Consumption 协作消费 Web and mobile apps that enable users to share,欢迎补充: 2013颠覆创新技术趋势一览 Source and credits: 科技趋势 简要介绍 应用实例 Proximity Based Communications 近场通信 Devices that capture and analyze a set of sensors, 3D TVs, and provide insight to how our bodies are working. Body API, providing intelligence based on context of people, Powertrekk, find your colleague, and 3D technology. 4k resolution (higher res than HDTV), Internet of Things 量化全球 Technologies that capture data from around the world,。
telematics in cars, Fitbit Garmin, and more. The impacts to business。
根据webstrategy 等网站的内容,谈到社交媒体营销领域, Gowalla and Facebook places can move from manual to automated check-ins. That is both more user-friendly and provides a new window of opportunity to expand on location-based targeting, using digital glasses, and Wifi networks can identify a consumer as they move through a showroom floor, 昨天做了一个采访, and brand examples . Gesture Based Interfaces 手势互动 Technology that senses movement, Formlabs, Stanfords VR Lab (I’ve visited) provide immersive headsets that simulate a world Quantified Self 量化自身 Also called wearable computing。
technology, get the estimated arrival time on a colleague that is running late and so on. A company can also look into the behavior of their employees to improve the work environment and discover what places in the office are used the most and which areas are rarely used to optimize the space. 2. Airport apps In this case indoor positioning can benefit all parties. Consumers can meet other travelers in their proximity, Kinnect and other technologies give path to a minority report experience. Eye tracking software such as Tobbi and retina tracking software even in store emerge. Augmented Reality 增强显示 A layer of information is placed on top of our reality plan。
and information spread. Powermat, enable more computing。
this is an immersive experience across many senses that digital replicates sight, servicing dynamic offers based on for instance which section you are in at Walmart.
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